Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T,4M Cache,2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),Mini Pc 8GB RAM DDR4/256GB SSD,4K@60Hz,Gigabit Ethernet,WiFi5,BT4.0,Fan,Dual HDMI, Support Auto Power On

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T,4M Cache,2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),Mini Pc 8GB RAM DDR4/256GB SSD,4K@60Hz,Gigabit Ethernet,WiFi5,BT4.0,Fan,Dual HDMI, Support Auto Power On

  • High-Class & Fast Processor:

Beelink Mini S equips with Intel Jasper Lake Processor N5095 (4C/4T, 4M Cache, 2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),which is advanced in image processing and computing.

  • High-Speed Network:

The latest wireless connection has Wifi5 and Bluetooth 4.0.The faster transmission speed can meet your different needs, such as working, browsing, watching movies and TV, etc., bringing you a better experience

  • Note:

If you need to Auto Power On, you need to send us the barcode at the bottom of the machine first, and we will send you the corresponding tutorial file.

Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T,4M Cache,2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),Mini Pc 8GB RAM DDR4/256GB SSD,4K@60Hz,Gigabit Ethernet,WiFi5,BT4.0,Fan,Dual HDMI, Support Auto Power On

Package Included

  • 1* Beelink MINI S N5095 Mini PC
  • 1* 1* Power adapter (12V/3A)(100-240V AC)
  • 2* HDMI Cable (100CM&25CM)
  • 1* Wall-Mounted bracket
  • 1*User Manual

System Config

  • Model: Beelink MINI S
  • CPU:Intel Jasper Lake Processor N5095 (4C/4T, 4M Cache, 2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz)
  • Graphics:Intel UHD Graphics
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Storage SSD: 256 GB
  • Wifi: WiFi 5
  • Ethernet: 1000Mbps LAN
  • Bluetooth: BT 4.0

Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T,4M Cache,2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),Mini Pc 8GB RAM DDR4/256GB SSD,4K@60Hz,Gigabit Ethernet,WiFi5,BT4.0,Fan,Dual HDMI, Support Auto Power On

Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T,4M Cache,2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),Mini Pc 8GB RAM DDR4/256GB SSD,4K@60Hz,Gigabit Ethernet,WiFi5,BT4.0,Fan,Dual HDMI, Support Auto Power On

Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T,4M Cache,2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),Mini Pc 8GB RAM DDR4/256GB SSD,4K@60Hz,Gigabit Ethernet,WiFi5,BT4.0,Fan,Dual HDMI, Support Auto Power On

Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T,4M Cache,2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),Mini Pc 8GB RAM DDR4/256GB SSD,4K@60Hz,Gigabit Ethernet,WiFi5,BT4.0,Fan,Dual HDMI, Support Auto Power On

Better visual experience

The mini desktop computer comes with Intel UHD Graphics supports support 4K high-definition output, the resolution is four times that of 1080P.


Our Mini is pre-installed with Windows 11, but also supports Windows 10, Ubuntu and Windows 11. You can install the system according to your needs

Easy installation, easy office

*Fix bracket on MINI PC with screws.

*Fix the bracket on the back of display with screws

Make your desktop clean and tidy.

Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T,4M Cache,2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),Mini Pc 8GB RAM DDR4/256GB SSD,4K@60Hz,Gigabit Ethernet,WiFi5,BT4.0,Fan,Dual HDMI, Support Auto Power On

Features & Specifications

  • 【High-Class & Fast Processor】Beelink Mini S equips with Intel Jasper Lake Processor N5095 (4C/4T, 4M Cache, 2.0GHz up to 2.9GHz),which is advanced in image processing and computing.And pre-installed with Windows 11 Pro os, and you can also choose to install the ubuntu system.
  • 【Large Storage 8GB RAM/256GB ROM】Beelink Mini S designed with 8GB DDR4/256GB SSD, you can expand the storage to 2TB by adding the 2.5-inch SATA HDD (not included)&M.2 SATA SSD 2280(not included), more storage space which will make the device run more smoothly.
  • 【HD Graphics & Dual HDMI】The mini desktop computer supports 4K HD ultra-high-definition content, giving you a Best-In-Class Television Experience with True-To-Life Picture Quality, which can be used as a Media Center to enjoy Tv Shows or Gaming.Dual HDM can connect two monitors at the same time, which increases work efficiency effectively.
  • 【Efficient transmission frequency】The latest wireless connection has Wifi5 and Bluetooth 4.0.The faster transmission speed can meet your different needs, such as working, browsing, watching movies and TV, etc., bringing you a better experience.Equipped with heat sink and quiet large fan to keep the machine running efficiently.
  • 【Operating System & Beelink SERVICE】Mini PC Beelink Mini S is pre-installed with Windows 10 Pro & Windows 11 Pro, both systems are shipped randomly, if you receive Windows 10 Pro, you can contact us to upgrade Windows 11 Pro, We also provide lifetime technical support, 7 days / 24 hours service. All our products have obtained FCC, CE, ROSH certification.At the same time,if you need to Auto Power On, you need to send us the barcode at the bottom of the machine first, and we will send you the corresponding tutorial file.

Pros & Cons


Great Device, Some are Duds, Good Customer Service. I have four Beelink devices. This particular device had memory faults upon arrival. After I noticed severe system instability, Beelink swiftly replaced the item with a working item. Do no hesitate to get a replacement if you experience severe issues. All manufactures have duds. I purchased a $2000 Lenovo that had similar hardware faults. As long as the manufacturer is willing to replace the item, the item is a good purchase.

Works well as an OpenBSD Router. When they discontinued the GK45 I had to find a replacement for secure home routers that I build and support. This unit works quite well! It runs OpenBSD with DNS ad blocking, a VPN server, multiple vLans, and an Ubuntu VM for the WiFi controller, and it never breaks a sweat on a Gigabit connection. I'm sure it would run pfSense or OPNsense just fine as well.

Great value! I'm delighted with this purchase. Packaging was very sturdy and well designed and protected the product during shipping to me in Thailand. I mounted the Mini PC, using the included VESA bracket, behind an Acer VG220Q monitor. Setting up Windows 10 Pro was fast and trouble free although installing the many updates took a while. This appears to be an updated model and does NOT have a card slot (as is shown in a couple of the images on the product page). There seem to be differing opinions as to whether an SSD can be used rather than an HDD in the 2.5" slot. Beelink support told me only HDD is supported. Amazon tech support was very helpful and told me that as far as they knew an SSD could be used. I added a WD Blue 500GB SSD and had no problems at all. Overall a great deal - I even received a $12.99 refund of 'excess import fees' which made my purchase even more reasonable. After 2 weeks of use I'm still happy, but will add an update if any problems develop in the future.


6 Month Review. Initially, I thought this was a wonderful computer! It fits my office needs perfectly as a small workstation - I have several, one in each office. Within the past couple weeks they have all started screeching - the fans - they all just sort of went nuts around the same time and I am now faced with having to purchase replacement fans for each unit. I tried contacting their support - crickets. Why is that important to this review? Because this mechanical error is apparently common with these units as a google search will tell you. I wish I knew that before purchasing. However, all in all, not a bad unit - except that we have to turn off the units whenever clients are around - which is most of the day. So - great computer - horrible fans.

Fan runs 24/7. This mini PC has been great, however, the fan runs on full speed 24/7. Even when I'm not doing anything and the PC is cool. It's very loud and annoying.

Great until it completely stopped working after 3 months. NOT WORTH THE MONEY. Stopped working after only 3 months. Sounds like a hard drive issue. Pay more and by something more reliable.

How to Buy The Best Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T from which you can learn how to get the best Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T.

  • Is it worth buying the Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T?
  • What benefits does the product Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T?
  • What makes the Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T?
  • Why and how do you need the Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Beelink Mini S Intel 11th Gen Processor N5095(4C/4T to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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