VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB-C to USB-A Fast Charging Aluminum Housing Compatible with Samsung Galaxy S10 S9 Note 9 8 S8 Plus-Blue

VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB-C to USB-A Fast Charging Aluminum Housing Compatible with Samsung Galaxy S10 S9 Note 9 8 S8 Plus-Blue

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

−Samsung Galaxy S10 Samsung Galaxy S9/S9 Plus Samsung Galaxy S8/S8 Plus
−Samsung Galaxy Note 8/9 Samsung Galaxy A8/A8 Plus(2018)
−LG G5, LG G6 LG V20,LG V30
−Moto z force,Moto z play Moto z2 force,Moto z2 play
−Google Pixel/Pixel XLGoogle Pixel 2/Pixel 2 XL
−Huawei P20/P 20 Pro, P10/P10 Plus, P9/P9 Plus, Mate 9/Mate 9 Pro, Nova/Nova Plus, G9 plus
and other USB C devices.
♦Extremely Durability:
Nylon Braided VNPIEW USB C Cable With a Bend lifespan of 10,000+ and Seamlessly Molded Joints,More Flexible and Durable

This VNPIEW USB-C to USB-A user-friendly design allows you to plug into all your USB Type-C compatible devices without worrying about the orientation of the port.Premium Aluminum housing adds the durability of the cable.

♦Fast Charge &Data Transmission:
Compact gold tipped connections offer the best possible conductivity and connection for data and charging. Fits easily and securely into your device, while fitting most cases.

Comfortable and convenient experience no more annoying messages, no constant reminder in the phone screen telling you the frustrating truth that the cable cannot charge your favorite device.

Features & Specifications

  • Fast charging speed: Compliant with USB-C to USB-A specification version 1.1, 56kilohm, ensuring a maximum charge of 3A. Low-resistance internal pure copper wire ensures a maximum charging speed of up to 3A and transmits data up to 480 Mbits.For ensure the charging speed of your device, please use the original USB C port wall charger, or high quality charger which can support QC 2.0/3.0 fast charging.
  • Multiple lengths: 3/3/6/6/10ft different lengths can be used on sofas, beds, cars and other places. Perfect for long enough wires to enjoy data synchronization and charging anytime, anywhere, without worrying about taking the cable anywhere.
  • Durable: The USB-C to USB-A durable nylon woven fabric is made of a high-quality aluminum casing that makes the charger cable resistant to oxidation. Excellent resistance to twisting and abrasion.With a tested 10000+ bend lifespan.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with Samsung Galaxy S10 / S10e / S9 / Note 8/9 / S8 / S8 +, Razer, Google Pixel 2 / Pixel / Nexus 5X / Nexus 6P, LG V30 / V20 / G6 / G5, Sony Xperia XZ, Huawei Honor 9/8, Motorola Moto X4 / Z2, HTC U11 and all USB C compatible phones and tablets.
  • Warranty Policy: Each sale includes a 180-day Worry-Free Warranty to demonstrate our commitment to quality. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Pros & Cons


Great USB-C cable set and Very Affordible too. My new phone uses the USB-C cables and I had none of these around the house. Only the one that came with the phone itself. I needed more. Found this multi cable set which was a perfect solution to my needs. It was also very affordable as well, making the purchase a no brainer for sure. Got the cables, and they were very nice quality. The two 3 foot cables are in the bedroom plugged into the base of my night stand lamps which have the 2 amp USB plugs in them. one on each side of the bed. perfect length for charging. Plug it in, set it right there, and no long cable getting tangled up in anything. One of the 6 foot cables in plugged into the computer which gives me use of the phone while plugged in meaning it's long enough to move around, take pics, transfer files, etc. The other 6 foot cable in in my car's data port where it can charge, be put out of the way, or supply music to the media player built in to the car's system. The 10 foot cable is plugged in to the wall charger behind my recliner, and allows charging while being used in the chair. 10 foot cable was perfect for that. This is a great set cables.

Great charging cords. I am really pleased with these charging cables. I love that there is a variety of lengths so I can find just the right fit. Have had no issues with these, they are flexible and all of them have charged my phone (and my sons) with no issues.

A good assortment of charging cables for my Samsung Smartphone - and they support Fast Charging. I like getting an assortment of lengths of these Type C charging cables for my Samsung Smartphone. I tested and they support Fast Charging. Good price, delivered quickly: highly recommended.

Great Purchase. Highly recommend this product. They are great quality and charge my phone fast. They also fit snug into the charge port so the charger stays in place nicely. For the price you can’t beat it.

These work fine. I purchased this package to fit a new Nokia phone I bought. They work well and I have enough to charge my phone in any room and to take a charger with me when I'm out and about.

I can never have enough of these. I have picked these up at stores and they always seem to end up dead and unworkable. So far these are the best ones I have purchased.


Don't buy. These charge at a pretty low rate, which means thin cables inside. Pulled the 6ft cable out to charge my Note10. Tried 2 different bricks and could only get ~930ma. Used 2 other old cables of mine and those charged at ~1500ma. Switched back and forth within the same 2-3 mins just to make sure apples-apples. Low charge rate. Great deal, but don't buy if you want a decent charge rate for an usb-c cable.

A little thin and stiff. Compared to some other brands of USB-C cables that I have purchased, these are on the thinner side. They are also stiffer than others that I have. I suspect the conductors inside are stiffer, so these may not bend well, and remain functional without breaking. They do work, and the price is decent; will see how durable these are over time.

Don't buy. Voltage drop is extensive in the 6ft and 10ft cables. I have a new phone with a very strong battery. When I use the 3ft cable with my new high output charger my phone takes about 4 hrs to slow charge the from 35% to 100%. When I use the 6 ft cable that time goes from 4 hrs to 5.5 hrs, and when I use the 10 ft cable the time goes to nearly 8 hrs. But when I use my OEM 3ft cable that came with the phone, it takes only 1.5 hrs to slow charge from 35% to 100%. These cables look great but they perform terribly.

Inconsistent quality. I bought this 5 pack so that I'd have extra charging cables, since most of our newer devices and phones have gone to USB C. I've only used three of the five cables so far. The first cable felt too tight plugging into our phones, and I was worrying about damaging something. The second cable doesn't fit quite right on the USB C side, and so if the phone is moved at all after it's plugged in, the connector moves just enough to not charge. The third cable has some sort of internal wiring fault, so if it's plugged into a PC (instead of a wall adapter power block), the PC reports "the device you plugged into the USB port has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it". Charges the phone ok, but doesn't support data transfer. Only happens with this cable. The phone to PC connection is fine with other cables I own. At this cost, it's not worth the effort to return them, so I'll throw them in a drawer and give them to people who come to my house and need a cable.

These cables all failed within a month. I would stay away. We have been very happy with most Amazon products. I must say I was a little surprised that these cables all failed within a month of usage. After a while, you have to wiggle it to charge. Eventually, it will not charge your phone at all. It is not my charge port since new cables will charge the phone. Not a good value if it fails very quickly.

Fastest breaking wiring I've ever experienced. The long and short of it? Each cable.has lasted about 3 days. Even just night charging, it either doesn't change at all, or keep acting like it is charging and drains the battery instead. The end joining to the phone input has zero support. That is probably why they were so cheap.

How to Buy The Best VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB from which you can learn how to get the best VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB.

  • Is it worth buying the VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB?
  • What benefits does the product VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB?
  • What makes the VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB?
  • Why and how do you need the VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the VNPIEW USB C Cable 5Pack (3/3/6/6/10 FT) USB to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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