ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap Swimming

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap SwimmingZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap Swimming

ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap Swimming

Soft Nontoxic Silicone Mouthpiece

The snorkel features a soft, flexible, hypoallergenic food-grade silicone mouthpiece with bitewings to provide a comfortable, secure grip with no need to keep the jaw clenched, eliminate jaw fatigue.

ZEEPORTE Dry Top Diving Snorkel

Dry Top Valve for Free Breath

The ZEEPORTE aquatics dry snorkel comes with all the features you would expect from a high-quality dry snorkel. The top has a splash guard and a float mechanism that prevents the entry of water when submerged. It allows drivers to take every breath with confidence and focus on the reef below without worrying about water in your airway.

  • Removable adjustable snorkel keeper for securing to any mask.
  • Dry-top valve seals breathing tube when submerged.
  • Food-grade comfortable liquid silicone mouthpiece Flexible lower bore reduces jaw fatigue.
  • Longer oval upper tube provides more air, and breath effortlessly
  • The lower purge valve allows water to be quickly expelled.
  • Advanced top dry valve and splash guard

ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap Swimming

ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap Swimming

ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap Swimming

ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap Swimming

180º HD Panoramic View

Anti-leak and anti-fogging snorkel mask are fully adjustable to fit perfectly on any face, providing a 180°Panoramic view during your underwater adventure. Also, the lens is made of high quality, no-fogging, tempered glass, allowing you to see all underwater creatures, crystal clear.

Comfortable Mask Design

The ZEEPORTE snorkeling mask helps you avoid common snorkeling challenges with user-friendly features. Its ergonomically-designed component gives you a flexible, secure, customizable fit. And two-window, double seal design diving mask offers a leak-free, anti-fog enjoyable snorkeling experience.

Anti-slip Sole Humanize Blade

The snorkel fins come with large non-slip inserts for sole, plus easy-kicking and powerful humanize blade, both for total protection of the foot, the excellent transmission of the leg-fin effort and help diver swim in the water by using minimal effort but realize maximum efficiency.

Adjustable Open Heeled

The soft elastomer foot pocket is shaped for an ergonomic and comfortable fit. Meanwhile, the adjustable open-heel design makes the fin can accommodate a wider range of sizes, so family members or friends can share equipment more easily.

ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, Panoramic View Diving Mask, Trek Fin, Dry Top Snorkel +Travel Bags, Snorkel for Lap Swimming

Features & Specifications

  • Full mask fin snorkel set: zeeporte long snorkel set with adjustable fins, two window tempered glass lens mask, dry top silicone snorkel, travel gear bag, it's the ultimate travel companion and is suitable for snorkeling, swimming, body surfing, boogie boards and much more.
  • Panoramic view snorkel dive mask: made of a four-window design for a panoramic view with tempered glass lens and hypoallergenic silicone skirt, zeeporte snorkel mask can withstand underwater pressure while diving and snorkeling, ultimate comfort. the diving mask's skirt is designed with soft and flexible silicone and the food-grade silicone mouthpiece is safe creates a watertight seal with the any driver's face and attached to your mouth perfectly without any peculiar smell.
  • Unobstructed breathing dry top snorkel: a high-quality snorkel with a dry-top valve that seals the breathing tube when submerged. dry top snorkel is designed to keep water from entering the breathing tube, ergonomic silicone mouthpiece is comfortable and durable. Lower purge valve allows water to be quickly expelled, so you can enjoy easy and unobstructed breathing while diving underwater.
  • Flexible adjustable trek fins: longer, lightweight and the responsive blade assure a kick that is fluid, effortless yet at the same time quite powerful. trek fins with open-heel style and adjustable strap, the foot pocket and the strap are made of long-lasting rubber that ensures a comfortable fit. The zeeporte blade delivers excellent thrust with a modest kicking effort, perfect for your snorkeling or diving adventure.
  • All-in-one packing gear bag: 3 essential items in one quick-dry mesh bag. re-usable zip-up bag with a shoulder strap, perfect for travel and recreational use. amazing low package for all four items and good for traveling.
  • Warranty: ‎Manufacturer warranty for 90 days from date of purchase.

Pros & Cons


Snorkel set work as advertised! I Purchased these for an 8 day trip to Oahu . We pretty much snorkeled every single day for at least two to three hours a day. These snorkel were awesome! The mask fit comfortably with its soft edges and did not leak even with facial hair. It did fog a little bit, maybe every 20 minutes but resolved with a little rinse out. It did last longer with one of the defogging methods, saliva, toothpaste etc. The snorkel worked perfectly like instructed. The dry top valve did not allow water in while diving under the water. No water came in while waves splashed over top of us. The silicone mouthpiece was comfortable even after hours of use. The lower purge valve worked flawlessly. Never had to come out of the water. Just returned to the surface and if any water did come inside just give it a little push of air and it clears. The release buckle came in handy when done for the day and storing the gear in the mesh bag. I purchased a case separately to keep the goggles safe and the quick release buckle was very convenient. The fins were a great fit and allowed a swift pace in the water. Was able to get from one end of Hanauma Bay to the other with no effort. I could keep up with the schools of fish just as I was one of them lol. Keeping up with the sea turtles took a little more effort. I did try bodyboarding with them but I found out pretty quick that Waimea Bay in December is not a great place to bodyboard with or without fins. Overall these snorkel set are perfect. They are even compact enough to fit 3 sets in a personal item bag under the seat on the airplane. I expect many more uses and as long as you take care of your gear it’ll last for years.

Very adjustable. I purchased the S/M size as an adult woman and everything fits nicely. I have a size 7 shoe, but it would fit a larger/small foot as well. One thing I found was that the strap and snorkel was uncomfortable on my ear, so I added a buff/headband to protect my ear from the strap and now it’s very comfortable. I also love that the mask strap has a ponytail holder. Without using the ponytail Holden the mask strap kept sliding too low, even when I tightened it. I advise spending time adjusting this set and finding ways to make it comfortable for you prior to heading to your snorkeling adventure. It took me some time in the mirror to get everything feeling great, but I think this will be a good set! I’ll update my review after some time in the water. Edit: I took this to Hawaii and did lots of snorkeling. I was comfortable and didn’t experience leaking. It was a bit hard to breathe in the snorkel, but that’s usual for me.

Great Travel Snorkel Set. I was hoping this snorkel set would perform on my trip to Mexico and I was not disappointed. I was first impressed by the snorkel. I was especially happy with the size and design of the mouthpiece, it was soft, pliable and for the first time, my mouth wasn't sore while snorkeling or after. Easy to grip without distracting jaw tension. The snorkel itself worked great, a new design for me and I was very pleased with how it worked in the water and with small waves. The mask design was very, very nice, and sealed to my face perfectly without being too tight. The mask was easy to adjust. Use a good no fog, every mask I've used needs the help of no fog. The snorkel attaches to the mask very easily. I also was very happy with the fin design and their length. The length, although much shorter than I have used before, the fins gave me plenty of power to move around in the water, easier to use than very long fins. The fins had a nice grip on the bottom. These fins also came with inserts that keep the shape of the fins for transport which is nice for the tight fits in a suitcase. I wore some soft water shoes inside them, it wasn't actually necessary but great to walk out of the water after removing fins. The carry bag was a nice extra. I ordered a S/M and I am a women's size 8. The set fit perfectly and there was plenty of room for adjustment either way.


Poor Quality Altered Vacation Plans. My fiance and I purchased this set before our Grand Cayman vacation. While we intended to take a guided snorkeling tour, we wanted to do some on our own. Due to the fact the neither mask would seal properly on our faces we were unable to do any snorkeling on our own. Thankfully the guided tour provided equipment. While this set is labeled "Adult," the blades on the fins are extremely small. I would consider them to be children's,. or at best novice adult.

A review for parents. Brought 2 sets of these to Hawaii for my 11 and 14yo. They’re the size of small adults so we can’t buy kids sets now. I didn’t realize the mask was glass! My fault, yes, but writing this for others looking for a decent set for kids. I never would have ordered these if I’d seen that. The mask was dropped at the pool (because kids like to snorkel in pools!) and it shattered. I looked through reviews and someone else said a huge wave hit them and the mask shattered while on their face. These are probably fine for experienced snorkelers and/or calm waters but I don’t recommend for kids. We also lost a fin because the fin got stuck in between rocks and when she was trying to pull it, her foot came out of the fin. Then a wave came a long and took the fin with. I was surprised her foot could slip out because they were on pretty tight.

Do not buy. This set was a disappointment. I don’t even know how it received any positive reviews. I bought it for our vacation to replace an older set, but ended up sticking with my old set. This mask leaks, fogs up and is uncomfortable. The snorkel mouthpiece isn’t very pliable. The silicone on the product just isn’t good quality. I bought my daughter a set on Amazon for half the price of this one that’s a much better quality. Will be returning this.

How to Buy The Best ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear from which you can learn how to get the best ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear.

  • Is it worth buying the ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear?
  • What benefits does the product ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear?
  • What makes the ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear?
  • Why and how do you need the ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the ZEEPORTE Mask Fin Snorkel Set with Adult Snorkeling Gear to you.

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