Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

Syntech USB A to USB C Cable 16FT

Syntech link cable can give and take data from your PC to your Quest and enable your Oculus Quest 2 to function as an Oculus Rift instead, making you operate in PC mode, so you’ll be capable of going to PC VR worlds. This way you can play both standalone and PC VR games.

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PCSyntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

Perfectly Compatible with Oculus Quest 2

The cable is compatible with Oculus Quest 2 headset in terms of appearance and user experience. The color or the cable perfectly matches the Oculus Quest 2. Designed to be durable and flexible, this link cable is your preferred choice to enjoy PC VR games with your quest.

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

Suitable Length and Comfortable Design

Reaching 16ft long, the cable not only meets the players’ need for length but also guarantees the quality of data transmission. A user-friendly right-angle design makes it easier to plug and unplug. The attached Velcro strap helps our cable to fit closely with your quest to achieve stable signal transmission.

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

Excellent Functions and Extensive Performances

Transfer data at a speed of USB 3.0, make it attractive and fully functional.

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

Pay attention:

-Please check the oculus link compatibility page to make sure your GPU is supported before you purchase!

-If you want to charge your quest while playing, the charging capability and overall speed will depend on the quality of your motherboard and your pc power supply. Many motherboard USB ports don’t output as much power as the standalone chargers.

-Please make sure to plug the USB end into a USB 3.0 port on the motherboard of your PC to ensure optimal performance.

Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, High Speed PC Data Transfer, USB 3.0 to USB C Cable for VR Headset and Gaming PC

What can I do when my Oculus Link is unsuccessful?

  1. Check if the graphics card meets the Oculus Link requirements.
  2. Turn off Air Link.
  3. Try again when Ouest 2 is not at a low battery level.
  4. Make sure the cable into all available USB 3.0 ports and is connected directly to your computer without extra adapters.
  5. Update the Oculus software to the latest version.
  6. Try restarting the computer.

If you cannot solve the problem through the above methods, we will provide you with technical support.

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Features Hard protective case, dust-proof, splash-proof, improved dual zippers and strap USB 3.0 16ft/5m, LED light, high speed PC data transfer USB 3.0 10ft/3m, high speed PC data transfer USB 3.0 16ft/5m, high speed PC data transfer

Features & Specifications

  • Compatible with Oculus Quest 2: Syntech link cable connects Oculus Quest 2 to a gaming PC so that you can play all Oculus Rift apps and Steam VR games, providing perfect PC VR experience. The color and design of the cable match perfectly with the Quest 2 headset.
  • Flexible 16 FT Length Cable: Reaching 16 ft long, this cable gives you maximum freedom of movement without being restricted when you are immersed in the VR world.
  • High Speed Data Transfer: This cable supports USB 3.0 transmission speed. Stable and fast data synchronization working with sustained and reliable current brings you a smooth gaming experience. Whether it can be charged while playing depends on the output power of the USB port of the gaming PC. It should be noted that the maximum output power of the computer's USB port is 5V&1A.
  • User Friendly Design: The Type C port with an L shaped design is comfortable to use with your Quest VR headset. The attached Velcro strap fixes the cable and Quest to prevent disconnection during movement.
  • Quality Assurance and Customer Service: This link cable can bend freely without breaking by using durable materials, having good flexibility, stretch resistance, and abrasion resistance. Syntech provides LIFETIME WARRANTY and Friendly Customer Service Support for this link cable.
  • Weight: 8.4 ounces

Pros & Cons


Update: Cord was not the issue! Cord arrived in perfect condition and used it for my Oculus Quest 2 to connect to my PC to play PCVR games such as Half-Life: Alyx, Beat Saver, and Lone Echo II. After 2 weeks, the cord no longer seems to be performing well. I've tried everything on my computer to get it to work but I have a heavy suspicion its the cable. Example: Loading up Beat Saber, it's butter smooth. But just leaving the game running for about 30 seconds, the sound distorts and the frames drop from 60 to 30 and now features the occasional graphical glitch where it seems the right camera view turns off for a split second. I am ordering the same cable as a replacement as a comparison and maybe my cable just was unlucky. I've run the Beat Saber Demo on just my Oculus Quest 2 and it has no issues. I will dig out my Oculus Rift to see if there's no issue with that. Will update my review based on the 2nd cable being shipped. Update: Turns out the cord was not the issue and running connection test between the cords resulted in the same result, as in they are working perfectly. Issue now seems to have been narrowed down to recent updated AMD drivers.

Perfect. The Syntech 16 foot link cable is perfect for me. Before I had a 10 foot and it was to short and seemed to have connection issues. Now this syntech link cable has surprised me. I tested the connection with the oculus app on my ROG Zephyrus 15 laptop Ryzen9 5900 CPU and RTX370 GPU. After running the test bandwidth the results came out to 2.8 GBPs thru usb 3. Then I tested it On half life Alyx graphics maxed out and it worked flawlessly and that’s through oculus link. Oh and steam vr worked smoothly . So I tested Lone Echo graphics maxed out and resolution 1.50 and the syntech link cable handle it with no problem. I also tried out the walking dead saints & sinners with no problem everything maxed out. The length and the bandwidth is perfect I just recommend a cable tethers at least one so you don’t step on the cable when you play it really helps to keep the cable off the ground. The syntech 16 foot link cable build is good and looks like it will last a long time as long as you take care of it. For the price you can’t go wrong.

Can't beat the price:performance for Oculus Link. I've compared this to the official Oculus Link cable that my fiance uses with her Oculus Quest 2, and I honestly can't tell the difference between that one and this one. For a fraction of the price, and the fact that you can plug it into a normal USB 3.0 port instead of using up the USB-C (which most motherboards have either 1 or 0 of), I'd say go for it. It also exceeds the recommended bandwidth. Slight cons: -I do occasionally notice a flicker in the picture. But that happens on the official Link cable too. -It does not charge while you're playing on it, even when plugged into a USB port that gets power. *HOWEVER,* my Quest 2 doesn't seem to significantly lose power while it's plugged in either. I think I remember the battery life going from 100% to 80% after playing on it for several hours, so I'd say it's close enough.


After Testing 2 of these...Neither Worked with Oculus 2! On the surface, this cable looks like something that should work with the Oculus 2, but in reality, it did not. The first one we ordered was just throwing a USB Disconnect then Reconnect sound, again and again and again, in rapid succession. We tried different ports, but it was plugged in and fit snugly, but it was evident that something in this cable was not making great contact. When we used an adapter to get it to stop that disconnect/reconnect issue, we found that it simply wouldn't trigger the message that allows the link cable to pair with the Oculus. That option just never came we figured it was a faulty cable, and exchanged for a new one. The new one arrived. We plugged it up and immediately noticed that there was no more disconnect/reconnect sounds. It fit snug and we though we were in business...but again, no window popped up in the Oculus device to connect it to the PC. We tried and tried, but the Oculus 2 refused to recognize it. After some doing, we send it back for a full refund. It seems the best option is to go with a USB Type C to USB Type C, the way the original Oculus 2 cable is set up, and we found a good one here on Amazon by Cable Matters for about $25. Great cable, worked as it should, and big savings over the Oculus branded on. It's also a Type C to Type C. Just search this on Amazon to find it: Cable Matters Active USB C Cable 16.4 ft for Oculus Quest 2 Headset You'll save yourself a lot of headaches by not going with an inferior cable that doesn't do what it was advertised to do.

Appeared solid and well made and then... Loved the quality upon arrival seemed like it would be a winner and save a few bucks. Seemed to do OK for about 24hrs and then drove me nuts kept thinking I had a driver/Bios/Firmware issue. Took me a couple days to get a meter and bought a self powered USB hub to test. After testing variables like devices, power supply etc, this cable was in fact cutting in and out, being a VR cable I wiggled it around simulating easy use with VR setup and sure enough kept cutting on and off repeatedly across 3 different devices. May just have been my bad luck but all I can do is share my troubles, rather than buy another I just went with VR manf. Cord that was overpriced without a doubt but appears to do what it is supposed to

Not USB 3.0 it's 2.0. Not compatible with Oculus it's USB 2.0 not 3.0

How to Buy The Best Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR from which you can learn how to get the best Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR.

  • Is it worth buying the Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR?
  • What benefits does the product Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR?
  • What makes the Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR?
  • Why and how do you need the Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Syntech Link Cable 16 FT Compatible with Oculus/Meta Quest 2/1 and PC/Steam VR to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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