Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port, Water Resistant 15.6 Inch Computer Bag

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Laptop Backpack

Large capacity with many pockets

Luggage Strap Design

External USB Charging Port

Large Capacity

Large capacity with many pockets

Convenient USB port design

Comfy and sturdy

Anti-theft and functional

Luggage Strap Design

The backpack back luggage strap allows travel laptop bag fits on suitcase, slide over the luggage upright handle tube for easier carrying.

With built in USB charger outside and built in charging cable inside, great convenience for charging your electronic products via connecting your own power bank, offers you a more convenient way to charge your phone while walking.

Waterproof Backpack

Waterproof Backpack

  • Made of waterproof and high quality nylon fabric
  • A comfortable, soft and sturdy handle

College Computer Bookbag

Suitable For Any Occasion


Suitable for a variety of occasions, perfects for weekend getaways, shopping, office work, school, college, business traveling and other outdoor activities.

Anti theft back pocket

Comfortable Hand

Comfortable hand and easy carry

Anti theft back pocket

Anti-Theft Zipper Back Pocket

Store your valuable item,desinned in the back, protect your item form thieves

Features & Specifications

  • Large Capacity & Multi-pocket: Duo-bag,one has 2 pockets for laptop(under 17 inch) and pad(15.5 inch), inner shockproof belt for fastening your laptop and Pad, preventing them from sliding and bumping. One has 2 elastic mesh pockets and open pocket for daily stuffs. Hold your belongs organized and easier to find.
  • USB Hub: Removable USB charging line, connect power bank and electronic devices while walking. Please note that this backpack doesn't power itself, USB charging port only offers an easy access to charge. When clean backpack, remove the USB charging line.
  • Comfy & Breathable: Adjustable shoulder straps and breathable sponge mesh design, reduces stress. Foam-padded top handle for a long time carry on.
  • Water-proof: Waterproof and durable Nylon fabric with metal zippers. Ultra-weight and sturdy, ensure a secure & long-lasting use daily. Perfect for weekend getaways, shopping, office work, business traveling and other outdoor activities. Also, it is a perfect student’s backpack for women, men, teens, boys and girls.
  • Anti-theft: can be attached to the suitcase, over the luggage upright handle tube for easier carrying. A zipped anti-theft pocket located on the lower back keeps your phone, wallet, passport, and other valuable items safe and handy.
  • Dimensions: ‎11.81 x 3.94 x 1.97 inches
  • Weight: ‎1.76 pounds

Pros & Cons


Best Backpack Ever! (Water Resistant, Phone Charger, Spacious, and Comfortable). I absolutely love this backpack. One of my best purchases ever! One of the first things I did when I got it was test the water resistance. It truly works. It also has plenty of space for my huge 3 inch binder plus more. The charger works fantastic. I have to power bank plugged in inside my bag and then on the outside with ease I can plug my phone in on the go. I have a 30000 amh power bank and it works great. Its brought to charge my phone about 15 times. Then with my powerbank and the backpack combined it allows easy charging. The backpack is also extremely comfortable to wear around. This is a great buy for 20 bucks. It feels like it's worth 50. From here onwards is after I’ve had the bag for 6 months. If you are looking for a cheap quick 4 month solution then I recommend this bag to you. But if you are going to have this bag for liger than that go and look and th Essen concept bags on Amazon that are 60 dollars. I got one of the sixty dollar bags and the build quality is so much higher. After 4 months this bag started to fall apart. For example the handle ripped when I was picking the bag up. Just spend the extra money and you’ll be glad you did.

Great for nurses! I needed a new back pack for work and one that was inexpensive but still dependable. This is great! It looks small, but it has quite a bit of room. To give a size description, it holds my clipboard, couple small books, all my "nursing stuff" (stethoscope, scissors, tape, goggles, etc.). I love how it has a pocket near the bottom of the shoulder strap area because it's a quick and easy way to store my keys and badge instead of trying to search in every pocket. Highly recommend!

Practical and comfortable! It’s very comfortable and practical. I carry my laptop, laptop charger, power bank, 3-5 containers of food, and 2 mugs... and I’m 7 months pregnant and walk 2 miles wearing this backpack! Doesn’t hurt my shoulders at all. It distributes the weight eventually so I don’t even feel the heaviness of what’s inside of it! And I walked in heavy rain before wearing it and it didn’t leak rain water inside at all! Also there are plenty of space and pockets inside! I’m actually surprised how good it is for it’s price!

Water proof/ resistant. Today it was pouring rain, and I was impressed with how dry the inside of my bag was. Holds everything I need, and stays organized. Excellent bag!

This item is sturdy and spacious with plenty of pockets! I love this backpack. I use it to carry my things I take to dialysis. The center gave me a tote bag and it was SO heavy and clumsy and weighed a TON. This back pack holds EVERYTHING I put in that tote and is very lightweight to carry. I have a blanket, a neck pillow, tablet, phone, wallet, and meds in it! And I still have some room.

Best Backpack! This is the best backpack I have ever owned. So handy to be able to charge my cell phone. It is water resistant. The campartments are well designed for easy retrieval of items.


2 days of use and falling apart. I got this early excited and worried for my daughter starting in person class and having to bring her computer. With nothing in it, it is heavy. Fine. Atleast it looks durable, right?... Still excited about school I packed it up and ready for school this year then put it away. They didn’t start school till last Thursday, over a month after I got it. Less then 2 days in and it’s ripping? It only carries a computer, water bottle and chap stick...... Nope!!!

Decent backpack if you do not care too much about the water bottle pockets. EDIT 3/8/22: Switched it from 4 stars to 3 stars. It has been 8 months and I moved onto a different more quality backpack. The amount of storage spots on this backpack were great but I could not get over the water bottle mesh pockets on the side of the backpack being too small and short. Was tired of having my water bottle fall out when I leaned too much or bend down to tie my shoe or pick up my groceries. After getting the new backpack, I realized that it does look like this backpack is filled with stuff all the time as my new backpack is pretty flat with the same amount of stuff in there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have been using this backpack for work for over 3 months now. Some days I carry my laptop to and from work. Pros: - Lots of pockets and slots to keep things in - Lots of space to put things in such as my laptop, a jacket, my purse, etc. without looking huge when there is not a lot of items in there. - Padded straps do not hurt my shoulders - External charging port is nice for traveling and needing to charge my phone and have it still accessible - External material for the backpack seems durable - The black color is sleek - Price Cons: - Some of the internal pockets are thin and seems like that can rip easily such as the one that divides the laptop pocket in two so you could put power cables or something in that pocket and not scratch up your laptop - The water bottle slots on the side are short so although my 32 oz camelbak water bottle fits if I lean over then the water bottle falls out and gets damages or damages the ground such as my laminate flooring at home. Also, the bottle always leans when I put my backpack against the wall so the bottle is tilted. - The shoulder straps seem like they may rip at the seam at some point due to the ok quality Overall, my biggest gripe is the water bottle slots because I bought a backpack specifically to be able to carry my laptop and water bottle yet the water bottle slot is flimsy and always falls over. However, I am still using it as my daily (looking for a water bottle carrying solution) because I appreciate the amount of internal and external pockets for me to store items in. I hope the company will either increase the height of their water bottle compartments or add a strap so I can buckle the strap through the water bottle handle to secure it while traveling.

Very Disappointed. The media could not be loaded. I ordered this bag for girls in a Girl Scout Troop, it is not even close to the size I thought it was after reading reviews and looking at pictures! People said that it held multiple thick college books and binders…In the main compartment, I was able to fit a 3” binder, 1” binder, 2 folders, 3 notebooks, and 3 small books (small like a beginners chapter book) and it is stuffed and I’m worried about it being over loaded and possibly tearing at the seams like some other reviews. The shoulder straps are well padded. The back is well padded. It does fit my 14” computer in the back compartment. I’m going to try to put some writing supplies and a first aid bag in the front compartment. We will see how that works. As far as using instead of a suitcase to travel for a weekend… you better pack light! I don’t know if the reviews are listed under every size, but this was a great disappointment as far as the 15.6” bag goes. Very, VERY misleading!

This backpack SUCKS! Our 8th grader has only used this since school started in August. So it’s been 2 and a half months and the side of it completely ripped open creating a large hole about 8 inches long. TWO AND A HALF MONTHS!!! And of course it’s past the date to return it. This is absolutely ridiculous. It opened all the way down the seam. It wasn’t from any thing he did as well, it’s just absolutely a horrible quality backpack and do not waste your money. Now we have to get him a new backpack because y’all’s sucks. This is ridiculous. Extremely disappointed.

Convenient & confortable but NOT waterproof — please read. I traveled to France and the bag was confortable to carry and walk around (airport, trail, city, beach) it has a lot of compartments and a space. But … a thunderstorm hit us for 10 min on the trail and even though we found shelter in the forest ALL the compartments got soaked inside along with everything it (dripping) and if it wasn’t for the book that was in it, then wallets, passports and train tickets (which I put in the computer compartment) would have been ruined — they were damp but not damaged. The book took most of the hit and fell apart (bye bye Andre Agassi autobiography) I am disappointed because I bought the bag loving that it was also water resistant. Don’t put your computer in there if there is a chance of rain

Great Functionality, Lacks Durability. I'm a substitute teacher and used this backpack to keep my school "supplies" in. I love the functionality of this backpack. Lots of pockets, tons of storage, great padding so it's comfortable to carry ... but it barely lasted 9 months before the front pocket started coming apart at the seams. Soon after, the seam on the other side started to come apart and about 3 months ago, the seam on the strap started to detach. Unfortunately, the seams are sewn on the very edge of the fabric and not reinforced so there's no way to repair it. I know it's not a Jansport and it lasted almost a year, so for $20ish I guess I got my use out of it. But the rest of the backpack looks brand new, so it's not like it's been through a ton of wear and tear and I expected it to last longer than it did. I'm debating buying another one because I love everything else about it, but first I have to wrap my mind around the fact that this is a "disposable" backpack that will only last about a year.

How to Buy The Best Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port from which you can learn how to get the best Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port.

  • Is it worth buying the Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port?
  • What benefits does the product Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port?
  • What makes the Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port?
  • Why and how do you need the Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Laptop Backpack with USB Charging Port to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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