Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime, Euki Door Bell Ringer Wireless with Camera, 1080P HD, Human Detection, Night Vision, 2-Way Audio, IP65, Rechargeable Battery, for iOS & Android

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

EUKI-J7 2K version funtions

“Privacy is our top priority, protecting our family when we are out and about.”

Whether for videos uploaded to the cloud or saved in your SD Card. All date was protected.

We deploy bank-level AES 256-bit data encryption codec to secure your personal information while transmitting occurred.

Whether you’re at work, walking the dog or traveling, you can always see what’s happening through your video doorbell.

EUKI-J7 See it before you hear it

“A stranger kept knocking on the door, I can see and talk to him via the doorbell.”

When you are at home, you can view the stranger before you open the door.

When you are not at home, you can chat with visitors in real time through the doorbell.

You can also leave up to 10s voice message in the APP. And then you can select a pre-recorded response in a simple way when you’re not available to talk or in a hurry.

Smart PIR Motion Detection

“Someone stole a package from my front door and I don’t want my package be stolen again.”

When anyone passes by, the home security doorbell camera will wake up rapidly, and send you app push notifications instantly. Detection Sensitivity and triggering time are adjustable. You’ll only be alerted for the moments that matter. It will also sound an alarm when your doorbell camera is forced removed.

EUKI-J7 battery

EUKI-J7 2 storage methods

EUKI-J7 166° view angle

EUKI-J7 Wirless Chime

90-Day from 1 Charge

Keep recording 90 days after a full charge, 15 events per day and 10s recording length each. The actual duration varies depending on the recording frequency and video length.

Secure Cloud Storage and Local Storage

Supports up to 128G SD card storage(SD card not included) and provide first 7 days free cloud storage.

166° Wider Angle Viewing

Wireless doorbell has a built-in 166° wide-angle lens so that you can get a clearer and wider view at your door.

100% Wireless Chime

The wireless chime is easy to be set in any room. It will remind you of the visitors when your phone is not by your side. Never miss an important visitor!

EUKI-J1 Night Vision

EUKI-J7 Anti-Theft Warning

Voice mail

EUKI-J7 group share

2K IR Night Vision

Built-in IR lights automatically sense the ambient light and switch to night vision mode, permitting you to see clearly even in darkness.

Anti-Theft Warning

If someone tries to remove the doorbell camera, an alarm will be issued and a video alarm message will be sent to your phone.

Voice Mail

Record audio (up to 10 seconds) in advance so that you can respond with pre-recorded quick reply messages when you are busy.

Multi-Device Sharing

You can share the local videos with your family members, it can share up to 5 users.

EUKI-J7 package list

Warm Tips :

It only supports 2.4G Wi-FI Connection.

The SD card is not included.

If notifications are not received, please check whether the notification permission on your mobile phone and the software are turned on.

Please tighten the security screw after installing the camera doorbell into the mounting bracket to avoid false anti-Theft Warning.

If you have any questions, you can get help online in the App’s Help & Feedback.

Package includes:

  • 1* Wireless WiFi Video Doorbell
  • 1* Wireless Indoor Chime & 3* AA Battery
  • 1* Wall Mount Bracket
  • 1* USB Cable
  • 1* User Guide
  • 1* Screw Kit

J7 Easily Installation

Why choose EUKI Wireless Video Doorbell Camera?

Q1: How long does the battery last?

Typically, a full charge lasts 2-3 months, depending on your setup, usage, and temperature.

Q2: How much is cloud storage?

There is first 7-day Cloud service for free.( 7 days free only for new subscription users of Cloudedge App)

We’re looking forward to hearing from you with your experience of our cloud service

3 days Cloud Recordings :2.99USD/per month, 30USD/per year

7 days Cloud Recordings :4.99USD/per month, 50USD/per year

30 days Cloud Recordings :15.99USD/per month, 160USD/per year

Q3: Can it be use 5GHz Wi-Fi?

No, it only support 2.4Ghz WiFi, dual-band (2.4G and 5G) WiFi need to set a separate 2.4G channel.

Q4: Is the Wi-Fi connection good?

YES. Increased Wi-Fi range, reduced the problem that WiFi is easy to disconnect and the wireless camera can’t be used. (The best installation distance is 16 Feet.)

Q5: Is this wireless doorbell camera easy for someone to steal?

NO. If someone removes your wireless doorbell camera, it will sound an alarm and a video will be recorded at the same time.

Features & Specifications

  • ⚡【100% Wireless & Easy to Install and Set up】This wireless doorbell camera takes less than 5 minutes to install, set up and use. Mount it in your desired location for your apartment, without wires and drills. Download CloudEdge App on Google Play/App Store, only pair the doorbell with your mobile device and wireless chime(batteries included), you can enjoy the convenience of wireless function.
  • 【2K HD & IR Night Vision】Thanks to the update from the new version, the resolution of the J7 doorbell camera has been upgraded from 1080P to 2K! It equipment with a wider viewing angle of 166°, offers you crystal-clear images and video recordings, won't miss any out-of-sight corners! Built-in IR lights automatically sense the ambient light and switch to night vision mode, permitting you to see clearly even in darkness.
  • 【PIR Human Detection & Two-way Audio】Built-in PIR Sensor allows you to receive instant notifications when anyone presses your doorbell or when motion is detected. Built-in microphone and speaker provide you real-time clear two-way audio, you can see, hear and talk with the visitors immediately, or select a pre-recorded voice message for quick replies.
  • ️【Free Local Storage & Family Sharing】This wireless doorbell is one-time purchased without monthly fee. It will keep more than 24-Month's video with a 16 GB memory card(NOT INCLUDED), and automatically overwrite the previous file to record in a loop. You can also share the account with your family members, it can share up to 5 users.
  • 【IP65 Weather-proof, Low-power & Anti-Theft】Don't worry to mount it outdoor! With IP65 weatherproof(-4℉-122℉), this doorbell camera can withstand the harshest weather conditions. Built-in 5000mAh rechargeable batteries, this low-power doorbell camera lasts longer than other doorbells in standby mode. If someone moves your doorbell, the doorbell's anti-theft alarm trigger will sound a loud alarm to notify your family and neighbors, and your phone will receive an alarm.
  • Weight: 15.5 ounces

Pros & Cons


Easy to use, not a fan of ring. This is honestly very easy to use and I love the options it give your to keep it powered. I’m more happy that it works with a sd card and not a cloud storage system. I had a weird issue with my ring and my neighbor was getting my pictures and video feed some how and made me concerned what other people could see. This has calmed my nerves a bit, camera quality is great, app works great, can’t really ask for much more. Also no fees! I’m sick of paying subscriptions for every item I buy!

Good Door bell with video. Answer your door from anywhere in the world that has internet access. Works as intended. My last video door bell worked for two years. Batteries were no-longer holding a good charge. It's good to upgrade door bell ring every two years as technology updates. Would recommend.

Easy to install, works great and built well to run from most doorbell power lines. Winner. I don't normally write reviews but this doorbell is awesome. Was easy to install. It came with a 32gb sd card but I used a 128gb sd card that I had laying around and it'll hold months (maybe years?) of doorbell or motion detection activity. I don't need any cloud subscription ever and being a NYC townhouse I have lots of activity by my front door. The original (ancient NYC) doorbell power worked perfectly. I rated it at 19.8volts. But the design gives you enormous flexibility on the supplied power and you don't have to worry about charging it. The app works great! All in all a great deal.

Great product and easy to install. I purchased this so we could see who was coming to our home while away. This is a great video doorbell that is easy to install and so easy to use. Download the app and setup the doorbell and you are good to go. Very easy to charge and use this doorbell. Once a visitor presses the doorbell you can answer and talk to them via the App on your phone. The internal storage card makes it easy to see who has come and gone whole you are away. The convenience of the security and the ease of installation and user-friendly app.overall Great picture quality and great product for the cost. I am pleased this product so far.

Can the ring doorbell be hacked? I am very happy with this purchase and so excited to have my first doorbell! Product exactly as described. Easy to install and easy to download the app to my phone. It is very well made and sturdy. I have the ring doorbell for about a week now and I love it. I can see everything from my phone and can check what's happening outside my front door. Image clarity is normal. This tool solved my problem. I am extremely pleased with this purchase. Plus, the price makes this a bargain compared to many other big brands

Great doorbell cam. Very pleased with this doorbell cam, was ready easy to setup and install, live the I can use the Cloud Edge app, battery life very good, I have had this over over 3 months and just now it's alerting me it has 20%. Can text and phone call when someone rings the bell, over all very pleased.


Hit or miss. I ordered 2 of these. The 1st one was ok, long battery, good quality for the price, but the motion detection, and doorbell was heavily delayed....The 2nd would not charge so they sent a replacement, exact same issue. I kept the good one but returned the other.

Horrible connectivity. Camera is only 10ft from router and it always looses connection. Set camera right next to router and it only showed it had 60% of signal. No other device in house has these issues including a different brand camera that is 4x further away. Don’t buy

The bell. The bell doesn't ring. We tried with batteries and with the cord. I wasn't aware that I needed to buy a sim card.

Ring bell. Doesn’t pick up on motion very well. Battery life is too bad!!

Disappointed! Although the doorbell works nicely, I am disappointed that it only works on one phone. I was under the impression that it would work with more than one. Non happy with that at all.

No customer service....documentation says 24 hour reply, one reply in 10 tries. Great battery, great motion detection with WIFI extender 2' feet away, drops constantly. Would not recommend. Customer service is terrible.

How to Buy The Best Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime from which you can learn how to get the best Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime.

  • Is it worth buying the Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime?
  • What benefits does the product Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime?
  • What makes the Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime?
  • Why and how do you need the Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Wireless Video Doorbell Camera with Wireless Chime to you.

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