Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type-C Computer Display IPS Eye Care Screen with HDMI Type C Speakers for Laptop PC PS4 Xbox Phone Included Smart Cover & Screen Protector Black

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

111Portable Monitor - Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type-C Computer Display IPS Eye Care Screen with HDMI Type C Speakers for Laptop PC PS4 Xbox Phone Included Smart Cover & Screen Protector BlackPortable Monitor - Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type-C Computer Display IPS Eye Care Screen with HDMI Type C Speakers for Laptop PC PS4 Xbox Phone Included Smart Cover & Screen Protector Blackport

Plug and Play

With mini HDMI and full-featured Type C input, this portable monitor easily connects to a variety of electronic devices, including laptops, Macs, smartphones, PCs, PS3, PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, and more. It is ideal for extending your screen or playing games on a business trip, travel, or home entertainment.


Dual Stereo Speakers

Built-in dual speakers deliver booming sound with crystal-clear audio quality and bring an enticing home theater experience to the comforts of your home. Also, you can add your own speaker for a better sound via 3.5mm audio input.


Compatible with Cell Phones

Lepow external monitor is compatible with Type C phones that support full-featured output. Only a Type C cable is required to achieve the screen mirroring on the phone and monitor. You can expand your phone screen to work or play.


Ultra-Thin and Portable

The portable monitor for laptops and phones comes with a magnetic smart cover, which features a 0.3-inch profile and 1.7-pound weight, providing the greatest convenience for your daily business, travel, and entertainment.






Warm Tips:

  • Phones that do not have a full-featured Type-C port require an adapter to connect. For iphone, it needs a lightning to HDMI adapter.
  • Not all laptops or phones with a Type-C port can work with Lepow portable monitor. Please check the Type-C port of your laptops and phones if it supports audio and video signal.
  • HDMI/Mini DP port does not support power transmission. It is a must to connect an extra power supply (5V/2A or above) if you use HDMI/mini DP port for connection.

Portable Monitor - Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type-C Computer Display IPS Eye Care Screen with HDMI Type C Speakers for Laptop PC PS4 Xbox Phone Included Smart Cover & Screen Protector Black

portable monitor- Z1 gray portable monitor- Z1 gamut black portable monitor- Z1 gamut gray Portable Monitor - Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type-C Computer Display IPS Eye Care Screen with HDMI Type C Speakers for Laptop PC PS4 Xbox Phone Included Smart Cover & Screen Protector Black Portable Monitor - Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type-C Computer Display IPS Eye Care Screen with HDMI Type C Speakers for Laptop PC PS4 Xbox Phone Included Smart Cover & Screen Protector Black Portable Monitor - Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type-C Computer Display IPS Eye Care Screen with HDMI Type C Speakers for Laptop PC PS4 Xbox Phone Included Smart Cover & Screen Protector Black
Lepow portable monitor- Z1 gray Lepow portable monitor- Z1 gamut black Lepow portable monitor- Z1 gamut gray Lepow portable monitor- Z1 blue Lepow portable monitor- C2 gray Lepow portable monitor- C2 black
Resolution Full HD 1080P Full HD 1080P Full HD 1080P Full HD 1080P Full HD 1080P Full HD 1080P
Refresh Rate 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz
Kickstand โœ“ โœ“
Input Interface Full-function Type C port, Mini HDMI port, Type C port(Power Supply) Full-function Type C port, Mini HDMI port, Type C port(Power Supply) Full-function Type C port, Mini HDMI port, Type C port(Power Supply) Full-function Type C port, Mini HDMI port, Type C port(Power Supply) Mini DP port, Full-function Type C port, Mini HDMI port, Type C port(Power Supply) Mini DP port, Full-function Type C port, Mini HDMI port, Type C port(Power Supply)

Features & Specifications

  • [๐™๐™ƒ๐˜ฟ ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿด๐Ÿฌ๐™‹ ๐™„๐™‹๐™Ž ๐™Ž๐™˜๐™ง๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ] Lepow USB C 1920*1080 portable monitor delivers a truly immersive viewing experience that lets you enjoy High-Definition entertainment and gaming.
  • [๐™‘๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ก๐™š ๐˜ฟ๐™ž๐™œ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ก ๐˜พ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ฎ] Mini HDMI & USB C ports design makes this portable gaming monitor more convenient to connect your laptop, smartphone, PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX ONE, or Nintendo Switch etc. It's ideal for extending your screen or playing games on business trip, travel, or home entertainment.
  • [๐˜ฟ๐™ช๐™–๐™ก ๐™Ž๐™ฅ๐™š๐™–๐™ ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ & ๐™ƒ๐˜ฟ๐™ ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™™๐™š] 2 built-in speakers efficiently helps display multi-media files especially when listen to music/watch movies/play games. HDR mode support excellent mainstream transmission so that you can enjoy great video transmission in game and other entertainment.
  • [๐™Ž๐™ก๐™ž๐™ข, ๐™‡๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ & ๐™‹๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™–๐™—๐™ก๐™š] With a slim 0.3-inch profile and just 1.76 pounds, Lepow 15.6 inch portable monitor is ideal for your life and work to make a simple setup on-the-go dual-monitor and mobile presentations.
  • [๐™Ž๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ ๐˜พ๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง & ๐™Ž๐™˜๐™ง๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™‹๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง] Lepow have added a smart cover and a screen protector to fully protect our monitor. The cover case is made of PU leather to provide excellent protection for the entire monitor and can be folded into different positions to create a stand. The protective film prevents the screen from being scratched.
  • Dimensions: 14.5 x 8.8 x 0.34 inches
  • Weight: 1.7 pounds

Pros & Cons


A Perfect Portable Display with HDMI,USB type C and external power support. I initially bought AOC I1601FWUX 15.6" USB-C portable monitor as I had seen a friend use it. I wanted to use it as a primary monitor with a spare PC. My connectivity solution was an HDMI to USB type C adapter. It failed as there was no way to power the monitor and send signals at the same time using that single port. Lepow 15.6" Portable monitor was a slam dunk to this problem. Not only do they have a dedicated port for power, but they also hook you up with the following which my former purchase quite clearly lacked... -> Inbuilt speakers(Just loud enough to listen at close range, using it is optional) -> Dedicated ports for HDMI, USB, power, and audio connectivity. -> Power button and dedicated configuration toggle switch -> Dual color LED indicator and screen prompts to display successful connection -> Power adapter with type C Power only cable -> Quality USB type C to type C male cable -> mini HDMI to HDMI cable ->Screen Protector and application materials ->Front and back protection through sandwich-type magnetic cover(Check photos) ->Plug and play capability, no drivers required ->Beautiful Packing ->Works with my Raspberry PI 3 You can connect the monitor with just the Type C connectivity if you have a properly supported laptop(both power and signal are relayed without any other cable) OR You may choose to plug in the power supply on the right and use either mini HDMI or USB Type C connectivity on the left for even better performance The controls are really easy to learn and I will buy this again as a primary monitor any day of the year due to its versatile nature. The only optional points of improvements if Lepow wants to consider are ->Have the screen guard pre-installed, people like me are ill-equipped to get it done properly ->To provide a screen guard with matt finish to match screen, it's simply more convenient in well-lit places ->Consider putting holes to allow Vesa mounting if possible, however not mandatory at this price point Final Verdict: Clear winner in this fight is Lepow, by quality, utility, and responsiveness. Note to Lepow: You need to Market your brand better, promote more to make your name known to all. Also, I bought this in the US, but you have to sell this in India too guys. Believe me, a device this good, will fly off amazon shelves before you know it.

Better than Expected. I wanted to start and say it beat my expectations.. I was skeptical of buying this one since I'm not familiar with the brand.. was looking at the Asus but those are 100$ more for seem like same specs.. When the first one came in I loved it right away.. the build quality is really good. I don't use it for any photography or video editing so not sure how true the colors are.. but I use it just for a second monitor for more production for day trading stocks and I love it.. I used to use a iPad.. but it was using more ram and kept freezing up and couldn't afford that.. So I purchased one and when I received it I ordered the second one.. ps the second one was by mistake.. was planning to return it but changed my mind and decided to keep it lol. So far I don't see any negative about it but only been using it for few days.. will update if anything changes.

Works Great. I connected to my iPad Pro 11". I recently updated to the iOS 13 and connected the iPad to this Portable Monitor and it worked GREAT!!! I tested both USBC and HDMI mini and they both worked.


Received damaged and also screen doesnโ€™t work properly. Item received damaged on one corner, gap between the screen and the case. Also the screen does not light up completely, from bottom can see the backlight is not working. Returning this item.

100% negative. I purchased this twice and returned both. It will not power on. In 3 secs it goes to power saver and shuts down. There is no info in the user guide. There are no live links on the website for support. (goto the website and see for yourself - it's 100% phony) Never even got to see the picture quality. junk

Poor Quality Manufacturing. Screen is bright and the picture of pretty decent, but the construction quality is severely lacking. The screen makes an intermittent high pitched squeel when it is turned on that can be heard across the room. It is so annoying that I can't use it, returning it today. Update: I continue to get 2-3 emails every day from the manufacturer bribing me with increasing dollar amounts of amazon gift cards to take down this review. The emails are sent from a different email address each time so I can't block them, this level harassment is unbelievable.

How to Buy The Best Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type from which you can learn how to get the best Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type.

  • Is it worth buying the Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type?
  • What benefits does the product Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type?
  • What makes the Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type?
  • Why and how do you need the Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Portable Monitor – Lepow 15.6 Inch Full HD 1080P USB Type to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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