Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder

Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

The V785 Full-HD Camcorder shoots bright, crisp images even in dim lighting, due to a 34% larger sensor (1/2.3-inch vs. standard 1/5.8-inch). To reduce hand shake, the AUTO O.I.S. Lock function automatically activates. Compact camera body includes 4-drive lens system and optical 20x zoom. Smooth slow motion video, multi manual dial settings, and a wind shield zoom microphone for high sound quality.

Features & Specifications

  • High Sensitivity 1/2.3-inch BSI Sensor for Bright, Beautiful Shots Even in Dim Lighting: The 1/2.3-inch Back Side Illumination Sensor has a large effective area and 34% larger pixels than a 1/5.8-inch sensor for reduced noise in low light
  • Level Shot Function for More Stable Images and Less Blurring: Detects and corrects the tilting of captured images; hybrid O.I.S. thoroughly suppress blurring all the way from wide-angle to powerful zoom shots for crisp, clear images
  • Powerful Zoom in a Compact Camera Body: By driving each of four lens groups separately, the drive ranges are reduced, resulting in high image quality and high-powered zooming in a compact camcorder
  • Crisp, Clear Details in Both Bright and Dark Areas: By combining two images taken with different exposure times, the HDR Movie function suppresses blown highlights and blocked shadows for crisp, clear videos
  • Wireless Twin Camera for Picture-in-Picture Shooting with a Smartphone; Using your smartphone with Wi-Fi operation as a sub camera, you can shoot from two angles at the same time
  • Dimensions: 2.56 x 2.87 x 5.47 inches
  • Weight: 12.4 ounces

Pros & Cons


Really great camera! It's a really great camera!

Spectacular! (just not in low-light). This is a great product for what it is designed to do and it seems that many of the negative reviews are by people that didn’t research their purchase properly. I understand that frustration, but if you know what it can and can’t do before purchasing then you will not be disappointed! Let me give some of the pros and cons to explain what I mean. At the end I have a small explanation of what you can expect for picture quality. Pros - Zoom: The zoom is amazing! I shoot most of my videos on a 1.6x crop frame Canon DSLR and there is no lens in the world that will get you 59x optical zoom. That is something like 1650mm equivalent which gives you a tight headshot at 200ft. There are several “Intelligent” or digital zoom options, just disable that from the first day and forget about it. - Battery/Charging: The battery lasts forever. I’ve done long recordings and I really haven’t hit 50% battery. It is also easy to power off USB (in two different ways: the included barrel plug or micro USB) which means that a cheap battery bank will keep it at 100% power for days. - Price: At just under $200 this is $50 cheaper that most of the competition (for example the Vixia HF R800). Even for the same price I prefer the Panasonic to the Canon, and I’m an avid Canon DSLR fan! - Microphone: No, this doesn’t have a broadcast quality microphone. However, it is noticeably better than the mic on my Canon DSLR, especially in the wind. I do wish that it accepted an external mic input, and I’ve listed that as a con. So the quality isn’t great, but since it’s better than a DSLR I have to put it as a pro. Cons - Microphone Input: I really wish this accepted an external mic input as most of it’s competitors do. I get that most people buying a cheap camcorder aren’t going to use an external mic, but I would! - No Carrying Case: Even a simple cloth bag would have been better than nothing, I bought a $10 case that’s a bit too big for it. I wish I had something better. - Menu Interface: This isn’t a strong point for most camcorders, but this one is particularly finicky with the menus. The low quality touch screen and small icons mean it often takes two tries to hit the right button and the menus are designed someone who has never actually used a camera. - Live-Video Output: I haven’t even tried this, it uses a mini-HDMI, which is a stupid standard, but at least they include a mini-HDMI to HDMI cord with the camera. There are a lot of other reviews that talk about this… I haven’t tried and I don’t care, but others have issues, so consider that if you care. A note about video quality: I’ll start by saying that this is about on par with a good smartphone for video quality and maybe underperforms a flagship phone in low light. In a daylight scene it can be hard to tell the difference between this camcorder footage and a $1,000 DSLR with a good lens! However, as soon as you go indoors the quality of the camcorder footage deteriorates to a barely usable level. It says it is F2.08 @ 108mm and while I don’t think they are lying, the quality of the footage would not lead a person to believe that number… So why would you buy this!? Why have I given it 5 stars!? Because a good new DSLR+lens cost 3 or 5 times as much, and this camcorder keeps pace with good lighting conditions. Because a smartphone is lucky if it can get to 2x zoom without the quality collapsing and this camcorder does 59x and looks great. Because it is $200 and can get great footage that would be hard to get other ways! If you want to record indoors/low-light, or need the absolute best in video quality then spend the extra money to get something with a much larger sensor (not really available on any "camcorder"). Otherwise, you’ll love this!

Good budget camera. The formatting is strange, unable to select frame-rate. But if you need a camera with a good optical zoom on a budget, this is the one. Also it does well at night-time

good starter camcorder. This is 1 of the better entry level camcorders that I have tried and I tried a couple different brands before this 1. Most of the other brands have some manual settings but not too many so you kind of have to live with the auto and preset settings or limited manual settings, I needed a lower priced camcorder with a few more options for manual settings and the panasonic v180 fits the bill, as well as manual focus, you can set white balance, shutter speed and iris as well as mic audio level and i am happy with the picture quality. so I am sure a more expensive camera might do it better and have even more options and better quality video for a entry level camcorder It is pretty good, If i have a knock on it, the sound for me is not the best, I have had a little trouble setting the mic levels so it can still be heard well and not distort but maybe this is just me. So now I just hope the longevity of the unit holds up but time will tell. So if you need a nice entry level camcorder with quite a few features this 1 might fit the bill.

Powerful zoom. The zoom on this thing is pretty incredible. You can fill the frame with a full moon and see all the craters, etc quite clearly. It's a cheap camera, so the image quality isn't the greatest, but if you're not shooting for a paying client or important project, it'll do. Mine crapped out after a month. It developed a vertical black band left side of frame. No idea what caused it (software?) but return/refunded no problem.

Very Good Camera for the Price. I use this camera to record two to three high school football games a week and do highlights for the team. I love the zoom and the picture quality is fantastic (day or night). The still photos are great when you are in photo mode, but I was disappointed nothing or low quality, small size, out of focus and fuzzy if you take any photos on video mode. I was hoping to be able to get action shots while filming. But I think the photos will be great when I zoom in on far off mountains etc when I get back up to the hills. I love the fact that you can film in 1080p 60fps MP4 format. This way I don't have to convert MTS files before posting online. But these files are 28Mbps, so they are rather large compared to my old camera. You can record in 720p or 360p I prefer better quality. You can also record in near 4K with MTS files. 10 or 15 years ago you could get a camcorder with a viewfinder and maybe a my hookup and flash in this price range. But not anymore.


its small. Not really impressed The mfg has not lived up to its usuals standards with this one. Yes it small but a bit too small and awkward for me to handle and operate, even with my small hands.

Does not do clean out and record at same time! This camera looks way better than it should. I love everything about it except the fact that it cannot do a clean out and record at the same time. I use the clean out to go to an ATEM switcher, and would like to iso record from the camera as well. If you push record when using clean out, the picture goes black. Unfortunately, it’s an either or situation. My work around is to record at the switcher and just not iso that camera. The Canon R800 does everything I need but is also double the price point.

This is not right! Never owned a camcorder before and I do not know anyone that does. Ordered this camera because of the fantastic features it supposed to offer only to find that it is a piece of junk because you can't use it because you find out that the battery is dead. It takes about 2 Hr. to charge more or less. I guess it is to much for Panasonic to charge the battery or that it does not hold a charge for very long. Then even if the battery is ok, you find out that it takes a sd card. Only to find out that there are several cards that you can use (GB). The camera is once again useless without one. There is ((NOTHING))! in the description telling you need to do certain things before you can even turn the camera (on), for the first time. Amazon make suggestion offers below the camera they are (1) extra batteries, (2) a stupid tripod, but ((NOTHING)) about having to order a (SD), Cards or which type to order, (GB)! Again, this is not right! GRrrrrrrrrr!!

Unreliable Video Recording. I don’t recommend this camera. Yes, the quality of video and zoom feature is stellar, however, I often have to press the record button two and sometimes three times to start recording. It is also rather slow on start up when the camera is turned on. I rely on the video camera for instant video recording and when it is slow to start up and the record button isn’t always working, it’s a good reason not to buy this camera. I wish I had returned it but I missed the return window. Expensive regret

okay. I had never used a camcorder before so I wasn't aware that the memorycard that came with this camcorder deal didn't last that long so I didn't think of having to purchase another card for the first time use and I didn't get to record my whole event. Would be nice if they included a memory card with a little longer recording time for the first use...

It's ok. Video quality isn't as good as hoped. I researched camcorders and I bought this one because the review were really good. I have owned many camcorders in the past and I am not impressed with the materials it is made out of. Ya its lighter than some because its plastic. I use my camcorders a lot in all types of weather and I feel like this camcorder wouldn't last long with the use it would get. I was also not impressed by the quality of the videos. My sister has a Canon so comparing it to a Canon the video quality of Panasonic is not as clear and darker than a Canon. And for that reason I am returning it and getting a Canon. Don't get me wrong this camcorder does what its supposed to but I would like better video quality

How to Buy The Best Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder from which you can learn how to get the best Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder.

  • Is it worth buying the Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder?
  • What benefits does the product Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder?
  • What makes the Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder?
  • Why and how do you need the Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


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How good is the product of Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of Camcorders-Camera-Photo.

We highly recommend the Panasonic Full HD Video Camcorder to you.

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