Bluetooth Headset, COMEXION Wireless Bluetooth Earpiece V5.0 Hands-Free Earphones with Stereo Noise Canceling Mic, Compatible iPhone Android Cell Phones Driving/Business/Office

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Bluetooth Headset before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Bluetooth Headset, COMEXION Wireless Bluetooth Earpiece V5.0 Hands-Free Earphones with Stereo Noise Canceling Mic, Compatible iPhone Android Cell Phones Driving/Business/OfficeHow to connect with two device simultaneously?

Bluetooth Headset Connection

  • Before using your headset for the first time, you must pair it with your Bluetooth-enabled phone.
  • 1. Place the headset within 1 meter with the mobile phone.
  • 2. Ensure that the headset is off ( see “Turn off” in “Basic Operation” section above). And the mobile phone Bluetooth setting is activated.
  • 3. Press and hold “MFB” button for about 2 seconds until the indicator light alternately flashes blue and red, now the headset is under pairing mode.
  • 4. Your phone will find the “G3” headset and press “G3” on the mobile phone, after connected successfully, the headphone will turn to blue light blinking which means the matching is finished. Now you can listen to the phone music and take a phone call.
  • 5. If your mobile phone is below version 2.1, then you need to enter password “0000” .

bluetooth headset


8-10 Hours of Talk Time and up to 7.5 Days on Standby Mode
  • Allows you to make reliable Bluetooth wireless calls and enjoy stream music&media throughout the day on a single charge. Recharging is simple with the included USB cable
Easy Control
  • Separate power, mute and volume buttons allow easy access and control.
  • Press the centrally located answer/end button to direct incoming calls. Audio prompts alert you about battery level, connection status, mute status and more.
Superior Comfort
  • Only weights 0.5 oz, durable and comfortable enough to be worn for hours at a time. Enjoy extended comfort with ergonomic lightweight design and ultimate soft ear gels.

‘MFB'(Multi Function Button)

  • 1. Turn on/Turn off.
  • 2. Answer a call (Single press).
  • 3. Reject a call (Press and hold ‘MFB’ button for 3 seconds.)
  • 4. Redial the last number (Quickly tap the ‘MFB’ button twice to redial last dialed phone number).
  • 5. Play music.

Bluetooth Headset, COMEXION Wireless Bluetooth Earpiece V5.0 Hands-Free Earphones with Stereo Noise Canceling Mic, Compatible iPhone Android Cell Phones Driving/Business/Office


Happy journey


  • Please DO remember ASK us if any problems/questions.
  • Please do NOT charge your headset with car chargers in the car or fast charging cables to prevent the overload burning of the circuits.


  • 1 * Bluetooth Headset
  • 1 * Type C Charging Cable
  • 2 * Ear tips
  • 1 * Carrying Case
  • 1 * Owner’s Manual


  • Bluetooth Version: V 5.0
  • Weight: 0.4 ounces
  • Support: HFP, HSP, A2DP and AVRCP profiles
  • Operating Range: up to 33 feet (accessibility)
  • Battery capacity: 110mAH
  • Talk time: 10 hours
  • Music play time: 8.5 hours
  • Standby time: 180 hours
  • Charging time: about 1.5 hours

Features & Specifications

  • Convenient & comfortable - designed to fit in either ear, The retractable ear hook and Flip-boom arm swivels and rotates for a secure fit. Lightweight and comfortable enough to be worn for hours at a time. Ultimate comfort ear gels are available in 3 different sizes (one on the headset) to provide a snug, secure tailored fit. Unique high-end carrying case protects the headset from damaging and losing.
  • Bluetooth 5.0 technology - Provides fast and stable pairing with any device that has Bluetooth function like smart phones, tablets, laptops. It can pair easily with any two Bluetooth devices simultaneously. With up to 8-10 hours of continuous calls and up to 7. 5 days in standby mode, This Bluetooth earpiece lets you make reliable wireless calls throughout the day on a single 1. 5 hours quick charge.
  • Hands-free for calling - This Bluetooth headset With mic Supports Siri and Google voice assistant. Easily mute/unmute with the touch of a mute button. Voice alerts battery level, connection status, mute/unmute status, and even announce the phone number of income caller. Easy-to-reach buttons let you manage the music and call hands-free.
  • Noise cancellation- built-in HD microphone with advanced CVC6. 0 noise reduction technology blocks out disruptive background noise like wind, traffic or crowds, offers crystal clear audio and natural sound, allows you to enjoy high quality music and clear phone calls wherever.
  • Great Battery Life-With up to 8-10 hours of continuous calls and up to 7. 5 days in standby mode, This Bluetooth earpiece lets you make reliable wireless calls throughout the day on a single 1. 5 hours quick charge.
  • Weight: 4 ounces

Pros & Cons


Works well, fits well. I was happy with how easily this headset fit over my ear, and connected to my phone. It came with about a 60% charge (the battery level shows at the top of your phone screen, which is nice), so I was using it within 2 minutes of opening the box. This is actually the second over-ear-type headset that I've owned, and as much as I liked the first, I would say this one actually fits more securely, and is somewhat louder at maximum volume. It's not super loud, by any means, but it gets the job done. Calls are clear, and the headset announces the incoming number before you pick up the call by pressing the button on the side. One weird thing I noticed with my first headset is that it tended to turn inward, and rub against my cheek. This one does not have that problem. This arrived with a total of 6(!) rubber covers of various sizes, to fit presumably any ear size. It's easy enough to forget that you are wearing it, because of its light weight. I think I will get a lot of good use out of this headset.

Worth the money. The media could not be loaded. This headset is great for those people who don't like an earbud pressed inside the ear canal but still want great sound quality. If you've tried the other model and don't like the small Loop that goes in the crevice of the ear or don't like the rubber hook over the top of the ear that comes apart, then this is perfect for you. It's it's just like the other model, but the hook over the ear is a solid piece and yet still reversible. The bud is flat and rest over the opening of the ear without going into the canal or having a small Loop pressing against the upper crevice of the ear. The mic hole is slightly closer to the face compared to the other model which that hole was straight out the end of the mic. The comfort is still wonderful and lightweight just as the other one was. The mic is a slight thicker then the mic on the other model but as for performance and where, both this model and the other model sold by COMEXION are extremely similar and very easy to use plus the quality is excellent. I highly recommend either model depending on your ear preference. The customer service, as always, have been so friendly and helpful with any questions or concerns you have. Definitely a good company to get products from! I'm very happy with this model Bluetooth, and the other Bluetooth model as well and plan on keeping both of them to use. Check out my review video showing both models in comparison to each other.

Great value! Highly recommend! Sound quality is very good and the volume level goes very high which is better than most. Noise cancellation while driving is very good, this headset may not be for the professional truck driver but for the average person in a automobile or working around office or house this would be an excellent choice. Great value! Comfort is excellent, please note in the above picture that this Bluetooth earpiece is not as large behind the ear. This makes it more comfortable to wear with glasses. Last but not least, customer service is excellent. Customer service is very quick to respond to emails and questions. To wrap up this review, there are more expensive earpieces out there but why spend the money when this one will do just as well for a fraction of the cost.


Poor audio quality and company that offers $$ to remove bad feedback. So far the sound quality is not good. At high volume levels, the audio seems to overload the speaker. At lower volume levels (necessary to avoid the speaker overload issue) you cannot hear the caller very well. Update: a few days after posting feedback, I received an e-mail from the company offering me a gift card to take my review down. Seems like a clear violation of Amazon’s selling policies. I would avoid this product.

Drops Calls + Bribe. I do NOT recommend this product. It keeps dropping my calls and it does not fit comfortably around my ear and the ear piece does not fit comfortably in my ear. I have tried the various sizes that come with it and it very uncomfortable. I will be buying another one but NOT from COMEXION. DO NOT BUY! WASTE OF MONEY! I received an email a few weeks ago basically bribing me to remove my bad review. I have not removed my review because I want everyone to know that this is not a good headset to get and this bribe proves that. DO NOT BUY! Good morning, I am writing to attempt to contact you regarding your unsatisfactory experience with our COMEXION Bluetooth headset product. I apologize for bothering you, however we would really appreciate the opportunity to improve your experience with us. I understand it can be frustrating purchasing a product that doesn’t deliver what you expected. There are various reasons why this could happen. We take all customer reviews and comments very seriously, and are constantly working to improve our products. That being said, negative comments greatly affect selling on Amazon, as I’m sure you can imagine. Would you be willing to take down your negative review? By doing so, you would be giving us a second chance to improve and please our customers. The product that you reviewed does have some good reviews. Unfortunately, it appears that there was a defect with a batch. We are very sorry for that and are trying to rectify this issue. This offer stands alone, it does not matter if you have already returned item for a refund. If you still have the item, there is no need to return it. We would be happy to compensate you for your time for taking down your negative review. We are willing to offering you a $100 Amazon gift card sent to you by email, and you could look for a better Bluetooth headset. Please note, we are not offering incentives to people to post good reviews. If you are interested in doing this please follow these directions. Please note this is to take down review not ask you to change the positive review. Please use the link below to easily delete your review. Once you have deleted, confirm with me by replying to this email. Once I confirm it has been deleted, I will send Amazon gift through email. Thank you again! To delete Reviews: Go to: Click 1. Go to your profile You will be able to view all your reviews there. Click drop down box on the right hand side that says View: all activity and choose reviews. Find review and click the 3 dots on the right hands side. This will give you option to edit or delete. Choose delete. It will ask you if you are sure you want to delete, say yes and you are done. Crystal COMEXION

Dead after about 7-9 uses. UPDATE: Like MANY of the negative reviews had mentioned, I too had the manufacture contact me by email and begged me to remove my review. ...... "Would you be willing to remove your review? By doing so, you would be giving us a chance to take your feedback and improve our products, without the large negative impact a bad review has. If you would kindly take down your review I would be happy to send you a $45 Amazon gift card as a thank you" Sorry chump I don't work like that. I believe in HONESTY, not trying to manipulate and buy peoples reviews that is just downright LOW. I have more integrity than that. I'd rather look out for the customer than the manufacturer, especially with tactics like that. Earlier review... Garbage, went through 2 battery charging cycles then it finally died. Oh well, didn't really use it that much to begin with. I guess you get what you paid for.

How to Buy The Best Bluetooth Headset?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Bluetooth Headset? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Bluetooth Headset from which you can learn how to get the best Bluetooth Headset.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Bluetooth Headset.

  • Is it worth buying the Bluetooth Headset?
  • What benefits does the product Bluetooth Headset offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Bluetooth Headset?
  • What makes the Bluetooth Headset to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Bluetooth Headset?
  • Why and how do you need the Bluetooth Headset?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Bluetooth Headset. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Bluetooth Headset.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Bluetooth Headset.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Bluetooth Headset, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Bluetooth Headset offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Bluetooth Headset? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Bluetooth Headset? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Bluetooth Headset? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Bluetooth Headset?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Bluetooth Headset, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Bluetooth Headset to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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