Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories, Wide Stable Design, Non-Slip Comfort Deck for Youth & Adults

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board AccessoriesRoc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board AccessoriesRoc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board AccessoriesRoc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board AccessoriesRoc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board AccessoriesRoc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board AccessoriesRoc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories

At Roc, we wanted to bring you a paddle board sup that offered exceptional stability, convenience, and quality to bring you an all-purpose paddleboard for Adults and Youth

Features & Specifications

  • Board dimensions are 10 Feet long by 33 inches wide and 6 inches thick
  • Leading industry weight limit of 350Lb
  • Our extra wide design creates an incredible all-around board for all skill levels
  • All boards come complete with premium accessories that are superior to other board packs
  • Roc is proud to provide an industry leading 2 Year manufacturer’s warranty
  • Only USA Owned and Based Paddle Board Company With Top Rated Customer Service
  • Weight: ‎8 Kilograms
  • Warranty: ‎2 Year Warranty

Pros & Cons


Excellent quality inflatable SUP!!! I’ve been wanting to get a standup paddleboard for the last few summers and finally decided to go ahead and get one. I knew I wanted an inflatable SUP because I don’t have a roof rack or the storage space for a traditional hard board and as ROC was one of the top options here on Amazon, I decided to order one of their inflatable SUPs. I’ve been out twice on the water already and I am SO HAPPY with my purchase and impressed by the quality of the board! Having only ever paddled on hard boards, I didn’t know what to expect from an inflatable. But I’m happy to report that the experience on an inflatable SUP is just as fun and very comparable! I was afraid that maybe the board wouldn’t be wide or stable enough but it’s very stable and the width is perfect. I actually took my SUP out this past weekend and got caught up in a little pop-up rainstorm. The board was sturdy and I stayed on it and upright, despite the crazy winds and rain. Really looking forward to lots of adventures this summer!! If you’re on the fence about getting an inflatable SUP, I say go ahead and try a ROC board—you won’t be disappointed! It comes with everything you need to get started, including a big backpack to carry all of your gear—board included—in. Pro-tip: definitely order an auto-pump to go with your board because manually pumping your board up is doable but it’s definitely an arm workout!

Great Board Design! Great Quality For The Price! If you're looking for a paddle board that won't break the bank but still delivers quality, you've gotta check out ROC boards! Their boards are seriously amazing, and they don't cost an arm and a leg like some other high-end brands out there. You'll get a durable and lightweight board that's super easy to transport and maneuver on the water. But what really sets ROC apart is the design. The branding is spot on, simple and they aren't as heavy as other inflatable boards I've used in the past. And here's the best part: ROC is a family-owned business. For some people, that may not matter, but as someone who grew up in a family business, I know how important it is to support them. Choosing ROC means you're helping another great group of people have a livelihood doing what they love. Overall, if you want a high-quality and affordable paddle board, you can't go wrong with ROC. Trust me, you'll be stoked with your purchase!

AWESOME board! Great bang for your buck on this package!!! Stoked on the package overall, however, it did arrive all sorts of banged up and mostly ripped open!! Hopefully everything will be in good working order once I get to finally take it out in a few days!! I purchased this bc my friend & her bf have the same ones (in black and white) & LOVED theirs. I have a bodyglove inflatable SUP in storage in another state & did not want to wait to go get it before paddling season. I've heard such good things and also played around on these and love them. Also SUPER stoked on the option to have a kayak seat & paddle for friends if they want to give it a go but are afraid of standing up. And for the days after work where I've been on my feet too much & just want to get a good paddle in. I'm stoked on the included D-rings and also netting to attach a dry bag or bev to the front, and many more options. This board was on sale for half the price on Amazon...I looked it up on the OG Roc site & it was selling for $700++. Stoked. pics to come!

Such a Wonderful purchase! I have owned an inflatable kayak, but I was quick to sell that once I found out about inflatable paddle boards. I was very excited to find ROC paddle boards because they had such great quality items for beginners! The paddle board was easy to blow up, gets a tad hard once you get up to 10-15 PSI but it makes up for it by being able to get out on the water and cool off. I have been able to go though the mangroves and see a manatee! I have never stood up on a paddle board before but because of how wide this ROC paddle board is I was able to stand up with ease! The customer service has been amazing as well, very responsive, as well as providing a 1-year warranty! Definitely would recommend to a friend!

Wonderful paddle board. We got out first ROC SUP a few weeks ago and immediately took it to the beach to test it out! We feel in love instantly and that same day ordered a second one. It’s a great quality SUP and very easy to handle. It comes with everything you need, a wonderful bag to carry all the accessories, leash, paddles, I love that it included the option to make the paddle double so you can use it sort of like a kayak. My husband got the navy blue paddle board and I got the purple kahuna which I love even more because it has storage on both ends and the color is stunning. We take our kids with us all the time and we can comfortably fit one adult and one child (ages 4&6). I highly recommend it and truly have nothing negative to say about them.

ROC SUP Co. is the Premier paddleboard company. This is a SUP that is very obviously manufactured with high quality materials. You can both see and feel the attention to detail applied from the initial design phase, the blemish-free manufacturing process, the protective packaging for shipping, etc.... This is no cheap Chinese knockoff! Headquartered in Iowa with a new location in Clearwater, FL ( I might visit that location in a few months while on vacation) Free domestic shipping is a huge plus! The backpack carry-bag makes it so easy to carry and unlike so many other product bags, the SUP fits perfectly after use. I congratulate ROC SUP Co. for very fast follow-up if there are questions/concerns; another important consideration when determining where to purchase. (Heck, I'm probably going to have to buy another!)


Rough shipping, no wrench. Bought in Feb in MN, so all the water is solid for us. Looking forward to using it once everything is liquid again. The box arrived all roughed up and wasn't sure if the scuffed area in the pictures would be impactful to the board holding air. Pumped it up to check, seems to hold air, but no patch kit if it doesn't. Also I hope that I dont need the valve wrench, because there was not one in the box, not sure if it fell out during the shipping as you can see the condition it arrived on my doorstep. Besides those small issues, really excited for the weather to warm up to use this.

Will return. It looks like it has been used. Sad.

Already coming unglued after two uses. 1. Easy to transport. 2. Lightweight, I’m 5’6” 135 and this is perfect for me. 3 I would highly recommend a SUP inflator such as the OutdoorMaster to pump it up to the recommended 15 psi. It gets so hard to fill to 15lbs PSI. This pump along with my Jackery make it a breeze! 4. After two uses the orange rubber slip piece that’s glued on top is bubbling up. I just noticed this so I have not contacted customer service. I’m hoping they replace it with little effort . I just bought it in March. 5. Both times inflating , I had to tighten the ring around the opening. I’m not sure if something is wrong but I my friend who is an avid SUP rider says it might be defective. 6. I wish it had more rings to strap down items. 7. I was caught off guard when I noticed the bubble and it was late in the day and was just wanting to get home. I forgot to snap pics but I plan on inflating it again to take pics and then I will update .

Board, Wow wow wow. Accessories, not so much. So far so good This is my first paddle board. Have been out on it 4 times. The weakest link was the paddle. The button that allows it to snap together failed and allowed the lower section to separate. It quickly sunk. Not fun I replaced it with one that doesn’t break apart It deflates to a size small (cough cough) to carry via bicycle. Makes for a fun round of exercise Hopefully the durability of the board continues 08/14/2020 Since my original review I have used the board every other morning. It wouldn’t be too much to say the experience has been life changing. Amazing, amazing, amazing. It’s easy to store and carry, inflates very smoothly, and handles a variety of currents and wakes. I have been going to our local lagoon (Carlsbad, CA) and have felt more than comfortable at all times. If you are considering taking up paddle boarding this is an OUTSTANDING way to go 09/23 Still paddling along. I’d say the board itself has been amazing. A small issue was addressed via ROC directly with no issues The pump has been a different story all together. Take this with a grain of salt: the pump completely failed. I have inflated the board at least 4 times every week since purchasing. Once the board gets to abt 7 psi air leaks from around the sliding post (attached to the handle). Which makes inflating impossible. Again it’s been used a lot; seals inside likely wore out Depending on the amount of use, the accessories may begin to fail. Thus far the board is ok

ROC vs Pexmor Inflatable SUP. I purchased two inflatable SUP boards at the same time - one Pexmor board w/red and yellow stripes and one ROC board w/blue stripes, orange pad. I have taken both boards out the same amount of times and few things about this board: 1) Although the ROC’s center carrying handle has a soft comfy grip, it dries way too slow sometimes leading to a musty smell if you forget to unpack it when you get home -you have to leave it out to dry for a long time, the Pexmor has a heavy duty nylon hand grip, which dries quickly. 2) The ROC board says it carries 300 lbs, but even when way under weight and inflated properly the board sometimes sits low in the water and is really hard to turn- it Feels like a wet yoga mat in the water, the Pexmor allows 500 lbs and definitely sits higher in the water and great turning capability. 3) The ROC grip pad has already started to curl up around the edges after 2 uses. The Pexmor mat has not budged, but disappointed in the painted Pexmor logo which is rubbing off in the heat. 4) Bonus for ROC board is that it has several D rings to clip things on to, Pexmor board only has one at the tail of the board. Overall, I’m disappointed in this ROC board with all of the reviews compared to the lower price and maneuverability of the Pexmor board. I would not buy the ROC board/brand again. Next time, I think investing in a higher weight capacity would be a benefit.

Great if you're not sure u wanna buy a real one. With the supplied Air Pump to inflate....I hope you're in shape! If're gonna have a hard time inflating. Its VERY UNSTABLE when you compare it to a Solid body board. If you have balance its super easy to maneuver, but if you don't, you WILL have problems keeping it balanced especially if its not completely calm water Its easy to transport, even after inflation. Its good for a first board, or a convienent one to keep in the car. Be warned tho, it WILL get damaged easily

How to Buy The Best Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories from which you can learn how to get the best Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories.

  • Is it worth buying the Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories?
  • What benefits does the product Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories?
  • What makes the Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories?
  • Why and how do you need the Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories? Do you like it?


How good is the product of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of Stand-Up Paddleboards.

We highly recommend the Roc Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories to you.

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