Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera, Wireless WiFi Smart Home Cameras 360°PTZ with Motion Detection, Alerts, 2 Way Audio, IP65

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

security outdoor camera

ieGeek Outdoor Security Wireless PTZ Camera – All Around Protect Your Home

  • More Diversified Functions: 360° PTZ camera combination of two-way talk, live view, and motion recording with 6 spotlights and 6 infrared lights, the night motion detection becomes as clear as the daytime, and the color night vision distance of 50 feet
  • A More Intimate Friend: Wireless camera provides real-time guardianship and full-process monitoring. It is the best choice for you to use or give gifts to friends and family. Protect and accompany you to record and share the wonderful moments of life together

security camera

24/7 Recording and Event Recording

  • ieGeek security camera features 24/7 recording and event recording on SD card (not included) local storage, which can be played back at any time without missing important details.

security outdoor camera

Smart Motion Detection Alarm and Sound & Light alarm

  • With 355° pan & 90° tilt, ieGeek home security camera allows you to view your world from every angle and can follow the moving person automatically. Keep track of intruders, and leave them nowhere to hide. Spotlights will be turned on when motion is detected.

security camera

security camera

PTZ security camera

Two Detection Modes

  • ieGeek security camera support two detection modes : Detected by sound and motion that sent through mobile phone APP in real time, so you can keep abreast of your family and surrounding information

Flexible 355° Pan 90° Tilt

  • Supporting remotely control the rotation of the camera with PTZ function on the app. You can move the camera from side to side / up and down, freely change the position to where you want to locate via smartphone/tablet.
  • Tap to zoom to see more details.

Preset and Patrol

  • ieGeek security PTZ camera is designed to multi-range area detection. You can customize the range you need to detect.

outdoor security

security camera

security camera

Upgraded 4DBi Dual Antenna

  • ieGeek outdoor camera new upgraded 4dBi Dual Antenna make the WiFi connection more strong and stable, our camera only supports 2.4Ghz WiFi

Color Night Vision When Motion Detection

  • ieGeek security camera with 6 spotlights makes sure the vision at night motion detection is full-colored and as vivid as daytime. You can You can see the color of people move when they come in.

Multiple System Connection

  • ieGeek wireless security camera support Remote monitoring Android & iOS through “CloudEdge” App , all-around protection of your home

wireless outdoor security camera

Multiple users Access Control by “CloudEdge” App

  • CloudEdge app supports multiple users access on different devices through the “CloudEdge” App
  • Supports real-time monitoring of 4 different types devices and sharing up to 20 Users

wireless outdoor camera

Features & Specifications

  • 📷【Rotating PTZ Camera & IP65 Waterptoof】ieGeek outdoor security camera can easily control 355 ° Pan 90 ° Tilt and camera 4x digital zoom through the"CloudEdge"APP. IP65 waterproofing enables home security camera systems to keep functioning in any extreme weather, providing your home with all-round protection.
  • 💡【Bright Spotlight & 1080P Full Color Night Vision 】ieGeek home security used upgraded chip and color sensor 1/3 CMOS, which provide 1080P HD full color night vision distance can reach 50ft with 6 Spotlights and 6 Infrared lights to keep the image clearly visible even at night.
  • 🏃【Smart Motion Detection & Sound Light Alarm】Upgraded ieGeek outdoor security camera AI algorithm enhances humanized recognition smart motion detection alarm and sound & light alarm three alarm modes to reduces false alarms. You can adjust alarm sensitivity level through the "CloudEdge" APP.
  • 📱【Instant Alerts Phone APP & Two Way Talk】ieGeek wireless camera send you real-time alerts through the "CloudEdge" APP, and camera built-in microphone and radio that two-way voice function allows you to talk to the person in front of the camera in time.
  • 📶【2.4Ghz WiFi & Cloud / SD Card Storage】ieGeek security camera only supports 2.4Ghz WiFi, 4dBi WiFi antenna make the WiFi connection more strong and stable. Support micro SD card (but not including) max 128 GB storage and cloud storage.
  • Dimensions: 5.51 x 3.15 x 5.71 inches
  • Weight: 1.27 pounds

Pros & Cons


What a pro thinks of this camera. PRO REVIEW for ieGeek ZS-GQ4 PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) outdoor camera. Being a retired (20 year) CCTV & Security consultant/contractor I have started to update my own homes security with new lower cost cameras after using older hardwired cameras and DVR for the past 30 years. After working with strictly commercial quality cameras in the past, this move to consumer grade equipment has had its surprises. For one, the new cameras have proved to be much easier to install and operate for myself and the wife. Over the past year I have started my updating and have tested out several types of wifi cameras. This new camera from ieGeek is probably the best camera for a couple of reasons. First, the cost is unbeatable for a camera that provides such good quality images (check out included photos). The ability to PTZ makes it more incredible considering the PTZ cameras I use to install on commercial and government buildings had costed between $1500 - $3000 apiece not counting the head-end controllers and DVR's. Most of you are aware of the drawbacks of IR nighttime video. The image looks fine until there is movement, especially a person where it blurs the image because of the lower IPS (image per second) rate. But this cameras ability to turn on an attached white flood light makes the image pop, bringing you a great full color video. While this camera is not a battery operated camera and does need to be plugged into an outlet, it does have a very good wifi transceiver, as tested in my install. The camera is mounted outside and is about 150' from our router, with the signal needing to go through a concrete block structure. Motion detection is very sensitive, in my case I have needed to turn it down because it was catching things I wasn't interested in. We do have some issues at night with bugs tripping it due to being attracted to the IR light but thats the drawback to using digital motion detection rather than a PIR type detection. They each have there pluses and minuses but the good thing about digital detection is you can mask certain areas of the view to prevent motion triggers of high traffic areas. You can't do that with a PIR sensor. Overall, I would say this is probably the most bang for the buck you can find anywhere.

Great for the price. So first of all they are discounting my product for this review. That being said, I already have 2 other ie geek cameras that I love so I would have written this review regardless. Couple things about this camera, first it needs to be plugged in. The other ones I have are battery. Second, it does have the floodlight and sound function which can scare away intruders. The app works great as long as the cameras have a good wifi connection. My only complaint which I'm still trying the figure out is the camera has a red light showing that it is on. The issue with that is it attracts flying bugs which sets off the motion alert. I have the motion detection set to low but it still gets set off. I had my flood light going off and on every couple min which would attract more bugs. I turned off the flood light function and just left it with night vision but I'm still getting alerts on my phone. During the day it's perfect, at night it a little touchy. That being said I still really like it. I'll probably just put some electric tape over the light and that should fix the issue. The customer support is really good and they are working with me on figuring out a solution to my issue. I do recommend this camera.

VERY good night vision. "Simple" install. Pros: Super well priced for the crazy good video detail and EXCELLENT night vision. Like all iegeek products, it immediately was discovered by the CloudEdge app, and is a worthy edition to all my other same brand security cameras! The 360 feature is a welcome, but not needed feature. Cons: Installing the camera was kind of a pain in the you know what. The screw holes are BEHIND the camera body and the antennas, which is a bad design. This made it nearly impossible to get the screws lined up straight, and the screwdriver scratched up the sides because of it. It feels very hollow, and light weight. The 360 motors make a slight grinding sound, but they still move the camera around like they should. This is fine though since I don't need it to move much. I will definitely be buying more when the time comes, since I have to have the same brands matching, and OCD thing (and they're always super good quality for price!)


Horrible. Already stopped working. Junk

How to Buy The Best Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera from which you can learn how to get the best Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera.

  • Is it worth buying the Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera?
  • What benefits does the product Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera?
  • What makes the Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera?
  • Why and how do you need the Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Security Camera Outdoor with Spotlight – ieGeek 1080P HD Full Color Night Vision Video Surveillance Camera to you.

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