RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

RHYTHM FUN Super Slim Folding Treadmill Shows Quality Life !

RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces

Why do we need RHYTHM FUN ultra-thin foldable treadmills?

1. The ultra-thin foldling treadmill adopts a more advanced and flexible 7-layer running belt. better shock absorption, better to protect the knees and feet.

2. This new upgrade slim treadmill is made of better aluminum alloy material. light weight, small size, easy to portable to store in home , office , aparmenrt or small space room. let your home become a small gym!

3. The morden looking , simple, fashionable and atmospheric. Suitable for young and seniors!

RHYTHM FUN foldable treadmill has own special design, patent, and logo. Simple but not common!

RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces

  • This ultra-thin foldling treadmill equipped with 2.5HP electric motorized DC motor, more powerful and more stable. Ultra-thin and Sturdy! Support large capaciy 220 pounds. Even if reaches the max load, the noise is less than 60db. It is the best running machine for home and office!
  • The Mini Queit Treadmill with inert damping module, 488 honeycomb sound-absorbing holes and Super Shock-absorbing & Noise Reduction system specially designed for running allow you to run whenever you want without worrying about disturbing others!
  • The foldable treadmill is lightweight and compact, easy to store and folded. Very space-saving! Folding takes only a few seconds. A perfect choice for a mini home treadmill!

Every time the insist and record of the exercise are for a better yourself !

RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces

2 Control Methods:

  • Remote Controller Control
  • 3-Kinds Workout APP Control

RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces

RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces

RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces

RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces

Smart Speed Sensor Light

The unique feature different from other folding treadmill is that the smart speed sensor light. Different speed changing, or different running mode, the sensor light will be changed different color, bring different visual shock, making the sport more exciting & cool !

Strong 2.5hp DC Motor

RHYTHM FUN ultrathin foldable treadmill has the real strong 2.5hp DC motor, save electricity & energy,prevent falling due to forced training or sudden speed change.

Noise is less than 60DB, Quiet & Powerful !

Phone Holder for Entertainment

You can place your mobile phone or tablet on the phone holder, enjoy music or video while exercising, you also can video call with friends or video conference. Which is fantastic!

Super Shock Absorption

Designed with suspended shock-absorption, this running treadmill brings comfortable running experience. At the same time, the shockproof and anti-slip surface reduces impact on your knees,joints and ankles, offering safe protection for your legs !

To be thin, to be fitness , and to be your satisfied!

RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, Foldable Handtrail and Workout App Quiet Mini Treadmill for Home Office Small Spaces


1.Standing Size:56.3″ Lx 28.3″ W x 40.5″ H

2.Folding Size:56.3″ Lx 28.3″ Wx 4.9″ H

3.Running Belt Size:47.2″Lx16.5″W

4.Motor: 2.5HP Continuous DC Motor

5.Speed Range: 0.8-8KM/H=0.5MPH-5MPH

6.Net Weight:77lbs

7.Max User Weight:220lbs

8.Special feature : Suspended Shock-Absorbing Design

RHYTHM FUN treadmill gives you [Young] & [Fitness]. Just Run !

Features & Specifications

  • 3cm Ultrathin, Space-saving Treadmill -- RHYTHM FUN folding treadmill running platform thinnest is to only 3cm=1.18", just as the coin's thickness. With 90° foldable handle design, this portable foldable treadmill can be stored under a desk, sofa or bed or other small space of home, office ,apparment, very space-saving. The built-in transport wheel can help you move it very easily. and, It can be used directly without assembly, free your hands!
  • Excellent Shock Absorption -- Designed with suspended shock-absorption, RHYTHM FUN treadmill foldable brings comfortable running experience. The shockproof and anti-slip surface of the slim treadmill reduces impact on your knees, joints and ankles, offering safe protection for your legs. The upgraded foldable handrail of the portable treadmill greatly increase the safety, prevent accidental stepping empty or deviation when you run. This 220 lb weight capacity treadmill suitable for most people!
  • Smart Speed Sensor Light -- Different from all the electric treadmill on Amazon, RHYTHM FUN quiet slim treadmill has unique feature--Smart Speed Sensor Light. The three ambient lights change with the speed of running, bringing you different visual impact and different running experience. and, Phone holder for treadmill allows you put your iPad or phone on the treadmill to watch workout classes or entertainment, it makes the workout interesting and easy to insist!
  • 2 Ways to Control the Treadmill, Support 3 Kinds Workout APP -- Different from traditional foldable treadmills, this running folding treadmill can be controlled both by the remote and 3 kinds workout APP-- FITSHOW, ZWIFT, KINOMAP. Exercise date not only can show on the ultra clear large LED digitital display of the slim portable treadmill, but also the workout APP can record them, and you can share the results with the community, see your sports ranking in the community, etc. Very interesting!
  • Powerful and Ultra-quiet -- Strong 2.5HP motor can perfectly ensure the stable waking and running of the folding treadmill. Which allows you to adjust the speed from 0.5 MPH (0.8km/h) to 5 MPH (8km/h). Silent motor, inert damping module, 488 honeycomb sound-absorbing holes and noise reduction system specially designed for running allow you to run whenever you want without worrying about disturbing neighbors or people downstairs. A perfect compact mini treadmill for home and office use!

Pros & Cons


Great little machine! Being stuck inside for the coronavirus quarantine, I was really missing my usual workout. So, I went searching for a treadmill, and all the "big" companies wouldn't deliver, so I took my chances on this little guy. I was a little skeptical because the other reviews seemed dicey and maybe like they were a scam... but they're not! I'm BLOWN AWAY at what a good little machine it is. It's VERY well made and low profile. It doesn't feel cheap at all. It's actually quite heavy (it took two of us to move it down to the basement). The controls are simple, and the digital display is really quite nice. I gave it a test and it works well -- it's fast and for the most part, a very good value. I'm 6'2" and 220lbs and I was a little nervous that I'd obliterate it while running, but this machine can stand up to the test. It's solid and works well. Silent as a church mouse.

Game changer for my standing desk game. I've been using this treadmill for a full month now, so I'll update again to reflect how it's help up, but I figured it's been long enough to know this is the real deal. I've been working from home for three years, and the fall is our busy season, so I find myself at my desk sitting for HOURS and then too mentally drained to exercise, so it's a vicious cycle of gaining about five pounds of weight from being sedentary (and right before Christmas, when all the cookies arrive!) This year, with the added burden of the pandemic, I knew I had to find new ways to get in some more steps, so in addition to adapting to a standing desk, I wanted to find a quiet, low profile treadmill to walk on. This fits the bill perfectly-- it's really quiet, works RIGHT out of the box, and I haven't had any complaints yet. I walk at a 2.5 mile per hour pace daily for several hours, so I'm clocking in a solid 7 miles a day minimum, even more on really long days, and it really has made a difference for me. My only issue is that you have to use the remote to turn the thing on and off, which isn't my favorite thing (i.e. what if you lose it?), but since it comes with two, I feel like that's a decent work around, even though I wish there were a manual option. They also sent it with two little bottles of silicon lubricant that you can squeeze into a side hole to keep the thing working well-- since i use it a LOT, I've already used half of one just to be sure I'm taking care of it, but there wasn't really any indication of it needing care or anything, I was just trying to be preventative. I haven't really moved it from my desk, but it has really sturdy wheels on the end for moving it around, so I'm confident it would be totally fine to prop up in a corner if company (ever) comes over (again). I'll update this after a few months to report how it deals with continued use, but I'm hoping for the best!

Great treadmill with very low noise level. The media could not be loaded. I go for walk 3 days a week. I've been looking for something dependable to get walk when the weather is bad. Since I have received this treadmill, I now can walk or jog almost everyday. It has very low noise level compared to similar machine in my local YMCA. It's also compact so that I can fold it to store in a small room when I need more space (e.g. need more room for a party at home).


Not working. Can not plug in at all

Takes too much electricity. I gave it two stars because sadly I can't use it. My apartment can't supply the amount of electricity I need to use it. Besides that it is pretty heavy and I had a hard time plugging it in. The part that you plug into the actual treadmill just did not want to go in at first but I finally got it. Either way even with that struggle I still can't use it so now I have to figure out what I'm gonna do with it.

Stopped working. I bought this not so cheap treadmill to stay in shape. It was fine for a week or so and then one day i was jogging an all of a sudden it just turns off as if i powered it off. First i thought i was too heavy for it then my sister tried and the same results. I reached out to the company about this. They asked for a video and i sent them. Haven’t heard back from them yet. I was supposed to have warranty from the company but haven’t had any luck getting a replacement yet.

How to Buy The Best RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light from which you can learn how to get the best RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light.

  • Is it worth buying the RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light?
  • What benefits does the product RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light?
  • What makes the RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light?
  • Why and how do you need the RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the RHYTHM FUN Treadmill Portable Folding Treadmill Slim Walking Running Treadmill with Speed Sensor Light to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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