PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.


PASER Water Bottle with Multi Color And Gift Box




Safety Lock

Can be used as a gift with a gift box

Ergonomic Size Handle




100% Leakproof

Easy to open and drink

Wide Mouth


Drinking enough water is easier said than done for some people,and these water bottles are here to help you out. PASER BPA-free Sports Water Bottle with Time Marker and Motivational Quote can remind you to drink enough water to keep your body healthier.

This 24OZ sports water bottle, most special with 12 colored water bottles and corresponding colored boxes, is an ideal gift for kids, friends, family and partners.

✔ Safe Material : Tritan , BPA-free

✔ Capacity:24Ounce/750ML/0.75Liter

✔ Two ways drinking : Drink it with or Straw Or Wide Mouth

✔ Convenient carry : Sturdy-Handle and Nylon Strap

✔ Wide Mouth : Perfect to add ice cubes or fruits

✔ Can be filled with cold or hot beverage (-5°C-110°C)

✔ Color : 12 Color for your choice (As pictures)

Package Below:

✔ 24OZ Water Bottle

✔ Removable Straw

✔ Colorful Box

Features & Specifications

  • Time Mark and Volume scale: PASER 24 OZ Water Bottle has Inspirational Reminder and Time Mark to remind you to drink enough water every day. The 750ml Dringking Bottle volume scale can accurately test the daily water consumption and keep your body healthier.
  • 100% BPA-free: The Water Bottle is made of high-quality reusable PETG material, which can withstand high temperatures, can be filled with hot&cold water, and does not contain BPA to ensure that your sports bottle is safe and non-toxic, without plastic smells. Your life with your family is healthier.
  • Straw&Wide Mouth design: The Water Jug has automatic lock design, lightly press the bottle cap to automatically rise.The soft silicone straw is easy to drink, and the straw brush is easy cleaning.The wide enough bottle mouth can add ice, lemon and other fruits.
  • Leakproof&Handle design: The water bottle cap has a silicone soft ring to prevent vibration and water leakage during exercise, running, and cycling. The Sport Bottle has a handle that can be easily carried out. It is a perfect choice for office and outdoor sport.
  • Purchase Tips and Precautions: The Water Bottle comes with 12 colors to choose from. It is an ideal fitness gift for family and friends.Don’t use the Drinking Bottle in the dishwasher. If you have any questions, please contact us and we will deal with them immediately.
  • Dimensions: ‎4.33"W x 10.43"H
  • Weight: ‎0.35 Pounds
  • Warranty: ‎360-day warranty

Pros & Cons


Best water bottle I have ever had! This water bottle is amazing. First, the size. Being able to carry around a liter of water, in one bottle, is really helpful for when I need to drink. Second, the cap. The flip top cap is durable and stays shut. I haven't had any leaks. Third, the spout. I didn't realize I needed a fast-flow spout. This spout has made my life sooooooooooo much easier with how fast I take in the water. Fourth, the color. I drink colored liquids (Gatorade), and it is actually fun for me to watch the color gradient change. Overall, I highly suggest this bottle.

Great bottle. This is such a great bottle and it’s durable too. I’ve dropped it a couple times and there’s no dents or breaks or leaks . I would definitely buy it again and recommend it to someone else. It was a great price for such a great bottle . It fills up almost 2 bottles of water .I don’t really have anything else to say, just buy this bottle honestly . You won’t regret it one bit. The top doesn’t leak or get lose and it’s really easy to drink from. I’ve used this cup for water and coffee and it cleans really easy and it also comes in a stable package. I’m definitely putting them as a five star seeing as this is the first bottle I’ve ever bought online . I was a little worried at first but it ended up being better than I thought it was going to be. I take this bottle with me everywhere I go now.

Honest company. I purchased these water bottles and yes had an issue with straws not working. The company did respond within 24hrs I believe and did make things right. Other than the defective straws, the water bottles are beautiful and seem like a good quality durable water bottle. Will definitely give this company another try.

Great value for the price. I purchased this because of a16-year old ballplayer that didn't want anything bright and flashy. The price was good compared to other products. Turned out it was exactly what he wanted. He's got enough water to get through a game. Seems durable and pretty sturdy.

Totally Worth It & Pretty. I’ve been looking for a water bottle for so long, but I’m so picky and also didn’t want anything super bulky or heavy like others I’ve seen. I’m so happy with mine! It’s not only light, sturdy, durable, convenient and keeps me hydrated, but it’s also incredibly pretty and cute! Mine is the pink/blue/purple 24oz pictured next to my mom’s green 32oz (which I got from a different seller.) Definitely recommend this and I love the color options, it took me awhile to decide. It’s even more aesthetically pleasing in person, made me think of cotton candy for some reason. 10/10 would recommend.

Kid tested. I bought this for my 5 year old son who drinks so much water. I wanted a sturdy cup that holds enough water where I won’t have to be constantly refilling it every 5 seconds. This cup does the job. Like a typical 5 year old boy, he isn’t gentle on his things. This cup has been subjected to many drops and swung around with glee. It hasn’t broke yet, so 5 stars!


STRAW FIX. Bought 3 of these to start a water drinking challenge in my family. All three straw caps (suction thing at the top) were sealed off and nothing could pass through. When I initially read the reviews, I never saw the ones that spoke about the straws not working. I was able to fix this problem by removing the straw from the cap and poking through the middle of the cap with a small hand drill with a small drill bit. I absolutely love the quality and vibrant colors of these bottles but I gave it three stars because it’s pretty inconvenient to go through the process of trying to figure out what exactly is wrong. I’m not one that likes to return things so I fixed it lol. Overall, I like this product but I don’t like the inconvenience. When I buy a product, I expect it to be fully functioning how it’s supposed to. Hopefully they fix this problem soon and hopefully this review helps!

Need to do better. First one I ordered, the straw did not work. I put in a return, that went smoothly and I got a replacement within a few days. I prepped it last night with bottled water and a chunk of lemon. got to work and drank the entire 24 ounces within 1 hour. The bottle has beautiful coloring. Anyway after emptying the bottle, I filled it back up. I've almost completed the second round when I look and see something weird. It's looks like a hair. I immediately start freaking out open up the bottle and sure enough it's a hair and what grosses me out even more is that I rinsed the bottle before putting water into it. Hair in food, drink or sink is THEE worst thing for me. I want to vomit just thinking about it. I am completely grossed out, completely disgusted and completely unsatisfied with this product. They are lucky I gave them neutral stars and that's ONLY because fullfillment got a new bottle out so quickly teh first time. If you want a little hair with your water and lemon, then this is the bottle for you! Good Luck, I'm out.

My first review. I never write reviews but I needed to share that I got my water bottle and the bottom of straw was chipped but I still decided whatever and after cleaning it I put water in to use it and could not suck through the mouthpiece. I learned by running it under water and all sorts of tricks that in fact nothing passes through the mouthpiece with or without straw attached. It’s so bad I feel like it’s a joke! So I wanted to let others know and hope you read this before ordering! I went the cheap route of course but I will be having to purchase elsewhere and paying more I’m sure will be more worth it!

Straw not working. Beautiful water bottle and I like the time markers. Upon opening and filling the water bottle, we were completely unable to get any water out. I had to come on Amazon and read reviews to learn that most are arriving with completely sealed drinking passages and had to take a screw and break through the silicone to get it to work. That's a little ridiculous.

So.. The Straw. Such a cute cup. Gave 3 stars because of the straw. Yes this is still happening. I think this is actually their design. You have to poke a hole and clear it in order to get it to work. It’s sealed off on the inside of the silicone straw. I don’t know if it’s easier for them to make it like that or if it’s a safety precaution but buyers - don’t return! Just use a toothpick or a paper clip (I used a paper clip lol) to poke a hole and release the suction. It worked just fine for me. Love the cup!

Nice bottle but it stinks. Everything about this water bottle is great aside from the odor. The minute I opened the box, everyone around me could smell it. Smells like mothballs!! I tried running it through the dishwasher and even using some bleach, but the odor remained. Sadly, I had to return it because of this. Ended up ordering a metal bottle just to avoid the same problem.

How to Buy The Best PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box from which you can learn how to get the best PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box.

  • Is it worth buying the PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box?
  • What benefits does the product PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box?
  • What makes the PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box?
  • Why and how do you need the PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the PASER Motivational Water Bottle 24OZ with Time Mark &Straw Measurements BPA Free Leakproof Safety Lock Water Jug for Kids School Sport Gym with Gift Box to you.

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