RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment, Electric Running Machine, Treadmill with LCD Monitor Running Walking Jogging Exercise Fitness Machine

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment, Electric Running Machine, Treadmill with LCD Monitor Running Walking Jogging Exercise Fitness MachineRUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment, Electric Running Machine, Treadmill with LCD Monitor Running Walking Jogging Exercise Fitness MachineRUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment, Electric Running Machine, Treadmill with LCD Monitor Running Walking Jogging Exercise Fitness Machine

 small treadmill for apartment

small treadmill

walking treadmill

Powerful motor

RUNOW treadmill is equipped with a high-quality 2.5HP motor, noise is less than 60DB, the vibration value is less than 0.28mm/s, peak speed is up to 8.1mph, which can meet your different exercise intensity.

Convenient Control Handle

The treadmill has START/STOP Button on the left handrail, SPEED+/- Button on the right handrail for you, easy for you to control your Exercise progress.

Manual Incline

You can get 3 different inclines by easily adjusting the pin manually to get the different intensities of running and achieve a better running effect.

RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment, Electric Running Machine, Treadmill with LCD Monitor Running Walking Jogging Exercise Fitness MachineRUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment, Electric Running Machine, Treadmill with LCD Monitor Running Walking Jogging Exercise Fitness Machine

Features & Specifications

  • 【2.5HP Powerful & Quiet Motor】Runow treadmill for home is equipped with a 2.5 HP Permanent Magnet Direct Current Motor supports up to the speed of 8.1 MHP, combined with 3 manual inclines and almost 300lbs weight capacity making the home running tough enough to meet every member.
  • 【18'' LED Monitor & 40 Programs】LED Monitor will track your speed, distance, calories burned, time, pulse. RUNOW foldable treadmills possess 36 Preset Programs, 3 User Programs, and 1 Manual Program, make your walking, jogging, and running more efficiently and scientifically.
  • 【Larger Running Belt & Shock-absorbing System】RUNOW portable treadmills have a longer and wider running area (49.2'' X 16.5'') which provides you with comfortable and free running. The built-in double Shock-absorbing System better protects your knees and ankles.
  • 【Easy to Assemble & Easy to Use】The assembly of the folding treadmill is very simple, it only takes about 15 minutes to complete the assembly. Can be easily folded and moved to the corner of your room and is perfect for a small space.
  • 【High-quality Treadmills & Excellent Service】RUNOW aims to produce high-quality reliable home electric exercise treadmills. Deeply loved and trusted by thousands of families. Our team offers lifetime service, listening to all customers, and free replacement parts for 1 year.
  • Weight: ‎110 Pounds

Pros & Cons


Great value, can’t be beat for the price. I spent months trying to figure out how to get the best bang for my buck in regards to treadmills. I’m not in the market for the same fancy equipment I’d had at the gym, but I also didn’t want something that would fall apart the moment I started jogging. I was also looking for something that looked aesthetically’s amazing how many clunkers are out there on the market. Some even double the price of this machine! I was a little nervous because it was a newer product, but the reviews and pictures sold me. This arrived on time, was easy to assemble (about 15 minutes). Overall it’s sturdy, it’s easy to use, and I feel stable whether I’m walking or jogging. Can’t say what it’s like running full speed, but I’d imagine it’s the same. The width of the machine is decent for the price. I smacked my hands a few times, but I learned quickly and haven’t had problems since. My machine delivered with the machine in the “elevated” position and I didn’t realize it. I recommend familiarizing yourself with the machine before going for a run. I wasn’t expecting to jog on an incline! My only complaint, and I didn’t even dock a star for it, is I really wish the display screen had a screen protector during shipping. Mine has a few scuff marks that I was a little annoyed with, but this machine is so good, I got over it real quick. Also, the cup holder is small. It really only fits a standard bottle of water, nothing larger. Final thoughts: Stop searching. If you want to stay under $500, this is the best on the market.

Runow handled the transaction very professionally. Runow deserves five stars because of their professionalism and quality. Fedex literally ditched the package in front of our house and left. We could see that the package had a huge hole and damages. Apparently, they wrecked the package during the delivery process. Sure enough, as soon as we opened the package, we could see the damage and broken pieces on the treadmill. When we contacted Runow, they responded very professionally and resolved the problem. We can testify that Runow is a respectful company with great product. One suggestion is, maybe Runow can deliver the treadmill in two separate packages, because this treadmill in a single package is very heavy. Maybe that's why Fedex handled it too roughly, damaging the package. Many furniture companies deliver their furniture in multiple separate boxes. Just a suggestion.

Great treadmill to have! Great treadmill for household use. Perfect size that could be nicely fit in my corner of dinning room, where matches my desire when I searched online. Enough speed range to meet our different exercise needs. Assemble process is quite straightforward as long as following instructions step by step, took us around half hour to finish. The customer service is super good, always timely answering my question. I was quite concern about the sound when running the treadmill, especially I rent an apt and live on the top floor. The customer service provided me a video to listen to the sound would be, which is very helpful and key for our to make the purchase decision. After using for multiple times, no worries of the noise at all :)


Not worth the price. The treadmill itself works just fine. I've been using it several times a week with no issue walking on it. Folding it is another matter entirely, the whole thing feels off center and I have to pull one side to actually get it to close and there is a massive gap on the other side. This was obviously some sort of flaw with the machine, the entire thing was a nightmare to put together, it took a lot of hands to make everything go where the instructions said it was supposed to go. Maybe the welding was off with mine. I am still considering sending this back, depending on how much that is. UPDATE: The company reached out to me after this review. They gave me a partial refund and sent a video on how to fix the treadmill. I followed the directions but I still cannot get the treadmill to function correctly. UPDATE 2: This company's customer service is simply awful and rude. They are constantly emailing me in the middle of the night and waking me up and have even called me before 5am. I requested someone from a similar time zone and I was told they do not have anyone in the US in their customer service department. I have sent them more than one video of my treadmill proving the issue, I tried to do the troubleshooting video and instead of accepting that it wasn't going to be fixed I was told I need to have my husband try. It's 2021 and women can and do workout and stay in shape enough to do simple troubleshooting for a defective treadmill. Stay away from this seller and this item.

Broke in a month... Fluke? Buttons on rails stopped working within a month. Other than that it's worked fine. At this price I would expect it not to break so quick ( that's the reason I bought this over cheaper models). Wish it would give 0.05 miles but whatever. Also heart rate monitor can't keep up, takes a literal minute to take heart rate (by that time it's worthless). Just wanted more at price point. Feels like a 200-300$ treadmill not a 500$. For sake of sincerity I said it broke and they offered to replace it which is nice but I really just want one that will last. This could be a fluke stay tuned for the new one.

This machine is not an auto incline. When you read the title of this treadmill it states "with incline." It should state "with manual incline." It never occurred to us that it wouldn't be automatic and that's our fault for not reading every little word in the description. We wanted a smaller treadmill that did not take up a lot of room and this treadmill fits that requirement. But it is very flimsy compared to the treadmill we were replacing and it cost more. I would not buy this product again.

How to Buy The Best RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment from which you can learn how to get the best RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment.

  • Is it worth buying the RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment?
  • What benefits does the product RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment?
  • What makes the RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment?
  • Why and how do you need the RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the RUNOW Folding Treadmill with Incline for Home/Apartment to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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