RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27″-78.7″ Tripod for Vlog

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for VlogRGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog

RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog

RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog


RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog

Use Scene

RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog

RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog

RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog

Music Game

Adjustable Desktop C-clamp Stand

The size height could be extended from 15.5-25.5Inch, You can use the knob to adjust to the desired size.

Remote Working

Rechargeable Battery and Remote Control

Built-in 5000 mAh battery, Overheating Protection function, It offer 130 minutes operation at 100% power and also can be used while charging.

Lighting Applications

Back magnet design

It can be attached to iron objects, free your hands. It is really a multi-functional and multi-purpose RGB light Wand.

RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog

Gooseneck hose can rotate 360 degrees freely

RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, QEUOOIY 360° Full Color 2500-9500K Portable Studio Photography Lighting, 5000mAh Rechargeable Battery & Magnet with 27"-78.7" Tripod for Vlog

Features & Specifications

  • 【RGB 360° Full Color】: Made of 153pcs LED beads [31pcs RGB+61pcs Yellow+61pcs White] which ensure full color RGB Hue from 0 to 360,and has a life of more than 50000 hours with excellent heat dissipation. Use index lamp beads, CRI≥97,TLCI≥97, RA≥97,Features adjustable color temperature ranging from 2500K(warm)-9500K(cold), stepless dimming from 10 brightness levels(10%-100%). illuminance up to 1100Lux. Suitable for self-broadcasting, live streaming, makeup, YouTube, photography, camcorders etc.
  • 【Color Light Effect Mode】: The handheld rgb light with 3 lighting modes(Warm white, white,Warm) and RGB 9 Lighting Modes (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta, Pink, Purple) and 6 Common Lighting Scene Effects (Candlelight, Police Car, Lightning, Fireworks, RGB Cyclic, Ambulance etc). By this diversified lighting design, it will create unique atmosphere for gathering party or Live-streaming especially.It is really a multi-functional and multi-purpose RGB light.
  • 【Rechargeable Battery& Remote Control】: The RGB Light Wand is equipped with built-in rechargeable 10W 5000mAh lithium battery and USB Type-C charging port. It offer 130 minutes operation at 100% power and also can be used while charging. The Overheating Protection function will make long light life. Variable lighting, The wireless remote allows you to take video or portraits photos easily from a distance up to 50 feet. Provide a more realistic light source for your shooting.
  • 【1/4" Standard Nut Hole, Desktop C-clamp Stand& Gooseneck Soft Tube】: Adjustable Desktop C-clamp Stand: The size height could be extended from 15.5-25.5Inch as you like. The ball head and gooseneck soft tube can ensure 360 degree horizontal rotating and from -90 degree to 90 degree tilting for panoramic photography when adjusting the angle. You can use the knob to adjust to the desired angle to meet your needs at different angles. Lightweight and portable for storing and carrying.
  • 【Notice】: The light wand made of aviation aluminum and Hard PC, Natural heat dssipation of metal, TFT display screen, the weight of 349g, the lights demension: 406*44*45mm.【PACKAGE CONTENTS】: 2*RGB Stick Light; 2*Desk Light Stand; 2*Hot Shoe Bracket; 2*Remote Control; 2*Gooseneck Soft Tube; 2*USB Type-C Cable, Storage bag*2; 1*User Manual; Perfect for your live video, party, Youtube, Facebook, Live Streaming etc. Please contact us if any questions trouble you, you’ll receive our support.
  • Weight: 6.18 pounds

Pros & Cons


These take time to assemble. So if you're planning on using them on a regular basis for events, then plan your time accordingly or leave them mostly assembled for easier set-up. I like the different settings of the lights, but the remote that comes with them is a little weird to use for me. Overall I think it's a good purchase.

Only needed for accent for simple DJ setup. So, I almost gave it 4 because I can't get the darn remote function to work and there are no instructions to help or troubleshoot.. but for my use as in this simple setup it works great. Bright enough for accent, decent enough features for scrolling lights, and for what I need it for (if the remote actually worked) the remote feature would work perfectly. I do wish there was a permanent screw mount for a table top setup. Top tier for the price (especially if they run a sale or coupon)

I love it ! There’s so many configurations with using this light as for as ways to mounting it uses period. The light it’s self is light weight but doesn’t feel cheap. Lights are bright and the battery last. I’m glad I purchased these.

Excellent lights. These work perfectly for my needs and the price is unbeatable for what you get. The batteries last wayonger that I would have guessed and the USB-C cord is crazyong so it's easy to plug them in and keep using them. There are so many cool lighting effects that are pre programmed. The only down side is I couldn't get either remote control to work but they are easy to control with the buttons on the lights. I also like that you can mount twoogjts together or more if needed. They are very versatile and I highly recommend them to any video creator.

Happy with it. Works as well as I need it to. Battery life isn’t as long but long enough for the tasks I use for. I’ve recently been keeping the plugged in. Happy with it.

Fantastic! but bad remote controls. These are great and have an awesome battery life. However, would be a lot nicer if the remote was mroe useable. Having specific color buttons and brightness settings to quickly set what you want woulda been nice.


Iluminación muy baja. Realmente me parece que la iluminación que genera es demasiado baja. No ilumina suficiente, y además se descarga muy pronto. Me gustaría hacer devolución del producto. Considero qué hay mejores alternativas.

Battery life is good but tripod design and brightness of lights need significant improvement. Good battery life..,, not as bright as expected but since there is two lights it might be worth the money. Only three settings for the height of the tripod. I think 3 stars are well deserved for this product

Annoyed. one of the pieces came broke and it’s causing such an inconvenience to have to return as I have an event this wknd.

Just bought a few months ago and one of the sticks already won’t keep a charge. Battery won’t keep a charge.

It was not bright at all. The only thing I can say it is not bright at all.

Trash. One light came broken. I thought i could finish my project with just one light then i realized why they give you two. The lights are not bright at all. Can no longer do video. Had to buy another and reschedule the shoot. Very inconvenient

How to Buy The Best RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand from which you can learn how to get the best RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand.

  • Is it worth buying the RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand?
  • What benefits does the product RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand?
  • What makes the RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand?
  • Why and how do you need the RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


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How good is the product of RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of On-Camera-Video-Lights.

We highly recommend the RGB Led Video Light Stick Wand with Stand to you.

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