YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, Smart Indoor Cycling Bike Supports Connect Multiple Apps via Bluetooth, Quiet Belt Drive Stationary Bike with Heart Rate Monitor

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, Smart Indoor Cycling Bike Supports Connect Multiple Apps via Bluetooth, Quiet Belt Drive Stationary Bike with Heart Rate MonitorYESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, Smart Indoor Cycling Bike Supports Connect Multiple Apps via Bluetooth, Quiet Belt Drive Stationary Bike with Heart Rate MonitorYESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, Smart Indoor Cycling Bike Supports Connect Multiple Apps via Bluetooth, Quiet Belt Drive Stationary Bike with Heart Rate MonitorYESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, Smart Indoor Cycling Bike Supports Connect Multiple Apps via Bluetooth, Quiet Belt Drive Stationary Bike with Heart Rate MonitorYESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, Smart Indoor Cycling Bike Supports Connect Multiple Apps via Bluetooth, Quiet Belt Drive Stationary Bike with Heart Rate Monitor

Come with A Gift HR Armband

YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, Smart Indoor Cycling Bike Supports Connect Multiple Apps via Bluetooth, Quiet Belt Drive Stationary Bike with Heart Rate Monitor

HR Armband Vs Pulse Sensor

The smart Heart Rate Armband takes photoelectric sensor technology. Compared with the pulse sensor’s ECG induction technology, the data transmission will be more accurate and reference.

YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, Smart Indoor Cycling Bike Supports Connect Multiple Apps via Bluetooth, Quiet Belt Drive Stationary Bike with Heart Rate Monitor

Features & Specifications

  • 【- 】YESOUL S3 stationary bike is designed to work in tandem with Yesoul Sports App via Bluetooth connectivity. Yesoul Sports App is available on iOS and Android devices to get on-demand training and cycling classes. It also enable to monitor your performance, including distance, time, calories burned, speed, heart rate, odometer and cadence, so you can adjust your workouts as needed.
  • 【 】Advanced Bluetooth technology allows to connect to multiple free App, such as Zwift & Kinomap, so that you could monitor or keep records on your own phone. Tablet/Phone Holder also provides the freedom of using your smart devices to watch shows while riding.
  • 【 】Magnetic resistance and belt drive exercise bike allows to worry less about fitness equipment noise. The sports bike also features 100 manual resistance levels, enabling people of all fitness levels to cycle toward their fitness goals at their own pace.
  • 【 】YESOUL S3 exercise bike at-home fitness bike equipped with a competition-style seat to help align the body and amplify movement. Adjustable seat and easy-to-grip support handles allow for a smoother and more comfortable ride for different kinds of people.
  • 【 】YESOUL S3 cycling bike comes with a waterproof heart rate armband without additional purchase. HR sensor delivers accurate heart rate to the training App you use, and you could track the performance through your devices.
  • 【 -】YESOUL provides customers with FULL REFUND or REPLACEMENT for the first 3 months for any quality-related reason, and offers lifetime professional customer service and technical support. If you have any problem about the product, please feel free to contact us.

Pros & Cons


Really impressive high quality bike. I got into spinning when covid started and have used a pretty cheap bike for the last 1.5 years. I didn't want to invest in a $2000 peloton-type bike, but I really wanted a high quality upgrade. After searching for MONTHS and comparing options, I found this which seemed too good to be true. Beautiful design, low price, bluetooth enabled, tablet holder, magnetic resistance. I was sure it couldn't be as good as it looked because there were no reviews anywhere on the net I could find, and all the videos were promotional videos in Chinese made by the manufacturer. Well, I bought it anyway, actually is all those things. The build quality is SO solid, incredibly quick and easy to assemble, the materials look extremely high end, the ride is unbelievably smooth and silent, and even though I'm using the peloton app for rides, the bluetooth integration with their app is easy to switch to in order to see cadence/resistance/power, etc. This bike looks so much nicer than other $500-1000 cycling bikes on the market. Honestly the only negative I could come up with is that the tablet holder is very thin. My ipad pro (which is very thin) won't fit with a very thin case on it, I have to take the case off. Not a big deal. I will update if anything goes wrong, but I'm very pleasantly surprised.

Nearly perfect cost-effective alternative to Peloton. Since this subreddit is rather dead I thought I’d share some thoughts on the Yesoul S3 after owning it for a month and riding 6-7 time a week. About me quickly… I’m a 37 male from Chicagoland. I used to cycle nearly daily up to 2017. Stopped after I got married and I’ve slowly gotten way out of shape after having 2 kids and not budgeting time for my health. So I decided I needed to get back to a regimen. Indoor cycling is more sustaining in the harsh winters. How I came upon the Yesoul S3? Well the allure of the Peloton was certainly a driving factor. However it is simply cost prohibitive. So I started researching alternatives that eventually landed me on a few brands including Echelon, Sunny and Yesoul. The requirements were that the bike has to have Bluetooth connectivity, magnetic resistance, be compact and look decent in the home. I settled on the Yesoul because it simply seemed to offer the most value and it seemed like the company behind it had a cohesive vision and presence. I purchased the S3 off of Amazon with $100 off. Here are my thoughts: **Pros** - Assembly is a breeze and the YouTube video instructions were a perfect companion. - Nearly everything simply works - the resistance know turns smoothly | the adjustment of the seat and bars is quick for multiple riders | the Bluetooth connectivity works perfectly - the ergonomics are great - after about 3 rides I had the seat and bar height and seat horizontal adjustments dialed in for me. If my wife changes them for her ride, I can have it set back to my preference within 10-15 seconds. I’ve only done a couple rides longer than 30 minutes but there is no fatigue from being in the saddle or on the bike. I do wear bike shorts but added comfort. - The app is quite impressive. There’s no denying that the app experience is nearly a direct “homage” to the Peloton Digital app and that’s ok. The classes are really good considering the app is free. I also like that you can do free rides too. The only real issue here is that you can’t export your workout in any format or connect with Strava. Exporting the workout would be awesome. **Cons** - My main contention with the Yesoul products is that they don’t natively connect with the Peloton Digital app. Other bikes do. I believe I saw Yesoul respond somewhere that it’s because Peloton is a competitor and Yesoul has their own content. While true, no one is paying for Yesoul app content. So Yesoul is actually limited the usefulness of their bikes by not allowing that connectivity. I wound up using a third party app as a pass through and it works but it’s just kind of a pain. Peloton’s content and app experience is unrivaled in my opinion. The bike should be platform agnostic. All that said I’m truly loving the bike. I’m motivated to ride every morning. I’m looking forward to what this company has to offer next!

I really debated on one star, subject to change. Update 7/26 Yesoul got back to me very quickly about my issue and it is fixed and running. It is a common issue so if you are having problems registering, a very simple fix might help. On the Iphone, if you have dark mode enabled instead of white backgrounds etc, you will miss a confirmation checkbox and some text. The app uses the same shade of grey as the dark mode so you literally cannot see it. An easy fix is to temporarily turn on bright (white screen) mode and then the full registration page will be visable! Thanks Yesoul! This bike is amazing. It only has two issues for me personally and, one isn't even worth dropping stars for. That is I am replacing the seat. If you are larger or not a cyclist in general, this seat may cause discomfort. It is a racing seat for a spin bike, so the right seat was originally put on for that purpose. Having said that the bike is beautiful, build well, sturdy, and whisper quiet. The reason I am giving this one star however is I have an iPhone 12 and the app will not allow registration. The app gets a 2.5 rating because there are many of us who cannot create a Yesoul account, rendering the bike useless. I cannot track distance, speed, calories. I cannot see my heart rate while exercising (I do not wear a smart watch due to allergies). This part is a total bummer because I wanted the experience of a Peleton at a discounted rate. Once this major issue is fixed (if within my 30 day return window) I will be updating the review with a far more positive result. The bike seems amazing and I'm really hopeful a fix comes soon, it seems to have been a known issue for some time now.


Unsatisfied experience. This bike has a good design, good color, and flywheel and belt is pretty quiet. It’s a good fit if you are living in an apartment and need one. However, the quality control of the manufacture is very frustrating. First bike I received, one of three magnets, an important part of the bike, was missing. A screw was detached. Bottom of the bike was rusted. It just looks like an used product that would not pass QA test. After contacting with support, I returned it and received a new one in 3 days. What I received this time, second time, please refer to the picture. WTF???????????????

Good peloton hack. **** 5/5/22 UPATE **** Now bluetooth is no longer working. It was sporadic for a week so I changed the battery. Then on 5/2 it stopped functioning all together. The green light no longer turns on with pedaling and the app will not show cadence and resistance. I have had the back for 8 months. I have emailed Yesoul and have not had a response on how they will remedy this issue. If you want a Peloton hack..... this may not be the bike for that. *****UPDATE ***** Useless app and bike. Now keeps saying system abnormality. Cannot use the app for a ride and makes the bike useless since you can't see the resistance and cadence. Of course this happens just shy of the return window. ********* I have set this up as a peloton hack. I use the free ride of the Yesoul app to know my cadence(rpm) and speed. I use a polar chest strap that I have had for awhile which will connect to the peloton app. My Samsung galaxy tab a fits in the tablet holder, even with the case on. It is a little bit of work but it definitely beats $1500 and $39.99/mo

Pedals not as pictured/described, otherwise seems decent. Negative: Did not come with "Aluminium alloy caged pedals" mentioned in the description, instead came with cheap plastic pedals with stamped steel bearing races that have an annoying click after a week of moderate use. Reach adjustment is directly coupled to handlebar height adjustment so if your upper body is shorter than lower body you may have to settle for lower hand position than you like to get a comfortable reach distance. Included seat is fair, but too rounded for my anatomy, caused too much perineum pressure. Replaced it. Reported watts seems to be a bit inaccurate, but no easy way to calibrate/check. Positive: Main drivetrain seems solid after a week of 1hr rides/day. It is quiet (apart from the noisy pedals) Bike electronics link flawlessly with Yesoul app, as well as Zwift, Rouvy, and RGT. Overall build seems fairly good, I am interested to see how the plastic bushing/shims in the extension/adjustment points wear over time, but so far bike feels solid.

How to Buy The Best YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike from which you can learn how to get the best YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike.

  • Is it worth buying the YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike?
  • What benefits does the product YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike?
  • What makes the YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike?
  • Why and how do you need the YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the YESOUL Magnetic Resistance Exercise Bike to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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