JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids, Bubble Blower for Bubble Blaster Party Favors, Summer Toy, Outdoors Activity, Easter, Birthday Gift

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids, Bubble Blower for Bubble Blaster Party Favors, Summer Toy, Outdoors Activity, Easter, Birthday Gift

Bubble Gun by SLOOSH

Sloosh is here to make all your summer party dreams come true! That’s a promise. Sloosh was created as a premier shop for all things summer— inflatable rafts, water guns, bubble toys, and more! Need a unicorn sprinkler that shoots water from its horn? Or a whole fleet of hot-pink donut inflatables— Sloosh will make your summer parties shine! Our premium summer collection will deliver that perfect glowing selfie that you’ll cherish long after the season is over.

JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids, Bubble Blower for Bubble Blaster Party Favors, Summer Toy, Outdoors Activity, Easter, Birthday Gift

JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids, Bubble Blower for Bubble Blaster Party Favors, Summer Toy, Outdoors Activity, Easter, Birthday Gift

JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids, Bubble Blower for Bubble Blaster Party Favors, Summer Toy, Outdoors Activity, Easter, Birthday Gift

Ready, Aim, Bubbles!

Get ready for tons of bubbles! With a pull of the trigger, enjoy endless fun at your next wedding, backyard BBQ, or outing to the park. Comes included with solution and batteries.

Soft Trigger, Durable Toys

Our bubble guns are made for small hands, with soft triggers that are easy to pull and sturdy builds that will hold up to long playtimes.

Child-Safe and Non-Toxic

Our Bubble Guns and bubble solution passes child-safety tests, so you can rest easy knowing this is safe for little hands and faces.

JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids, Bubble Blower for Bubble Blaster Party Favors, Summer Toy, Outdoors Activity, Easter, Birthday Gift

2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution 10 oz 2 Bubble Guns for Kids, Bubble Blower with 2 Bubble Solution Bubble Maker with 2 Bottles Bubble Solutions 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill 2 Bubble Guns for Kids with 4 Bottles Bubble Solutions 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution 10 oz
2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution 10 oz 2 Bubble Guns for Kids, Bubble Blower with 2 Bubble Solution Bubble Maker with 2 Bottles Bubble Solutions 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill 2 Bubble Guns for Kids with 4 Bottles Bubble Solutions 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution 10 oz
LED Light x x
Music x x x x x
Size (In) 8.8 x 7.4 8.8 x 7.4 9 x 8.5 9 x 8.5 7.25 x 6.5 7 x 6.9
Bubble Solution .oz 2 x 5 oz 2 x 5 oz 2 x 4 oz 2 x 4.4 oz 4 x 1.7 oz 2 x 5 oz
Bubble Guns Packs 2 2 1 2 2 2
Eco Materials
18 Pcs Giant Bubble Maker with Tray 24 Pcs Mini Bubble Wands Assortment Party Favors 32 oz Bubble Solution Refill 32oz Bubble Refill Solution Concentrated Sloosh Bubble Lawn Mower Machine Bubble Machine with 2 Bubble Solution (118ml)
18 Pcs Giant Bubble Maker with Tray 24 Pcs Mini Bubble Wands Assortment Party Favors 32 oz Bubble Solution Refill 32oz Bubble Refill Solution Concentrated Sloosh Bubble Lawn Mower Machine Bubble Machine with 2 Bubble Solution (118ml)
LED Light N/A N/A N/A N/A x x
Music N/A N/A N/A N/A x x
Size (In) Various 2 N/A N/A 10.43 x 10.62 x 19.29 7.87 x 3.94 x 9.84
Bubble Solution .oz N/A 0.6 oz 32 oz 32 oz 4 x 4 oz 2 x 4 oz
Packs 8 24 1 1 1 1
Eco Materials

Features & Specifications

  • SUPER VALUE PACK. Our Bubble Blasters include 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bubble Solution (147 ml). Guns fire barrages of bubbles (800+ Bubbles Per Minute). Easy to Attach and Use. Child Safe. No Leaks or Spills. Required 3 AA Batteries for each gun (Batteries Not Included).
  • UNIQUE DESIGN & EASY TO USE. Our Colored Bubble Guns are easy to attach and use, Pull the trigger and the bubble gun unleashes a barrage of bubbles. It's child Safe with no leaks or spills design. Your kids can take on the go with these bubble shooters, it's a fun and interactive toy that will keep them entertained for hours.
  • ENDLESS FUN. These Bubble Blasters Guns will increase the excitement to a whole new level and it will attract their attention for a long time. It will never fail to entertain your kids. Thus encourages your children to play outside or with their friends and improves coordination between their vision and hand movements.
  • PREMIUM QUALITY. Child Safe: Non-Toxic. Meet the US toy standard. Safety test approved.
  • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Providing a 100% satisfaction experience is our main priority to our customers. Feel free to message us through “contact sellers” if products don’t meet your expectations. The celebrations start at JOYIN!
  • Dimensions: 7.8 x 6.8 x 6 inches
  • Weight: 1.89 pounds

Pros & Cons


Double fisted. My only complaint is that there are holes in the side of these guns that will allow liquid to get inside and short out the electrical components. However, they are very toddler resistant and mine has had hours of fun with these.

Bubble Guns. Absolutely love it brought it bc my toddlers they love bubbles and asking to buy for them. But they don’t have in stores so looking up and these have great reviews I’m glad I brought it for Easter’s coming up the kids gonna be so happy and love it

Great for part of the season unless kept inside not during use. Lets start off with these are great. They can easily be set up, used and given to kids to use. Downside, they dont last outside. Ideally, they need to come inside or go somewhere safe and covered to last. Otherwise, they just stop working. Im not talking about leaving them out in the 100 degree weather or rain. Like on the covered portion of a patio, they just seem to stop working. But the second set I bring inside continue to work. But overall, would buy again, but would make sure kids brought inside when not in use, which is kinda a pain.

They work really well! The batteries that came with them lasted the entire 3 hours we were outside which was great. I already had extra batteries on hand just in case. It was bubbles everywhere! We lit up the park lol!! Highly recommend! They didn't jam nor stop working & I refilled a few of them like twice. Stay prayed up and blessed everyone!!

Kids love it! Fun distraction for the kids outside! Lights up and shoots out a lot of bubbles

Son practicas y se divierten mucho. Son muy lindas igual a la foto se ensambla rapido y muy divertidas los niños la disfrutan mucho sobre todo al aire libre


Good but came scratched and dirty. It’s good but there’s scratches on it and the tubes and gun was dirty. I paid 20 some $$ for this and it’s not worth my money.

Work ok. They're so messy!! They tend to leak. Also, not great for babies/toddlers to use on their own--the trigger is a little too hard to hold down. One ad said that there's a lock to remedy this, but I didn't have that on my addition.

Doesn't work. Easy to use but doesn't work the next day

Kids love them. I have an Autistic son that loves to blow bubbles. This gun is perfect for him. It puts out a large number of bubbles at one time. The only thing that I have an issue with it when you unscrew the battery compartment sometimes the screw is rusted from the bubble formula leaking the screw will not unscrew from the plastic. When this happens the battery door will break open. I have tapped many of these close so that he can continue to play with it. rusted screws and plastic don't mix.

Messed up quickly…. Huge hit at Christmas but bubbles backed up quickly and now it doesn’t work so well… It’s great for outside but inside it’s TOO many bubbles and makes a wet mess.

Only 1 worked. Only 1 worked

How to Buy The Best JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids from which you can learn how to get the best JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids.

  • Is it worth buying the JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids?
  • What benefits does the product JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids?
  • What makes the JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids?
  • Why and how do you need the JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids? Do you like it?


How good is the product of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of Bubble-Blowing-Products.

We highly recommend the JOYIN 2 Bubble Guns with 2 Bottles Bubble Refill Solution (10 oz Total) for Kids to you.

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