AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame, IPS Touch Screen Smart Cloud Photo Frame with 8GB Storage, Easy Setup to Share Photos or Videos via Free Aimor APP, Auto-Rotate Frame

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

digital picture framedigital picture frame

digital picture frame

Moments Never Fade

Our digital photo frame offers an easy way to recall your treasured memories with incredible image clarity in rich and vibrant colors. Compared with signing up with Facebook account or email address, the Wifi APP solution is faster transfer with privacy protection. Let you feel at ease to share photos and videos with your loved ones anytime anywhere.


The Most Trusted Digital Photo Frame

Why Choose An AEEZO Digital Photo Frame?

  • Super clear IPS screen, more delicate picture quality, increase your happiness
  • High-speed WiFi transmission can share videos and photos anytime and anywhere
  • Easy to setup and use with touch screen- even by people who are not used to computers or social media
  • Simple to share your photos via Frameo APP. Available on both Android & iOS
  • Much more secure than sharing photos via email
  • A Perfect gift to keep you connected

digital picture frame

digital picture frame

digital picture frame

digital picture frame

Wonderful Picture Display

  • This 10.1 inch HD IPS display with 1280*800 resolution stays clear in any light, that enables perfect display with families at any angle, recalling your precious memories.

Set Up and Use In A Minute

  • User-friendly interface design makes it easy-to-use for all ages. Just plug the digital frame in, tap the screen to log into your Wi-Fi network, then your AEEZO HD Digital Photo Frame is ready!
  • Only a few steps to complete the setup and intuitive touch screen makes the usage much easier than ever.Simple, easy and safe!

Share via Frameo APP

  • Frameo App is an user friendly app. It’s available on both Android & iOS, you just need to download to your phone, then have it pair with AEEZO digital picture frame. You can now send your photos or small videos (max 15 seconds) to your loved ones from around the world.
  • The digital photo frame can be connected and interacted by multiple users, unlimited, easy to share.

Stylish Design

  • The digital photo frame comes with a classic design and sleek finish. AEEZO’s stylish, thoughtfully designed frame makes a great addition to you home or office.

digital picture frame

digital picture frame

digital picture frame

digital picture frame

Auto-Rotate Function

  • The digital picture frame will automatically adjust the direction of the photo, you can hang it on the wall or place on a table for best viewing experience.

Large 16GB Memory

  • Built-in 16GB memory empowers a huge capability of storage. It can store over 40000+ photos (based on each photo size is around 300KB after cloud compreession)
  • Extended SD card and USB drive can provide you more options for photo storage and album management. It’s easy to import or export photos from or to the digital photo frame.

Customized Settings

  • You can personalize the digital photo frame with your own preferred settings, such as play order, image zooming, hide/publish images, display caption, adjustable brightness, sleep mode, photo interval, etc.

The Warmest Gift

  • This Wi-Fi smart cloud photo frame can quickly update your life moments with your loved ones wherever you are. It helps to stay close to your family members, so it is a perfect gift for the elder to feel connected with the young generation.

digital picture frame

Features & Specifications

  • ❤A PERFECT GIFT TO KEEP YOU CONNECTED: Instantly share photos from your phone to an AEEZO digital photo frame through frameo app; Invite unlimited friends and family to share pictures to your digital photo frame or send photos to their frames all via WiFi; Additionally, it is a perfect gift for the elderly who are not good at using smart phones to stay connected with the younger generation.
  • ❤INSTANT WIRELESS SHARING: Frameo is a pro photo-management app originated from Denmark with users in 25+ countries around the world. It ranks first in App Store, being the most popular album software. AEEZO digital photo frame allows you to upload photos with unlimited quantity. Also with USB port and SD card slot to provide you more options for file storage and management.
  • ❤HIGH DEFINITION TOUCH SCREEN: The 10.1" IPS HD touch screen with 1280*800 resolution can display amazing clear and vivid landscape and portraits, recalling your precious memories. Browse through photos, delete videos, or pause the slideshow, with a quick tap of the finger. Brightness and sleep mode can be adjusted in settings as you want.
  • ❤AUTO-ROTATE & LARGE INTERNAL STORAGE: AEEZO picture frame can automatically rotate photos to adjust the direction, which allows you to place the WiFi photo frame in either portrait or landscape mode or on the wall. Built-in 16GB Memory empowers a huge capability of storage. Also support max 64GB SD card or USB driver for file management.
  • ❤NO RISK PURCHASE & 1 YEAR WARRANTY: Our factory has strict standards for raw materials to ensure the quality of these smart frames. Before shipment, all WIFI frames will be subjected to 200 hours of machine aging test, ensuring that each picture frame runs well before delivery. Also, we provide lifetime support, one year warranty, prompt response within 24 hours.
  • Dimensions: 10.71 x 7.28 x 0.99 inches
  • Weight: 2.46 pounds

Pros & Cons


Highly recommend. I gave my wife this Digital picture frame for Christmas and she just loves it. It was very easy to load the app to both of our phones and we both began sending pictures in no time with ease. The remote works well and the pictures are very clear and easy to manipulate the size to best fit in the screen. One week after Christmas while picking up decorations I knocked it off of the credenza where we placed it for viewing. After several expletives I retrieved from the floor expecting the worst. Luckily the screen was undamaged and the digital frame worked perfectly. However, the wooden composite frame was broken and attempts to repair it were unsuccessful. I would like to get a replacement but not sure how to order one. Anyway, I totally recommend this product, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Excellent. I got this frame for my dad for Christmas, shortly after he needed to move into a long term care facility. The frame is excellent. He can see lots of pictures without taking up space with multiple frames, anyone "friended" with a frame specific code can easily add new ones through the app (yes, only 10 at a time is a little annoying) and, after the frame was knocked on the floor multiple times, breaking open, the screen held together without so much as a scratch and I was able to completely open the plastic frame, reset the screen, pop the frame back on and it's good as new! I won't say it's indestructible but I am very pleased!

Crystal clear pictures. We bought this for my Mom for her Birthday. It was very easy to set up and easy to send pictures and videos. Crystal clear pictures and the sound for the videos are just as clear (sound can be turned down if you do not want it going.) We will definitely be buying my Mother in Law one for her birthday, and I might have to add an extra one in the cart for us, Best purchase I have made in quite some time!

Best present! I purchased this for my grandparents and they love this digital picture frame! My grandpa is pretty couch bound and he watches the pictures go by all day. This is honestly the best purchase I have ever made! It is so easy to send pictures to the frame and everyone in the family has the app and sends pics all the time! Again best purchase ever!!! 10/10 would recommend!

Great for nursing home. My mom is in a nursing home and this has been great to send pics and short videos (3 to 15 seconds) of family. She loved the gift. The frame was easy to connect to wifi and set up. You do have to downloan the app to send pictures to the frame Multiple people can send pictures to the frame.

Great way to display lots of travel photos. This high quality frame is so easy to set up and use. I take hundreds of photos when I travel and now they are where I can see them daily instead of in an album on a shelf or a folder on my phone. Everyone who sees it has to stop and watch it for a few minutes!


Way too complicated for most people. Nice quality picture display, love that you can swipe forward and backward. What I really dislike is the difficulty in doing setup and the fact it won't display directly from external memory media. This severely limits the versatility and ability to see whatever you want. That is, its internal memory is limited and you have to download external files to the internal memory of the frame to display them. I don't remember for sure - it's about 28 gig. So, you can't continually keep inserting more micro cards with additional photos you want to run for a while without deleting stuff, and you can't put a giant memory file in it and run say, 2500 of your pix because internal storage won't hold it. And video, forget it! It will suck up the whole memory in short order. Lastly, I hate all the features for sharing with family, facebook friends, and all that junk. I just want to have it running in my house to remind me of my vacations, family, and pets. The rest of that sharing stuff is just over-complicated junk. I have no need to EVER connect the frame to the internet, but it expects, no, INSISTS that you do it. Would I buy it again? Not a chance. If I was 16? Maybe so.

Good, but could be better. I bought this for my dad who lives out of state. Therefore the family can send pictures directly to him. I think it’s very convenient. However, the picture quality is just not that good. The pictures are not completely clear and crisp as they are on your iPhone or device.

Do not buy the black frames! The black frames have lines on the screen! I ordered one black frame. It had lines on the screen (even after peeling back the protective film). So I was sent another black frame which had the same problem. Even after turning on the frame, you can see the lines. So then I ordered a white frame and it did NOT have any lines and works great. The app sometimes let's you log in and other times it doesn't. I currently can not connect to any of the three frames I gifted for Christmas. So that's a bummer

Doesn't display the time. . No clock is a deal breaker for me. Really bad customer support. Plastic frame. There are much better ones out there.

Looks great but can't do many photos at once. Can only upload 10 photos at a time unless I use memory cards. Love how it works but wish I could add more at once

Hardware is Great -- Software is Buggy and Uploading Pictures is A Hassle. As of 2-12-2022: Pros: -The picture quality is great (2k) -Those complaining about blurry pictures I don't know what you're talking about. It does take 1/2 a second to render the complete picture at full quality which is expected. -Picture compression using the Frameo app seems reasonable. The resolution of the picture seems to match the frame and saves lots of space. -Ability to auto backup all your pictures to an SD card (must be less than 32 GB and formatted to FAT32 or the frame won't even recognize your SD card) -Ability to schedule frame to turn on and off at certain times -Ability to control how often the pictures change (1,2,3,4,5 seconds up to several+ minutes) -Ability to adjust screen brightness -Ability to either fit pictures to the screen or not -Ability to mute audio or change volume for video playback Cons: -Was not able to upload my pictures to the frame using an SD card despite following the max 32 gb size limit and formatting to FAT32. I tried uploading hundreds of pictures to about 2000 (10 gb) multiple times in multiple orders and the frame would crash at some point every time, often corrupt the pictures on my SD card and require resetting the frame to get it to allow uploading pictures with an SD card again. -The android Frameo app crashes infrequently, but otherwise seems to work perfectly fine uploading pictures incredibly fast. I have not tried the AiMOR app. -Can only upload a maximum of 10 pictures per upload using the Frameo app (took me almost an entire day to manually upload 2000 pictures in batches of 10). -Videos only 15 seconds long (why does this constraint exist at all?) -Frame only has 10-11 gb of storage despite the advertised 16 gb

How to Buy The Best AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame from which you can learn how to get the best AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame.

  • Is it worth buying the AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame?
  • What benefits does the product AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame?
  • What makes the AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame?
  • Why and how do you need the AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame? Do you like it?


How good is the product of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of Digital-Picture-Frames.

We highly recommend the AEEZO WiFi Digital Picture Frame to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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