LG 27MP450-B Monitor 27-Inch Full HD (1920 x 1080) IPS Display,

LG 27MP450-B Monitor 27-Inch Full HD (1920 x 1080) IPS Display,

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Expand your desktop. Work, watch and play in Full High Definition. LG’s 27 inch Full HD (1920 x 1080) IPS monitor portrays true color, bringing a clear view to your work and lifelike scenes to games, movies, shows and videos. Experience smooth gameplay with AMD FreeSync (used with supported video cards), virtually eliminating screen tearing and stuttering that occur as a result of the difference between a graphics card’s frame rate and monitor’s refresh rate. Dynamic Action Sync reduces input lag and elevates your gameplay, allowing you to respond to your opponents quickly. Keep visibility even in dark scenes—LG’s Black Stabilizer senses dark scenes and helps make it brighter so that you can find the enemies hiding and waiting to attack your player in the dark. Reader Mode provides optimal conditions for comfortable reading with the a click of a mouse. Stay in the game as you take fast, easy control of essential monitor settings including picture, audio and Screen Split with just a few clicks of your mouse with On-Screen Control*. *Software download required to enable OnScreen Control. For download details, visit LGUSA.com/OnScreenControlSupport.

Features & Specifications

  • Computer monitor features a Full HD IPS Display with a three-side, virtually borderless design for wide viewing angles and rich colors
  • AMD FreeSync manages refresh rate, reducing screen tearing, flicker, and stuttering for an effortlessly smooth gaming experience with supported video cards such as the AMD Radeon series
  • Protect your eyes and minimize eye fatigue during long work sessions with Reader Mode's blue light reduction and Flicker Safe, virtually eliminating onscreen flicker. Make adjustments via On-Screen control with a few clicks of your mouse
  • Dynamic Action Sync helps reduce input lag to help you respond to on-screen action quickly. Black Stabilizer dynamically brightens dark scenes to help you find enemies in the dark. Enhance your accuracy in firefights with the Crosshair feature
  • Uni-body design with ultra-narrow bezel and tilt adjustment is the ideal screen for a desktop setup, or mount with 75 x 75 mm bracket sizing
  • Dimensions: ‎24.1 x 8.6 x 19.4 inches
  • Weight: ‎8.6 pounds

Pros & Cons


A very good integrated display that is reasonably priced. If you have a need for an all-in-one display that combines a display, webcam, microphone, speakers, and USB-C connector, this is a solid option for you. For an integrated display such as the LG 24MP750C-B, it is priced in the higher end of the middle of the pack. It is an IPS (in plane switching) display vs. a VA (vertical alignment) display, and IPS is generally a better quality display technology. IPS displays have better color and viewing angle than VA displays, while VA displays tend to have narrower viewing angles and better black levels than IPS displays. LG typically makes solid computer displays, and this one is no different. I hate when I can't adjust the height, tilt, or orientation of a display (as the alternative for adjusting height is stacking bundles of printer paper under the display stand, which is far less elegant), and this model has all of those adjustments which I really like. The USB-C connector is also convenient as with that single cable, I can power my laptop (which gets rid of the PC power brick...win!) and use it to output video from my laptop to the display. Fewer cables = better. Insofar as display quality is concerned, this LG IPS display is bright, has great color and contrast, and really good black levels. And of course, it has the wider viewing angle typical of IPS displays so the viewing "sweet spot" is generous. One thing of note...it is a 27" widescreen monitor with HD resolution (1920 x 1080). That is totally fine and is great for work and viewing HD movies, however if you don't need the niceties of a built-in webcam and mic, for slightly less money you can get a 32" widescreen 4K (3820 x 2160) HDR10 LG display (LG 32UN500-W). That model does use a VA panel vs. IPS panel, so that is something to keep in mind. Just a thought.

Meets my needs but HDMI cable was bad. I'm not a gamer, so I don't need that kind of performance, but I do work on my photos (not pro-level), do some 3D design work, and spend a good number of hours browsing or writing online. I just need a monitor with a good quality picture and ample display area. This LG meets both of those needs and comes with a pretty slim case border, which is nice. Having so much display area, I immediately hoped I could move to a higher resolution, but 1920 is the limit. That's okay. I didn't want to spend a lot, and you don't get something for nothing. It does what an economy monitor is supposed to do, and does it well. The problem was... The HDMI cable it came with was defective. I connected everything correctly (no rocket science involved in plugging in an HDMI cable) but the monitor said no signal was coming in. What could it be? I checked out my display port settings, looked for drivers, tried the troubleshooters, flirted with BIOS settings (which I didn't go for), rebooted, etc, etc. The last thing I would expect to fail is a brand new cable. And yet, after wasting time on other possibilities, I borrowed a known-good cable from my disc player and, voila! It worked exactly as expected. Nice monitor. Dodgy HDMI cable. eh... You save a little money on the cheaper product, but you might need to monkey around a bit. I'm still happy with it.

Terrific Value. I'm using this new LG monitor to replace a worn out Samsung model S27A550H that became pixelated after several years of use. This LG has the same terrific picture quality in a trimmed down package. Brightness, contrast needed no adjustment, and the color quality is excellent. This monitor fits neatly on my desk with the built-in stand, and the viewing angle is perfect. Bad news: The instructions that come with the unit are totally worthless. Good news: You don't need them anyway. Easy to figure out and assemble. You cannot find a better monitor for this low priced model.

Nice inexpensive monitor. I've only had it for a couple of days, but so far I'm mostly happy with the image quality. There could have been more detailed instructions in the box. I hooked this up with the fairly short HDMI cable provided and didn't see anything on the screen, even after reboot. It took me a few minutes of messing around on the edges and back to find the singe button underneath the monitor to adjust input, etc. It's right up front on my previous HP monitor. It seems like the monitor weighs less than my Kindle. It's a long way since the old CRTs that could be used as boat anchors once they went bad. Two things I don't like: others have remarked that the monitor leans forward slightly, which I don't like. I want to push the top back so the monitor is vertical. The second thing is the razor-thin bezel. It looks nice, but when I place my center surround speaker on top of the monitor, as I've been doing with a number of monitors over the years, the stabilizing element of the speaker now covers up three tabs in Chrome. Same issue with the camera that sits atop the monitor. Overall, I'm very happy with it. It's a very nice monitor.

Faded edges. The backlight sits back from the screen, resulting in faded edges. It's not too bad, but it the design could be better. Also the "virtually borderless" is technically correct, in a manner of speaking. The frame that holds the display is indeed "virtually borderless" but there is a virtual border as the display does NOT fill the entire frame. So there's virtual vertical black bars on the left and right. This makes it less suitable for minimizing the seams in multi-monitor gaming than it would initially seem before you ever plug it in. That said, it does NOT work with nVidia G-Sync despite it nVidia adding Free Sync support to their drivers a while back. It says it's a 75hz monitor, but it's not. It's 74.95hz and runs great at 74hz if you want to set up a custom resolution with your video card drivers. I can't get it to work with a custom rate of 74.95 for some reason. Lastly, it could be brighter, as it's about as dim as unlit paper next to my LED television. All of that said, I am pleased enough that I intend on buying 2 more for a 3 monitor set up, as soon as I can afford to do so.

Good monitor, sleek design. Decent range of adjustment. Not sure why some mentioned it pointed down. Maybe they didn't even try to tilt it up. It is light weight which is nice as I use mine for an occasional add on monitor for my laptop. Only issue is the control for the monitor is not super intuitive. It is a little one knob thing that you push to select on screen options. ..took me a minute to figure that out. The power cord is a little short. Picture is good, quality seems good. A nice 27" monitor for the price point.


Screen could get better. Screen quality could get better for the price it’s been put. Also if it had at least 2 hdmi ports then it would have been easy to change devices and sources. Other than that it serves the purpose.

Monitor tilts forward. The monitor would be fine if it didn’t tilt forward so much. It’s very annoying that the top of the monitor is tilted so far forward with no way to adjust it! Sorry I didn’t know this because I would not have bought it! All it needs is a way to tilt it back.

Overall Good, Watch software install. Overall pleased with the monitor, but when i installed the software from LG I had all kinds of issues with my laptop recognizing it and the quality dropped (i saw white specs). I uninstalled the software and all is working well. Just can not use the split screen functions without the software

Discoloration on edges. Played with the displayed settings for hours, but couldn't get rid of some discoloration on the left edge of the monitor. It's slightly redder than the rest of the screen. I assume this is due to uneven backlighting on the monitor. For the price though, I can live with it. Mainly using it for work.

Nothing HD about it. I use a second monitor for work along with my laptop, and wanted to upgrade from a ‘low-end’ 24” unit to a larger, better model. I chose this one because it was on sale and I leaned on the brand reputation and “HD” description. What a disappointment. At its best resolution settings, it was just like a giant zoomed out version of the laptop screen; not much more room to make windows bigger; the pixels were huge; terrible for any kind of reading or browsing the web, everything was pixelated and the color looked muddy. I wasn’t planning on using it for gaming, but I can’t imagine a game looking it’s best on this thing. I went back to the low-end unit and the resolution and color is SO MUCH BETTER. The LG is back in the box and will be returned.

Not as good as expected. Good for a cheep monitor and quite usable. Text was not as clear as I would have liked. Also I just couldn't get the brightness, contrast and colors adjusted per my liking. Monitor somehow appeared too bright with blurred whited out details or clearer and too dark.

How to Buy The Best LG 27MP450?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of LG 27MP450? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product LG 27MP450 from which you can learn how to get the best LG 27MP450.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of LG 27MP450.

  • Is it worth buying the LG 27MP450?
  • What benefits does the product LG 27MP450 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product LG 27MP450?
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  • Where can you get information as this on the product LG 27MP450?
  • Why and how do you need the LG 27MP450?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the LG 27MP450. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best LG 27MP450.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best LG 27MP450.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

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In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of Monitors-Computers-Accessories.

We highly recommend the LG 27MP450 to you.

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