Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play

Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Are you tired of wishing it was not raining so you could play basketball? Well, you should not be tired anymore! With this basketball hoop outdoor, you could bring it anytime and anywhere! You can play basketball indoors and outdoors, rain or shine!


With the innovative telescopic feature which can shorten and lengthen the pole, you and your children can never outgrow our Adjustable Basketball Hoop! It can be set anywhere between 1.79 meters and 2.13 meters, perfect for any height!


This is a multi-functional indoor basketball hoop for kids and adults unit that can be used outdoors and indoors. Perfect for school, youth clubs, backyard, office spaces, and basically anywhere! Gone were the days when we reasoned out why we couldn’t play basketball.


Designed for a great game experience, this portable basketball hoop with stand is here to provide enjoyment. Our sturdy base is made from PE plastic, rest assured that you don’t have to worry. For better stability, you have the option to add up to 25 KGs of water, or 30 KGs of sand to anchor the base unit to the ground. You can also freely move the basketball hoop from one place to the next before filling the base. Thanks to the added wheels, it provides convenience!


Height can be set from 1.79 metres (5ft 9in) to 2.13 metres (6ft 9in)
Backboard measures 71cm x 45cm – Main pole measures 45mm in diameter
The sturdy base measures 74cm x 55cm x 13cm

All these benefits are yours with the Play22 Premium Basketball Hoop.   What are you waiting for? Add our basketball hoops to cart now and enjoy it with your family and friends!

Features & Specifications

  • GET QUALITY EXPERIENCE - With this adjustable basketball hoop, certainly you will have a high-quality experience; From the weather-resistant and durable materials to portability, you will know that you are stepping up the game
  • NO MORE POSTPONING THE GAME - You can bring this youth basketball hoop with stand wherever you go. No need for you to postpone fun. This is a perfect outdoor and indoor game that you can enjoy anytime and anywhere
  • HAVE QUALITY-BUILT DESIGN - Weatherproof and durable materials that have been manufactured from one of the quality plastic (PE). A steel main pole, an all-weather nylon net, no doubt it can endure your strongest slam dunks
  • EASY TO ASSEMBLE - Need not worry, this set only requires minimal time and effort to be assembled. With the illustrated user manual and tools included, you can set up this kids basketball hoop quickly and without difficulties
  • WHO WE ARE - We are the leading manufacturer of a wide range of exciting board games, innovative arcade games, tabletop games and many other great products; Our priority is to provide high-quality products that can be enjoyed by our customers

Pros & Cons


Good product. I was hesitant to buy this basketball hoop because there were no reviews with comments, but since the price was reasonable and they offered free returns, I figured nothing I had nothing to lose. I am so glad I did. It is perfect for my 9 year old son, he has lots of fun with it. The item is very sturdy, and well-made, and once the base is filled with water, the hoop is very stable, also the height is adjustable. Adults in the family have also used it, and although it is hit hard, it stays put. Overall, a very good product for the money. Yes, there are more expensive hoops, with fancy features, which did not offer free returns (a deal-breaker for me!), but this hoop is just perfect for us. Glad I bought it. As far as durability, I cannot tell because I have had it only for a month, but so far so good, and as I said, it is sturdy and well-made.

great for my kids. I got this basketball hoop for my 4 years old son and it's a great fit for him. He's a bout 3 and half feet tall so this hoop's height is great for him (I'm using the lowest height setting, which is 5 ft for him now) so he can easily throw the ball over the basket. The base is hollow and can be filled with water or sands, so for now, we only added water and it's able to stand the hoop well. Maybe when we use the max height setting at 7 ft then we might add some sands to make it heavier and hold the hoop better. So far, it works well for my son, and help him get interested in playing some balls.

fun. My four-year-old grandson loves this thank you very much going on week two and he doesn't stop playing


Didn’t come with all the parts!!:-( who do I contact??? Part E is supposed to be the thing that keeps it extended higher….it didn’t come with a part E and E isn’t even printed on the parts card?!!! Just now getting around to putting it together or works have returned it in time!!!

Looks like it's for toddlers. Good price. Super easy assembly. Everything is "normal" about it except the backboard is ridiculously small. It came with a childlike design on it as well that makes it look like it's for toddlers. We spray painted over that but can't do anything about the size of the backboard. It looks silly. Glad the kids don't seem to care or I'd be returning it.

Missing parts... Missing washers and nuts. Glad we decided to assemble before Christmas until waiting until the grandchild opened the gift...

How to Buy The Best Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play from which you can learn how to get the best Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play.

  • Is it worth buying the Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play?
  • What benefits does the product Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play?
  • What makes the Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play?
  • Why and how do you need the Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Play22 Kids Adjustable Basketball Hoop Height 5 – 7 FT – Portable Basketball Hoop for Kids Teenagers Youth and Adults With Stand & Backboard Wheels Fillable Base – Basketball Goals Indoor Outdoor Play to you.

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