MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults – Compact Sleeping Bag for Hiking, Backpacking, Cold Weather & Warm – Lightweight Packable Travel Gear Summer & Winter – Kids Girls Boys 1 & Double 2 Person

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

great for all seasons

40 to 77 Degree F – Perfect For Almost All Situations

You will enjoy the quality and comfort of the MalloMe Sleeping Bag with various colors to choose from! These bags are 29.5 inches wide (compared to 27 Inch wide competitors) to allow you a good nights rest. The polyester pongee is specifically designed for added comfort and to keep you warm when you need it most.


Easy Carry and Clean

Each sleeping bag comes with a compression sack with straps, allowing for convenient storage and easy carry maneuverability. The MalloMe sleeping bag can easily be wiped clean or machine washed. Makes for a great hiking sleep bag.




Hexagonal Fabric Design

The unique six-sided 100% polyester hexagonal design has been deliberately designed for the sleeping bag’s material reinforcement and durability.

Waterproof Shell

Finally, a sleeping bag that won’t cause water to easily seep through in the lightest drizzle and make you as uncomfortable as can be. Stay dry with the MalloMe Sleeping Bag.

High Quality Zipper

No snag zipper helps ensure you can easily and quickly, zip yourself into the warmth of your sleeping bag. Convenient double sided zipper also allows for closure while lying inside.


long lasting velcro

adjustable draw string

free your feet

Backpacking Companion

Our sleeping bag’s lightweight polyester design makes for a perfect sleep sack for your next backpacking or hiking trip.

Velcro Securing Strap

The velcro securing strap ensures you will be snug in your bag and will help prevent any unwanted zipper opening as you sleep.

Drawstring at Headrest

The drawstring at the headrest is great in colder weather to help bring the bag closer to your head and body to keep you warmer.

Cool Off In The Summer

Perfect for warm summer weather. Cool off by creating an opening at the bottom of the sleeping bag to let your feet breathe!

Features & Specifications

  • 100% Polyester
  • ✅ BEST YEAR ROUND SLEEPING BAG - Perfect for spring, summer, fall, and cool weather, with a rated temperature from 40°F to 77°F (optimal comfort temperature 62°F to 75°F). Keep yourself cosy, warm and safe in every situation at normal altitudes. The ultra-strong, waterproof outer protective shell is made from our unique waterproof hex-tech design, double-layered with S-shape stitching, and 3D inner synthetic fiber fill for optimal warmth and insulation to protect you from the elements.
  • ✅ CAMP IN COMFORT FOR ALL AGES - Bring the comfort of your own bed to the great outdoors. Our camping sleeping bags are engineered to guarantee a good night's sleep after a hard day of activities. No matter how tough the terrain or long the day, sleep well with MalloMe. And with vibrant colors loved by both boys and girls, they're great for kids too!
  • ✅ ULTRALIGHT FOR BACKPACKING - A must have for hiking, backpacking, and camping, the perfect balance of performance and lightweight materials for every adventure. Each sleeping bag comes with a compression sack with straps, which makes it super convenient to store and easy to carry.
  • ✅ EASY TO CLEAN - Our waterproof outer shell is easily wiped clean with a damp cloth. In case of heavy soilage the sleeping bag is designed for machine washing as well, ensuring easy maintenance and longevity.
  • ✅ EXCELLENT DESIGN - Enjoy high-quality double-sided zippers that are snag-free and super satisfying to use. Tug those drawstrings in the headrest to bring the bag a little closer to your head for extra warmth in colder weather. While you’re there, pat that extra velcro securing strap too - it’ll keep you nice and snug with no unwanted zipper movement. Great sleeping bags for adults and kids in single and 2 person double sizes.

Pros & Cons


Fits in bag. Would have given it a 5 out of 5 if it was able to keep me comfortable/warm at 64 degrees Fahrenheit. I love the pillow area the zipper was easy to use as advertised it is warm up to 65 degrees Fahrenheit wearing cotton pajamas. It only took one wash to make it ready to go. (People with multiple chemical sensitivities I would recommend this sleeping bag to.) The sleeping bag is fragrance free and the plastic smells from the bag and the shipping box odor washed out in one laundry cycle. It’s soft inside and fits easily in the bag it came with. I am also using a cotton bed sheet to help keep me warm in the low 60 degree weather and am able to keep it in the sleeping bag and it still fits in the bag. I would say this is a 65 degree Fahrenheit or higher weather if you are wearing regular pajamas. It’s possible that if you wore winter pajamas made of wool or flannel you could comfortably use this sleeping bag in lower temperatures. I use a cot with this sleeping bag and lose heat on top and bottom and you would likely lose heat the same way on the ground unless you used a barrier that prevents the earth from taking heat. I use a flannel blanket between the cot and the sleeping bag so that helps. I suffer from hot flashes and was still freezing with just the sleeping bag at 64 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s a good sleeping bag for 65 degrees Fahrenheit or higher in my opinion with regular pajamas. I wear cotton pants and shirt for reference. I would buy again, in colder weather use an extra blanket.

Nice sleeping bag. This is a nice sleeping bag with carrying bag that has straps. The Orange is very bright. There is not a lot of extra room in this bag. I am petit, if you are larger or move around a lot this might not be comfortable for you. I would order again.

Nice bag. Bag is a bit thin but overall a good bag for the price

Good for the price. I wrote a review previously but I am pretty sure it was nixed by the automated system when It went for approval. No idea why but I decided to take the time and rewrite it. I am an actual customer that purchased and used this product. I took this out for a camp out at the end of Fall. It got down to sub 20 degrees in the early mornings. This was much lower than the recommended temperature for comfort. Is it survivable? Sure with socks and proper warm clothing. For the vast majority of people I wouldn't suggest doing what I did. I think this bag does what it is supposed to do relatively well for a cheap price. It's big and bulky, a bit heavy but most winter sleep systems are. With decent expectations and using in the correct setting I think it's more than fine. Hope this helps.

Quality. Even it’s well made, I discovered that it was not wide enough to sleep comfortably. It’s 29.5 inches wide. I initially did not think about the width. So I returned it and order a 40 inch wide sleeping bag.

Great for the price. This is obviously in the category of budget sleeping bags. I bought this for for my autistic seven year old who is obsessed with sleeping bags. I can't attest to its temperature rating, but the quality is good for the price. No loose threads, zipper is smooth. The insulation is evenly distributed. I would buy this brand again.


Know what you are getting yourself into. The zipper broke IMMEDIATELY. For $20 I was not expecting much but for it to break the first time I tried to unzip it is just crazy. Also it does not provide any padding. Not sure why other people say it's comfortable, it feels like you're sleeping on the ground with a thin sheet covering you. Giving it 3 stars because it was $20 and you could buy a sleeping pad so that it won't feel like your sleeping on the ground.

Not for a bigger man. The sleeping bag worked great but my husband couldn't zip it all the way up. He is 240 lbs and he had no room at all in this bag. Must get a big man bag for someone over 6 feet and 220 lbs.

Not wide. Not wide enough for an adult.

Smallest thinnest sleeping bag I have ever owned. I'm 6'1" and fits perfectly. I am slender and it's barely 30": wide flat.bcould not imagine anyone fitting it who doesn't have a 34" waist. That said it's a 3 season bag itsts limit is 50f fully closed and a lightweight comforter on top. I Been in it at 45f not uncomfortable, but not toasty warm. t says the bottom side is thickly padded. It might be 2x as think as the top. But you won't notice the difference. It's small size is perfect for backpacking or emergency kit in car I paid 23usd it's probably worth $19usd .came in a nice bag with straps Know what you are getting

Zipper gets stuck. I bought two of the sleeping bags. They are light as advertised and did a good job in the tent with a 60 F weather. The only issue we had was that with both bags, the zipper would get stuck with the lining material. You would need to carefully and gently move the zipper back and forth to release the material from the zipper. Being gentle and careful with the zipper, it still got stuck several times during our two nights of camping and frankly it is not comfortable if you are already inside the bag and want to open the zipper and it gets stuck. To make sure you don't cut the lining material, you would need to crawl out of the bag, as we did with both bags.

Small but to the point for its price. Very light & tight

How to Buy The Best MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults from which you can learn how to get the best MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults.

  • Is it worth buying the MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults?
  • What benefits does the product MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults?
  • What makes the MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults?
  • Why and how do you need the MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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What functions can the product of MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults? Do you like it?


How good is the product of MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of Sleeping Bags.

We highly recommend the MalloMe Camping Sleeping Bags for Adults to you.

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