BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame, WiFi Photo Frame Touch Screen with 16GB Storage, Auto-Rotate, Share Photos and Videos via App Email, Wall Mountable, Gift for Grandparents

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

15 inch WiFi digital picture framewifi digital picture framewifi digital picture frame

digital picture frame

wifi digital picture frame

wifi digital picture frame


Energy-saving motion sensor will detect movements and turn on/off frame automatically(Sleep mode not included).


Featured with touch screen, it is easy to operate and all changes can be simply done within fingertips.


G-sensor will automatically rotate the image to make it best fit for the orientation. Can be freestanding on the desk or mounted on the wall.

wifi digital picture frame

wifi digital picture frame

wifi digital picture frame


Designed with multi-functionalities (music/weather/alarm/calendar…), BSIMB digital frames will become a source of entertainment for the whole family.


BSIMB Wi-Fi frames support up to 30-user connection which enables you to have all family members to share photos from anywhere in the world.


BSIMB digital frames comes with gift-ready package. It is a perfect gift for grandparents, newlyweds, far-away relatives, or just for yourself.

wifi digital picture frame

Please note this model:

1. Has limited Free Cloud Storage via WiFi

2. Supports up to 16GB Micro SD card

3. Doesn’t have Sleep Mode in Energy Saving Settings

digital picture frame digital picture frame wifi digital photo frame wifi digital picture frame wifi digital picture frame digital picture frame
Vision 15 Plus Vision 10 Vision 10L Wood Summit 11 Vision 8 Pioneer 10(Non-WiFi)
Screen Size 15 Inch 10.1 Inch 10.1 Inch 11 Inch 8 Inch 10.1 Inch
Built-in Storage 16GB 32GB 32GB 32GB 32GB
Display Resolution 1024×768 1280×800 IPS 1280×800 IPS 2K FHD IPS 1280×800 IPS 1024×600
Aspect Ratio 4:3 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:9
Control Method Touch Screen Touch Screen Touch Screen Touch Screen Touch Screen Remote Control
Wall Mountable
Dual Orientation
Aspect Ratio Motion sensor Motion sensor Motion sensor Motion sensor Motion sensor Motion sensor
Connectivity Technology Micro SD, USB2.0, Micro USB SD/SDHC/MMC, USB2.0, Mini USB Micro SD, USB 2.0, Micro USB Micro SD, USB 2.0, Micro USB Micro SD, USB2.0, Micro USB SD/SDHC/MMC, USB2.0, Mini USB

Features & Specifications

  • 【Large 15 Inch Touch Screen & 16 GB Storage】Featured with large touch screen 1024 x 768 display with aspect ratio 4:3, BSIMB digital frame presents images in fine quality and vivid colors with 170-degree wide viewing angle. 16 GB built-in memory allows you to upload up to 40,000 pictures; and storage can be extended by using USB drive and Micro SD card (up to 16GB)for more flexibility.
  • 【Wireless Picture Sharing】Instantly share happy moments with your loved ones can be much more fun with a BSIMB smart Wi-Fi frame (NOTE: Only works with 2.4GHz WiFi; not compatible with 5GHz & hidden networks). Setup can be simply done within few minutes. And choice is yours - to share pictures/video clips via app, email or PC. The frame also comes with multiple functions such as weather/music player/calendar/alarm/clock.
  • 【Auto Rotation & Energy Saving】When you rotate the frame, it will automatically adjust the picture to fit with the orientation. For energy-saving, you may set a timer or turn on motion sensor to shut the frame off when no one is at home.
  • 【Perfect Gift for Families & Friends】The frame can be freestanding or wall mounted. Not only a picture frame, but also a gorgeous decoration fulfilled with memories and happiness. It will be a perfect gift for grandparents, or far-away families and friends, or just for yourself.
  • 【Satisfaction Guaranteed】As a professional digital picture brand since 2010, BSIMB presents various digital frames from small to large with HD/FHD/2K display. We offer 30-day money-back guarantee and 1-year worry-free warranty. Our customer service team is always here for you to make sure you are happy with your frames.
  • Dimensions: 14.29 x 11.02 x 6.69 inches
  • Weight: 4.97 pounds

Pros & Cons


Maybe not the best, but the best there is.... First off, I believe it is the largest display frame out there until today. That makes it attractive for the display of my artwork. I would like the screen to be more of a matte type of surface, not so shiny or glaring. It would be better for a more realistic presentation of even photos, not just art works. But, apart from that, I am quite happy with the frame. The app for uploading images is a little clumsy and it takes time to upload even twenty or so photos. But once there, they display as programmed. One can choose different ways to sort them, e.g., in folders, or just in one bulk folder, make it a sequential order or a random one, blend the photos out in a handful of different ways, too. I found that one has to decide what the orientation of the photos should be: if they are all landscaped and the frame is set up to display vertically, the picture format will size them to very small. Likewise, if it is set up for portrait mode, anything in landscape will be narrowed in display to the smaller dimension of the frame. I don't know why, but in landscape, the photos are slightly enlarged on display, such that one won't see the entire surface of the photo. Maybe in photos, this does not bother if the subjects are in the center, but for art work, where the entire surface matters, it is somewhat annoying to not see the entire surface of the work. I'd say about 20% are "subtracted" from display. I can make them appear by pinching the screen, but when released the magnification returns and about 20% disappear again into the frame. I have not found a way to address that yet. Also the other night, out of nowhere, there was a terribly loud screeching sound coming from the speakers. I had not changed anything or turned on its speaker system. After I pulled the plug and then turned it back on, this stopped. It has not done it again, so I assume it was a glitch. But, aside from the above, it works well. The sensor brings the display online as soon as there is movement in the room. I hung my frame on the wall and it looks nice there. I think there are no other frames with as many as or more/better options than this one out there. For me, it was worth buying. I have tried to do a remote upload by signing a friend into the frame, so that she could email upload photos of hers to my frame, but we have not been able to figure this out (just yet). It appears to be more difficult than the manual claims. To me that is not a big deal, but if one wanted to send photos of family from other places to this frame, it might be an issue. Direct transfer with the downloadable app, while being in front of the frame, works well enough, even though it could be improved. It is definitely worth its price.

Easy to use. Gave as a gift and they love it. Easy to set up and send photos through app.

Really nice and easy to use. Love the ability to air drop pictures on the fly. Very nice and full of great features. The ability to air drop pictures to the frame via the internet is a great option.

Better than I expected! Love this digital picture frame. I did have a question regarding the landscape/portrait mode and reached out to the company. I received an email back from them which made no sense , not written in proper English and the email advised me to download some files , which I have not been able to download so I have no idea if those files are the answer to my question. I wrote back to them explaining the above and have not heard back from them as of yet. Aside from this, the device is awesome.

Set-up confusing, but once it's ready, very nice! The setup of this thing is kind of counter-intuitive, but once you figure out what it is they are trying to get you to do, it runs nicely. It really has a big beautiful display and works very well. I actually love it now that I'm done cursing it while trying to set it up! HINT: If you can't get it to fire up, make sure your cords are plugged in well and into a wall socket. I had it plugged in to a USB port in a lamp and it could not get enough juice to fire up that way. I almost returned it thinking it was broken and thought to myself, "Well I'll just try plugging this in one more time," and used a wall outlet. VOILA!

It's a hit! All my grandchildren LOVE this photo frame. I used to live in my own place and had walls full of fun family pictures. Now that I live in a small apartment, I can't. This was a perfect solution. Easy to upload my favorite pictures with the app.


Great pictures and size, bad power supply. I have purchased 4 of the frames (3 we're gifts). So far, within 6 months of purchase, 3 of the power supplies have gone bad. Although, the company has replaced 2 of the 3 so far, it is apparently a major issue considering 75% of them have stopped working. It is nearly impossible to just purchase a replacement cord. I am just waiting for the 4th one to stop working.

Decent for the price, could be improved. Seems to work okay so far, but I just got it. The image quality is decent but I don’t like that the frame can only be oriented in landscape mode. These days with cell phone photos, pretty much all of them are taken vertically/portrait orientation. So on all the vertical ones I’ve uploaded to the frame, the image is somewhat small and then there’s a ton of blank space around the sides. I also don’t like the way the time and date are formatted on the screen, and from what I can tell, you can’t take it off. The app isn’t the greatest. It is simple to use but there are some improvements that could be made. You can only upload 9 at a time, which is fine, but makes it time consuming if you’re doing a big batch. The thing I really hate is that it doesn’t show you which photos in your camera roll you’ve already uploaded to the frame. You would think it would put a checkmark on them or gray them out or something, but it doesn’t, so I have to remember which ones I’ve uploaded and if I select one that I’ve already uploaded, it will put it on the frame twice. Horrible design. Also, only one person can be logged in to the account at one time. So if my husband and I both want to have the ability to upload photos of our kids to the frame, we have to log in and out each time. Huge pain. I like that you can upload to the frame while it’s turned off. I like that it comes with a remote. And I like that it makes a sound effect when you’ve uploaded. That way, my mother in law will know to go check it out and see what we’ve uploaded if she hears the sound.

Piece of junk. The media could not be loaded. Thought I would try it for the price and knew I should have just bought the one that was a little bit more expensive! And name brand! Plugged it in turned it on and it wouldn't even let me go past the welcome screen! Touch screen absolutely sucks!

excellent picture with some quirks. Had the 10 inch unit for about a month. Picture quality is very sharp. Compared to my old Kodak Pulse which is still working, the picture is much better, but the features could be tweaked. For example, there is no on/off button like the pulse. The unit does have an on-off timer that one can program, plus there is the motion sensor. Only problem I encountered is watching it while sitting down. When the unit doesn't detect motion, it will shut down until it detects motion again. Had to waive my arms to wake it. I could turn of the motion sensor, but then would have to rely on the on-off programmable timer. Use of the timer would likely take care of this problem, but in my case, I can't predict when I will be in the room. The screen is smooth (glass-like) and shows fingerprints when not in use. For those of you that have had the Pulse, you may be a little disappointed in the software as it is not as useful as the pulse, but then the picture quality may more than make up for this. While making adjustments to the touchscreen controls, the picture moves on the the next one and you would need to start over, just a little frustrating. I did email the frame some pictures and it worked flawlessly. However, I ended up returning the unit but others may not find an issue with it.

Doesn’t work with all Wi-Fi’s. This works fine as far as turning on and navigating but it wouldn’t connect to the WiFi of the person I gave it to. It would at my house but not theirs and if you look at the fine print it does say it works with specific WiFi types but that’s very inconvenient. I returned it for a simply home one.

Was okay while it worked. This device worked for about 60 days and now it turns on to a white screen only. Of course there is no support or help. I saw a few reviews that said they had the same issue I should have listen to them. Lesson learned.

How to Buy The Best BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame from which you can learn how to get the best BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame.

  • Is it worth buying the BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame?
  • What benefits does the product BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame?
  • What makes the BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame?
  • Why and how do you need the BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame? Do you like it?


How good is the product of BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame, no matter it is good or bad?


On the whole, this is a pretty nice product that earns many praises from real life customers, being listed as one of the best sellers of Digital-Picture-Frames.

We highly recommend the BSIMB 15 Inch Large Digital Picture Frame to you.

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