Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, High Power Binoculars with BaK4 prisms, Super Bright Lightweight & Waterproof Binoculars Perfect for Bird Watching, Hunting, Stargazing

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter before we came up with this review.

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Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, High Power Binoculars with BaK4 prisms, Super Bright Lightweight & Waterproof Binoculars Perfect for Bird Watching, Hunting, StargazingProfessional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, High Power Binoculars with BaK4 prisms, Super Bright Lightweight & Waterproof Binoculars Perfect for Bird Watching, Hunting, StargazingProfessional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, High Power Binoculars with BaK4 prisms, Super Bright Lightweight & Waterproof Binoculars Perfect for Bird Watching, Hunting, StargazingProfessional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, High Power Binoculars with BaK4 prisms, Super Bright Lightweight & Waterproof Binoculars Perfect for Bird Watching, Hunting, StargazingProfessional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, High Power Binoculars with BaK4 prisms, Super Bright Lightweight & Waterproof Binoculars Perfect for Bird Watching, Hunting, StargazingProfessional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, High Power Binoculars with BaK4 prisms, Super Bright Lightweight & Waterproof Binoculars Perfect for Bird Watching, Hunting, StargazingProfessional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, High Power Binoculars with BaK4 prisms, Super Bright Lightweight & Waterproof Binoculars Perfect for Bird Watching, Hunting, Stargazing

Features & Specifications

  • [ Professional High Definition Binoculars ]:  Equipped with Fully Multi-coated lenses and 18mm BaK4 dielectric-coated prisms , the professional binocular provides an exceptionally brightness, clarity and sharpness, even in the harshest conditions and most challenging environment.
  • [ Universal Phone Adapter for Binoculars Photographing ]:  The universal smart phone adapter helps you photograph what you see through the HD binoculars. Share your life, share what you like to your family and friends. A perfect match for beginners and mid-range birding and outdoor enthusiasts.
  • [ True-to-life Color Binoculars for Bird Watching ]:  GLLYSION Binocular with high-end lens coatings provides excellent high-contrast image with excellent color reproduction, you can make out every single detail for quick and easy identification in any situations encountered in bird watching.
  • [ Large Field of View Binoculars for Hunting ]:  The large field of view (5.8) with 22mm large eyepiece allows you to experience nature as never before – and immerse yourself in the moment. This large field of view and superb optical performance takes the viewing experience to the next level.
  • [ Lightweight Ergonomics and Waterproof Design ]:  The powerful waterproof binocular features a well-balanced lightweight polymer frame. Rubber armored, ergonomics design and IPX7 waterproof ensure extraordinary experience in all weather conditions.
  • Dimensions: 5.4 x 2.4 x 6.4 inches
  • Weight: 3.43 pounds

Pros & Cons


Probably the last pair I'll ever buy - but that's what good about it! This will probably be the last pair I ever buy, because it's built to last longer than I am! There are a lot of binoculars on the market, but not all of them are created equal. It's important to note that. The cheaper ones are usually just that -- cheap. And fragile in places that a sturdier pair is not. This particular pair (10x42) of this particular brand (Gllysion) hits the sweet spot for me. Until recently I had a MUCH more expensive pair of binoculars that I took with me to all sorts of things, mostly outdoor events like concerts and festivals but mostly to use when I took rest breaks getting some exercise. Then I made the huge mistake of loaning them out to a coworker who ended up getting fired before she returned them -- and I never got them back. She doesn't return my calls or texts. Grrrr! Lesson learned. So.... it was time for a new pair. Amazon has lots to choose from and they come in all sizes, weights, and prices. The reason this particular one works for me is two-fold: the sturdiness and the build quality. This is one of those binoculars that comes with a device to attach your phone to it. If you have a tiny, lightweight phone like the iPhone Mini then the weight of the binoculars isn't really an issue. But if you have the bigger and heavier iPhone Pro Max then the binoculars need to be just that much sturdier and heavier for good balance with or (especially) without a tripod stand. I attach my heavy phone to this, hold the binoculars while letting go of the phone, and never worry about maintaining steady balance for a clear view, still photograph, or video shoot. Birdwatching, the zoo, just being outdoors....all are good times to use these worry-free binoculars. Don't feel like paying through the nose for super-expensive seats at concerts? Here's your solution! And the farther back you sit the less noticeable it is when you record with your phone attached to it. Just remember to turn the phone's brightness as far down as you can and still be able to frame your shot. Concert/Theater security are on the watch for the bright screens. When they see you holding the binocs they are much less likely to notice you have a phone attached to them if your screen brightness is really low. There are cheaper binoculars out there, both in price and quality. But one thing you definitely want so you will get max usage out of your binoculars is PEACE OF MIND. You want to trust that your phone is not only securely attached to the eyepiece but also not in a battle with the binoculars against gravity or steady balance. This item accomplishes that. I'll take peace of mind over a bargain any day of the week and twice on Sundays. As with the one other item from this manufacturer that I own, the build quality is such that I don't ever fear accidentally dropping this somewhere. At least not anymore (hee hee). I dropped one earlier and immediately got a knot in my stomach, but for no reason. Not a scratch on it! I have another pair of plastic binoculars that I used to take to concerts that cost me about 22 bucks. Did they work fine? Sure. Did I constantly worry about them being jostled out of my hands? CONSTANTLY. If they fell to the floor they were almost guaranteed to get damaged or stepped on in some way. I don't worry about that with this Gllysion model, at least not the part about getting damaged. They look and feel like they'd easily survive getting trampled on. The FIRST thing I did with this pair was take them to an NBA game just 3 days ago. LeBron James and the Lakers were the visiting team and so ticket prices were much higher than normal. So I bought a reasonably-priced seat (in the nosebleed section) and used these to feel closer to the action. These binoculars are listed as being better waterproofed than my cheap smaller pair so I'm looking forward to trying some underwater video shooting with this when the weather gets nicer. My phone is already waterproof to a certain depth, but when attached to the binoculars I can shoot deeper pictures without actually going deeper. I'm learning as I go. And I've learned to keep these in my car at all times. They will no doubt survive the extreme temperature changes better than my plastic pair will. I strongly recommend this pair as well as the manufacturer in general. :)

amazing Binoculars! The media could not be loaded. wow I love this binoculars! It felt very sturdy at first touch. Definitely not the plastic feeling. it will surely last for many years. Totally worth the money! High quality lens! Crystal clear! So much fun to have it when hiking under the California sunshine. Note: it does not zoom in or out, which is advantage for me because it is easier to operate. The size is perfect for my both hands to hold perfectly. It may be difficult to hold with one hand for long time, because of the weight. Also remember the eye cups can be twisted out so that the eyes will not touch the ocular lens. Easy to use. The main focus in the middle adjust for both eyes. I use it to adjust for my left eyes. Then I use the fine tune on right ocular lens to make it focus for my right eyes. So easy for me because my eyes had different focus. The phone adapter come with it is high quality too. It use rack-n-pinion style to fasten the phone, not the sprint style, which were always difficult for me to use. After the phone as fastened, adjust the cap behind it to the lens of phone. Snap it to the binoculars then start shooting. It is better to use the binocular on a steady surface in my experience. Attached a video that a phone was attached to the binoculars. You can see from the phone screen.

Fabulous binoculars at an amazing price! Exceptional! Lightweight, amazing crystal clear view, great in low light, sturdy, well made, and waterproof! Everything that comes with is excellent, too. There's an easy attach neck strap with some padding and a little stretch, so comfy. A heavy duty cell phone holder. A "stiff" case with some padding, not just pieces of fabric sewn together. And a lens cleaner cloth. Everything is better quality than I've seen in binoculars that cost twice as much. As a glasses wearer I wanted eye relief, and these are perfect for me. Plus, the instruction manual is simple, clear, very easy to understand. By the way, customer service is very responsive. I emailed a question and got a helpful answer from them quickly. Looking through them? Thrilling!!! They're perfect to hold with the finger indentations in them, and the first night I had them I went out at sunset and looked at the half moon in the sky. I could see amazing definition and detail on the moon! I'm a moon, stars, and bird watcher. So glad I got these instead of other binoculars that are sold specifically for star gazing. My neighbor asked me to take a look at a service vehicle on the road behind her yard so she could call the company. I could see the license plate and phone number on the truck clearly with these after sunset. GLLYSION has excellent optics and high quality at an amazing price. When it gets a little warmer I'm going to take pix of the moon, stars, and birds using the phone adapter. Love these!


Was mislead. Purchased these on a lightning deal. My first lightning deal. Scam. It said the retail was $349 and if I hurried they were only $126 and it said my savings were $224. Turns out even after the “lightning sale” anyone can buy these for $135. Whoopie I saved $9 not $224. Beyond that the diopter would not allow me to obtain a focus even through the entire range of movement. A proper diopter setting is critical. Also the claim of 12 power I do question as my 8x42 Nikons produce nearly the same image magnification as these 12x50s. As far as the image quality these are not even close to the Nikons I have which really weren’t that much more expensive. Should sell for under $100 at most. Just not worth anything more. Not happy with the lightning deal nonsense sales tactics either.

Couldn't get it to work properly. Maybe it's user error? We tried them on a few different heads (so different sizes to make sure) and could not get a clear look. It's almost as if the lenses need to go just a little closer but cannot due to the design. I don't know i'm not super experienced with binoculars so maybe we were doing something wrong. I've purchased Wingspan binoculars a few years ago and did not have any trouble at all with those. So comparing the two, these did not work as expected so had to return.

Snapped in half the moment I tried to use them. Not sure if I got a defective unit, but the moment I (gently) tried to adjust the two sides to look through them, the hinge point immediately broke. The hinge point is cheap plastic, so I'm returning them instead of getting a replacement.

How to Buy The Best Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter from which you can learn how to get the best Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter.

  • Is it worth buying the Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter?
  • What benefits does the product Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter offer?
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  • Where can you get information as this on the product Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter?
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You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Professional HD Binoculars for Adults with Phone Adapter to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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