Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone, V5.0, Wireless Headset, CVC 6.0 Noise Cancel, Bluetooth Headphones with Mic, Phone Headset, Headsets Suitable for VOIP, Skype, Call Centers, Offices, Trucker

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Vont EBC Vont EBC FM Transmitter with Neck
This Product View This Product View This Product
General Purpose Taking calls from a device hands-free at work or while driving Making any car stereo system Bluetooth-capable Making any car stereo system Bluetooth-capable
Battery-life Up to 12 hours of talk time Powers on as long as the car is on Powers on as long as the car is on
Multi-device Capability
Hands-free Calling
With Microphone
Bluetooth-range Up to 30 feet Up to 16 feet Up to 16 feet
Memory-card Slot





Pair and Play

Pair any smartphones or Bluetooth enabled device to our handset and keep your hands free for driving, working and other important tasks.

HD Audio, Noise Canceling

Listen to amazingly clear calls with no ambient noise distraction, 30 feet roam range so you can walk while you work.

Light and Comfortable

Weighs just 0.09 pounds, with a soft ear pad, flexible headband and 330° swivel microphone arm.

Features & Specifications

  • COMPLETELY WIRELESS - Pair your smartphone or laptop to this brilliant headset, and drive, work, eat tacos or do other important tasks with ease. Features a soft ear pad, flexible headband and 330° swivel microphone arm. Perfect for those who do not like "in ear" type headsets. Now upgraded with Bluetooth version 5.0.
  • SUPERIOR NOISE CANCELLATION - Kids, pets or that One Loud Guy At The Office. Whatever’s interfering with your call will be less of a problem– thanks to your Bluetooth headset’s integrated noise-canceling technology. Perfect for truck drivers, Skype meetings and call centers.
  • LIGHTER THAN AN EGG - At just 0.09 pounds, our wireless headset is lighter than an egg. Plus, it gets far better reception than eggs, flapjacks or other breakfast foods.
  • PAIRS WITH MULTIPLE DEVICES - Got a work phone and a personal one? Our headset pairs with two devices at once so you never miss a call. And with its 30 feet roam range, you don’t even have to be able to find those phones to take a call.
  • LIFETIME WARRANTY - You can rest in knowing that this product is of utmost quality. Warranted for life, it is covered against loss, theft, and defects in materials and workmanship for as long as you own the product. CE/ RoHS/ FCC/ BQB certified.
  • Dimensions: 5.94 x 5.87 x 2.01 inches
  • Weight: 1.44 ounces

Pros & Cons


First impressions - and second ones too. I received the headset last night and just did my first call using it this morning; a 20 minute (overseas) call to my mother, while I was driving to work in city traffic. I was happy with the sound and volume, and my mother was happy with the sound quality and noise level on her end as well (we both thought it was noticeably better than one I've used until now; a wired headset). There are a couple of things I think could be better and they are both comfort related; adding even a little swivel between headband and the speaker portion would make for a more comfortable fit, and the metal headband is not super comfortable (a least not on my XL head). But it was not so uncomfortable that it affected my 20 minute call in any way, and I'll be happy to live with those "comfort details" for the sound quality at this price point. At this price it is hard to beat! --- Update after a handful of uses: The comfort issues are all but completelygone. I was able to adjust the metal headband so I no longer notice it, and the speaker does not feel especially uncomfortable anymore. I'm happy as a clam

Comfortable, stylish headset. I received this headset quickly and while it had a residual charge, as most electronic items do, I charged the headset for a few hours before using. Paring was extremely easy. The mic doesn't rotate a complete 360 degrees, so be careful when adjusting it depending on which ear you want to use. It's a comfortable headset that can be worn for a couple hours at a time without serious discomfort. The sound quality and noise cancellation are excellent. The battery life is extremely long - I haven't actually used it for 12 hours - but I can confirm you can use it all day without having to charge it up. This is a bluetooth headset, you don't have to only pair it to your phone, you can pair it to your computer to use with your softphone.

Sturdy product with useful features and good performance. Notice: I received this product free for an honest review. This review will be broken into three parts: material/quality of construction, functionality/use, and lastly my recommendation. Material/Quality of Construction - Looking over the product initially I liked the visual design of the headset. There are nice curves along the microphone arm and the body of the headset. The plastic has a matte texture and feels sturdy when handling it. When wearing the headset there is the over-the-ear piece and the rubber piece that helps keep the headset in place. On the over-the-ear piece, there is a comfortable amount of foam and smooth textured faux leather. The seams on the earpiece do not come into contact with the skin, so irritation is minimized. On the opposite side, the rubber support is on a slight pivot and is flexible and soft. The headband that connects the two ends is a stiff arched metal band with adjustable length. I have not worn the headset for more than 10 minutes so far, so I don't know if the stiffness will cause discomfort if worn for longer times. In terms of style, there are some chrome finishings around the mic arm, buttons, and edge of the earpiece. There is also a turbine bladelike design between at the connection point of the earpiece and mic arm, which I personally think is cool looking. This design does not seem to be functional. Functionality/Use - A nice feature that is the swivel microphone arm. This is a useful feature because the mic can then be worn on the left or right side of your head. With the adjustable headband and mic, the headset should work for most people and preferences. Additionally, the mic arm movement is stiff, so there is no need to worry about it changing position accidentally. On the outer side of the earpiece, there are three buttons; power and volume +/-. The buttons relatively large compared to the body and placed well so you can feel them without having to look or guess where they are. In terms of adjustment, the headband and mic arm are easy enough to adjust and stay in position, which is a plus. However, since this item is still new I do not know how it will behave after wear. With respect to the electronics of the system, there is an LED indicator for power (i.e., on and off) and a warning indicator when the battery is low (i.e., blinking red light). These are not essential, but nice to have features. As for the battery, the reported active use time is 13 hours and inactive time is 220 hours. Currently, I have not used the headset enough to validate these specifications, which also includes time to fully charge the system (i.e., estimated 4-8 hours). The USB cable that comes with the system is a bit on the light side, I would have liked to see a larger gauge wire. This helped explain why the charge time is so long for the system; low current charging. When using the system to speak to others, there is a nice feature that enables two devices to be connected simultaneously. I have not used this feature, but it will be useful for me. In terms of use-quality, the sound seems to be good. I have used this headset in the car and in my office with a desktop PC fan running at full power. During both of these use cases, I could hear the other person. It is important to note that one of these calls was using Skype (office use), which did not perform as well compared to a normal phone call (car use). One potential reason why the quality of the sound seems lower than expected is that the size of the earpiece is somewhat small (5/8" diameter). However, at this time I have not used the headset enough to definitively say the sound quality is better than good, which is the reason I gave this product 4-stars. My overall recommendation is that this is a nice product and if you are in the market to purchasing this a Bluetooth headset this one should be considered. However, depending on the environment that you will be using the headset in, you should reflect on if noise canceling headsets might be better or earpieces with larger padding if will be worn for extended periods of time.


Risky purchase. I wouldn't bother purchasing this item. I ordered one in March 2020 and it worked 4 months. It would no longer charge. I really liked it during the months that it worked so I ordered another one. Stupid me because this one wouldn't charge right from the beginning. I sent an email which they responded right away and offered a replacement - when the replacement didn't take the charge they weren't as quick to respond to my email. they did refund me for the latest purchase and stated "I'll look into this and let our team know about this defect. This could be a batch defect on our headsets."

Don't buy-- Terrible Customer Support. Was never able to pair this headset with my phone despite spending quite a bit of time trying. I followed directions that came with product, no dice. Searched company website. Googled the problem. Emailed customer support TWICE: once through website, no reply, so after 10 days, tried again with email address given by company on one-star reviews here (why is this address not on packaging?). Finally got a reply to this after 3 days, but rep seemed not to have read my email about what I'd tried, and just repeated same directions. I returned this headset, and don't recommend you order one. No support if it doesn't work seamlessly from box. I've had other headsets that paired just fine.

It's nice but, not nice at the same time. I originally purchased this for my father who uses a Bluetooth headset, the model he previously had served him well he needed a replacement and I found this one. He doesn't need anything fancy just something that works, which it works perfectly there's only one slight issue with it the ear cup is very small and it gets uncomfortable to wear over long periods of time. I've tried it myself to see if the claims were true and they absolutely were I couldn't wear it for more than an hour it started irritating my ear. The sound is great and the microphone is great maybe this would work with someone who has smaller ears and who could handle a harder cushion. In my case nor my father or myself were able to have it in for a long period of time. We stopped using the headset because it was just too uncomfortable and decided to buy another model from a different company that suits our needs.

How to Buy The Best Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone from which you can learn how to get the best Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone.

  • Is it worth buying the Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone?
  • What benefits does the product Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone?
  • What makes the Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone?
  • Why and how do you need the Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Vont Bluetooth Headset with Microphone to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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