HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset, Wireless Bluetooth Earpiece with 500mAh Charging Case 72 Hours Talking Time Built-in Microphone for iOS Android Cell Phone, V5.1 Hand-Free Headphones for Trucker, Office

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

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Features & Specifications

  • Smart Digital Display: Easy-to-read digital display shows the remaining power of the charging case for the refill in time.
  • High Capacity and Long-Lasting: Equipped with the 500mAh charging case to juice up the bluetooth headset for almost 72 hours of music/talking time. The single headset offer 18-23 hours of talking time.
  • Design Ideas Of Mute: Add the individual mute button on the bluetooth earpiece to meet your demand for muting more simply on the cell phone call. (ONLY ALLOW TO MUTE DURING CALL ON PHONE)
  • Ear Painless: Maximizing compactness of wireless headset based on ergonomics. Small and light even unobtrusive but still stable, and provide a more comfortable wearing experience.
  • Ultra-Powerful Bluetooth Tech: Wireless earpiece features the updated 5.1 Bluetooth technology to quickly and stably connect devices in the 10m range.
  • Wide Compatibility: Support dual connection. The earphone is compatible with ios Android cellphone/ computer/ pc as well as any bluetooth supported device.
  • What You Get: Bluetooth headphone *1; 500mAh Charging Case *1; Ear tips *5(Size: S/M/L ); USB-C cable *1(NO AC ADAPT); Welcome guide*1; as well as friendly customer service.
  • Weight: 5.3 ounces

Pros & Cons


Really Great Headset. Needed a new headset quickly and decided on this one on a whim, which is something I don't normally do as I didn't spend any time researching this product or headsets in general but figured for the price I'll take the gamble. I don't write reviews so when I say this headset rules, I mean it! This headset has great run. I used it off and on all week for work and into the following week before it needed a charge. Sound quality is excellent and here is the kicker, so far - and I have been asking people I'm talking with how it sounds on there end - no one is complaining. The issue I usually have with headsets is that people on the other end are always complaining that I am making too much noise and i'm usually doing nothing, maybe turning the page in magazine, but always something trivial. So far with this headset, no complaints and people say it sounds great. I have not spent time to test the noise cancellation of this headset yet, if it has any as it's not advertised, but others seem to think it does, and maybe that's why i'm not getting any complaints of excessive noise. Worth it so far...

Terific Value Headset. The HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset is a terrific value for a top quality headset. The excellent noise cancelling sound quality, fantastic battery life, sleek, comfortable design, easy operation and extremely low price made it an easy purchase for me. I had owned two, expensive premium quality headsets in the past which delivered solid performance, but they had bad battery life and eventually lost minor parts impairing their usability. The design of the HEIBAS is simpler and easier to operate at about a third of the cost of my previous headsets. The battery life of 72 hours is 12X better than my old $150 units and only cost $38! I particularly like the USB-C charging case which reads out the percent charged and offers protection for carrying the headset in your pocket which prevents the kind of incidental damage I had on both my previous headsets. The HEIBAS checks off all the boxes on my list at a surprisingly low price making it clearly the best value I could find after quite a lot of searching. I strongly recommend this product.

Best headset I've found for work so far! I work from home and have a work cell phone and a personal cell phone. One thing I have always hated was switching between headphones to take calls and continue working when either one of my phones rang. When they say that this headset can connect to multiple phones it really can! No more fumbling to put a different set of earbuds in or realize too late it is another phone and miss the call. I can listen to a podcast on my personal phone and a phone call come in on my work phone and pause music on the personal. Battery life is amazing! I could use the headset all day and it still have a charge after a 10 hour workday. And for an emergency charge, the case will hold a charge too. This makes it so convenient when I have to take business trips and cannot find an outlet. While this headphone is for one ear, it blocks out background noises when in your ear but not to the extent of where you hear yourself in your head while talking, which is my biggest grievance with headsets. The headset is very versatile. Prefer to have a headset on a specific ear? That's not a problem with this headset. The ear clip rotates so you can have it comfortably sit on either ear. It is super lightweight to the point that you will sometimes forget you are wearing it.

Great headset. Great price point. I always wait to write a review until I've actually used the product for atleast a month so here it goes. This has been a very affordable headset and has worked great for the money. The feature I needed most was to be able to connect to to phones simultaneously. I'm a truck driver and one phone is my work and the other is my personal so it makes it seamless to answer work calls that impact my day or talk to my buddies all hands free. The only issue I have had will be if youre using the head set on one phone but walk away from the other while it's connected, the headset will beep to let you know its out of range. They're may be a work around but it's only a slight inconvenience. Sound quality is great for both input and output. I can't speak from on those big ol' fancy $150+ headset but with something like this in the market I don't see a need to buy em. I'd recommend these.

Very impressive! Bought this as a gift for my spouse who much needed a new Bluetooth earpiece. Firstly, it was more then 70% off!! Wow! It was regular Price Over $100. Secondly, The reviews seemed worth buying, sooooo many good reviews! I knew I couldn't skip out on this. Once used it was loud clear, the speaker and earpiece is crisp and does not cut off or sound robotic if far away from your phone. Appreciate that! The features are really nice! The earpiece itself looks fancy and styled lovely. Absolutely adore the digital charging makes it so convenient, awesome battery life as well... Can last days without charging! : D this is a 5 star buy! You will not regret it. My intention was to write an honest personal review about this product and it delivered perfect results!

Nice headset for the price. I'm a truck driver and use a headset on a daily basis. I have used several trying to find one that will cancel out background noise on outgoing calls. This HEIBAS sounds as good as the Blue Tiger I have been using for years. The incoming isn't as good as others but will work. Incoming music does not compare to another one I have. The HEIBAS has nowhere near the sound quality with music but calls are fine and I don't listen to music through a headset anyway. I like the slanted earbud but the slant is off just enough that it doesn't fit in the ear quite right. I have to push and move it around to get it to fit right. The other one I have with the great incoming sound quality is slanted perfect and fits great but the outgoing is muffled. I thought about sending the HEIBAS back but over all it's a pretty good headset. I don't like the fact that after I bought it the price dropped $8.


Wanted to love it - call it "pretty good" As a long-standing and very happy Voyager Legend (now discontinued) user I've had to find something else... I really wanted to love this device, and while it is pretty good, it does have some drawbacks. First, the good: - Long range while maintaining connection (newer Bluetooth helps vs. Legend) - Reliable connection to Android voice and laptop (both Zoom and Teams which can be tricky) - Excellent battery life - Case coming with the headset adds GREAT value - Easy charging, drops into the case and always connects to the pins - What I wish were different: - Noise cancellation, especially wind, far less capable than I'm used to - No indicators of how much headset battery life is left, so hard to decide when to charge - When a connection is lost (leave house when it was connected to laptop) there is a really annoying persistent beep - no idea how long it continues, I can only stand it for about 10 seconds, and then turn off and back on so it'll forget about my laptop and reconnect to my phone - The over-ear loop is not as comfortable as the Legend - more like the old days M-175 over-ear - It is really easy to accidentally push the multi-function button when putting on, which can start music playing on my phone - I've learned to put on carefully, however it is a nuisance - Once I got the fit "into" my ear figured out the call quality moved up, however it's still less rich than my long-standing Legend Truly, you can buy this headset for $45 and be pretty darn happy. I'm on calls / meetings 6-8 hours a day, and so the lack of over-ear comfort and other nuisances will likely move me to look for another device to try. It's not bad, it's just not great IMO for my use. btw, I learned that Amazon pays $20 for five-star reviews on new products, which might account for the high volume of five-star reviews. I was wishing for a "3.5" to let folks know where I really stand with this device, which I've had for a month so that I could write an integral review that would be useful to others to show strengths and weaknesses over time.

2nd device will not connect. Love everything about this headset so far except...my 2nd device won't pair and I have misplaced the instructions. Well, to be honest, I threw the instructions away because there was not much to them and I thought connecting to my 2nd device would be intuitive. Can't find a direct connection to the manufacturer online so hoping they will respond here with help:). Otherwise, everything is working well. Connected my work laptop - only issue is that I cannot answer calls directly from my headset. I have to accept the calls from my laptop which is okay but not optimal. You are supposed to be able to answer calls by double tapping the on/off button but when I double or single tap, it acts like it is trying to make a call instead. In general, this is not an issue for me but would be great to be able to answer directly from the headset for a call coming in via MS Teams. Distance to maintain the connection has been excellent! I am able to work to the backyard to untangle my dog or fill the birdfeeder without issue. Also can walk out to my mailbox,down to the laundry room...you get the picture. Battery life has been excellent so far. I wear it for the majority of the day and have not gone below 85% remaining on battery life. It is relatively comfortable. That's it, just need to connect my iPhone and then I will update my overall review. Thanks for listening!

No tiene traducción en Español. Lo compre para un regalo para una persona que solo habla Spanish y el bluetooth solamente tiene programado el idioma inglés, contacte al vendedor y solo me dijo que lo va a tener presente para el futuro muy mala respuesta, la cancelación de ruido no es muy buena, por lo tanto si le encuentro otro defecto lo voy a devolver.

Not all it's cracked up to be. I gave this 3 stars for three reasons. One, it's not loud enough and two the noise cancelling isn't very good, and three the headset doesn't have a port to charge it with so I have to cary the case everywhere I go. *****The seller offered to give me a $20 Amazon gift card if I gave this product 5 stars*****

Poor quality. Hands down. Did not work for my computer. When I spoke on the ear piece the caller would say that I was too far and I have the microphone right near my mouth. Would not recommend.

Case didn't work :(. The case wouldn't charge and thus neither did the headphones.. was probably just a defective unit tho :(

How to Buy The Best HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset from which you can learn how to get the best HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset.

  • Is it worth buying the HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset?
  • What benefits does the product HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset?
  • What makes the HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset?
  • Why and how do you need the HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset? Do you like it?


How good is the product of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of Single Ear Bluetooth Headsets.

We highly recommend the HEIBAS Bluetooth Headset to you.

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