Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger, One of The Smallest and Lightest 10000mAh External Battery, Ultra-Compact High-Speed-Charging-Technology Power Bank for iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and More

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger before we came up with this review.

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Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger, One of The Smallest and Lightest 10000mAh External Battery, Ultra-Compact High-Speed-Charging-Technology Power Bank for iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and MoreBANNERZHUTU



Probably our most popular charging series. With faster charging, more advanced technology and even more portability.

PowerCore 10000

A revolution in high cell capacity portable charging.

It fits easily into any pocket or bag, making it the perfect charger for on the couch, on a plane, or anywhere else your phone needs a boost.

  • High Size-to-Cell-Capacity Ratio
  • 3 Phone Charges
  • High-Speed Universal Charging

Product Highlights

Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger, One of The Smallest and Lightest 10000mAh External Battery, Ultra-Compact High-Speed-Charging-Technology Power Bank for iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and More

Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger, One of The Smallest and Lightest 10000mAh External Battery, Ultra-Compact High-Speed-Charging-Technology Power Bank for iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and More

Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger, One of The Smallest and Lightest 10000mAh External Battery, Ultra-Compact High-Speed-Charging-Technology Power Bank for iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and More


A combination of 11 safety features that work together to provide ultimate protection for your devices, your chargers and most importantly: you.

High-Speed Charging

Anker’s world-renowned PowerIQ and VoltageBoost combine to provide a tailored, high-speed charge to almost any device.

Compact and Portable

Smaller than a deck of cards and as light as a baseball.

1263 A1229 A1244 A1268 A1287
PowerCore 10000 PowerCore Slim 10000 PowerCore Slim 10000 PD PowerCore Essential 20000 PowerCore Essential 20000 PD
Series Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic
Main Feature Portable /Light Slim Slim Portable Portable
Output Ports 1xUSB-A 1xUSB-A 1xUSB-C 1xUSB-A 2xUSB-A 1xUSB-C 1xUSB-A
Recharging Time ~4.7Hours ~5.5Hours ~4.5Hours (with PD charger) ~10.5 hours ~6.8Hours (with PD charger)
Size 3.6 x 2.3 x 0.9 in 5.87 x 2.68 x 0.55 in 5.87 x 2.68 x 0.55 in 6.22 x 2.93 x 0.76 in 6.22 x 2.93 x 0.76 in
Weight 180g/6.35oz 208g/7.52oz 208g/7.52oz 350g/12.32oz 350g/12.32oz

PowerCore 10000
The Compact High-Capacity Portable Charger

From Anker, America’s Leading Charging Brand
• Faster and safer charging with our advanced technology
• 50 million+ happy users and counting

Astonishing Size
PowerCore 10000 is incredibly small and light for its large capacity. It’s smaller than a deck of cards and as light as a baseball, but can charge a phone over three times and most tablets once.

Fast-Charging Technology
Anker’s exclusive PowerIQ and VoltageBoost technologies combine to ensure the fastest possible charge up to 2.4 amps.

MultiProtect Safety System
Surge protection, short circuit prevention, and more advanced safety features keep you and your devices safe.

Unrivaled Quality
Designed and built using only high-quality chips and hardware.
Worry-Free Warranty
At Anker, we believe in our products. That’s why we back them all with an 18-month warranty and provide friendly, easy-to-reach support.

• Use the included Micro-USB cable, your original cable or a third-party certified one (such as MFi); AC adapter not included.
• Please use an MFi certified Lightning cable (not included) to charge Apple devices.
• Compatible with most USB-charged devices, including iPhone 8 / X / XS / XS Max / XR (Lightning cable required), Android smartphones and tablets (including the Nexus 7), USB-C MacBooks / iPad (USB A to C cable required).
• Not compatible with the iPod nano, iPod Classic; Not for devices with an input below 50mA (e.g. some Bluetooth headsets and GPS devices).

What’s in the Box
• 1 Anker PowerCore 10000 portable charger
• 1 Micro USB cable
• 1 travel pouch
• 1 welcome guide

Features & Specifications

  • The Anker Advantage: Join the 50 million+ powered by our leading technology.
  • Remarkably Compact: One of the smallest and lightest 10,000mAh portable chargers. Provides almost three-and-a-half iPhone 8 charges or two-and-a-half Galaxy S8 charges.
  • High-Speed Charging: Anker’s exclusive PowerIQ and VoltageBoost combine to deliver the fastest possible charge for any device. Qualcomm Quick Charge not supported.
  • Certified Safe: Anker’s MultiProtect safety system ensures complete protection for you and your devices.
  • What You Get: Anker PowerCore 10000 portable charger, Micro USB cable, travel pouch, welcome guide, our worry-free 18-month warranty and friendly customer service. USB-C and Lightning cable for iPhone / iPad sold separately
  • Dimensions: 2.36 x 3.62 x 0.87 inches
  • Weight: 6.3 ounces

Pros & Cons


Worth every penny. I've had this power cell for almost 1 year. I left it on my car for a few months in variant weather and never charged it or used it. This morning I plugged it in for maybe 45 min and it was 1/2 charged. My phone went down to 3% and I got terribly lost in an unfamiliar place and needed to use Google maps and I knew that would kill my phone. I plugged in my phone to the charger and walked for 20+ minutes using my phone ,and got to where I'm going. Then left my phone to charge more and it charged all the way to 80% before running out of juice. I am very impressed that even sitting without use and in a hot car, this thing still worked great. I feel like it was definitely worth the money and am so glad I bought it.

Free Yourself From the Wall Outlet. If you're looking for peace of mind every time you leave the house, this power bank doesn't disappoint. It's the size of a credit card and only a hair heavier than my iPhone 6 making it extremely portable without being bulky and heavy. There's a power button you press which shows how much power is left via 4 blue leds (when it's dead, only one led will flash). You can only charge one device with this power bank but I'm always impressed by how quickly this charges my iPhone 6 (from 10% to near full takes approximately 1 hour). So far, I've been able to charge my phone about 4 times from near empty to full before having to charge the power bank. It comes with a usb cable to charge the power bank itself as well as a drawstring pouch. Since I hate carrying around the long original lightning cable from Apple, I bought the 1 foot "Double Braided Nylon Anker PowerLine+ Lightning Cable" which is the perfect size. What I love the most about this power bank is how effective it's been. The power bank itself requires at least 2 hours to charge from empty to full but once charged, your phone will charge to full in less time. As a result, I haven't charged my phone using a wall outlet since I bought this power bank more than a week ago. Not having to worry about my phone going dead or being near a wall outlet is the best feeling next to purchasing a new phone. So if you want a reliable power bank that charges your phone in no time and frees you from being attached to a wall outlet, GET THIS!

Tested for actual capacity, Dimensions are small!! All Lithium batteries are 20-25% off the mentioned capacity: If you don't care why you should skip this section!!! ********************************************************************** A little good-to-know fact on batteries: Lithium batteries are 3.7 V and USB ports are 5V, to convert 3.7 to 5 you are gonna lose some juice- about 20-25% of the battery's mentioned capacity. That means the actual capacity here should be around 7500 mah (again, almost all batteries actual capacities are 75-80%). ********************************************************************* You can see that by seller description: 2.5 time Samsung galaxy s8 is 7500 mah. good thing is that I checked the actual battery's capacity and it is really 7500 mah- so the seller is obviously honest here. PROS: - It is really small! see pics - actual capacity tested for 7500 mah. - can handle 2V both when charging or being charged. - it came with nice case and perfect length micro USB cable (pics) - It also works with apple: tested on iphone 7 and 8+ with no issues CONS - you are paying mostly for the compact size (at this price you can get some quick charge batteries). - input is 2A, so basically if you know your charge can do 2A it's gonna take 5-6 hours to charge it, otherwise, its gonna take 10-12 hours by 1A charger or a full day via computer port. summary: If you want a 7500 mah compact size battery you can carry in your pocket this one is the real thing. If you care too much on charging your phone fully in an half an hour- you should probably look for a battery compatible with your phone's quick charge standard.


The battery pack would not fully charge. I tried ... The battery pack would not fully charge. I tried using it and it only gave my phone 1.5 charges, it should have been over 4 charges. I tried to charge it again and it would only charge a quarter of the way after 24 hrs. I got a lemon and returned it.

Life expectancy is two months and lacks quality control. This portable charger worked as described for two months and then it stopped working completely. I never over charged it and I used it sparingly. Now, it will not charge-up, turn on or charge any device. It has totally failed. I purchased two others in May and they also failed after a few months. This product appears to have a design flaw and lack quality control because the life expectancy is less than advertised. I rate it 1/2 star.

Disappointed. I'm pretty disappointed with the charger. I've had it for less than a month and used it probably a total of 5 times. It no longer holds a full charge. I charged it overnight thinking I needed to charg it for a longer period of time, but that didn't work either.

How to Buy The Best Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger from which you can learn how to get the best Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger.

  • Is it worth buying the Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger?
  • What benefits does the product Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger?
  • What makes the Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger?
  • Why and how do you need the Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Anker PowerCore 10000 Portable Charger to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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