Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera, Christmas Birthday Gifts for Girls Age 3-9, HD Digital Video Cameras for Toddler…

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

kids camera digital camera

camera toy

Packing list:

1* Kids Camera

1* 32G SD Card

1*USB Type-C cable


1*Camera Stand

1*User Manual

  • Advantage :
  • 1. Dual cameras
  • 2.10x zoom lens
  • 3. Easy to use and carry
  • 4. 28 funny frames
  • 5. Come with 32GB SD card and Flash

Seckton X2 Pro Kids Selfie Camera

In order to stimulate children’s desire for exploration and interest in photography, we upgraded the 2022 version of the Seckton camera with a new high-definition dual camera configuration,10x zoom lens and flash. The cute appearance and powerful upgraded Selfie function make children can’t wait to explore the outside world. Cultivate children’s interest in photography and take the first step to become a talented photographer.

  • Specifications :
  • Display Screen: 2.4 inch
  • Battery Capacity: 650mAh
  • Charging Time: 1-2 Hours
  • Charging Cable: USB Type-C cable

HD Video Camera

Time Lapse

3 Funny Puzzle Games

HD Video Camera

It has professional 1080p video function that allows kids to record happy times during travel and kids can take videos for the family at Christmas.

Time Lapse

Turn on the time-lapse. It gives your kids enough time to pose for camera and capture the amazing moment. Photo will be taken automatically in 2 seconds /5 seconds /10 seconds.

3 Funny Puzzle Games

3 Interesting learning games that can develop children’s intelligence and exercise their ability to react and think.

X2 PRO with HD Dual Camera & Frames

X2 PRO with HD Dual Camera & Frames

This kids camera comes with front and rear cameras that can easily take cute photos. With 28 cute frames and 6 color filters can choose. Let your little girls boys get creative by taking photos and the lifetime more interesting.

toddler cameragreat gifts for kids

Perfect Gift for Kids Ages 3-10

Kids like taking selfies, videos, large Storage to meet the needs of kids. This camera toy can store thousands of photos, and kids can recall everything he has recorded! The perfect gift for boys and girls ages 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .


  • 1>When the camera indicates that the battery is low, please use the included data cable to charge it in time, plug it into the 5V power converter or the power USB port for charging. This unit is not equipped with a charger.
  • 2>Do not disassemble it by yourself to avoid danger.
  • 3>Do not beat or squeeze the camera to avoid damage to internal electronic components.
  • 4>Use the USB cable to connect to the computer. The phone will display charging and the computer will read the disk. You can download photos or music.
  • 5>For adding new music, please confirm the downloaded music is in MP3 format.
  • 6>The reset keys: When the screen is streaked or the machine cannot be turned off when the machine crashes, you can reset it through the round hole under the charging port and then restart the machine.
  • 7>This camera is an electronic product that is not waterproof. Do not expose the camera to splashing water.If you have any question with the product, we’re ALWAYS HERE to deal with it and satisfy your requirement.

Features & Specifications

  • ❤Upgrade 10x Zoom Lens & Flash - This kids camera is equipped with auto 10x zoom rotation lens, 8.0MP and 1080P Video. Greatly improved the definition of photos . The flash design on the top allows you to accurately capture happy moments even in the dark. With Big head sticker shooting, children can take photos with frames, leave some hilarious photos with family or friends.
  • ❤Dual Camera-This digital camera upgrade to dual camera configuration, easy to take selfies. The 2.4" IPS Screen allows you to take photos with a wider field of view and clearer photos. Include a portable lanyard hang, easy to carry and moving.
  • ❤Safe & Durable Shockproof - This camera is used high quality non-toxic soft plastic,more safe and comfortable for children’s skin. Shockproof shell provides effective anti-fall protection. In addition, the camera adopts SLR exterior design to realize the children's dream of a small photographer.
  • ❤Powerful Battery Life - The camera comes with a USB Type-C cable, which charges faster. Continuously taking photos for 1-2 hours after full charged! Come with Tripod & 32GB micro SD card to store thousands of photo!
  • ❤Christmas Toy for Kids - Perfect Birthday, festival ,holiday gifts for boys and girls aged 3~10. Children love taking photo with Seckton cute camera. Simply capture scene or animals on nature with family, experience the fun from nature. First step to develop kids as a talented photographer.

Pros & Cons


Perfect for kids! We got this for my 4 year old for Christmas because he is obsessed with taking pictures, and this was perfect! I was worried it wouldn't be durable enough for my crazy 4 year old son but it has held up well! It is small enough for his little hands but still good picture quality. It has fun filters and even a couple little games! My only complaint and the reason I gave it 4 stars is because the lanyard broke literally within a couple hours from just wearing it around the house and taking pictures, so that 2as a bummer because he wanted to wear it around at the family dinner and take pictures but it was broke before we even got there other than that, I have no complaints! He learned quickly how to maneuver and use it and does great with it.

Really cool camera toy. My son absolutely loves this camera, he takes pictures and videos on it all day lol the picture quality is decent but not perfect, but that’s expected cause it’s for kids. It’s easy to delete pictures or use a timer or filter, my son loves using the filters lol There is no flash on the camera, and idk if it’s supposed to be that way but the sound quality on videos is horrible and you can barely hear anything. There’s 3 games on it and there is supposed to be music but I guess that didn’t get transferred to the camera I received because nothing plays no matter what button you push the music never plays. But the sound does work for the games on it. Overall it’s a cute little camera, it really is the perfect size for little kids to use and my 3 year old loves playing on it and tbh I’ve had a pretty decent time playing with it as well even with its flaws

Tiny for their hands, efficient for their imagination. I love how tiny this camera is. I was not expecting it to fit so well in her hands. Her eyes widen of joy when she saw the camera light up. It’s meant for over 3years old… my daughter is a year and a half .. she can’t enjoy all its functions but still lives holding onto it.

Perfect for my 3 year old Granddaughter. My Granddaughter is obsessed with taking pictures and using FaceTime. Children nowadays are so technology driven and quick to pick it up. My Granddaughter was always trying to get Mom & Dads cell phones so she could take pictures; she loves this camera. It is very easy to use and has lots of features; although some of them are a little gimmicky. It offers still photos, video, cute little digital frames, and even a video style game or two. While a 3 year old can easily use it to take photos or even video, the extra features like frames and games are better suited for a child a little older. The camera is small, but still features a digital screen in addition to the traditional viewfinder, which makes it easier for younger kids to see what they want to take a picture of. Most of our photos come out with a finger partially in screen, but this is a learning experience and I’m sure pictures will improve over time. Please make sure you set your expectations of the quality of picture; these are not going to be high quality photos, but they aren’t bad either. The camera has some built in memory, but you can also get a digital memory chip to store more. Overall, I couldn’t have been more pleased with this, especially at the price point.

Great for my son. Great for my 6 year old son to use. Easy for him to use and picture quality is ok. Haven’t tried to connect to my computer yet but so far he has fun taking pictures where ever we go

Highly recommend three absolutely loves it. The camera is very easy to operate. The picture quality is fine not great but totally serves the purpose. Our child is a pro already! Very pleased.


Bad quality but cute toy for toddler. The camera is not for a 3 year old to use. It can be quite hard for them to navigate. Picture quality is not good at all but to have as a toy and take pictures for fun is okay. The lanyard was cheap. I like the idea of having the camera hang around my 3 year olds neck but the day of carrying it it broke. I contacted them and they had me sent a picture and everything and then they said they don’t have any replacement as if they checked to see if I was lying. That was very rude even though they offered to refund a small percentage. I would have refunded the whole item and get a full refund if my toddler didn’t already took so many pictures.

Cute first camera for kids. Its great for my 5 year old, he loves to take pictures. Otherwise the qaulity of the pictures is not that good and he doesnt really play the games on it, the screens just to small for it to be worth it. At this point it would have been better to make a simple camera to just take pictures with a slightly better qaulity then try to add so many bonus softwares to a camera with such a tiny screen.

Great camera but comes with games. This camera would be great for my 4 year old. Easy to navigate, good size, etc. unfortunately it comes with games so it has turned into a de facto gaming device/screen. This wouldn’t be a problem if I could disable them somehow, so that it actually got used as a camera sometimes. They need to create a feature to disable games.

I realize it’s a toy but come on! Look I realize this is a toy, I realize that it’s made for kids but it’s just really not good. The battery life is absolutely pitiful and the pictures and screen are meh at best. My daughter is happy which makes me happy but it really could be better. Maybe my expectation were just too high for it. ‍♂️‍♂️

Dark pictures, very very small. It works. It requires a very small memory card, you can't put a huge one in or it simply won't work. and children just snap pictures like crazy. And take videos like crazy. so not pleased there. Inside the house the pictures will be dark and not very clear and focused because there is no flash. I hate that it has no flash and regret not doing more research and making sure my daughter got a better quality one. Hopefully outside, when winter is finally over, we can get better pictures. But I semi regret getting this camera. I think they should have made it just a little larger and, at minimum, gave it a flash option.

Very small. A lot smaller than I expected but like.. though the real test is my toddler..he hasn’t picked it up since Christmas and i think its because he can’t pull out the screen and flip it to look at himself so its a little boring for him..its cute but not the best and small

How to Buy The Best Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera from which you can learn how to get the best Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera.

  • Is it worth buying the Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera?
  • What benefits does the product Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera?
  • What makes the Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera?
  • Why and how do you need the Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera? Do you like it?


How good is the product of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera, no matter it is good or bad?


On the whole, this is a pretty nice product that earns many praises from real life customers, being listed as one of the best sellers of Kids-Personal-Video-Players.

We highly recommend the Seckton Upgrade Kids Selfie Camera to you.

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