Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel, Abs Workout Equipment for Abdominal & Core Strength Training, Exercise Wheels for Home Gym Fitness, Ab Machine with Knee Pad Accessories

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel, Abs Workout Equipment for Abdominal & Core Strength Training, Exercise Wheels for Home Gym Fitness, Ab Machine with Knee Pad Accessories

Full Body Workout & All Round Exercise

Vinsguir ab roller is efficient to activate and strengthen your muscles in different parts, including ab, arm, chest, back, leg. Not only for strength training, but also beneficial for core balance control, suitable for both men and women. You can use it together with other fitness equipment to enhance your training result, such as ab stimulators, core sliders, resistance bands, dumbbells, kettelbells, pull up bars, push-up handles, weight lifting bench, battling ropes, etc.

Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel, Abs Workout Equipment for Abdominal & Core Strength Training, Exercise Wheels for Home Gym Fitness, Ab Machine with Knee Pad AccessoriesVinsguir Ab Roller Wheel, Abs Workout Equipment for Abdominal & Core Strength Training, Exercise Wheels for Home Gym Fitness, Ab Machine with Knee Pad Accessories

workout equipment

ab roller

ab workout equipment

Regular use of abdominal wheel

  • Before the body descends, extend the hips, squeeze and contract the hips to stabilize the body, and slowly push out the body by rolling against the roller.
  • Mainly trains the muscles of the mid and upper abs, while exercising the arms and back.

Seated forward push

  • Sit on the ground, attach the body forward and push the abdominal wheel out.
  • Helps stretch thigh and shoulder muscles after exercise to avoid muscle damage.

Seated push back

  • Sit on the ground, tighten the abdomen, push the abdominal wheel backwards with both hands.
  • Mainly trains the strength of the lower abdominal muscles and the stretching of the front chest.

Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel, Abs Workout Equipment for Abdominal & Core Strength Training, Exercise Wheels for Home Gym Fitness, Ab Machine with Knee Pad Accessories

ab roller high level ab carver ab workout equipment ab roller
Vinsguir Ab Roller 3-in-1 Vinsguir Classic Ab Roller Vinsguir Single Wheel Ab Roller Ab Workout Equipment 4-in-1 Ab Workout Equipment
Difficulty Level Beginner Intermediate Advanced Advanced Intermediate
Wheel Width 2in 3.2in 2in 2.8in 3.2in
Wheel radian Fully Flat Fully Flat Slightly Rounded Fully Flat Fully Flat
Load-bearing 440 Pounds 480 Pounds 440 Pounds 220Pounds 480 Pounds
Accessories Knee Mat & Resistance Band Knee Mat Knee Mat Knee Mat & Push-Up Bars & Jump Rope Knee Mat & Resistance Band & Push Up Bars
Applicable Users Ab Workout Beginners Intermediate Users Advanced Users Full Body Workout Users Intermediate Users & Full Body Workout Users

Features & Specifications

  • 【More Accessible & Hassle Free】The 3.2 inch dual-wheel ab roller offers extra support and stability compared to the common single ab wheel. Equipped with a knee pad, this ab roller wheel delivers comfortable workout experience and caring protection. Just embrace the freedom of more thrilling and challenging routines without the hassle of using resistance bands!
  • 【Grow Six Packs Faster & Safer】The Vinsguir abs wheel targets your abdominals, hip flexors and back muscles. With dedicated practice, this exercise wheel will speed up your core & low back strengthening while lessoning your risk of muscle injury.
  • 【Efficient Exercise Equipment】Unlike big gym machines, or heavy weight benches, dumbbells and the like, the Vinsguir ab wheel roller is portable size-wise -- a compact design that enables you to take it anywhere to exercise, be it your home, office, gym, or outdoors
  • 【Amazingly Durable & Stable】The high-strength stainless steel shaft of the ab roller for abs workout can hold a maximum weight of 440 pounds for your safety. The 3.2 inch ultra-wide abs roller ensures balance and stability as it does not deviate sideways. EVA rubber cotton handles provide nonslip and comfortable grip
  • 【Top Gift Choice for Fitness Enthusiasts】This workout roller goes beyond working your abs and burning your fat. As a versatile roller wheel, it is of no contest when it comes to selecting an ideal gift for your family and friends; not to mention the satisfaction guaranteed after-sales services. Wish you a joyful shopping experience!
  • Weight: ‎649 Grams
  • Warranty: ‎YES

Pros & Cons


If you're looking for a cheap and solid ab roller... It's a cheap ab roller, nothing more, nothing less. It has super cheesy stickers on it, and looks a little cheap. However, does it work? Yes. Is it sturdy? Yes. If you're looking for a cheap ab roller to get the job done, then this is the way to go. I'm happy with it, and have been using it a few times a week for the last 3 weeks. Sadly, my body doesn't look like it, but I can't blame that on the ab roller.

Comes with an adorable tiny floor mat -- don't use if you're out of shape. Within proper knowledge of using this and core strength you will find yourself overworking your stomach trying to attain abs you most likely won't get from this alone. You might end up stretching muscles and causing pain as well. As great as this is, I don't believe it to be a great intro use item for those trying to work on ab muscles as there are many ways you can do that without devices like this. What this does provide is a solid core workout for those who are healthy or fit already and know how to use it.

Very sturdy, thick wheels. The Vinsguir Ab Roller is my go to equipment for training abs. I specifically like this roller because the wheel is thicker which makes movement more stable. Spot training abs only won't get you defined abs, you still need incorporate ab exercises with a healthy diet.

Cool looking sturdy ab roller!! This product is very sturdy and well designed. I am 200lbs and this securely supports all my weight plus more! Set up was extremely easy and literally takes less than 10seconds to do; no need to use any tools or anything like that which is very convenient. The cool design on the black and red one I purchased is very unique and pleasing to the eyes. This product also comes with a quick guide which shows proper form which is very important when doing any type of ab roller workout.

Great for hardwood floors and the ab roller won't mark up the floors. With everything going on in the world, I decided that to start working out more at home and less at gyms and therefore I decided to buy this particular ab roller. I decided on this ab roller for a couple of reasons. First, this ab roller is wider than the cheaper alternatives and that's exactly what I wanted because I always find myself teetering with the more narrow wheels. Second, I have large hands and wanted something with a bit more padding on the handles and this device does just that! I tested this ab roller on a wooden floor and carpet with no issues. This will pickup some debris from the floor but that is expected since the outside of the wheel is softish plastic which allows it to not scratch the wooden surface while in use. Overall, this a great product that anyone can use!

Hard to get an ab wheel wrong. Ab wheels are extremely useful pieces of equipment. They are underrated and underused. Used consistently with compound movements, and it will give you result. Some ab wheels add frills and extras but at the end of the day, it just needs to be a sturdy wheel and a sturdy handle. I'm giving this product 4 stars because it checks pretty much all boxes for an ab wheel. Sturdy/cheap. The width of this wheel is a nice in between for intermediate and beginner stabilization (how hard it will be to balance during the movement). Also the "knee pad" is laughable. I actually laughed for a bit. It would provide no help even if they gave you three. My biggest grip about this is the wasted $ and materials put into the "knee pad" just to raise the price a bit. Other than that, solid product. Will update if something changes. Please mark as helpful if this helped!


Keep scrolling and searching. Great product the handles are very comfortable. The only bad thing is The price. I didn’t check amazon correctly, and it wasn’t until a few days later that I was looking for a model I saw on tv once and it happened that I found pretty much this same ab roller but with different brand stamps for half the price ($10) so I return this and got the other one. Same thing item just diff brand. So keep scrolling.

Built-in resistance? It's sturdy and the included matt is nice. However, I don't really feel the built-in resistance. Maybe the one I got is broken. I asked the question but haven't received a response yet. I've owned other ab rollers where the spring resistance was obvious.

Would be THE BEST roller I have had if the handle wouldn't keep fall off. I have used many different roller for the last 10+ years. I usually get the cheap one at Walmart or Ross, etc, but I decide to go with a premium one this time. PRO: - Lightweight - Wider wheel This reduces the chance of hand injury, especially for those who use it while standing - Handle cushion well designed. This is the reason why I went through many other rollers. Almost all the rollers' handle padding will eventually get "chew up" by the side of the wheel (where the roller connects the rod). This roller won't have that problem. CON - Roller's handle rod - I am confused. This is the ONLY roller I ever used that I can't grab the roller UP by handling only one of the handles. The whole thing will fall apart, and none of my previous rollers have this issue. This roller would have been PERFECT if this is not the issue. Very annoying and somewhat disappointed. I am sure I will eventually just super-glue it and forget about it. Other - Padding... I am confused about this pad they sent... For those who use roller standing..this is irrelevant. For those who kneed... I don't think this is thick enough and not wide enough? This one is very subjective but I think the padding they provided is a piece of trash. I already knew that and not planning on using it, just a FYI.

Ok for the money. Assembly was super easy and it looks sturdy, but as soon as it opened the box it look like the product was used and then returned. Not sure if I want to replace it, it's gonna take another day or two and I rather start using now, I'll just cleaning very thoroughly but still I'm kinda annoyed about the fact.

Not so much for beginners. I thought this would be a good option to tone up my core, arms, and back. However this is not beginner friendly! I've had such a hard time trying to not bust my head open using this thing. I had my boyfriend also give it a shot and as soon as he started going he took his arms under himself too far and busted his head/neck off the ground. Scared me to death. I know it was an operator error but he's lucky he didn't break his neck the way he hit. Maybe a wobble board would be a better option for a beginner before jumping straight into this. I'd consider other options. We haven't used it at all. It's just sat.

As advertised but that knee cushion is garbage. If part of your consideration for buying this is because of that knee cushion, don’t bother. Otherwise, if you need an ab roller, then this one is good. I’m sure it’s not the best one, but then again, The price reflects that. This will do the job well and is just as advertised.

How to Buy The Best Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel from which you can learn how to get the best Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel.

  • Is it worth buying the Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel?
  • What benefits does the product Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel?
  • What makes the Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel?
  • Why and how do you need the Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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