Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor, Tactical, Survival and EDC

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Schrade Old Timer Uncle Henry Becko  Caldwell Accessories Masc Holster


Crimson Trace FN Ruger SOG Tac Force MTech USA Grand Way

Ka Bar HX Outdoors United Cutlery Morpilot WitBird Gerber CRKT

Smith & Wesson and M&P knives encompass the same quality and prestige as Smith & Wesson firearms. Whether you need a solid lockback design, special purpose tactical folder, concealable fixed blade, self-defense tool or a multi-tool, we have the product for you. Our knives and tools are loaded with features like assisted opening, thumb knobs, safety locks, full tang designs and ergonomic grips. Made of top quality material these knives are designed for rugged use and will perform year after year.

Tactical Folding Knife

Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops Liner Lock Folding Knife is made with a black high carbon stainless-steel partially serrated clip point blade. This knife has ambidextrous thumb knobs, jimping, and an index flipper. The black aluminum handle comes with jimping and a pocket clip.


Katsu Military Combat Marine Police Cop Firefighter

First Responder J Carp Airsoftpeak Reebow 5.11 Cvlife Orca Tactical

Procase Evertac GES MOLLE EDC Ruck Sack Assault EMS  EMT First Aid

Comfortable Grip

Handle features textured material and finger indentions for a secure and solid grip when in use

Convenient Size

Handheld size is ideal for every day carry and fits in the hand and the pocket comfortably

Easy Open

Features thumbstuds for a quick and easy opening when one handed use or a quick deployment is needed

Smith and Wesson focuses on creating knives that are ready for all situations. Whether you are a knife collector, survivalist or a first responder, you can trust that your S&W knife will be the tool you can rely on in any situation.

Features & Specifications

  • Dimensions: 7.1 inch (18 cm) overall length with a blade length of 3.1 inches (7.9 cm) and a weight of 3.5 ounces
  • Durable: Blade is made of reliable 7Cr17MoV Black Oxide High Carbon Stainless Steel with a black, aluminum handle
  • Dependable: Quick and easy access with the convenient pocket clip, finger flipper and ambidextrous thumb knobs making it ideal for everyday carry
  • Secure: Have confidence that the blade will not slip with the security of the liner lock
  • Weight: ‎0.24 Pounds
  • Warranty: ‎Limited Lifetime, Https://

Pros & Cons


There is almost NOTHING wrong with this knife. I got this knife today, and immediately knew I needed to review it. See, I picked this knife because it was in top reviews, and it had the features I was looking for (serrated, carbon steel or AUS-8, low price point, etc.). I later went back to the reviews here, and a ton of them scared the crap out of me. The biggest one being people claiming the locking mechanism didn't come down far enough to lock the blade into place.... I'm including up close pictures so you can see this knife for yourself. It's a good, solid build. Much better than what I expected $12 to get me. I recently paid $22 for an AUS8 knife which wasn't nearly as nice as this one is. Razor sharp edges, even at the serrated portion. The clip is heavy duty metal, and is screwed into the frame. There's good weight to it which indicates it's good metal, but it's still lightweight enough to make a great pocketknife. Most importantly about the weight is when it's open, it's actually balanced towards the center - the ultimate mark of a great knife. No, the top part isn't sharp. I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO BE SHARP. Anyone familiar with this kind of blade design KNOWS the top part is NEVER sharp, and WHY. Most importantly, THE LOCK WORKS PROPERLY. No, it doesn't move ALL the way to the other side, because that would quite obviously make the blade unsteady and more likely to slip down. It positions itself right below the blade, like it very well SHOULD. Honestly, for the $12 I paid, this is an absolute STEAL. It could quite easily be a $30 knife. Please. Check out the detailed reviews here. Those are the people who know what they're talking about. Most of them discuss using this knife for work purposes, as well. Those are the kinds of reviews you need to pay attention to here on Amazon. For me personally, I've been trained in hand to hand combat including knife fighting for self defense since I was 5 years old. My grandfather was a Korean war vet with medals and honors, and he was into knives both as a collector and as a defense weapon. I like to carry a good pocket knife on me because a. People in public get nervous when I carry a buck knife strapped to my hip and b. I know if I have to defend myself, I've got my best chances with a knife in my hand, no matter the attacker. I also know that one doesn't need a $100 knife just to stick it to someone or something. Just good metal, good balance for throwing, and a good blade design which not only allows for it to cut, but also allows one to twist it so a wound doesn't close back up when it's removed. When it comes to survival, this is how you take dinner down, and with a serrated edge, you can even saw some small things. Additionally, should you ever get pinned down by a seat belt, serrated edges will allow you to cut yourself free. This knife qualifies for all of that. So if you're just looking for a good cheap multipurpose knife, this is a good pick.

Does its job, does it well. This knife is pretty spectacular for the price. Some people complain about the spring assist, but this knife has no spring assist. You can still open the blade one-handed though, and I have had spring assists fail quite a few times. Bottom line, if you want a quality and sturdy blade as an EDC but don't want to spend hundreds on a "name", this knife is for you.

Quality for the price! The product is very nice. It is high quality. The weight of it is pretty light no issues using it. The blade only opens half way when you use the assistance method this does not bother me, but for some people it is an issue. Also the total length is about a dollar bill plus a nickel.


Meh. Low quality knife. It's not all that great. It has a very cheap look and feel to it. It does not open and close as easy as written. I don't know why it is labeled as a survival knife. Out of the box, it was not sharp. It would barely cut through cotton braided rope. Even after I sharpened the knife it got dull again very quickly. This is one of those knives you hear about that wouldn't cut through hot butter.I wasn't expecting something special for the price, but I didn't want to carry a sharpening stone along with the knife either. I would have returned it if I had not sharpened it. Spend a few more buck and buy something better.

Overrated. Ouch! Not quite what I expected. No spring assist means you manipulate a thumb gizmo to open the blade, and it only opens half-way; rest is up top you. Once it's open, though, it stays open. But closing this beast is downright dangerous. Easy to get pinched or cut, and I can't do it without using two hands. I blame bad design. It would have been easy to straighten these drawbacks out on the drawing board. If you need to use a knife jiffy quick, of if your hands are full, look elsewhere.

Cheaply made. I am knife collector. I have many high end knives (Benchmade, Zero Tolerance, CKRT etc). That said I got this knife because I wanted a cheap beater knife for my toolbox. I don't always want to pull out my nice knives to dig into the dirt or take a big beating. I knew this was a cheap knife and didn't expect a lot....but wow. First of all the flipper doesn't even work. Some knives you have to put a little flick to get it to open...but this didn't even open half way on its own. It is dull out of the box and when i did put an edge on it it laster about a week of light use. Worst knife I have you money and just go to Walmart.

How to Buy The Best Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor from which you can learn how to get the best Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor.

  • Is it worth buying the Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor?
  • What benefits does the product Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor?
  • What makes the Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor?
  • Why and how do you need the Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Smith & Wesson Extreme Ops SWA24S 7.1in S.S. Folding Knife with 3.1in Serrated Clip Point Blade and Aluminum Handle for Outdoor to you.

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