Sperax Treadmill-Under Desk Treadmill-Treadmill 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill-Black

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Sperax Treadmill before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.


Features & Specifications

  • 【Innovative 2-in-1 folding treadmill】The 2-in-1 Folding treadmill is a treadmill for quick running and an under the table walking machine for continuous exercise at work.
  • 【Wide Non-slip Running Belt】with the widened running belt, running or walking on the treadmill more freely. Five layers of non-slip running straps and column support significantly absorb impact and provide cushioning for knees, muscles and joints.
  • 【Multifunctional led display and remote control】 Easy for you to track speed, distance, time and calories in real time, no need to manually switch the display during exercise. Use the remote control to change the speed or stop the machine.
  • 【With a Powerful 2.5 Horsepower Motor】 The powerful 2.5 Horsepower Motor provides a large carrying capacity of up to 280 pounds. The sturdy treadmill allows you to run up to 7.6 mph on the frame and walk up to 3.8 mph with the remote under your desk.
  • 【No assembly & space saving design】 This 2-in-1 treadmill arrives fully assembled and can be used right out of the box. The collapsible design and transport wheels allow for easy mobility and portable collapsible treadmill storage that folds up and walks in one easy step, perfect for home, apartment and office use.
  • Dimensions: ‎50"D x 20.8"W x 40"H
  • Weight: ‎18.2 Kilograms

Pros & Cons


Perfect standing desk companion to get extra steps in. If you are looking for a slim profile treadmill that's easy to move around, this is your pick. I bought this to get some more steps in on colder days or while I'm listening to videos or on some meetings where I'm more of a listener than a talker (we all have those from time to time). It fit my exact use case and has many features/things about it that are particularly great: 1) Packaging - the treadmill came fully assembled and just needed to be wheeled under my desk. It was ready to go after being plugged in. 2) Remote - there is a nice included remote so while I'm standing I can easily turn it off and on. 3) Mobility - you can wheel the treadmill from under your desk to a propped position against it, in case you decide to sit down. It is generally light and pretty maneuverable. 4) Speed - The speed goes high enough for me and I usually keep it at 3.5-4.0 There are a few small nitpicks or things you should know: -- There is no pause button, so when you need to stop you just press the off button. That means any "progress" you have on the treadmill is wiped. I usually like to stop sometimes for a breather while talking, and it is not ideal to lose the progress. -- I may be too heavy for the device, as the tread feels like it is slowing down when I walk. I am just over 200 pounds so YMMV on whether you feel a bit of "drag" while walking. You just have to keep moving and it isn't an issue, but on slower speeds it feels sluggish. -- The device beeps to turn on and off, and that's just a little annoying to get the thing started. Feels like the beeps are not required, but I'm sure they are there for safety reasons. -- The clip/emergency stop magnet cord is not long enough for a standing desk use case, as it is attached to a handle that folds down. I just tied it on the base and let it sit there. I don't move fast enough to feel worried about an accident. Overall, I think the device is as described and great for the price. I'd definitely recommend it to others looking to get more steps in their day.

Km no miles, but gets the job done. Biggest Takeaway - its in kilometers not miles for speed and distance!!! It isn’t mis calibrated, it’s in a different measurement. I got this treadmill because I don’t have time to drive to a gym and I struggle with home exercise videos or workouts - I’m not a self motivator. When I come home from work, I want to relax and read or watch a show, but I feel guilty not being active. This allows me to relax my mind AND get steps in. I’ve had it for a few days and already feel better mentally. It will also be great when I have work-from-home days. It was easy to set up and is easy to maneuver. The black coating on the sides of the bar was scraped off in the box but it’s not enough of a reason to return it. I wish I could convert the kilometer setting to miles because it was confusing when I first starting using it…I remember 5 mph being a good jogging pace for me in the gym but on this treadmill it’s just a walk. Again, not a reason to return it. I’m going to make a sticky note to put on the bar with the conversion numbers and since 3 miles was my daily goal at first, I’m just shooting for a 5k each time. Overall I’m satisfied with the purchase price and value and would recommend it.

Good so far. Used it for the first time today and I works okay. I got an error code the second I plugged it in which scared me, but it was because the safety magnet wasn’t attached. I will be using this under my desk while I work, so I didn’t think about the sensor that goes on the optional handlebar. I weight about 175lbs, and I can tell that this thing is strained the second I stand on it. The sound of it changes in a way that makes me think this won’t last a long time, especially if I use it every day. My LED screen has a bad diode (shown in picture) but I can’t even see the display when I’m at my desk so I don’t really care. I’m really glad I went with this model which goes over 5mph, because I found that my casual walking speed is around 4mph (which is faster than most walking pad treadmills top-out at, 3.8mph). That way I can bump it up over my casual speed to feel a little burn. Glad to have it to keep me moving during the day, I’ve had a desk job for only 4 years and I can’t believe what that’s done to my body in that short amount of time.

Overall, good for what I needed! Likes: Comes assembled, lightweight, easy to use, and fits under my desk. Small enough if I wanted to add a true standing desk (I just keep my monitor in front of me for walking meetings, rather than actual typing, etc). Quiet enough it isn't disruptive. Long enough for me and i'm 5'8" Dislikes: The on/off turns the belt on/off, but if it sits idle for just a few minutes, the whole thing turns off. You have to reach down to the bottom front to turn the power off and then back on. Not horrible, but it's a bit of a pain. Also, the speeds are not correct! In no world is 8 mph a brisk walk! (At least, no world for me!) But honestly, that was to be expected. Most home treadmills I've tried aren't accurately calibrated. This one is just more so. And for me, it doesn't really matter bc my smart watch counts my steps. But it would matter if you were judging distance by using the treadmill. Overall, a good treadmill for a small space and I'm super happy with it. But if you're willing to spend a bit more, you might not have the small annoyances I find with this one. And for what it's worth, I'm not consistently getting at least 10k steps per day, so it's been a good investment for me.

Pretty great for the price! I was skeptical based on the reviews - it seemed like you either loved it or hated it, but after 3 weeks and over 50 hours on it, I can't recommend this treadmill enough. While it makes noise, my coworkers can't hear it while I'm on calls, and it fits nicely beneath my walking desk with the bar down and it comes with lots of speed options. You could probably jog on it if you wanted, but the tread is a bit short for that. My only con is like many have mentioned there is no pause button, but it turns on and off easily, and honestly I just hop off and hop back on, which is fairly easy at 5.5km/hr.

A few recommendations for improvements. this is an awesome treadmill, and I would buy it again. There are a few tweaks they could do for improvement though. The rubber covers for the legs on the treadmill always fall off when you move the treadmill, it would be nice if those were more stationary. The upright holder is really short if you are trying to watch a video on your phone, you would have to be like 4 foot tall for you be actually able to see it clearly. It would be nice if it had a pivot function so you could change angle and see your phone better. I will likely buy an attachment that clips on, so my iPhone can be placed at a higher or better angle for viewing.


Product initially wouldn't power on, but managed to fix it myself. Product initially was thought to be DOA "Dead on Arrival" - however I went ahead and took the liberty to unscrew the screws from the motor housing and found the issue (apparently during transit one of the two power supply cables (the white one) must have come loose from the slot fitting (which I plugged to the center slot of the three slots). Plugged it in and it powered on finally. Was able to have my workout. Now to lose 50lbs and quit all of my meds. Better to invest in fitness than the doctor (since medical industry will fail you in the end anyways and squeeze every last penny to do absolutely nothing!) - R.I.P. my beloved wife of 20 years and a big middle finger to all of the US medical industry! (1/18/23).

Makes a squiky noise. I bought this about 1 month ago and it started making this weird squiky noise right in the middle of the treadmill, IDK why that happen, I tried putting oil but that didn’t do anything. I work from home and it’s annoying that it makes that sound when I’m on the phone with a patient.

Just ok. Squeaks. Started squeaking during the first use. Didn’t think I’d mind everything being in kilometers but I do…I’d prefer mph. The oil is very hard to apply and you just don’t know if you’re applying enough. Overall it does the trick but the squeaking and rickety makeup makes me wonder how long it’ll last.

T-bone handle brushes out eventually. The T-bone handle for this item brushed out after the second use and no longer tightened the handle which is needed to even turn the treadmill on. No refund or help was offered. I had to fix it myself with different tools. The treadmill itself works other than that.

Speed and distance not accurate. This is a great treadmill if you’re just looking for a nice steady walk. The speed and distance are way off no matter what system you use. When I walk at 7.0 on the machine and converted into miles per hour it states I should be walking 4.35 MPH. I am definitely not walking that fast. I cannot figure out the distance for the life of me either. So as long as you don’t care about accuracy and you’re just wanting to walk this would be a great treadmill. I also do have a larger treadmill to compare it to.

Hopefully you are a fast walker. Good product for the money. If you walk fast, product is fine. A bit jerky if you want to slow walk; <3 mph or use under your standing desk.

How to Buy The Best Sperax Treadmill?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Sperax Treadmill? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Sperax Treadmill from which you can learn how to get the best Sperax Treadmill.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Sperax Treadmill.

  • Is it worth buying the Sperax Treadmill?
  • What benefits does the product Sperax Treadmill offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Sperax Treadmill?
  • What makes the Sperax Treadmill to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Sperax Treadmill?
  • Why and how do you need the Sperax Treadmill?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Sperax Treadmill. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Sperax Treadmill.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Sperax Treadmill.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of Sperax Treadmill? Do you like it?


How good is the product of Sperax Treadmill? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of Sperax Treadmill? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of Sperax Treadmill, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of treadmill-home-treadmill.

We highly recommend the Sperax Treadmill to you.

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