Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories, Backpack, Wide Stance, Surf Control, Non-Slip Deck, Leash, Paddle and Pump,

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

HIGHPI 11' INFLATABLE STAND UP PADDLE BOARDHighpi Inflatable stand up paddle board


  • The variety of things you can do on a stand-up paddle board is reflected in the various shapes and sizes of boards that are designed for different purposes. A paddle board that is very long will be harder to turn, and a board that is extremely wide or short will have less glide and will be slower than other boards on the water. If you are just getting into the sport, you will likely want to explore various paddling activities and not restrict yourself to one way of using the board.nds of all preferences.

Highpi Wood Paddle Board

  • HIGHPI paddle boards provide the all-around SUP category, where boards are designed to do a lot of things well but not overly focused to a specific paddling type.
  • As a result of our experience working with so many SUP experts and designers. We have been able to distill the process of choosing an ISUP into several affordable choices: Vigorous Wood, Classic Wood, Sapphire Blue, , Turquoise Green and Modern Pink,Passion Red Tropical leaf, Pineapple Green, and Pink Hearts, meeting the demands of all preferences.

paddle board ACCESSORIES


If you are expecting something fits your budget and aspirations, nothing gets better than a HIGHPI SUP. The accessory package includes everything you need just as showed in the picture. The well-designed accessories will make a huge difference in your experience using your inflatable SUP.

portable easy to carry

quality certificate

highpi inflatable paddle board


HIGHPI paddle board is made of double layer ultra light material, it can improve performance in more demanding paddling conditions. It is also quite convenient to unfold, roll-up and transport, or take the SUP on airplanes.


All HIGHPI inflatable paddle boards have passed the SGS, CE and ISO qulity certification. Really good inflatable paddle boards may seem expensive, but you need to consider it as a one-time cost that comes with investing in quality.


All HIGHPI paddle boards come with a“dual action” manual pump, meaning it inflates on both the downstroke and upstroke. The gauge won’t register until it is 7-8 psi, 12-15 is the recommended PSI. It usually takes you 5-10 minutes to inflate/ deflate.



  • Stand up paddle boarding can open doors to many fun and athletic ways of enjoying the water. Every HIGHPI inflatable paddle board is designed to cover versatile uses, allowing your kids and pets to have fun on water, experience outdoor tranqulity.
  • Specialized entirely in inflatable stand up paddle boards, HIGHPI SUP are enthusiastic about providing our customers with the highest performing paddle boards, making the initial investment well-spent and save paddlers’ money over time by making it a one -time purchase.
highpi paddle board MINT GREEN highpi leaf highpi green paddle board highpi wood paddle board highpi classicwood paddle board
Passion Red Pineapple Green Tropical Leaf Turquoise Green VIGOROUS WOOD Classic Wood
DIMENSION 11’X33”X6” 10’6”X31”X6” 10’6”X31”X6” 10’6”X32”X6” 11’X33”X6” 11’X33”X6”

Features & Specifications

  • 【WOOD GRAIN Extra Wide Stable Design】11'long x 33'' wide x 6'' thick, with weight capacity up to 350lbs.The extra wide SUP design is easy for beginners to stand up and keep balance. It is an ideal board for all skill levels with pets.
  • 【Military Grade High Quality Material】Made of the highest quality military grade material. Soft anti-slip EVA deck pad greatly improved stability and safety while standing. It is super comfortable for long time sup paddling kayaking.
  • 【Ultra light weight Portable SUP】5 minutes for inflate and deflate. Highpi paddle boars has a weight of only 20 pounds—that’s 20% lighter than competitors’ inflatable sup of the same size.It is very easy to carry and transport.
  • 【Full Accessories plus Dry Bag】length adjustable alloy floating paddle , double action hand pump with psi gauge, 1 big removable fin, safety leash, 5L water proof dry bag , detailed sup manual, repair kit and a big comfortable sup backpack.
  • 【100% Satisfied Customer Service】 All the HIGHPI paddle boards have passed SGS, CE and ISO quality certification. We offer a 1-year manufacturer's warranty on the paddle boards at no additional cost.
  • Weight: ‎20 Pounds

Pros & Cons


Great paddle board! I was unsure at first how good an inflateable paddle board could possibly be compared to a hard board but after using it we are obsessed! We wanted to get another, one for each of us! Really cool colors for half the price of the competitors I highly recommend it, all of the parts are high quality and worth every penny nothing seems cheap or flimsy and it’s all really well made for the price I think.

This is awesome! This is a dope paddleboard. My gf has the Costco BodyGlove one and I liked that and was hoping this would be of equal quality, but for the features, weight, and price, I think I got the better bargain. I'm 6'4", 280lbs and I felt secure and could glide on this one. I wish the paddle could be a little longer, but it wasn't that big of a deal. I would recommend this to any newish paddleboarder who wants something capable, yet convenient and a good value.

Happy with the purchase. I was a little nervous due to the glue marks but I went to Dicks to check out theirs to compare. I’m not really nervous anymore. It does smell but we will air it out for a bit outside. It looks just as cool in person. It was easy to inflate. It’s a great size for my husband and 7 year old to both fit on. We are looking forward to trying out. (Will update as soon as it’s warm enough to take out) ** update.. customer service got right back to me about my concerns. They back up their product by a warranty and were very responsive. **


Overall Unimpressed…. ***Revision to review: HIGHPI customer service contacted me and said that their board comes with a warranty and that they stand by the quality of their boards. They are going to replace the board I originally got, which is really awesome of them to do, and hopefully the next board is way higher quality than the first. I will update this review again once I receive the replacement board and try it out.*** I am not impressed with this paddle board. My friend group has all purchased inflatable paddle boards this season, and after trying a BUNCH of them from lots of different name brands (some pretty expensive, some on the cheaper end like this one), they all seemed pretty much the same to me. So I picked this board to buy for myself because, well, quite honestly, I liked the colors. But I was disappointed in everything else besides the colors. First off, it came with a scratch in the padding right out of the box. Furthermore, ALL of the D-rings along the sides were covered with dried excess glue (like really??), and it took a lot of q-tips and goo-gone to try and clean it up so that the D-rings could actually move the way they are supposed to. But even still, I was excited about my new board and I decided not to sweat these relatively small issues because I just wanted to go enjoy it! So I took it out for my first excursion and…. Big oof! :( Compared to competitors of the same price category (specifically, the dama brand boards), it was incredibly unsturdy, difficult to maneuver, and it didn’t even hold its shape! When even the smallest waves came through, it would literally bend over them like a freaking noodle instead of staying stiff and sturdy like the paddle board it should be. And yes, I did inflate it to the recommended 15 PSI, so there is really no excuse for this to happen other than having a poor and cheap build. We were on pretty smooth water with the occasional small wave or two, and yet I found myself not able to even stand!! I had to sit or kneel the whole time, and I am someone who has done a decent bit of paddle boarding previously. I have taken competitor boards out with myself, my boyfriend, AND my dog on at the same time and been totally fine. But when I tried to do that on this board, my boyfriend (on the back of the board) was practically sitting in the water!! Even though we were WELL within the weight limit of 350 lbs. And even when I gave up on that idea and went by myself, it was still very unsteady. There goes my hope of doing yoga on it…. So overall…. does it float? Yeah, for the most part. Will it allow me to recreate with my friends on super still waters and just paddle around? Yeah, over super short distances. But, it’s just not great. Just overall really cheap, low quality and not sturdy. I’ll deal with it for this season, but I’m definitely going to be upgrading to something more worth the money next year. I definitely wouldn’t spend $300 on this board given the chance again. There are MUCH better boards available for the same exact cost or a little more, and next time I’ll be buying from a brand that I have actually tried first.

Poor Quality Control. The media could not be loaded. This board is easy to inflate, especially if you switch to single stage for the last 3-4 psi. The design and size make it very sturdy- I was able to easily transport my kids or my dog in addition to myself. The entire package is light weight enough to maneuver on a trail to the water’s edge. Carrying the fully inflated board is more awkward but that is due to size, not weight. My issue was with quality control. The first board I received had the EVA pad bubbling up. The replacement board had the fin mounting plate installed backwards and there was also a weird bubble in the track for the pin that secures the fin. This SUP also was leaking air from the seam around the valve after the third time it was inflated. I loved the handling and appearance of this board, but I’m looking for another budget SUP with more attention to detail.

Board leaked when on vacation. A bubble appeared on top when inflating for the first time. No good. Reached out to company and waiting for reply. Will update if/when that happens. Not taking it out on the water as I am concerned about safety. ——————————————————- Reply from supplier came same day. Very fast. Because of what was described to me as a rare occurrence, as well as a statement of little concern that the bubble will inhibit boat function/safety I was offered an accommodation that will satisfy my concerns, for the time being. Thus far this company is showing a commitment to customer care. Refreshing. -———————————————— Board failed while on vacation. Traveled half way around the world with it now I have to bring this junk all the way back home in order to return it. Not a dependable product.

How to Buy The Best Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories from which you can learn how to get the best Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories.

  • Is it worth buying the Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories?
  • What benefits does the product Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories?
  • What makes the Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories?
  • Why and how do you need the Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Highpi Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board 11’x33”x6”W Premium SUP Accessories to you.

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