GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

hidden camera charger

GooSpy Spy Camera Charger is one that adopts a 140-degree wide-angel lens, which can supply a greater scope of vision view and capture clearer details.

If you need a spy camera to catch someone in the act—babysitters, caretakers, what have you— This small spy cam is more than capable. With its sneaky, compact design, and high resolution video record—The mini hidden camera charger has everything necessary to catch an unfaithful partner or dodgy individual in the act.

GooSpy Hidden Camera Charger can be great for keep an eye on caregivers, home-cleaners, the nanny, thieves, or even just making sure your kids aren’t getting into any trouble. Whether you’re using it at home for security or sticking it in an Airbnb to protect your assets, you’ll be set to run practical surveillance over just about any area that has a wall socket.

1080p hidden camera

spy camera

hidden camera wifi

1080p High-quality Resolution

With our 1080p resolution, you can see all the details of the record clearly.

All videos are saved to your memory card (Not Include).

You can easily view HD live video or palyback the recorded videos through App.

Remote Access on Phone APP

Connect your micro hidden camera USB charger to a WiFi network through phone app, then you can remotely view live video through App. You can also share your WiFi spy camera with your family members for a happy moment or take care of kids or elders anywhere.

Charge your device

The output voltage is 5V/2A.

With this hidden security camera, you not only charge your digital device, also can keep an eye on your house.

No body can notice that the normal USB Charger hides a camera.

hidden spy camera

hidden camera wifi

charger camera

140-Degree Wide Angle

With 140-degree wide-angle lens, GooSpy USB charger nanny camera can capture wider and clearer image. It can motion-capture high resolution images to help keep your storage space lasting even longer.

Motion Detection Alert & Record

You can receive a pushed message on phone when motion is trigged.

With an SD card (NOT INCLUDED), you’ll be able to record motion-detected video from the alerts you receive.

Plug & Play

Insert a micro sd card (NOT INCLUDED) into your spy charger camera, then plug your descreet camera into an outlet, it will automatically continuous to record video (5 minutes/clips) to SD card without any network.

spy camera charger

Three Operation Modes For This Hidden Camera USB Charger

For WAY 1: Only insert Micro SD card (NOT INCLUDED) into your spy camera, then plug your hidden spy camera into an outlet, then this small nanny cam will automatically record videos to SD card.

For WAY 2: Turn on your wireless hidden camera, connect to your spy camera’s WiFi hotspot (AYS-XXX), then you can view live video on App in a short distance.

For WAY 3: Connect your spy camera wireless hidden to a 2.4G WiFi network, then you can remotely view live video on App from anywhere.

Warning Tips:

1. Recommend using SanDisk brand memory card.

2. This small spy camera charger doesn’t have night vision function, so it can’t work in the low light or in the dark.

3. With WPA/WPA2 and Access Pasword, you don’t worry any personal privacy issue.

4. Don’t support website view, Only live view through App.

Video Resolution 1080P (1920*1080)
Video Format MP4
Media Player VLC Media Player/KM Player
View Angle 140°
Memory Card Micro SD Card Up to 256GB (Not Included). Recommend SanDisk Brand
Mobile phone operation system Android / iOS Phone App, Don’t support RTSP
Record Mode All-Day Record; Timing Record; Alarm Record; Privacy Mode; Loop Record.
Wireless Frequency Only support 2.4G WiFi Network; Don’t support 5G WiFi network.

hidden camera

Features & Specifications

  • 【Full HD 1080P Spy Camera Charger】The spy camera charger not only charges your digital device, but also can remotely monitor your home through App. This is the first USB Charger Camera that adopts a 140-degree wide-angel lens, which can supply a greater scope of vision view and capture clearer details.
  • 【Remote Access on App】Only connect the hidden camera charger to a WiFi network, next you can remotely view live video on App. You can know what is happening in your house while you’re away. This charger camera is your best choice for home and office security.
  • 【Record Videos to Micro SD Card Without Wi-Fi Network】Insert a Micro SD card into device (NOT INCLUDED), next plug the hidden camera adapter into an outlet, next the hidden spy camera can automatically record videos to SD card. Once the memory card becomes full, the spy security camera will delete the first video file to make room for the latest file.
  • 【Motion Detection Alert & Record】Your phone will receive a push notification and photo once the motion is detected. You can also set motion detection record to Micro SD card. You can directly playback, download and delete recorded videos on App.
  • 【Quality Warranty】We supply 30-day money back and 18-month free replacement if you have any question about our product.
  • Weight: 2.89 ounces

Pros & Cons


Great camera for watching the pets!! This is a great camera, which is small, simple and can be used as a phone charger. I actually connect the USB port to my Nest Home camera, which watch over the living room area, and this is by the door to watch over my ragdoll kittens. There are several ways to connect the camera. 2 simplest ways are you either just plug in to wall outlet and add it to the HomeEye app and it is there. Really simple. Or, just add it to your home network and open the app, again it is there. However, the best part of the camera is the clarity of the pictures and recordings and I believe the camera has wide angle lens, I would say it may be 130 degrees, because the coverage is very wide, so I can see everything that kittens are moving to. Great product! Definitely recommended!

Clear Quality Security Camera. Great little security camera. I use it by the front door to see all who enter and exit and to keep track of the dog. The device does seem to heat up quickly, but is only warm to the touch. The motion detection is sensitive enough to pick up anyone walking past. The picture quality is rather decent while there is enough light in the room.

Great little camera. I bought this camera to keep a eye on things at home when I am not there. I did have to deal with an exwife that went out of bounds in the past, and this would’ve been perfect for me to see what she was really up to. It’s a great piece of equipment to help validate what things are happening when you’re not able to watch.

It works like a charm. The package was delivered very quickly. I was surprised how small and how easily hidden, it looks like a charger. Along with other wires in the house, it's barely noticeable. It took me few minutes to set it up. I am using it simply to monitor via phone while away from home, and it serves this purpose really well. Glad to find this product.

High quality image!!! Very good image for the size of the camera. the lens is slightly visible at certain angles but to the naked eye nobody would ever be able to tell! Use a larger sd card because it will fill up the memory quite fast. overall great product, have bought 3 more since.

Worth the cost. Big picture from small cam. Works better than expected. Absolutely worth the cost. Easy to set up. Live view in no time. The best part is no hassle with a bunch of wires just plug it in a convenient wall plug and you are ready to set it up. Once you do you will be impressed with the video quality for such a small device. Totally recommend.


Another piece of junk described as a camera. I thought this camera would be so simple that it must work. No need to hook it up to wifi, simply let it record on the installed micro card. Wrong, you must connect it using wifi to program it to use the micro card. After several hours and vision going blurred trying to read the tiny print, it never worked. I wish Amazon would stop offering junk as cameras to purchase only to send them back. Raise your standards Amazon and have more satisfied customers and stop all these ridiculous trips to return junk.

Terrible background microphone noises. Forget about the sound in the captured videos. The phone app (Android12) seems to support push notifications, but in the reality there are no notifications at all. All necessary permissions are granted to the app though.

Software is from a 3rd Party Did not work APK Download required Security Risk. Not able to verify file APK Security issue 3rd Party Software didn't work. Memory SD Card very hard to remove , stuck

How to Buy The Best GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record from which you can learn how to get the best GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record.

  • Is it worth buying the GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record?
  • What benefits does the product GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record?
  • What makes the GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record?
  • Why and how do you need the GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the GooSpy Hidden Camera USB Charger WiFi Spy Camera Full HD 1080P Wireless Small Security Cameras Tiny Nanny Cam Motion Detection Alarm & Record to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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