iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

baby monitor

baby monitor two talk

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Two-Way communication

iFamily baby monitor is equipped with a microphone and speaker, providing a real-time communication with your baby.

Therefore, you don’t have to be with your baby all the time but can focus on what you love, such as doing yoga, watching movies, etc. You are not only a parent but also yourself.

Every Corner Covered

IFamily SM653 baby monitor with camera and audio comes with a 5″ LCD Screen and a remote control camera that can rotate 355° in horizontal and 120° vertical, ensuring you always have a clear view of your baby from any angle.

Auto-Night Vision

Equipped with infrared lights and a sensor, this video baby monitor automatically turns into black-white night vision when it detects low light. I know you miss your baby all the time,this baby monitor with camera and night vision helps you to see your sweet baby at night.

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baby monitor temperature

Invest in Your Peace of Mind

There’s nothing more stressful than not knowing what your little one is doing. That is why our baby monitor is supplied with non wifi baby camera, which do not require wifi (no hacking risks) and allow you to sleep better at night.

Built-in Wonderful Lullabies

iFamily smart baby monitor has soothe built-in lullabies, which you can remotely play to provide a warm and comfortable nursery for your baby.

You can also set a loop to play until the baby stops crying or falls asleep.

Temperature Detection

The temperature sensor of great accuracy can make alarming sound to alert you when the room temperature gets too low or too high . It can help you adjust a more comfortable and appropriate temperature for your baby.

baby monitor feeding reminder

baby monitor multiple cameras

baby monitor long range

Feeding Reminder

IFamily SM653 video baby monitor with camera reminds you to feed on time according to the feeding plan you set, helps you effectively implement a scientific feeding plan in your busy life, makes your baby full of energy to explore the world.

Expandable up to 4 cameras

You can add cameras to monitor multiple children or rooms with video and audio scan between rooms,which is helpful if you have more than one child, elder, pets to monitor or want the system to cover more areas in your house, such as a nursery and a playroom.

Long Range Baby Monitor

The signal coverage of the long range baby monitor camera is 960 feet (outdoor test), which allows you to happily cook downstairs, enjoy the sun by the pool or even have a relaxing barbecue with friends in the garden, brings you a lot of fun.

Features & Specifications

  • SECURE CONNECTION – Using the latest 2.4GHZ FHSS wireless technology( no WiFi required), this baby monitor keeps the privacy of your baby protected from hackers. Unlike IP cameras that can be accessed via the Internet. Not restricted by wifi so it's PERFECT FOR TRAVEL, HOLIDAYS or places where you don't have network access. 960ft long-range signal coverage, allows you to happily cook downstairs, enjoy the sun by the pool. iFamily smart baby monitor is undoubtedly the best gift for new parents.
  • AS SOON AS YOUR BABY NEEDS YOU - iFamily baby monitor with camera and audio is equipped with 5 inch large colorful screen display, shows you a clear image/video of your sweetheart, you will not miss the moment of your baby’s growth. The baby monitor camera view can be rotated 355° horizontally and 115° vertically, ensuring that you can monitor the entire baby room.Works with digital zoom for further zooming performance. This baby camera is an investment that grows with your family.
  • TWO WAY BABY MONITOR–Talk to your baby over the 2 way baby monitor and hear he/she talk back to you. Comfort him when he cries, sing to her, mimic her voice and more! The heavy-duty speakers and microphones on our infant monitor will NEVER let you down! Pacify, sing sweet lullabies and create the best environment for your baby to sleep and relax. Room temperature is displayed on the parent unit, so you can be sure your baby isn’t too hot or too cold.
  • INFARED NIGHT VISION:Equipped with infrared lights and a sensor, ifamily video baby monitor a automatically turns into black-white night vision when it detects low light. I know you miss your baby all the time, iFamily baby monitor with camera and night vision helps you to see your sweet baby at night. Multiple cameras can be added to the baby camera, which helps you monitor your babies, the elders , or pets in different rooms.
  • SMART VOX MODE: In VOX mode, the screen of the baby monitor will sleep to save power. Once a sound is detected, the screen will be activated automatically, you don’t have to stare at the screen all the time, you will have more private time to focus on what you love, such as doing yoga, watching TV, brings you a lot of fun. Compare with other baby monitors, we upgraded the battery capacity with 3000mAh. Can work continuously for 24 hours if the VOX mode is turned on, 5-7h without VOX mode.
  • Weight: 1.46 pounds

Pros & Cons


Works Great!!! This Baby Monitor Works Great! The Picture is very clear. Night vision is also very clear. I've gotten a clear view on the monitor either way. With no interruptions or dropouts of any kind. The Audio sounds clean with very little to or no interference & can be turned up pretty loud as well (if needed). Couldn't be more happy with this purchase. Highly recommended!

Compact. Easy to Use. Picked this monitor up for my 4 month old. I always base it on reviews. So far I like the size of it. Camera view is good. Only thing that’s too small for my liking is the cross pad to move camera. It’s all one button so it’s hard to push the corners. Overall happy with my purchase. EDIT : Figured out there’s a way to use the rest of the buttons to move camera around. My mistake! Review update to 5 Stars! Satisfied with my purchase! Exactly what I needed. Something to keep an eye on my little one while she sleeps without using wifi.

Keeping an eye on the munchkin but not spending a ton. This camera monitor works well, set up easily, and seems to have decent battery life when charged. I haven’t used it a great deal, but when I have it’s been great. The night vision works well, the panning is smooth. I will say the “zoom” is less than what I expected but overall I am pleased for the money the value.

No Other Product Matches its Rich Features! I am super excited to get this unit. I loved it so much that I gave it to daughter to watch her two dogs. This is a great little unit with an easy to use display. Both the screen and camera come with there own independent 5 volts charging wall adapters. The camera and monitor can both be used while charging, which is great feature in itself. The monitor and camera last more than 12hrs each on a full charge when running on the built in battery. It takes about four hours to fully charge both units. The camera allows for easy pan tilt and zoom. The camera picture quality is above average for a camera this size. You can set the camera to play one of the user selected lullaby's. The camera comes with a temperature sensor built in with alarm function. The monitor has a handy feeding alert that can be set by the user. My favorite function is the ability to talk and listen both ways through the camera and the monitor. This unit does not need home WI-FI so great for privacy, working range is pretty good. Strongly recommend to others.

We loved it so much we bought 2. For the money, you cannot beat this. The picture quality isn’t the best, but it’s good enough for the price! I love that it has different sensitivity levels for the noise and that it doesn’t need wifi because ours is hit or miss! I love this!

Me encanta! Creo que es la mejor compra que hice hasta el momento. Funciona súper bien, buena imagen, buen sonido, práctico, fácil de conectar, súper buen precio (lo compre en oferta relámpago) y además tienes posibilidad de conectar con más cámaras sin necesitar internet. Puedo hacer mis cosas en casa sin tener esa sensación de que mi bebé se despertó. Simplemente reviso el monitor y listo. Realmente me simplifico la vida caóticamente hermosa que llevo como mamá de 4 hijas.


Ultimately returned it. So this baby monitor is fine- but for the price I ultimately returned it for a vtech one that I already have (needed a second). I personally don’t need the camera to move, I just need to see my little one in his crib so that feature was lost on me. The picture quality is good, the night vision is good as long as it’s not pointed near a window while the sun is still going down. My issues with it are small but ultimately made me return it. 1) the screen is so bright. I take care of my son at night and my husband works early so checking on the baby was like turning on the tv. It has brightness settings and the lowest one was too high for me. 2) the camera is really zoomed in and doesn’t allow you to zoom out. 3) the ports for cables on both units (camera and monitor) pretty much suck. One gust of wind would knock them out just a hair and suddenly you’re no longer working. Which is frustrating when- 4) battery life on the monitor is about five hours. Not nearly enough to last all night. That was determined in about 1hr and 15min when I’d lost 1 out of 4 bars so maybe the last bar hangs on longer or something, I didn’t actually time it but it’s not super long. My other baby monitor lasts like 20. At the end of the day it worked great and if I hadn’t tried anything else I may not have noticed these things but that’s just me experience. Also, I got it for around $50 on a sale. Hope that helps!

Returned... quit pairing. The screen is large and I was really excited for the picture. Daytime is fine but the night vision has a strong small view, but doesn't really utilize the entire screen. The kickstand is well made and sturdy. I like that there's no external antenna. But my kids hated the included lullabies. Not just disliked, my daughter held her dad's hand while I tried them and kept saying "don't like it!" She's 2.5. The third night we used it, it stopped pairing. We did a factory reset, tried different frequencies, tried getting the patent unit closer, nothing worked. This unit has really good reviews and I was excited to try it. But, for us, other than being esthetically pleasing, it hasn't worked well at all. Returning and getting a new parent unit for our old system (the part that broke instigating this purchase).

Better Than Most. While this is a great value, and a reasonable resource, there are some issues. The 360 is exaggerated. In fact, the range is very limited. The ball may spin but the camera has a very limited scope. The night vision is not very clear - definitely requires a night light to make any real supervision possible. That said, it is helpful and adequate with a few modifications of lighting and positioning. You will need to mount it in EXACTLY the right place to get the right view needed. And I really like that it is NOT Wifi enabled which is a safety hazard for people to hack into.

For the price point it works. It’s a decent basic monitor. My biggest issue is the batter my life on the monitor is horrible. Basically dies right away if it’s not plugged in…like doesn’t even make it a full day. The picture is decent but grainy. If you need something on a budget this will definitely get the job done but starting to wish we spent the extra money for a better quality one.

Blurry image. The screen is big enough but the image quality was not so great. The night vision was kinda blurry. The control panel didn’t light up in dark, so it was difficult to use at night.

Don't believe the hype. Picture quality on this is pretty much trash. 480p IF YOURE LUCKY. It does have controls for 360° turning, and brightness, sound etc, but by no means is the camera hi def or even good def. It will work as a sufficient baby monitor, but don't expect any kind of high quality picture resolution.

How to Buy The Best iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio from which you can learn how to get the best iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio.

  • Is it worth buying the iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio?
  • What benefits does the product iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio?
  • What makes the iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio?
  • Why and how do you need the iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the iFamily Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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