Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet – 94.5”x35.4” Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

EVA Faux Teak Decking Sheet for Boat Yacht Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Boat Flooring Pad

EVA Boat Floor Mat is a superior alternative to marine carpet and traditional molded-in non-skid. It has a good ability of buffering, seismic resistance, moisture resistance, chemistry resistance, non-absorbent and non-toxic. Designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the marine environment, It is made from UV-resistant closed-cell EVA foam that will not absorb water, and provides exceptional traction when wet or dry. The sheet has shock absorbing qualities deliver maximum comfort on the water, and fishermen appreciate its sound-dampening properties. EVA floor can be custom-made and meet to the requirements of environment protection, and brings an aesthetically pleasing style to boats of all sizes. It is a very good choice for boat-building.

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

Seismic resistance, Moisture resistance

Chemistry resistance, Non-absorbent

Not easy to absorb water

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

Good shock/cushioning performance


Material: EVA

Place of Origin: China (Mainland)

Length: 190cm/74.8”

Width: 70cm/27.6”


Cuttable Deck Mat

You can easily cut it with a knife or scissors to adapt to different floor shapes, DIY it according to your needs.

Strong Glue at the Back

On the back of the pad with strong adhesive, simple installation, convenient and firm, you can easily get. (Note: Clean the surface,confirm it without water and smooth. After you are installed, please use strength to compaction, let back glue paste.)

Slide & Wear-Resistant

With special grids pattern and organized deep ditch, this Eva boat flooring is designed for anti-skid and safe walking on it. Provides a non-slippery surface for your boat in both wet & dry conditions.

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

Perfectly decorate your boat.always shows your charming and highlight your boat

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue

This product is also the best choice for pool floors and RV floors

Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, Faux Teak Decking Mat for Boat Yacht Marine Floor Carpet/Swimming Pool Floor Carpet - 94.5''x35.4'' Wear-Resistant Non-Slip and Self-Adhesive Pad Strong Glue
EVA Teak Decking Sheet EVA Teak Decking Sheet EVA Teak Decking Sheet EVA Teak Decking Sheet
Size 240cm*90cm*0.6cm 240cm*90cm*0.6cm 240cm*90cm*0.6cm 240cm*90cm*0.6cm
94.5”*35.4”*0.24” 94.5”*35.4”*0.24” 94.5”*35.4”*0.24” 94.5”*35.4”*0.24”
Weight 2.5kg(5.5lb) 2.5kg(5.5lb) 2.5kg(5.5lb) 2.5kg(5.5lb)
Seismic resistance, Moisture resistance
Chemistry resistance, Non-absorbent
Non-slip, Wear-resistant and Non-toxic.

Features & Specifications

  • 【HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL】This non-skid EVA foam faux teak sheets is made of ethylene-vinyl acetate. The boat marine flooring advantages of good shock resistance, heat insulation, non-skid, shock absorption, non-toxic, odourless, not easy deformation, not shrinking and high density not easy to tear or damage.
  • 【EASY TO INSTALL&WIDE APPLICATION 】Ensure boat flooring adhesive Self-adhesion, strong glue at the back, easy to install.lines can easily be cut down and mold to the contours of your boat to fit nearly any surface,where non-skid,or protection for the boat's surface is required.Stain resistant and very easy to maintain.wide It's perfect for many kinds of decoration demand, such as yacht flooring, boat flooring, RV flooring, swimming pool flooring car flooring,garden flooring and other decoration.
  • 【Practical Design】Non-skid EVA Foam Faux Teak Sheets provide unparalleled comfort and exceptional traction, even when wet. They have a combined thickness of 6mm of soft, durable materials with a simple, robust peel-and-stick backing.
  • 【SAFE WALKING PAD】- The sea deck boat flooring is with deep ditches and grid patterns, which will help to increase friction and prevent sliding. You can walk on it and no need to worry about slipping.
  • 【Package Included & 100% Satisfication Service】 Leghth : 74.8"(1900mm),Width :27.6"(700mm), thickness:0.24"(6mm±1mm)Your purchase includes a hassle-free money back guarantee and a free replacement. If our EVA foam teak floor decking sheet gets damaged, just feel free to contact our customer service team with a photo, we are willing to replace it FOR FREE.

Pros & Cons


When you want that $1500 custom look but only want to spend $250. With a little patience and a pack of fresh razor blades I am definitely happy with the results. I made the border (to get the custom seadek look) by cutting the pieces to fit, then notching out the ends and cutting in 1.25 inch borders. 1 1/4 inch is about the maximum width you can go and still be able to bend it around curves. My boat took 4 of these rolls to finish everything and still have some left over for a fishing platform. I also purchased a jug of 303 waterproofing and applied a few coats before I laid it down. According to a few videos I watched it is the best at preventing permanent stains.. which even the expensive stuff is prone to. I accidentally got permanent marker on one of these sections and it wiped right off. So I definitely recommend 303 as a way to keep your hard work looking nice. Overall I am very pleased with the outcome and how comfortable it is to walk on. Great stuff… at a great price!

Excellent DIY Product. Excellent Option for DIY's, I installed it on my 10.8ft Inflatable Dinghy, so far so good. 1 roll (94.5"x35.4") was enough to cover the flooring and the 2 bench seats.



Foam boat decking. Liked the look, thats about all that i liked, extreamly hard to measure correctly due to being rolled up too tight, I let it settle down for 2 days under weight, at room temp, still was very difficult to work with, once i finally got it cut to fit properly, installation was difficult due to the natural roll that it has, after a very difficult installation, found that this stuff is not tough, meaning don't accidently drop anything on it, it will damage and leave ungly dent marks and dents, which wont rebound, would never buy this stuff again, now that its down im stuck with it, sorry i bought this product, would not buy again.

Don’t waste ur time & money on this junk. If I could give 0 stars I would. This stuff is junk. Won’t stick at all. I cleaned the boat, wiped it with cleaner and wouldn’t stick at all. Keeps the memory of the roll it comes in. Look into other Products you will end up buying something else before the end of summer.. listen to me !!

product is garbage. We put down this product last year and it started changing colors almost immediately but this year when we walked on it, it is rubbing off on everything. It's breaking down

How to Buy The Best Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet from which you can learn how to get the best Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet.

  • Is it worth buying the Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet?
  • What benefits does the product Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet?
  • What makes the Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet?
  • Why and how do you need the Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the Boat Decking EVA Teak Decking Sheet to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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