8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

Robust, reliable and durable

This power bank is waterproof, drop-proof, dust-proof, high temperature resistant, and low temperature resistant. It can still work normally in various harsh environments.

This is a very powerful Solar power bank with excellent performance. He is not only a tool, it is also a reliable partner you can trust in outdoor activities.

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20


Solar power bank uses strong professional ABS material, Chemical resistant, heat-resistant, and has super surface hardness, high elasticity and toughness. It can still work normally when dropped from a height of 3 meters.


Airtight design, rubber sealing, can be deeply waterproof.


Excellent dust-proof performance, even in places with a lot of sand and rocks, it can still ensure the normal operation of the function.

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

Solar charging

Due to the huge battery capacity, the power of the solar panel is limited by the area, so solar charging is relatively slow. Solar charging is an additional emergency function, and it is recommended to use it only in emergency situations. It is recommended to use a charging head above 5V2A to charge the product.

Super bright flashlight

Solar Power Bank LED Torch Lighting, is a perfect outdoor companion. Can guide you through the darkness.

Broad compatibility

The solar charger is compatible with most USB devices on the market.

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

Power bank is equipped with a super bright LED flashlight . It can work continuously for up to 100 hours.

8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217-36 AM121972 5217-20

Features & Specifications

  • Power bank has a large battery capacity of 42800mAh, and uses high-density batteries to load a larger capacity without changing the volume and weight. The super battery life allows you to get rid of the anxiety and worries about the depletion of the device power anytime and anywhere.
  • Solar power bank uses strong professional ABS material, Chemical resistant, heat-resistant, and has super surface hardness, high elasticity and toughness. IP67 waterproof,drop-proof and dust-proof, so you no longer worry about damage caused by water/drop, it can work in extreme environments. With more than 1600+ charging life cycles, it is very reliable and durable.
  • Friendly reminder:When the solar panel is being cared for, it will generate current to charge the battery, and the indicator light will flash.Solar charging is affected by the instability of sunshine intensity and duration. The battery capacity of the product is very large, so the charging will be very slow and should be used as an emergency function. For daily charging, please use a charger with a power above 5V2A to charge the device.
  • Solar power bank is compatible with all USB devices such as smartphones and tablets. The product has 2 USB output ports, if the device is compatible, it can support the QC3.0 fast charge protocol.
  • Power bank is equipped with a super bright LED flashlight with a long range, It can work continuously for up to 100 hours.
  • Weight: 1.35 pounds

Pros & Cons


Overall, pretty good item. First off, most of these other reviews don't seem to understand how things work or they're trying to be too technical and go by the numbers, however, the numbers they're providing are made up by them and not from the manufacturer. I tried this out in the REAL world and not by some mathematical equation or first impressions. I've been using mine for approximately 6 months now. The solar charging is NOT going to fully charge the battery. It quite literally can not do that. It charges the devices battery up about half of the way. That's enough to charge my S23, my watch, earbud case and my friends S20 up about 2x. It charges in very low light. The power pack is designed to be charged up completely ONLY by use of a wall charger (which is not provided btw). When fully charged, I was able to charge my phone up 6x from 2% to 100%, quickly too. Overall, this is pretty lightweight, it's got a great size battery output on it and IN EMERGENCY situations - it charges itself enough to charge up your phone fully to be able to utilize it. It you're a backpacker, hiker, adventurer or traveller - this is a good item to have. I like it very much. And for those that think the cells should be able to charge the battery pack up fully - there would have to be a LOT more cells to do so and they would also have to output much more amperage.

Nice, if SHTF ever comes and this is your only means of charging anything. Very rugged design, been slightly rained on, still functional, I did try to charge several things and I did notice a few interestings: 1) depending on what your charging (i.e phones) it's charges like nothing special but it does have a slightly faster drain time than I would've liked, but for it's durability so far, I'm not complaining. 2) The solar panels attached can be charged in very little sunlight, (there's a green light that turns on at the slightest hint of sun, I like that.) But it does take quite a lot to charge the battery cells to full (sitting on window seal, roughly 3-5 days given you have periodic full direct sun and mostly overcast/partly cloudy) not bad but you should still be aware this isn't the superman of solar battery chargers. Overall it's a nice addition. One thing I would recommend to the manufacturer/designer when the tech is available is more battery cells within and stronger even more sensitive solar material. But overall I am happy with my product. Good job, nice buy.

Life Saver but. This is a real saver! Saving me from being stuck with little to no battery life while I'm on hikes or if I forgot to charge my phone the night before and have to head to work. It lasted a couple days before I had to charge it again. It is bulky but I usually have a book bag or string bag when I go out or have my dog carry it in his saddlebag but the remaining battery life is misleading. It has 4 bars on it but only 3 lite up. Making me think I had half battery life left when in reality, it was quickly running out of juice and left me confused when it wasn't changing my phone like before

Great battery, not as powerfull as advertised, nor the solar panel, but great companion. The bank is great, although it will last only up to 4 - 5 full phone recharges in phones with 4500 - 5000 mAh batteries. Initially I charged to 4 lights, charged one time a pixel phone and came to 3 lights, charged again and came to 2 lights. Then leaved it in the sun for two days (I leave at 2200m above sea level so not hot at all) and it only charged near the 3 lights (showed them but when I connected it to the charger dropped to 2). Then charged it again and went to a 3 day tour camping and it was the best companion as the light lasted a lot and kept the phone with enough charge to come back - obviosuly came with the minimum juice even though it was in the sun to recharge what it could.

What is the real deal here. I see a lot of these things and at many different prices. I purchased this one because of the discount price and I wanted to test the product myself before having to use it in a real life situation. It’s instructions say to drain and re-charge every three months so when I got it, I fully charged it then I put it to the test. I drained it completely now I have to do my test, so my windows face southern hemisphere and a little bit to the west so I put it in the windows and let it do. It’s thing it’s been almost a week now and it still isn’t fully charged. I’m really disappointed but it has rained off and on so I’m gonna do the test later on in the summer and see if it improves, I will update bud and that I really like it. Nice flashlights, nice and bright and I like the way it’s constructed.

Impressive battery! I have to say I'm impressed with its performance. The power bank is lightweight and portable, making it a great travel companion for anyone who needs to keep their devices charged on the go. I even brought it with me on a recent snowboarding trip in the mountains, and it was a lifesaver. The power bank has a high capacity, which means that it can charge my phone multiple times before needing to be recharged itself. This is a huge plus for me, as I use my phone constantly throughout the day (The Ikon pass app is a battery eater) and often find myself running out of battery. With this power bank, I never have to worry about being stuck without a charge. It also has a built-in LED light which would occasionally just come on from being in my backpack, which was a bit annoying but infrequent. While I found the solar charging feature to be a bit of an ineffective gimmick, the power bank still performed exceptionally well as a traditional charging device. The solar charging function takes a long time to charge the power bank fully, so I wouldn't rely on it as my primary charging method. However, it's still a nice feature to have in case of emergencies, such as being stuck without a power source. Overall, I highly recommend the Solar Power Bank, Solar Charger with a capacity of 42800mAh to anyone looking for a reliable, high-capacity power bank that is portable and easy to use. While the solar charging feature may not be the most efficient, the power bank's excellent charging performance and other features more than make up for it.


It’s a major battery, like really big but it does everything right. It’s a reaaaaallly huge battery, it’s for survival or in case you will not have electricity for a couple of days but I’m stubborn and still bring it to places, I bring it to picnics with friends and everyone can charge their phones fully, it’s a massive battery, great but weights more than my laptop. I personally love it because I have 2 smaller ones I can use everyday, and only use this mounstruos thing when I will spend a lot of time outside, I would have given 4 stars if they didn’t offer money for a good review, kind of dishonest, not really necessary when you have a good product(and It is, just reaaaaally camping oriented).

Used in the military. When I first found out about these types of battery packs I was in the military. It is the most useful battery pack for when you're out for a very long period of time and you don't have means of using an outlet. You could just sit it down for a little bit and it can charge your phone while it's charging on its own. That is insane to me how their battery packs that are like this and that are equivalent. There is one drawback though after a while you will lose a little bit of power because of whatever reason. It went from charging my phone super fast to allowing my phone to die while on the charger if you have two things plugged up to it. But I think the use of both of those ports should be in use at the same time if you have two ports on the device. Still a good product just watch out for plugging two devices in at once cuz it can lead to it shorting out in some way or reducing in power. But it does last a very long time and the most I've held on the charge for this is an entire day but it almost takes an entire day to recharge. And that's by plugging it into the wall not by having it in the sun.

Feels a little cheap. I like the 42,800 mAH capacity in a small package. However, the product itself feels very cheaply made. I haven’t dropped mine and I know the manufacturer rated it for drops but, I think one good drop and it will be inop. The flashlight is not very bright at all in comparison to other solar chargers with lights on them. I do like the little carry strap and clip that come with it to hang it on your bag while you’re out hiking and whatnot. This product seems to be working fine so far but if I was in the market for another one I’d probably stick to something like a Blavor for my carry

One is defective structurally. I ordered 2, my son’s is fine but within a month or so on mine, one of the plastic orange pieces came loose and fell off the side so obviously, not waterproof. (Just over the 30 day return window). The side keeps coming open. I tried to reattach with no luck. Sturdier than the little metal ones and would be great if mine hadn’t come apart. The carabiners are cheap and broke quickly on both so get a good one separate if you are going to hang it on a backpack etc. A little heavy /big to carry in your hand. Other than the issues with my unit it holds a charge fine and works fast, but I have to keep snapping it back together.

NOT AIRPORT COMPLIANT. The product worked like it should and performed decently. Takes quite a bit of time to recharge via solar energy. Unfortunately it was confiscated at security check because it was over the allowable power limit.. seller should probably put it in the discretion in case anyone buys this for vacation reasons.

loved it - but Lasted only 6 months. Purchased in November. Worked great - incredible battery life, great light, fast charging, solar charging was amazing. And then, in May, it stopped working altogether. just out $30+ bucks.

How to Buy The Best 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217 from which you can learn how to get the best 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217.

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  • What to think about when buying the product 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217?
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  • Where can you get information as this on the product 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217?
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You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

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In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of external-cell-phone-batteries.

We highly recommend the 8TEN Gen 3 Electric PTO Clutch for John Deere STX46 Black Deck Honda Warner 5217 to you.

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