HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

2 in 1 Running & Walking Treadmill Perfect for home, office and gymHouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode



Our Brand:

HouseFit is originated in 1991, well recognized and renowned throughout the Middle East and Europe, across mainly to East Europe, Russia, and the other Gulf States, our customers appreciate the versatility of our medium-high level products with affordable prices, ranging from convenient home-use fitness to light commercial and commercial, continues with the cardio, strength and group training products.

HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode

2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display

Motor: 1.25HP DC(Continuous) 2.25HP DC (Peak)

Assembled Weight: 59.5 lbs

Max user weight: 111 kg/245 lbs

Walkpad Speed: 0.5- 4 mph

Treadmill Speed: 0.5-7.5 mph

Walking/Running Surface: 42.5 x 16.5 in

Walkpad Dimensions L x W x H: 57.1 x 27.6 x 5.9 in

Treadmill Assembled Dimensions L x W x H: 52 x 27.6 x 43.3 in Screen Display: Speed, Time, Distance, Steps, Calorie

Remoto control adjustment

5-Layer buffer and shock absorption function

High Torque DC motor

Remote Control

Simple Operation: Switch the Power&Adjust the Speed of the Treadmill by Using the Remote Control Wirelessly.

5-Layer buffer and shock absorption function

5-layer Non-Slip and Shock-Absorbing Running Belt It Provides Considerable Buffering for Your Back, Joints, Muscles, Knees, and Ankles while Exercising.

High Torque DC motor

With a Powerful 2.25 HP Ultra-Quiet Motor. It can fit with a Quiet and Comfortable Environment without Disturbing Others.

Brand electric control

LED Screen for Monitoring Motion Data

Adjustment knob

Brand electric control

Electric Control Precise Technology Components-CPU, High Quality, Power&Capacitance.

LED Screen for Monitoring Motion Data

Record Time, Steps, Calories, Speed&Distance. Five Kinds of Data Help to Know Details of Exercise Process

Folding Knob

No Tools Needed when Adjusting the Height of the Handlebar.

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Features & Specifications

  • ✅2 IN 1 MODE - This 2-in-1 under desk treadmill has 2 modes: Running mode and Walking mode. In running mode, the speed is 0.5-7.5MPH. In walking mode, the speed is 0.5-4MPH, both models controlled by the Remote. It is convenient to change the mode and do the exercise you want.
  • ✅BLUETOOTH SUPPORT - This treadmill support BlueTooth connect to Speaker or Fitness APP, you can choose one of them to improve the exercise experience. Speaker and APP can't use at the same time.
  • ✅LARGE TABLET SUPPORT - 10.2" Large tablet support allows you put your iPad, mobile phone or books on the bike to watch cycling classes and read, it makes the workout exercise interesting and easy to insist, no more boring. It also has Suction Pad to hold iPad or mobile phone stronger to avoid the dropping while jogging.
  • ✅ASSEMBLE FREE& SPACE SAVER DESIGN - This desk treadmill arrives fully assembled and can be used directly after unboxing. Foldable design and transportation wheels allow for easy mobility and portable foldable treadmill for storage, fold it up and walk away-in one easy step, pefect for home, apartment, office use.Sturdy steel frame, durable to use; support maximum weight up to 245lbs.
  • ✅RELIABLE GUARANTEE - All parts have 1-year warranty for free replacement! If you have any problem with this fitness bike after you receive it, please feel free to contact us. All messages will be replied within 24 hours. 100% satisfied solution if any issue!
  • Dimensions: ‎27.56"D x 51.97"W x 43.3"H

Pros & Cons


Does the job. I wish it had controls on the handle instead of the remote. I am worried the remote will get misplaced and it will be useless. Otherwise it does the job for me to get some steps in while watching tv. It’s not fancy and you can’t save or recall your last workout once you stop it. But it’s a decent treadmill for the money.

We like it. The kids and I really like the treadmill. It's almost ready to go right out of the box. The only issue is it squeaks at higher speeds. It's really nice so far.

Noiseless DC motor powered machine. There is no assembly required for this unit. You only have to adjust the side bars . Attach the red magnet switch to the top of the handle bars. Turn the power switch to on. Then use your remote. There is noiseless operation. Does not use much electricity. Its light in weight and easy to relocate. Has wheels for easy pushing pulling. Love the unit.

Way better than going to the gym. We bought this treadmill because we'd had a gym membership for 3 months and were just tired of dealing with people and time traveling back and forth. We bought this a it's been way better for us. The price isn't bad (we got it on a lightning deal) and it's made working out very convenient for us. It is a liiiiittle small so you have to be very careful about not getting to far back on it.

Small treadmill. I like this treadmill however I wish the mileage was not erased every time you pressed pause or stop on the machine. Moving forward I’ll have to wear my Apple Watch to count the mileage/steps I take.

Perfect under desk treadmill. Perfect under desk treadmill.


Good, not great. The treadmill is fairly easy to move around. I bought this one because it was the only one I could find that went faster than 3.0 mph with the bar down. The only issue I have with this equipment is that the belt shifts EVERY time it's used and has to be adjusted EVERY time - sometimes even in the middle of a workout. Other than that, I've had it for a couple weeks now and this is the main issue so far.

USER WEIGHT IS ONLY 240LBS NOT 300LBS. I received my product 3 days late. And upon opening and setting it up I found out Amazon does not have the proper user weight posted. Very upset as I don't want to use the product and break it being over the recommended user weight. On the page of this product it says 300 which is why I bought this.

Not quiet. It seems to work okay and it is easy to set up but it does have an annoying noise when it is turned on.

Treadmill is great ,App is terrible. Treadmill works great well built, The App does not, it keeps wanting me to put user and password in, and I can't track my workout. Very disappointed with it !!!!

No! WORKED APPROX 30 HOURS. The media could not be loaded. I received this 5 months ago and use it for walking less than 5 hours a week. It just started making a horrendous noise from the rear of the unit, not the front where the motor is and the rubber mat is jerking. I even oiled it a month ago far earlier than they recommended. Now the problem is - the seller has NO CONTACT information and lists Amazon as the “owner” to whom to contact for returns/refunds. When I click that link, it says the return period has expired. So, there’s no way listed to contact this vendor and Amazon itself won’t assist me. I entered their chat room and an Amazon rep was sympathetic but said the Vendor was responsible. BUT THERE IS NO WAY TO CONTACT THEM. The owners manual also has zero information on how to contact them. Therefore I wouldn’t recommend this product because if it fails, as mine is doing, the vendor is essentially “hidden” and you cannot contact them for help. I now have a little-used, 5 month old treadmill that’s about to fail. VERY disappointed.

Unstable Death Trap. This skips and made me trip multiple times. I had to return it.

How to Buy The Best HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display from which you can learn how to get the best HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display.

  • Is it worth buying the HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display?
  • What benefits does the product HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display?
  • What makes the HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display?
  • Why and how do you need the HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display? Do you like it?


How good is the product of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display, no matter it is good or bad?


In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of treadmill-home-treadmill.

We highly recommend the HouseFit Under Desk Treadmill with Bluetooth APP for Walking and Running Mode 2 in 1 Small Treadmill for Apartment with iPad and Phone Support LCD Display to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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