VTech CS6529-4 DECT 6.0 Phone Answering System with Caller ID/Call Waiting, 4 Cordless Handsets, Silver/Black

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product VTech CS6529 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

CS6529 series

CS6529-2 CS6509
CS6529 CS6529-2 CS6529-3 CS6529-4 CS6509
Style 1 Handset 2 Handset 3 Handsets 4 Handsets Accessory Handset
Expandable Yes, up to 5 handsets with CS6509 Yes, up to 5 handsets with CS6509 Yes, up to 5 handsets with CS6509 Yes, up to 5 handsets with CS6509 Works with CS6529-x

Key Features:

digital answering system

14 minutes recording time

caller ID call waiting

Lighted keypad

9 number speed dial

Quite mode

Remote access

Conference call

speakerphone on handset

ECO mode

expandable to 5 handsets

wall mountable

The CS6529-4 will help you monitor your calls with 50 number caller ID and caller waiting so you’ll know in advance who is calling. With the convenient voicemail waiting indicator you’ll know when you have messages, and with 14 minutes of answering system recording time you can listen to your missed calls – even from your cordless handset. Quickly find and connect with missed calls with last-ten number redial. The convenient speakerphone feature keeps your hands free to jot down phone numbers or notes while eliminating the need to cradle your phone between your shoulder and your ear. Quickly find and connect with missed calls with last-ten number redial. With full hearing aid compatibility never again struggle to hear your loved ones on the other line. Intercom feature between the two included handsets lets you communicate between rooms. Comes with a convenient wall mount to help clean up desk clutter.

Features & Specifications

  • Know who's calling with caller ID/call waiting. Handset displays the name, number, time and date of incoming calls.
  • With the touch of a button, the handset speakerphones makes hands-free conversations easy.
  • The entire keypad illuminates along with the LCD screen, allowing for easier viewing in dim light.
  • Power-conserving technology manages consumption for optimal battery performance..Silence the ringer on the handset and base unit immediately, or for an extended period of time.
  • Hearing Aid Compatible.Use of caller ID feature requires a subscription from your telephone service provider
  • Note: Refer the User Manual before use.
  • Dimensions: 6.4 x 6.9 x 6.8 inches
  • Weight: 2.66 pounds

Pros & Cons


so knew they were great, but I needed a replacement set. I have ordered these types of phones, in the past, so knew they were great, but I needed a replacement set, so was so happy to find them here. I first discovered these, when I moved into a house where the phone jacks were not working and I needed a fast solution, and that's when I found these. I was able to plug these into an outlet, without the use of a phone jack, and I've been using this style of phones, every since. I was happy to find a new set that has four phones, instead of the three that I used to have, because that gave me more phones to use in more rooms. Three of the phones feed off of the main phone with the bigger base, because they are satellite phones. The cool thing about the main phone is that it has an answering machine feature, like the old school answering machines, so I can actually screen my calls, by listening , when the phone rings, and deciding if I want it to pick up, or let it go to voicemail. They have a volume feature, mute, redial and speaker phone feature, on each handset, and the smaller ones, just plug into an electrical outlet, and take up very little space.They also store several numbers, from incoming calls, on the screen, of the phones, and you can scroll through to reference or redial these numbers.The main phone has the answering machine feature, where you can play your messages, erase, etc. I have my main phone plugged into the modem of the computer, which is required, since it is a satellite phone, which means, if the computer goes down, so does the phone, but that does not come into play very often. I am so happy with these phones, and cannot say enough good things about them, I would highly recommend these.

V tech phones. I picked this unit up for my elderly neighbor who moves around her house with a Walker. Base unit plugged in her basement, and hand holds plugged in throughout main living area so she is always near a phone. Nice thing about this set is she can retrieve answering machine messages from throughout the house using her handhelds. I’m definitely going to consider these for myself when it’s time to retire my own older V tech phones.

Easy to Set Up, Nice Features. Our old VTech 4-phone cordless system died after more than 10 years of use, so we replaced it with this set. I was ready to let our land line go, but my husband uses it for a lot of his volunteer activities and wasn't willing to rely solely on his mobile phone and doesn't want to give out his cell phone number too readily. It was easy to set up and has some nice features, including the ability to select a unique ring tone for each handset and adjust the volume on each one. Another feature which has come in quite handy lately is the Intercom. With just a push of the "INT" button you can call any of the other 3 handsets. My husband has recently had hip replacement surgery, and when he's upstairs and I'm downstairs, he can call me if he needs anything instead of shouting to get my attention! The big buttons are easy to see and make dialing easy. The display, which includes time and date, is faintly backlit when in use, though you might struggle to see it in the dark. The sleek black and white design blends into the decor.

good phones, except for the red light that never goes off! lightweight and easy to use. so far so good. vtech is good quality. the only thing i dont like is the red light on the charging station THAT NEVER GOES OFF! it is a real distraction in a bedroom and elsewhere. our other cordless phone family that we upgraded from didn't have this light on ALL THE TIME. it is so unnecessary and annoying. if its in the charger, its charging, we get it! also, if it is fully charged, the light should change to a softer green. the red is extremely hard on the eyes and is ugly. if we take it off the charger, we can't see whose calling when it's lying down. if i had known this, i would have not bought these, for this reason.

Praises; no complaints! I like so many features about this phone system. It lights up, so it's easier to use in dim light. It has a Speaker Phone, which I find so useful when I'm trying to talk, but need my hands free for an additional chore. The Intercom feature is so helpful. It allows me to contact another handset w/o needing to leave my current location. The sound is crystal clear. It was easy to program. The handsets are narrow, which is good for us, people with small, arthritic hands, which tend to cramp up when needing to fully spread out to hold wider handsets for any length of time. ....I've had this Phone System for just a week, but so far, I am very happy I made the change. No complaints; just praises!!

Product is good, and the new delivery system is unbelievably great! V-tech phones seem to last longer than ATT phones based on my history with both. Amazon has started a new way to track when UPS stuffs off the delivery to subcontractor. Mine happens to be OnTrac and their delivery was completely awful, because I never know where they might throw the parcel. Today, 4-30-18, when I pulled up "tracking", it showed a map of my neighborhood, told me how many stops the driver had left and a real time dot showed me where the delivery truck was. I went outside and actually took the parcel from the driver. No more looking for it in the trash, or dog poop, or bed of my truck under the carport behind a locked gate. I am totally happy with this new method in real time tracking.


Buy the Panasonic.... This phone is the worst. I would give it no stars, but you must provide at least a one star rating... It is poorly made, has lousy audio and a weak directory. I have owned both V-Techs and Panasonics over the years, and the Panasonic is more capable, has better audio, especially on speaker phone, and is more durable. The Panasonic has a neat feature that announces the caller based on the caller ID, so you don't have to waste your time even picking up unwanted calls. It also has better blocking capability for robocalls and the like. Specific things I dislike about the V-Tech... the directory list of recent calls is limited to only 50. On top of that, the phone often fails to update a call. I have repeatedly picked up just after missing a call (coming in from the garden, etc.) and it does not display the number of the missed caller. The speaker audio is just not good. I have trouble hearing people when I use the hands free speaker. One of the phones broke within a five months . . . I could not hang up a call as the "off" (hand up button) did not hang up the call . I had to pull the battery to hang up the phone. Here is a link to the Panasonic: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HXMJ14S/ref=psdc_172614_rv_t2_B00WHYS0R2 (Note there is also a blue tooth Panasonic that will link with mobile phones.)

"Worthless and stupid is a heck of a way to run a business" I bought this awful thing two years ago. Where we live the cell signals are bad and there is only one land line provider, a wretched company that also sells 7 Mb/s thinband. Anyway, it worked just fine until yesterday: the three extension handsets and their bases (which only provide recharging power) decided to stop working. No dial tone, can't call out or receive calls. I performed ALL the troubleshooting steps in their user guide to no avail. I just finished a phone call with one of the abject morons in their support facility and the only thing offered was a 15% discount on another purchase of this garbage. It had no answer for the product fault. Don't just stay away from this crap, run and hide from this crap and the feces-level quality of this "company."

Need better directions. The telephones fit into my four level house very conveniently. I wish the directions for various activities in using the telephone were in English rather than numerals and letters.....I am missing many of the conveniences touted in these phones due to lack of educated senior understanding. But, I am 88 years old and not kindergarten educated when it comes to this new and wonderful electronic age. I wonder if anyone in the direction business of such gadgets stops to realize how many VERY senior citizens are their chief purchasers? I wonder if they know how to teach with understandable directions? I wonder if they realize that people who can afford these wonderful little telephones are all over the age of 60?

Better Options Out There. I wish I'd paid a bit more attention to the features of this phone. The reviews souinded promising but all I can guess is these people didn't have good phones prior to their purchase of this one! My main complaint is the size of the display. It's very small and doesn't light up when a call comes in. It's extremely difficult to read even with my reading glasses on. Calls are not announced, either. I thought surely this was a setting I could control, but nothing in the manual indicates this can be turned on. I miss that from my previous phone set. Working from home as many of us are now doing, it's helpful to have calls announced when you are frequently on multiple calls between your cell phone and home phone. I wish I'd paid more attention. Too late to return but I sure wish I could.

I would not recommend this system especially by seniors or anyone needing aid for seeing. This isn’t my first set of multi landline phones and these are the least desirable phones I’ve ever bought. They’re less than 3 months old and one phone will not charge any longer. The phones are so tiny their hard to hold and the wording and numbers on the screen are small and very hard to read. I miss the option of hearing who is calling before I have to run to the phone to answer. I’m very sorry I bought this set and I’m placing my order for a better set today. I would not recommend this phone system to anyone.

Much Poorer Quality than Earlier VTech Phones. We had purchased the VTech CS6529-4 to upgrade the older VTech CS6229-3 we had purchased from Amazon.com in 2011 with the newer features now available. Unfortunately the base station / answering machine speaker on the new CS6529 was so tinny-sounding that it was hard to understand and the beeper that was supposed to tell you a new message needed to be heard was too soft to be heard and had no adjustment. The four handsets worked decently but the base station / answering machine was a non-starter. We talked to both Amazon.com support and also to VTech technical support. VTech recommended we buy a different model from them directly and would give us 15% off . . . from that we could see how little confidence VTech placed in their own CS6529 model. So we returned the CS6529-4 to Amazon.com for a full refund. Our 11 year old VTech CS6229-3 set still works fine and will have to soldier on for a few more years without any of the newer features that VTech now markets.

How to Buy The Best VTech CS6529?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of VTech CS6529? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product VTech CS6529 from which you can learn how to get the best VTech CS6529.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of VTech CS6529.

  • Is it worth buying the VTech CS6529?
  • What benefits does the product VTech CS6529 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product VTech CS6529?
  • What makes the VTech CS6529 to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product VTech CS6529?
  • Why and how do you need the VTech CS6529?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the VTech CS6529. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best VTech CS6529.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best VTech CS6529.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of VTech CS6529, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of VTech CS6529 offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of VTech CS6529? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of VTech CS6529? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of VTech CS6529? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of VTech CS6529?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of VTech CS6529, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the VTech CS6529 to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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