Action Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories Kit

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Action Camera 4K 30FPS before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Action Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories KitAction Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories KitAction Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories KitAction Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories KitAction Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories KitAction Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories Kit

  • WOLFANG GA100 action camera comes with 20 accessories that attach to helmets, bikes, surfboards, cars, and other objects easily, suitable for all kinds of outdoor sports, including mountain biking, cycling, and motorcycling, skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, racing, surfing, snorkeling, etc.
  • Requires 16-64GB Class10 U1 SD card, please format the card when you use the camera for the first time.
  • The waterproof housing of the GA100 is waterproof up to a depth of 40 meters.
  • GA100 sports camera can transfer files via the LIVE DV app connected to the camera’s WiFi.
  • Each battery has a recording time of 60-90 minutes, with 2 batteries included, and charging is through the mini USB cable.
  • The quality of the video/picture/sound is higher when playing it back on your phone/computer than the camera itself.
  • Please note that the remote control is not waterproof.
  • When in 4K resolution, the EIS is not supported.

If you are looking for more action cameras with different features, see here↓ ↓↓ These are all part of the WOLFANG Family! There certainly is one perfect for you!

Action Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories Kit Action Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories Kit Action Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories Kit Action Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories Kit Action Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories Kit Action Camera 4K 30FPS, WOLFANG GA100 20MP WiFi 40M Underwater Waterproof Camera, 170° Wide Angle Dual Microphone Helmet Camera with Remote Control, EIS, 2x1050mAh Batteries and Mount Accessories Kit
Video / Photo Resolution 4K/30fps & 20MP 4K/30fps & 24MP 4K/60fps & 20MP 4K/60fps & 24MP 4K/60fps & 20MP 4K/60fps & 20MP
Waterproof in Case 40M 40M 40M 40M 40M 40M
Display Size 2 Inches 2 Inches 2 Inches 2 Inches 2 Inches 2 Inches
Battery 2*1050mAh 4*1050mAh 2*1350mAh 2*1050mAh 2*1350mAh 2*1350mAh
External Microphone x x x
Remote control
APP LIVE APP iSmart DV2 iSmart DV2 iSmart DV2 iSmart DV2 iSmart DV2
Angle Wide Angle (default) Wide / Medium / Narrow Wide Angle (default) Wide / Medium / Narrow Wide Angle (default) Wide Angle (default)
Specialized Feature Remote Control and External Microphone Charger & 4 Batteries Elite Bike Camera Portable Version 8M Bare Waterproof>Summer Version 10M Waterproof > Summer Elite

Features & Specifications

  • 🎬【Built-in 4K Video & 20MP Photo】WOLFANG GA100 Action Camera has a built-in 4K video resolution, video resolutions available: 4K/30fps, EIS 2.7K/30fps, EIS 1080P/60fps, EIS 1080P/30fps, EIS 720P/120fps. It has a 20MP photo resolution and other resolutions from 8MP to 20MP available. This is a true 4K action camera.
  • 🚴‍♀️【Advanced EIS & Helmet Accessories】Built-in 3-axis stabilization gyro keeps the images stabilized in place and ensures clear and stable images and videos. The camera also comes with helmet accessories which makes the camera a helmet camera. Other accessories can make it a bike camera, surfing camera, canoe camera, snorkeling camera, or vlog camera.
  • 🏊‍♂️【40M Waterproof & Durable Casing】WOLFANG GA100 is made of high-quality durable material, the case improves the waterproof level from 30M to 40M. You never need to worry about any water damage when diving, and it is perfectly functional in the rain or snow. The casing makes the camera a waterproof underwater camera that is resistant to damage from wipeouts while in use.
  • 🎤【Dual Microphone & Multi Mode】This GA100 action camera has an external mic that can record sounds and voices clearly even when used in noisy environments. The action camera also has many modes to meet the different needs of people, like loop recording, time-lapse, slow motion, timer shooting, burst photo, car mode, and upside down. The GA100 action camera is a time-lapse camera, slow motion camera, and dashcam.
  • 📶【WiFi Connect & Phone Control】WOLFANG GA100 supports a built-in WiFi connection to a smartphone, you can control the recording via your phone and see it more clearly on a larger screen, download photos to your phone directly, and share them to your friends/network. The GA100 is a WiFi action camera.
  • Dimensions: 2.36 x 1.65 x 0.98 inches
  • Weight: 1.23 pounds

Pros & Cons


affordable quality. I needed to replace my early version GoPro that never seemed to hold a charge from day one--'nother story...and I didn't want to go in deep for another action camera because A- they are mounted in an open cock pit race car the is pelted with track debris and B you can read as many reviews as you want and still end up with a POS. I haven't raced with it yet and that will test the camera's anti-shake and video clarity, but what I can say is that it is easy an intuitive to set up, has a decent starter set of mounts and other hooha's that get you going. A nice plus is the that mounts for all these camera's are interchangeable, so I don't have to fiddle with changing that stuff. I did a couple of short tests of the formatted SD cards to make sure they are working and the on-camera screen was useful and clear enough for viewing, though at this price point you shouldn't expect HD experience. I like that the remote start can start more than one camera--which is part of my plan to have two camera's so I can view the shenanigans of the cars behind me--so one button push will start both cam's recording. I liked external mic as I would like to do some car related mechanical videos. In a perfect world I'd like to not have to reset the date when I change batteries and I wished that the remote start was also a remote "on" since I cant reach the camera when I'm strap in at pregrid and waiting for the start. Other than that I think this will be a pretty good alternative to MUCH more expensive models--and I can spend the extra on things that make me go faster....

Lot of accessories, Great Customer Service, Entry Level Camera. This camera came with lot of accessories to get you started. It worked easily for me right out of the box, easy to learn, and has lot of features. After a number of test videos, I decided that for my needs I will need a camera that is able to do 4K with better stability and returned it. I am getting a higher end version from the company instead. It might be a good starter camera for some people or one that is planned for some abuse so you don't lose out on money due to a very reasonable cost for this camera. If you are expecting the performance of a high end camera at a extremely low cost, this is not for you. PROS: Customer Service is really really good. One of the best I have dealt with. Loaded with accessories to get you started. Easy to use. Video at lower settings for general use is good (1080 or less). CONS: The EIS feature doesn't work at 4K setting ( or mine didn't). Fast movements causes some distortion that a good EIS should be able to handle. If slow moving, 4k might be ok but my needs are "ACTION" camera. Overall, the camera was not for me. It might be for you. I am happy with the opportunity to try it out and the support from the company.

How to Buy The Best Action Camera 4K 30FPS?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Action Camera 4K 30FPS? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Action Camera 4K 30FPS from which you can learn how to get the best Action Camera 4K 30FPS.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Action Camera 4K 30FPS.

  • Is it worth buying the Action Camera 4K 30FPS?
  • What benefits does the product Action Camera 4K 30FPS offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Action Camera 4K 30FPS?
  • What makes the Action Camera 4K 30FPS to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Action Camera 4K 30FPS?
  • Why and how do you need the Action Camera 4K 30FPS?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Action Camera 4K 30FPS. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Action Camera 4K 30FPS.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Action Camera 4K 30FPS.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Action Camera 4K 30FPS, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Action Camera 4K 30FPS offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Action Camera 4K 30FPS? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Action Camera 4K 30FPS? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Action Camera 4K 30FPS? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Action Camera 4K 30FPS?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Action Camera 4K 30FPS, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Action Camera 4K 30FPS to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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