220V to 110V Converter, GEARGO 230W Voltage Converter for Hair Straightener, Curling Iron with Type C Port PD18W, 4 USB Charging and 3 AC Sockets, EU/UK/AU/US/IT Worldwide Universal Travel Adapter

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product 220V to 110V Converter before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

power converterpower converter

power converter

  • Color: White
  • Out Power: 230W Max
  • Input Voltage: AC 100-240V
  • Output Voltage: AC 100-120V
  • USB Output: 3.0A+ AUTO 5V 3A Max(2.4A per part max)
  • AC Input Cord: AC Power Cord with EU Plug
  • Replaceable Plug: US-,AU-,UK-, IT Type Plugs

220V to 110V Voltage Converter Adapter Combo

Worldwide Power Converter

  • 230W New Model Voltage Converter – Step down voltage from 220-240V to USA standard voltage 110V/120V. Specially used for Hair Straightener, Curling Iron, Hot Air Brush.
  • Advanced 7 Devices Charging Design – 3 standard AC outlets and 4 USB charging ports with Type C Port PD18W, which provides up to 4X faster charging speed.
  • Universal Travel Adapter – 1 EU power cable and 4 international adapters (US/UK/AU/IT) that fit over 150 countries.
  • Quiet work – With a silent bearing fan that will not disturb your sleep.
  • Safety Certified – Auto shut down surge protection that guards against : high current, over heating and short circuiting.
  • Compact & Portable: Simply put the compact size with detachable power cable into the storage pouch which helps keep the voltage converter clean and save precious space.


power converter

power converter

power converter

All-in-one Conversion Kit

4 smart USB charging ports with 3 AC outlets, enables you to charge 7 devices simultaneously without taking turns charging.

Compact Design

Come with a travel pouch to store the adapter and plugs, so you can save more area for other things and will not be messy.

Quiet & Safety

With a silent bearing fan that will not disturb your sleep. The silent fan will not start until device temperature is above 105°F. Built-in Fuse and thermostat switch will automatically shut off in case of: overheating, high current, high voltage, overcharging and short circuiting.

Worldwide Travel Adapter

230w power converter

230w power converter

230w power converter

230w power converter

Type G

Mainly used in Bhutan / Botswana / Brunei / Cyprus / Dominica / England / Ghana / Grenada / Hong Kong / Iraq / Ireland / Kenya / Macau / Malta / Malaysia / Nigeria / Northern Ireland / Pakistan/ Qatar / Saint Lucia / Saint Vincent / Saudi Arabia / Scotland / Singapore / Sri Lanka / Tanzania / Uganda / United Arab Emirates / Wales / Yemen / Zimbabwe, etc.

Type I

Mainly used in Argentina / Australia / China (mainland, excluding Taiwan) / Fiji / New Zealand / Papua New Guinea / Tokelau (the Union Islands) / American Samoa / Argentina / Cook Islands / Kiribati / Nauru / SaintVincent and the Grenadines / Samoa / Solomon Islands / Tajikistan / Timor-Leste / Tonga/ Tuvalu/ Uzbekistan/ Vanuatu / Uruguay, etc.

Type L

Mainly used in Italy / Ethiopia / Chile / Lybia / Syria / Tunisia / Uruguay, etc.

Type A

Mainly used in American Samoa / Antigua and Barbuda / Aruba / Bahamas / Barbados / Belize / Bermuda / Brazil / Canada / Cayman Islands / Colombia / Costa Rica / Cuba / Ecuador / El Salvador / Guam / Guatemala / Haiti / Honduras / Jamaica / Japan / Laos / Liberia / Mexico / Micronesia / Montserrat / Nicaragua / Panama / Peru / Philippines / Puerto Rico / Saudi Arabia / Taiwan of China / Thailand / Venezuela, etc.

Features & Specifications

  • Upgraded Version Power Converter Adapter Combo: Step down voltage converts 100-240V to 110/120V, so you could use American electronics like hair straightener, curling iron, electric shaver/ toothbrush, cell phone, camera, watch, laptop and other electronic devices under 230W.
  • Charge 7 Devices Simultaneously: 3 standard AC outlets and 4 USB charging ports with Type C Port PD18W, which provides up to 4X faster charging speed, it can charge compatible devices from 0 to 80% in 35 minutes. This travel power adapter can charge 7 devices simultaneously.
  • Worldwide Use: 1 EU power cable and 4 international adapters (US/UK/AU/IT) that fits the following outlet types : A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N more than 150 countries all over the world, like Europe, Canada, Japan, India, UK, Australia, China, HK, Mexico, Thailand, Singapore etc. Note: This universal travel adapter is not compatible in South Africa.
  • Safety Protection: Auto shut off surge protection that guards against : high current, over heating and short circuiting. Note: USB outputs are completely isolated from the AC power to prevent all your devices from being damaged.
  • Low Noise & Compact Design: Silent operation below 20dB allows you to sleep easily in a comfortable and quiet environment. Simply put the compact size (6.3x3.1x1.5 inch) with detachable power cable into the storage pouch which helps keep the travel plug adapter clean and save precious space. Great for both business and leisure travelers.
  • Weight: 1.28 pounds

Pros & Cons


This does what it's supposed to do! The media could not be loaded. I bought this travel converter as it was having a promotion and a discount. Compared to other products in the same price range this converter feels better. Quality is great, and it can run my hair dryer and the hair curler. I'm going to be traveling soon, and it has all the different adapters that I can use. Overall I'm very satisfied with my purchase and highly recommend!

Great for travel. My wife and I both use a cpap machine. We both can plug in to it at the same time. It doesn’t have enough power for a hair dryer, but we can use both cpaps and charge our iPhone at the same time while traveling in India

So effective and quiet!! I really had my doubts initially, especially ordering this from France, but it arrived quickly and well packaged and totally met and exceeded my expectations. I had a different brand that I was using and it was so loud! It made the worrying and buzzing noise all day long that drove me crazy but this one is blissfully silent! Not a single sound and still does all the things that the old one did. I’ll be ordering a second one for sure! Great product!

Small, easily packed for travel. Worked perfectly especially since the power cable plug connector fits Iceland plugs exactly.

Very high quality and great travel size. I bought this power converter because I knew that I needed a high quality product and that is exactly what I got. For the price I would admit that I wished it came with a few more features. The plus is that this product comes in a very small form factor perfect for traveling when you don’t have much space to waste. There are more than enough USB ports to enjoy plugging in different things that don’t come with a power brick. Time will tell whether this hold up over the years but so far I am usually able to tell when a product will last and I can tell this is one of those products. The power cable length is long enough to be able to get to a power source just about anywhere. There are many positives but the only negatives would come from the fact that it isn’t cheaper because it meets all my needs. This power converter is something that I have needed for many years since it has all the different connections that someone could need when traveling to different countries. The different converters feel high quality and connect very easily. The best part about this product is that it is very durable and can probably handle a drop or two and I can be confident that it will still work perfectly. The product comes very organized and is very lightweight. I can already tell I will be using this power converter very much! It’s very sleek and easy to use. Will definitely take with me on trips.

A great companion for traveling to Europe. I am currently using the adapter in Germany and I am very happy the power coverter. With only one adapter, I can use all my devices (1 laptop, ipad, 2 iphones). the PD USB C givecs plenty of power for fast charging my iphone and I can use a fast charger also to power up my 2nd phone. I no longer need to carry multiple adapters when I'm traveling. The case that comes with it is also very useful for traveling and not having all the parts get lost. The adapter also comes with other plugs so you can use it in England, Austrailia, etc... One of my favorite features is the power button on it, so when I want to shut off power I don't have to unplug the power cable. I haven't used it with high wattage devices like hair dryer bc the hotels always have it but I don't think it would havce any problem handeling it as long as you check the power to make sure its not too high.,


Do not buy this. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT! The converter worked and I had no issues with it when plugging it into a wall plug that matched the cords male plug end. The huge problem is using the seperate adapters. They all fit so loose that they would not stay plugged into the adapter ends. We tried a rubber band and a couple of bandaids to keep the adapter ends together.

Poor Product. I purchased this item on 1/30/22 in anticipation of international travel. Common knowledge that you cannot test and use the converter until you actually are in a foreign country with 220v. That international trip finally occurred on 5/8/2022. The converter worked flawlessly for 5 days and then failed. Very bad timing requiring a scramble in Italy for a suitable replacement. While it is easy to point to user error, that simply was not the case as this is very simple to use; it is a very inferior product and i would caution anyone looking at purchasing to look elsewhere.

Does not work as described. This is a sturdy product and arrived on time with a nice carrying bag. It comes with several plug adapters for different types of outlets. It did not work with a hairdryer in either England or Ireland which is what it was purchased for. It did however work for phone chargers. When the hairdryer was plugged in sparks flew out of the dryer. It was quite pricey just to be able to charge a phone.

Doesn't work! UPDATE: Worked with Geargo customer service and was given full refund for what was an apparently defective unit. Bought this product because it looked like the best choice. Traveled to Ireland; this first time I tried to plug it in, it didn't work. No power to the device. Had to find a store that sold US-Ireland adaptors. Very inconvenient. Can't return; by the time I returned from my trip, the return window had expired. I would give this 0 stars if Amazon would let me. Don't buy this item!

Do not trust this for travel, broke after one day. This looked like the best thing to take on a trip, but it stopped working after only one day of use! I wasn't stressing it, only had a 65W laptop charger and one usbc cable plugged in, so quite a bit below the power rating. I should have trusted the negative reviews. Sadly, I'm unable to rate this product lower than a single star, I'd like to give it a negative rating to properly measure my disappointment and the waste of time and money this cost me. Best to inspect your chargers, as most will be just fine with 120V to 220V input and you can just use an inexpensive plug adapter instead. Buyer beware!

Worked for charging our phones, but not the hair straightener. I bought this one because it claimed to work for a hair straightener, but it did not. Once the hair straightener got to full heat the converter shut off. It worked fine for our phones, but there were better options if all wanted to do was charge the phones.

How to Buy The Best 220V to 110V Converter?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of 220V to 110V Converter? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product 220V to 110V Converter from which you can learn how to get the best 220V to 110V Converter.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of 220V to 110V Converter.

  • Is it worth buying the 220V to 110V Converter?
  • What benefits does the product 220V to 110V Converter offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product 220V to 110V Converter?
  • What makes the 220V to 110V Converter to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product 220V to 110V Converter?
  • Why and how do you need the 220V to 110V Converter?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the 220V to 110V Converter. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best 220V to 110V Converter.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best 220V to 110V Converter.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of 220V to 110V Converter, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of 220V to 110V Converter offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of 220V to 110V Converter? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of 220V to 110V Converter? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of 220V to 110V Converter? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of 220V to 110V Converter?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of 220V to 110V Converter, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the 220V to 110V Converter to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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