Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop

Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Travel Laptop Backpack

Features & Specifications

  • LOTS OF STORAGE SPACE&POCKETS: One separate laptop compartment hold 15 Inch Laptop as well as 15 Inch,14 Inch and 13 Inch Macbook/Laptop. One spacious packing compartment roomy for daily necessities,tech electronics accessories. Front compartment with many pockets, pen pockets and key fob hook, make your items organized and easier to find
  • FUNCTIONAL&SAFE: A luggage strap allows travel laptop bag fit on luggage/suitcase, slide over the luggage upright handle tube for easier carrying. Tighten the breast strap can stabilized the center of the gravity of the backpack. A small anti-theft pocket located on the lower back keeps your passport, wallet, phone and other valuable items safe and handy. Internal shockproof belt for fastening your laptop and iPad, preventing them from sliding and bumping
  • USB PORT DESIGN: With built in USB charger outside and built in charging cable inside,this usb backpack offers you a more convenient way to charge your phone while walking. Please noted that this backpack doesn't power itself, usb charging port only offers an easy access to charge
  • COMFY & BREATHABLE: Adjustable shoulder straps and back side comes with comfortable and breathable mesh design, relieves the stress of your shoulder. A comfortable airflow foam-pad back design with soft, multi-panel breathable mesh padding with good heat dissipation and not get clammy, offering your back maximum back support. A foam-padded top handle makes it a carry-on
  • QUALITY MATERIAL&SOLID:Made from quality polyester fabric with Two "S" curve PADDED shoulder straps,offers LIGHT-WEIGHT carrying and of force reinforcement,perfects for business traveling, weekend getaways, shopping, professional office work and other outdoor activities. Also, a perfect college high school student backpack for boys,girls,teens,women and men
  • Dimensions: ‎10 x 5 x 2 inches
  • Weight: ‎1.83 pounds

Pros & Cons


Total steal for this awesome backpack. $20 for a really comfy a backpack? I use this to schlep around my Microsoft Surface tablet along with other stuff for work + toddler stuff like baby wipes, snacks, extra clothes, hand wipes... you get the idea. It holds everything with room to spare. The padded area for tablet is nice and has a Velcro band to make sure everything stays put. Deep pocket holds everything you need. Charging cord comes in really handy! Option to lock it if you’d like. This is definitely a steal for how nice this is.

Nice backpack for school or travel. We bought this backpack for my daughter who will be a sophomore this year. The students at her school carry everything with them from class to class, so it was essential for us to choose something sturdy that would fit several books and school supplies and be as comfortable as it could be to carry around. We were happy to see the bag is pretty well padded throughout and has extra points of comfort for her back. The handle and straps seem nice and hefty, as well. While she hasn't gone back to school yet, she did use this bag as a carry-on for a recent trip and stuffed it full of books, games, snacks & things of that nature. She appreciated the lock and charging capability as she had a portable battery with her and it enabled her to keep that inside and have easy access to her phone. She said it was comfortable to carry around and overall, she seems quite pleased with it.

Great size, quality, comfortable & holds a LOT of items! I have been searching for a smaller backpack for travel that had a laptop slot. I am a 5ft 1in female & I have had some back injuries in the past so most of the travel backpacks are way too big &/or uncomfortable for me. This one is a great size and has many great features and will hold a lot of items! I was able to get my laptop, device chargers, 2 slim packing cubes & 1 XS packing cube in the main compartment. The front zipper has my planner, a notebook, pens & other misc items & a small zipper pouch with cosmetic items. It also comes with a lock for the zippers - nice extra bonus! The straps are very comfortable and it feels great on my back when walking. I ordered the grey for $19.98 and it's a bargain for sure as this definitely looks and feels like a much more expensive backpack. I'm so glad I got this one!

Perfect bag for me! I freakin love this bag. I bought it for work. I am a delivery driver and I get to work and am often in a different van so I have to carry everything with Me everyday. It has two drink holders (which hold my 32 oz hydro) along with a small pocket in the front where I can keep my small crap (fingernail clippers, hand sanitizers, floss). A second compartment I can keep my “just in case” stuff (pepto, aspirin, note pads, extra pens) as well as a place to hook my keys. This part is great because I’m always putting my personal car keys in there and don’t want to lose them in the bottom of my bag later! The big part has a laptop section which I don’t necessarily need, but it gives me another divider for personal things I need on a regular basis. I can keep my electronics and chargers in that pocket, and I keep a cup holder adapter as well as a ton of other things in the main compartment and STILL have enough room to put my lunch box on top and still zip it closed! I carry a hoodie with me and am able to clip it between two clips on the outside of the bag... and the straps are actually comfortable! It has a built in cord to charge electronics which is cool even tho I don’t ever need to use it.

Great bag. I love the USB port on it. I've got a bunch of those big batteries, but they are awkward to carry around. Backpack makes it so much simpler. It's great material, sturdy and it fits a thin 15.6" laptop. It's pretty minimalist, but fits all I need for work

loved it. There is quite a bit of room. I carry around water, snacks, laptop, scrapbooks, paints, colored pencils, books, etc. It has been holding up great with how heavy and full I keep it. I am loving it!


NOT WATERPROOF!!! See my pictures. I got this backpack BECAUSE it was listed as waterproof. When it arrived, I was happy that the pack was light and feels very durable, but it just so happened that it poured on my way to work this morning. I didn’t pack a trash bag for my backpack because “no worries! It’s waterproof!” Well my face, it was not! See pics. Pack was fully zippered. It wasn’t even torrential rain. I had some work files and my work laptop in there. If my bike ride in the rain had been any longer, these items would have been ruined. Sending this back immediately.

THIS BAG IS NOT WATERPROOF AT ALL!! NOT WATERPROOF!! I will start off by saying this in an excellent, quality bag. I live in Hawaii and needed a bag to carry my laptop and essentials around and to protect it all from the constant rain. It fits my laptop perfectly, the zippers are quality, and has a good amount of pockets. The cons..... 1) THIS BAG IS NOT WATERPROOF AT ALL. At the time of me writing this review, the title of the product says "SOLDIERKNIFE Durable Waterproof Anti Theft Laptop Backpack Travel Backpacks Bookbag with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop Black". Again, THIS BAG IS NOT WATERPROOF. AT ALL. I went to the beach one afternoon and packed my towel and a change of clothes. It had rained a little while I was there and went to the beach showers to change into my dry clothes and leave. My clothes were SOAKED. the zippers were completely zipped and I had my lock on it. Luckily, I did not have my laptop in my bag. I did have my couch drops and breath mints in there and now the inside is sticky and ruined. I came back to this page to make sure I wasn't mistaken of it being waterproof only to find out the fine print says WATER RESISTANT. It is in fact NOT water proof. 2) The USB does not provide a good flow of power. I had my phone plugged up and it charged about 5% in 30 minutes. Not a huge bummer, but will not be using it. Better to just get a long cable and charge directly from your power brick with it in your bag. Overall, I like the bag. Great great bag for $20. But, I am upset about it not being waterproof like the title of the product states.

I had high hopes, but product description is misleading. I'm going on a business trip next week and I purchased this backpack so that I could carry everything I need as I go from office to office. I wanted something that was functional and looked professional. The backpack has a sleek look. It is definitely not a kid's backpack. The laptop pocket is deep enough for my laptop and my iPad Pro. It has lots of room for other items and depending on what I put in the backpack, a sweater may fit as well. The two side pockets are big enough and high enough to securely hold my water bottle or travel mug. The usb cord may be helpful, but there is no dedicated pocket for the charger. I would have expected one to secure the charger. As it looks, the charger either needs to sit in the pocket for the laptop or in the larger area in front of it. I'm unsure if the cord will stay attached if the charger is allowed to move around in the backpack. So here is the frustrating part. The "small anti-theft pocket in the lower back?" It is not in the lower back, it is on the front of the backpack and faces away from the wearer. The description makes it sound like it is on the part of the backpack against the wearer's back and, therefore, unreachable by others. It is not. Also, I don't know how it is anti-theft. It doesn't lock and unless you squish tabs together, you can't use the lock to secure it. I'm going to pack it up today and use it this week to see if I can find some solutions here. The price is low enough that I may be able to overlook the issues.

What's that smell? I love the style and how well this backpack looks to be made. My huge problem is a very strong chemical smell. It smells of a petroleum almost gasoline smell. After airing it outside for 4 days I brought it back into the house and the smell is still very strong. Maybe others or the seller could advise me on what to do to get rid of the smell?

Good looking but not long lasting. This backpack looks great, is comfortable, and holds a good amount. The negative is that it is not sturdy or durable. My 12 year old has had it for 3 months and 1 of the straps is broken, and another has separated from the top of the backpack. I wish it had held up as well as it looks.

It's a bit smaller than expected. It's a nice looking backpack. Perfect to transport my laptop and work papers as I work remotely. Beyond my work necessities, it doesn't fit much more ( 15 in laptop, 3-4 folders, charger cables, mouse pad and mouse, and random supplies). The side pockets are generous enough to fit a large bottle, which I really like. I was hoping to use this as a travel bag when I flew, but I don't see it holding very much so I'm not sure it will be good for that. It's a very comfortable bag so it's a little disappointing it won't work for flying.

How to Buy The Best Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop from which you can learn how to get the best Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop.

  • Is it worth buying the Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop?
  • What benefits does the product Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop?
  • What makes the Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop?
  • Why and how do you need the Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Travel Laptop Backpack with usb Charging Port for Women & Men School College Students Backpack Fits 15.6 Inch Laptop to you.

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