Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Security Camera Wireless Outdoor before we came up with this review.

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Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Stay connected to your home from anywhere.

EKEN outdoor security cameras have built-in 6000mAh rechargeable batteries and provide uninterrupted power through solar panels. In addition, with the IR night vision function and 1080p resolution, the camera is able to record clear videos at any time of the day. It runs on 2.4 GHz WiFi and gives you remote access where you can watch, schedule, and manage your security feeds in real time. This means that whether you’re at work, at the grocery store, or on vacation, you can keep an eye on your home.

Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Smart PIR Motion Detection

PIR sensor detects movements and sends alerts to you. Aiwit app pushes the most accurate real-time notification. Never miss any interesting moments of your family. It’s exactly what you need to protect your home and family.

Two-way Audio

See, hear and speak to your family, visitors in real time straight from your phone. With clear two-way audio, EKEN wifi security camera allows you to have real-time conversation with your family members or pets like talking on a phone.

Secure Cloud Sotrage

Your privacy is something that we value as much as you do. Military-grade AES-128 data encryption ensures that your footage is kept private on transmission and storage. Keep a secure record of everything that happens around your home.

Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Multiple-Users Sharing

You can easily share your device with family members via email or QR code. All family members can get to know what’s going on at home in the first place.

Ready for Any Weather

With IP65 certified , the outdoor security camera can withstand heat, cold, rain, or sun., The upgraded sealed design protects the camera from damage and keeps the attention of the surveillance area even in extreme weather.

Capture Clear Details

This wireless camera is designed to provide a 1080p full HD video and detailed night vision with a viewing angle of 140 ° and a visible range of 33 feet, which can greatly reduce blind spots and allows you to see exactly what is happening in and around your home even at night.

Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Warm tips

1) Please remove the insolation tape on the battery pack and fully charge the battery before using it for the first time.

2) The camera ONLY supports 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi, not work with 5Ghz Wi-Fi.

3) The camera will wake up and begin to capture video only when it detects motion. (Not support 24/7 continuous recording. )

What’s in the box?

  • 1 x EKEN battery camera
  • 1 x Rechargeable battery pack
  • 1 x Solar panel (with a 3-meter cable)
  • 2 x Mounting arms
  • 1 x User manual
  • 2 x Screw packs
  • 1 x USB charging cable

Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather ResistanceSecurity Camera Wireless Outdoor, EKEN Solar Security Camera for Home Security, 1080P HD, Smart Motion Detection, 2-Way Talk, Night Vision, Cloud Storage, IP65 Weather Resistance

Features & Specifications

  • 【100% Wire-Free & Solar Powered】 EKEN solar security camera contains a rechargeable module battery and can be charged via a solar panel to provide non-stop power. You never have to worry about charging the battery. It is 100% wireless and works with 2.4GHz Wi-Fi. You can simply mount it with the provided screws and wall anchors at anywhere.
  • 【Smart Motion Detection & Instant Alerts】 The wifi security camera has a built-in PIR motion sensor that allows you to receive real-time alerts when motion detected. When human detection is turned on, it will only detect body shape movement. This function ensures that you are only alerted when a person, not a dog or a car, approaches.
  • 【1080P Full HD and IR Night Vision】 Featuring with 1080p Full HD image quality and infrared night vision, the outdoor security camera displays a crystal clear smooth live video day and night. You can keep an eye on your home at anytime and anywhere.
  • 【2-Way Audio & Multiple-User Sharing】 See, hear and speak to your kids, pets or anyone you care about from anywhere. Share a home camera with your family, you can view it remotely and simultaneously.
  • 【Secure Cloud Service & Weather Resistance】 The recorded videos are saved in encrypted cloud, so no need to worry about videos being stolen or damaged caused by a broken memory card. Military-grade AES-128 data encryption ensures that your footage is kept private on transmission and Storage. With IP65 rated weatherproof housing, it's durable enough to withstand the heat, cold, rain, or sun.
  • Weight: 1.4 pounds

Pros & Cons


Awesome. This item is awesome…. I had it on my gate but management said I had to remove it so I gave to my Pastor. I will add photos once he put camera up. But I loved it. I live in town house and can’t used it, I wish I could’ve kept it. I have the doorbell but this is way better. Cause the view is better, the conversation though the mic is clearer, . If you make one that can be put up without bolting it on I would love to have one. Thanks for this item, u will not go wrong with this purchase.

Great affordable camera. The media could not be loaded. I’ve had this camera set up for a week now and really like it so far. The human detection is a something I really like. My chihuahua, tree leaves moving, and bugs flying around have triggered other cameras but have not triggered this camera. Another cool feature is the solar charger. My battery level hasn’t dropped below 97% since setting it up. All in all I’d say this camera is definitely worth buying.

Great System. The media could not be loaded. This is a great system - we already had a video doorbell camera but there wasn't good coverage for the back of the house near the door. This camera was easy to install you never have to re-charge it and it takes great video! It has smart settings that can pickup everything or only human movements. There is two way audio as well. I recommend this camera.

Amazing camera; excellent video quality & simple installation! The media could not be loaded. Amazing solar video camera! I couldn’t be happier with this purchase! I use it along with the camera doorbell and can see everything I need to! 5 stars and an amazing deal! Look no further, this is the best product for the money. Very simple Wi-Fi connection and very easy installation. Customer support is amazing, too! Easy app install and you are ready to go!

A good buy!!! I'm very happy. I have almost a month with this camera and I have to say that it is excellent. The image is clear, you don't have to break your wall to put annoying cables since it is solar and the best thing is that you can listen to what is happening outside whenever you want. A good buy!!! I'm very happy

Just what I needed. I love this! The night visit makes it very easy and clear to see and it was very easy to install. I wasn't sure of what I was getting since the price was cheap but it definitely exceeded my expectations. Everyone needs this at their homes, especially during these times, for an extra level of security.


Cheap Yes - Functionality Not so Much. First off, I don't write many reviews on products. Secondly, I have several security cameras from high end to cheap on my properties. I have had this camera now for approximately one month and have moved it three times to try to capture what I need, and still have not been successful. The daytime picture is good. Night time is so-so. Setup was easy. However, it literally captures 6 feet directly in front of it and that's it. No peripheral. And, what I can't figure out is it captures people going, and not coming in one particular spot. But, in this spot, they had to come in the same way they left. Completely unreliable. And, I had to turn off the alerts because it claims to have sensors for only "humans", but it was going off every 10 seconds because the trees were blowing and I had it on the highest setting so it didn't alert me so often. None of my other cameras send alerts like this.

Camera aspect works well. The camera works very well and it solar charges well, but this is my least favorite of the cameras in this brand. This is purely for the fact that the rest are the stick on type, with very strong adhesive and this one has to be screwed in. As a renter, it is not an option to put screws in anywhere outside.

YOU CAN ONLY USE ONE DEVICE FOR THIS CAMERA. Camera quality is ok but you cannot login with multiple devices for this product, glad I found out this before installation.

Bad quality. I bought two cameras and they both have bad quality disgusting color and it doesn’t even show the whole full screen on my cell phone I have other cameras with better quality that do show full screen on my cell phone and in seconds can tell the difference.

I thought it went with Ring. Hi

How to Buy The Best Security Camera Wireless Outdoor?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Security Camera Wireless Outdoor from which you can learn how to get the best Security Camera Wireless Outdoor.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor.

  • Is it worth buying the Security Camera Wireless Outdoor?
  • What benefits does the product Security Camera Wireless Outdoor offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Security Camera Wireless Outdoor?
  • What makes the Security Camera Wireless Outdoor to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Security Camera Wireless Outdoor?
  • Why and how do you need the Security Camera Wireless Outdoor?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Security Camera Wireless Outdoor. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Security Camera Wireless Outdoor.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Security Camera Wireless Outdoor.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Security Camera Wireless Outdoor, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Security Camera Wireless Outdoor to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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