ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch, Colorful Doodle Board Drawing Pad for Kids, Drawing Board Writing Board Drawing Tablet, Educational Christmas Girls Toys Gifts for 3 4 5 6 Year Old Girls, Boys (Pink)

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch,Colorful Magnetic Doodle Board Drawing Board, Reusable Writing Pad,

Perfect Educational Learning Toy

Forget the broken pencils and crinkled paper. Kids will love doodling with this LCD doodle board! Sensitive Tech for easy drawing and one-touch erasing, the possibilities for creativity-building are literally endless. Kids will enjoy doodling and building drawing skills, but can also build writing skills.

LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch,Colorful Magnetic Doodle Board Drawing Board, Reusable Writing Pad

LCD Writing Tablet for Kids

Using the latest 2021 LCD pressure-sensitive technology, the writing tablet surface creates colorful lines of different thickness based on how hard you push.

The screen has no radiation and no glare, and has certain protection functions for the eyes, suitable for long-term use!

LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch,Colorful Magnetic Doodle Board Drawing Board, Reusable Writing Pad

LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch,Colorful Magnetic Doodle Board Drawing Board,Erasable Writing Pad

LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch,Colorful Magnetic Doodle Board Drawing Board,Erasable Writing Pad

One Click Clear Function

One-click clearing, it takes only one second to empty content on the screen, which is convenient for saving time.

No need to worry about laborious erasing and paper waste.

Freeze Content in One Second

The lock key can freeze the content so that it ensures continuous writing or drawing, you can still erase the content after unlocking to ensure a good writing experience.

Lock Battery for Child’s Safety

The built-in battery of the light drawing board has 12 months span life, Just keep the panel back up, you can complete the replacement for continuous use by removing the battery and replace it with a new one.

kids writing tablet

writing tablet writing tablet 8.5 in writing tablet boogie board 2 pack writing tablet dinosaur toys
10 Inch LCD Writing Tablet Blue 10 Inch LCD Writing Tablet Pink Colorful LCD Writing Tablet Dinosaur LCD Writing Tablet 2 pack LCD writing tablet Dinosaur LCD Writing Tablet
Screen Size 10 inch 10 inch 8.5 inch 8.5 inch 8.5 inch 8.5 inch
Line color Colorful Colorful Colorful Colorful Colorful Colorful
Color Options Blue/Pink/Yellow/Orange Blue/Pink/Yellow/Orange Pink/Blue/Sky Blue Pink/Blue/Sky Blue Pink/Blue Green/Pink/Blue
Quantity 1 Pack 1 Pack 1 Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 1 pack
One-click clearing
Replaceable Battery

Features & Specifications

  • Eye Protected Color Screen: ORSEN LCD writing Tablet adopt newest LCD pressure-sensitive technology, and has 10-inch LCD color large screen for easy viewing. The LCD screen of Writing Board without radiation and no glare, the boys girls toys is safe and comfortable, when children use for a long time, unleash the imagination of children.
  • Environmentally and Durable: The LCD Writing pad's battery can use 6 months (battery included). if the battery is exhausted, it can be replaced, and without charge or plug-in power, and the writing tablet can be reused 100000 times, and the stylus of girls toys can be hung on the writing board through the lanyard, you don’t need to worry about the stylus disappear and reduce the money of paper.
  • Easy to Use: Writing and drawing on an LCD tablet is like writing and drawing on paper. It creates lines of different thickness based on how hard you push. You can be erased all content and pattern by pressing erase button of this boys girls toys. You also can lock the erase button, keep the pattern on the writing pad. Unlocking the erase button still erases the pattern.
  • Lightweight & Portable & Durable: ORSEN writing tablet weighs 150g and measures 10 inches. it is great for cars, airplanes, restaurants and on the go, and you can easy into backpack. LCD writing tablet's case is made from durable plastic materials, Its anti-shock and anti-fall and would be good boys and girls gifts toys for age 3-15.
  • The Best Gifts Toys for Girls and Boys: LCD writing tablet can be used as a drawing board, notepad, reusable notebook, office writing board, drawing board, graphic aids, magic children's board, doodle board and so on. It is perfect Choice as gift for 3 4 5 6 15 year old girls boys for back to school, birthday, Thanksgiving Day, Easter and any occasion.
  • Dimensions: 9.84 x 6.85 x 0.24 inches
  • Weight: 5.3 ounces

Pros & Cons


Easy to use. Video Player is loading. Current Time 0:00 / Duration 0:07 : Stream Type Remaining Time - 0:07 Easy to use writing tablet. My toddler likes to scribble, so I got this and it's perfect!

My kids love it! I bought the ORSEN LCD 10 inch writing pad for my daughter for Christmas so I don't know how durable it is yet. Both my 13 year old son and my 8 year old daughter love it. The pad is lightweight and easy to use. The on touch erase is also nice. I read another review that said the colors were non-existent and the only faded colors were blue & yellow. I have to admit the colors weren't a bright as I thought they would be but there are more colors than just blue and yellow. My son colored the whole pad and I took a picture of it to show the colors. The colors are actually blue, yellow, green & I assume it's orange. All in all my kids love to draw so they love this pad. I would recommend this pad to anyone who's kids love to draw. I will try and upload some pics of my kids drawings.

Enjoyable to use. We requested one for Christmas for our daughter to use in homeschool and have loved it. No more worrying about open dry erase markers or worrying about them getting on clothes, furniture, each other. Clear display, easy to write, can be seen across the room. Fun to see the rainbow colors. Love that the stylus attaches to the board or it would likely have been lost long before this. We loved it so much and use daily that we ordered a second one six months later for our 2 yr olds birthday. Now they don't fight over it :) Our daughter did break one of the prongs that holds the stylus in with rough handling but so far it still stays in place. The biggest con has nothing to do with this particular one and only with the functionality of writing boards in general. When you use it for a math problem where you want to write part of it, then change elements of it you can't do that without erasing everything. So for times when you want a reference element to stay a whiteboard still wins, but overall this has been an absolutely wonderful addition to our house. It is super thin and lightweight and we haven't tried to travel with them but we did recently discover it fits nicely in an unused tablet case we had lying around. I have recommended them to others and the blue one we recently purchased actually came with a replacement battery which was unexpected but appreciated. I will say aesthetically I prefer the stylus holder to match the board (as it does in the yellow) rather than be so obvious on the light blue but really that is only preference, not something that would keep me from buying.


Lack of safety screw at battery compartment makes this unsafe for smaller or SN children. This tablet would be perfect, except, there is no screw securing the button battery in place, preventing a child from getting to it and swallowing it. If your intended users are old enough to know and be TRUSTED to leave the battery compartment alone, this tablet is fine. If your child cannot be trusted not to mess with it, this is a potentially lethal tablet. As a pediatric intensive care nurse who has seen the devastation one of these tiny little batteries can cause, and the fact that the target intended users are largely advertised to be children, the lack of a screw keeping the battery compartment secure makes no sense to me. I have bought four other brands of these tablets, and all the others have the retaining screw. I write this review in hopes that the seller/manufacturer sees the review and addresses the issue.

Fun toy but a MAJOR SAFTEY ISSUE. I got this toy as a gift for my son for Christmas and I took it out of the box to wrap it and thank god I did because it came with an extra button battery basically loose in the box. It could easily fall out and be a massive safety issue. Button batteries are absolutely deadly if swallowed, and this is a colorful little button battery SO easily accessible. Very very scary and unsafe! Definitely be aware if you are buying one of these for your kids.

Doesn't Work. Ordered this to donate to a local holiday toy collection. Received it last night and tried it out this morning to make sure it works. Unfortunately, it does not! The erase feature does not work. I tried replacing the battery but that didn't help. Disappointed that I now have to return it.

How to Buy The Best ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch from which you can learn how to get the best ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch.

  • Is it worth buying the ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch?
  • What benefits does the product ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch?
  • What makes the ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch?
  • Why and how do you need the ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the ORSEN LCD Writing Tablet 10 Inch to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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