JAMJAKE Stylus Pen

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product JAMJAKE Stylus Pen before we came up with this review.

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JamJake Stylus Pen

Fabulous stylus pen compatible with iPad

Slim sleek and light, just like a conventional pencil, but with pixel-perfect precision. The New Gen aims to develop a stylus that can improve your writing experience. The pen with its 1.5 mm tip offers an accurate writing and sketching experience, due to its precision and it gives you a realistic feeling while drawing or painting. It will change your work life, transforming your room into a paperless dream. Also, you can rest your hand on the screen because of the palm rejection function.

Complete Accessories

  • 1 x Electronic Stylus
  • 2 x Screw-Type Nib
  • 1 x Type-C Charging Cable
  • User Manual

palm rejection

magnetic stylus pen

replacement tips

fast charging

Palm Rejection Technology

Stylus pen 2nd Gen with palm rejection technology ,you can rest your palm comfortably on the screen while writing or drawing,you don’t have to wear the anti-friction glove with this pen.

Magnetic Technology

Magnetically be able to attach the iPad side face, reduce rolling and more portable, easier to organize. Without wireless charging function.

Superior Nibs & Replaceable

iPad stylus nibs are made of high-quality materials, smooth and durable, it will bring you an excellent experience without scratching the iPad screen. Screw-type nibs are easier to replace and don’t break easily.

Rechargeable Stylus Pen

No need for Bluetooth connection, turn on this stylus pen by simply touching the cap button,charging 15-20 minutes, can support the work of 8-10 hours..

When you can useCompatile model and not work with

Not work with:

  • iPad 2010(1st gen) A1219 / A1337
  • iPad 2011(2nd gen)A1395 / A1396 / A1397
  • iPad 2012(3th gen&4th gen) A1416/ A1430 / A1403 / A1458 / A1459 / A1460
  • iPad 2017(5th gen)A1822 / A1823
  • iPad Pro(9.7 inch)A1673 / A1674 / A1675
  • iPad Pro(10.5 inch)A1701 / A1709 / A1852
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch(1st gen&2nd gen)A1584 / A1652 / A1670 / A1671 / A1821
  • iPad Air(1st gen & 2nd gen)A1474 / A1475 / A1476 / A1566/ A1567
  • iPad mini(1st/2nd/3th/4th gen) A1432 /A1454 / A1455 / A1489 / A1490 / A1491 / A1599 / A1600 / A1538 / A1550


1. If the stylus or finger is unable to write, please modify your iPad or iPad Pro setting as follows : Settings>Apple Pencil>Turn off the Apple pencil / or Settings>Notes>Turn off “Only draw with Apple Pencil / or Settings>Apple Pencil>Turn off “Only draw with Apple Pencil (iOS 14).
2. We don’t recommend you use the pen while your iPad is charging, which may cause break & disconnect issues.
3. Cannot be used for switching apps.
4. ALL iPad IOS system must be updated to iOS 12.2 or above.
5. It has better using experience if used with the tempered glass screen protector.
6. Please ensure it has enough power before use and notice that there is NO press sensitivity, all lines are at the same thickness.
K10 black 718white 718 pink 718black K11
K10Black 718White 718Pink 718Black K11
Available for Continuous Use 10h 10h 10h 10h 10h
Replacement Tips 3pcs 3pcs 3pcs 3pcs 3pcs
Fully Charged 15min 15min 15min 15min 15min
Charging Method Type-C USB Type-C USB Type-C USB Type-C USB Type-C USB
Compatible Model 2018 -2022 iPad/iPad Pro 2018 -2022 iPad/iPad Pro 2018 -2022 iPad/iPad Pro 2018 -2022 iPad/iPad Pro 2018 -2022 iPad/iPad Pro
Tilt Function
Power-Saving Mode
Fast Charging
Palm Rejection Design
Switch Method Touch on the top Touch on the top Touch on the top Touch on the top Touch on the top

Features & Specifications

  • 【Compatible with 2018-2022 iPad & iPad Pro】The stylus supports for iPad series 2018-2022 model: iPad 10th/9th/8th/7th/6th Gen, iPad Air 3rd/4th/5th Gen, iPad Pro 11 inches,iPad Pro12.9 inches 3rd/4th/5th/6th,iPad Mini 5th/6th Gen. Please confirm your devices before you place an order, another model is invalid.
  • 【Not compatible with models before 2018】The stylus doesn't support iPad pro 1st&2nd, iPad pro 10.5", iPad pro 9.7", iPad 1 to 5 Gen, iPad mini 1 to 4 Gen, iPad Air 1st/2nd Gen versions of iPad. Not Compatible With iPhone, Android, Microsoft devices.
  • 【Precise and Smooth】1.5mm pen tip can replace your finger to execute finer instructions, it easy to install and tear off the tips on your stylus pen without any tool. No lag/offset/breaking point!Compared with the ordinary stylus pen, it has higher sensitivity, more accurate signal, more comfortable hand. Not easy to break!【 Note 】The stylus pen no pressure-sensitive design.
  • 【Palm Rejection Design】Stylus pen with palm rejection technology provides a natural writing feeling and quick, effortless interaction with your screen, gives you more accuracy and control against the screen. We commend you to use this pen on the iPad with a glass screen protector.
  • 【Easy to Use and Extra Long Standby 】 No need to install Apps, just turn on this active digital pen by simply touching the cap button, it will automatically turn in "Sleep Mode" after idle for 5 minutes to save power. 20 hours continuous working, 90 mins charge, 365 days standby time. The package includes 1* Stylus Pen, 2* Replacement Tips, 1* USB C Charge Cable, 1* User manual.
  • Dimensions: 8.4 x 2.4 x 0.6 inches
  • Weight: 2.08 ounces

Pros & Cons


Good pencil for the price. I bought this product because I had just purchased an iPad Air 5th gen. The Apple brand pencil was much too expensive for my taste and I wasn’t even sure if I was going to like it so I didn’t want to spend over $100 on it. I really like this pencil because it is easy to use. It connected easily to my iPad. Sometimes it takes a second to connect but other than that it works great and the sensitivity is perfect. It feels very intuitive and works well for taking notes or drawing. The accuracy/ sensitivity can be a bit weird sometimes because in my experience if I’m writing something I’ll lift up the pencil to continue writing and it will not write anymore and then I have to move to a spot where it will write again despite the spot I was just writing in was working a second ago. Not sure if that is an Apple thing or if that is the pencil. My only real gripe is that I was expecting it to charge on the iPad but it does not do this. It’s not an issue for me, but I was unaware of this fact.

Almost perfect. The battery life on this pen is insane. I think I’ve charged it 2x since I’ve purchased it. It hasn’t died but I don’t know how to tell the batter life, the iPad doesn’t tell me like it would an Apple Pencil. Con - this doesn’t have pressure sensitivity so that’s a major difference I can tell between the two. Set up was easy, it connected straight to my iPad (9TH gen) no additional set up necessary. If it had the pressure sensitivity, hands down would give it 5 stars. It’s a good in between until I can get an actual apple pencil :)

iPad Kid Convert!!! I’ve never had the actual Apple Pencil so I don’t have anything to compare this to but it’s SO GOOD! I’ve had it for probably a month or 2 now and I haven’t had any issues with it. I got it with the intention of taking electronic notes for classes on my iPad and it does the job. The one thing I will note, though, is that the tip does unscrew a bit over time so I would say to just check it every now and then and screw it back into place :)

Works great. I wanted to try one of these with my ipad but wasn't looking to pay the big bucks for the Apple brand. This works great and holds charge really well when I'm not using it. Only complaint it seems like it's easy to accidentally cut it off, but I can easily tap it back on. I can't compare to the Apple one because I've never used one but this one has worked really well for me! I'd def. recommend.

Fantastic Product and Price. I was shopping around for an effective Apple iPad pen since I started using the Nebo app. A friend of mine referred me to this and an iPad screen protector that also provides great "paper-like" feel. This pen is very effective and also limits errors caused by your palm resting on the screen. (This is especially helpful since I have the left hander's writing hook.) I would recommend this pen to anyone; great product and price!

Not an Apple but works as an Apple. I am thrilled with my stylus pen. Easy to use, my mini IPad recognized it with no problem. It’s not heavy, good quality, the on and on is only a small touch on the top of the stylus. It adheres perfectly to my mini IPad. I was helping my granddaughter with a school project and I was able to draw a picture on my mini IPad using the stylus and it turned out great. I then shared the drawing to her IPad and she loved it. I definitely recommend it and the price is good. I got the white one, which is less expensive too.


Apple Pencil DUUUUUUUUPPEEEE, but…. I’ve owned 3 authentic Apple Pencils and have lost them all — mom of a toddler here. Purchasing a dupe was necessary and unfortunately this one misses the mark! The plus is that this one comes with extra tips, love that! Having a grip on mine is a must, which also is a struggle because I basically have to damage the grip by folding it back to charge this pencil. To “activate” it (or make it work with your iPad), you have to press the top of the pencil and kid you not it turns off every 5 seconds — mid write, mid scroll you name it. It’s fully charged and doesn’t stay on “continuously” as it claims. *sigh* such a shame.

A Little Disappointed. The pencil keeps shutting itself off. I have to keep tapping the top of the pencil to turn it on, and that is very annoying. I'm going to return the pencil. Not pleased because of the on and off issue.

Could be better. The tip wears down REALLY fast. Being that I use it everyday for class, the battery lasts long but the tip wears down very fast and it scratched my screen on my new iPad.

Good but. Does the job! Compatible with my iPad 2018! But due to how I hold a pencil I turn it off accidentally a lot! Kinda annoying. Especially for a portrait. It probably turns off every minute or so thankfully all I have to do it tap it.

Good pen but has some flaws. Disclaimer, I've never used an actual Apple Pen so I don't know if this is unusual behavior or not. This pen seems to have issues playing nice with palm rejection while my iPad is charging. Not sure why this happens, but I'll be marking up my notes in GoodNotes and if the charger is plugged in, it will get choppy and register tens of little tiny dots instead of strokes. Unplugging the iPad charger seems to make it work fine. Not too big a deal but kind of a pain when it needs to be charging while I'm using it. This happens in other apps where strokes can be made on screen as well, but it works fine for tapping and just selecting buttons and whatnot.

Faulty after 2 weeks of use. The pen was working really well for the first week until into the second week of using it the tip loosen when I write and have to stop writing to retighten it occasionally and now I’m noticing the pen won’t respond to my iPad at time while on and have to tap it a few times to work again. Little frustrating but I’m hoping it’s just a faulty pen I can exchange because the price is better than an apple pen

How to Buy The Best JAMJAKE Stylus Pen?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of JAMJAKE Stylus Pen? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product JAMJAKE Stylus Pen from which you can learn how to get the best JAMJAKE Stylus Pen.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of JAMJAKE Stylus Pen.

  • Is it worth buying the JAMJAKE Stylus Pen?
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  • Why and how do you need the JAMJAKE Stylus Pen?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the JAMJAKE Stylus Pen. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best JAMJAKE Stylus Pen.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best JAMJAKE Stylus Pen.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of JAMJAKE Stylus Pen, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of Styluses.

We highly recommend the JAMJAKE Stylus Pen to you.

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