WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9-10ft Outdoor/Indoor Basketball Goal System with 44 inch Backboard and Wheels for Adults

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9 before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.


s018 s034 s003-19e s003-21a 20e
Portable Basketball Hoop Goal System 5-6.8ft 4.7-10ft Basketball Goal Hoops Portable Basketball Hoop Goal System 4.8-10ft Portable Basketball Hoop Goal System 4.8-10ft Portable Basketball Hoop Goal System 4.9-10ft
Backboard Size 27.95×17.7 in 31.5×22.8 in 43.3×29.5 in 43.3×29.5 in 44×29.5 in
Backboard Material shatterproof PE shatterproof PVC shatterproof PE shatterproof PVC shatterproof PVC
Base Dimension 29.5×17.7×5.1 in 35.4×23.6×5.9 in 35.4×23.6×5.9 in 35.4×23.6×5.9 in 35.4×23.6×5.9 in
Base Capacity 6.9 Gallon 13.1 Gallon 13.1 Gallon 13.1 Gallon 13.1 Gallon
Height 5-6.8ft 4.7-10ft 4.7-10ft 4.7-10ft 4.9-10ft
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Features & Specifications

  • 【STANDARD BASKETBALL GOAL SYSTEM】WIN.MAX Basketball Hoop uses an 18" standard size basketball rim and a 10ft-high standard support rod (adjustable) to bring you a perfect sports experience. Basketball dream, Start with WIN.MAX basketball hoop system.
  • 【NEW UPGRADED: QUIKLY ADJUST HEIGHT】WIN.MAX Professional fast lift system provides ​10 levels for height adjustments, easy height adjustments from 4.9 ft to 10 ft. Install two poles, 4.9’ to 6.8' height adjustability. Installing all three poles, 8’ to 10' height adjustability. Press the adjust button, the adjustment rod can slide up and down to adjust the height. Release the adjustment button, the adjustment lever will automatically lock, easily adjusted and stable.
  • 【ULTRA-FAST SHIPPING & ASSEMBLY】Fast Delivery, needn't to wait to long! What's more, it ensures prompt and 100% satisfaction service. Included tools, assembles in 90-minutes or less with the installation guide video.Enjoy the process of handwork with your buddy.
  • 【ULTIMATE STRENGTH AND STABILITY】WIN.MAX Outdoor Basketball Hoop has a Shatterproof 44’’ large PVC backboard, made of high strength materials. The design of the shock-absorbing bumper of the basket can reduce the impact force caused by the collision. Support rod adopts Q195 thick steel designed, enough for bad weather and intense games for long-term use.
  • 【HIGH-STRENGTH BASE & PORTABLE】The high-strength PE extra-large base(23.6" x 35.4") can be filled with water or sand to ensure good stability and safety for every shot. The dual bracket works with the elastic and tenacious base and pole, creating triangle support (the most stable structure). Two wheels on the base for easy moving anytime and anywhere. It can be placed at the poolside, backyard, gym and other indoor or outdoor places.

Pros & Cons


Great durable hoop. Its a good adjustable hoop. But its not that easy to assemble

My son’s favor. Too busy to have time to install basketball hoops for Christmas time .It has been arrived for almost a month. Finally installed it yesterday. Very satisfied with the product. Product seems to be of good quality. Very sturdy . Adjustable mounts are my favorite. That's why I chose this product. The height .of the basketball hoop can be adjusted freely according to the height of my two children. The same style I saw before was more than $400. This time I saved a hundred dollars and got it . So excited .

Excellent quality and lovely product. Been wanting to get this for my boys since they are getting older for a bigger size. Have it for a couple weeks so far, quality is excellent! Easy to move around the backyard, I filled with water for 1 week, then I switched to sand, sand is more stable. My older son almost playing it every evening since I got it, worth the money, highly recommend it if you are looking for one for your kiddos!

Quality products. I thought backboard was larger

Grandkids love it. Product arrived in promised time. One person could put it together and seems sturdy

Great fun for the driveway. This is a real sturdy, adjustable height basketball hoop. It is really sturdy and stable once water is put in the base. The weight of the base makes it a bit difficult to move around but it has wheels and once you get it on the wheels there is no problem. One issue was the directions were horrible. They were printed small and hard to see. If the directions were larger and the print was darker, it would have saved a lot of time. It wasn't too hard to figure out once I got started. Height adjusts easily and is very sturdy. I am not worried about it falling over accidentally. Great fun!


Hmmmmm. I’ve waiting to submit review so I could be sure everything would be honest. It wasn’t too hard for me to put together but a second set of hands would’ve been nice. It looks nice and my grandson loved it until… We filled the base with water plus added a couple small cinder blocks to hold it down. A waste of effort. During the night I guess it was windy and it ended up blowing over even though it was full of water and had 2 small cinder blocks. I’m assuming the base is just too small for the size of the goal. When the goal blew over it bent the hoop so now when the ball goes in it doesn’t go in as it should. Kinda hard to explain. You can not swoosh anymore as it will always hit the rim no matter what. My grandson is pretty good and even swooshes at 3 point range…not now. I’ve since bought sand bags and added to the base trying to give it more weight. I have looked and looked for a replacement hoop but the measurements for this one doesn’t match up to any replacements I’ve found. I did attempt to contact the company to see if they sell just the hoop but never received a reply. At this point I have no clue what to do and I can’t afford to buy a new one. I’m a single granny on disability raising 3 of my grandkids so funds are extremely limited. If you buy it please don’t use water. Use sand inside the base plus get a couple sand bags to fill and place at least 2 on top of the base. I’d hate for another child to be as disappointed as my 11 year old. His career goal is to become an NBA player so he lives and breathes everything basketball.

poor instructions. could be built a little better. might be okay for younger kids, but not older kids.

Not easy to adjust as advertised. I bought this thinking it can easily adjust from 4’9 to 10’ by just “one person” as advertised. Not true at all. While other goals clearly advertise you need an additional piece to install to take it from lower to higher, this one does not. It’s not a one person job at all to go from 4’9 to 10’. Very deceptive advertising.

Disappointed. Bought this for my wife's birthday. She was so happy. I thought this was perfect until we put it together and filled the bottom with water. I thought it was definitely heavy enough to survive the 12 mph wind gusts. WRONG. Now I have a smashed up hoop and a sad wife.

POOR INSTRUCTIONS! Very poorly written and illustrated instructions. Extremely difficult to put together because of the lack of good instructions. Would not recommend this product to anyone else due to the difficulty of assembly.

Extremely Disappointed - Tips Over. We assembled it and filled the base completely to the top with water. Within 3 weeks it has tipped over twice and the rim is broken and not useable. We had even put blocks on the back of the base for extra weight/support because it is obviously top heavy and the base lacked stability in the front, under the hoop. Extremely disappointed!! Oh, and some of the pipes already have surface rust. This is not our first hoop but I wouldn't recommend it and wouldn't invest in this brand again.

How to Buy The Best WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9 from which you can learn how to get the best WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9.

  • Is it worth buying the WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9?
  • What benefits does the product WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9?
  • What makes the WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9 to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9?
  • Why and how do you need the WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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How good is the product of WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

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Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of basketball-hoop.

We highly recommend the WIN.MAX Portable Basketball Hoop Quickly Height Adjusted 4.9 to you.

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