UNP Camping Tent 10-Person-Family Tents, Parties, Music Festival Tent, Big, Easy Up, 5 Large Mesh Windows, Double Layer, 2 Room, Waterproof, Weather Resistant, 18ft x 9ft x78in

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product UNP Camping Tent 10 before we came up with this review.

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UNP Camping Family Tent for 10 Persons

Like Unusual Natural Pioneers, outdoor campers and enthusiasts always gain pleasure and courage from outdoor adventure and nature. UNP perennially pursues exquisite quality in material, workmanship and client service, attentively engages in boosting quality and bringing more camping happiness and harmony for your family and friends.

UNP Camping Family Tent for 10 Persons

Dimension 18ft x 9ft x78in (Center Height) , 162 square feet, fit 10 sleeping bags or 3 queen air mattress;
Material 185T PU1000mm resistant to water, anti-tearing, anti-ripping
Fiberglass Poles Main pole: 11.0mm (2pcs); Side Pole: 9.5mm (2pcs); Rainfly pole: 6.0mm (1pc)
Weight & Package 23.1 pounds ; carry bag dimension: 25.6×10.2×10.2 inches; easy to carry
Season Four Seasons
Scenario Ideal as a Camping Tent for 10 Persons, Family Tent, Cabin Tent, Easy up Two-Room Tent, backyard canopy tent

camping tent for 10 persons

camping tent for 10 persons

camping tent 10 persons

Rainproof and Waterproof

1. Vestibular awning and extended awning design in rainfly better prevent rain from dropping inside.

2. Thanks to the taped seam and waterproof fabric, the water stays outside.

Spacious Interior

1. spacious 18ft x 9ft x78in: fit 10 sleeping bags or 3 queen air mattress;

2. Top Large Mesh Roof makes it available to watch stars in a larger view.

3. Gear Loft makes it conveniently to air clothes. Mesh pockets keep small necessities well organized and make tent neat.

Easy Set up

Attach Fiberglass poles onto tent completely by J hooks. Setting up tent becomes easier.

camping tent

camping tent 10 persons

camping tent 10 persons

Patented Foot Sleeves

Patented Foot Sleeves hold FRP poles more securely and make it easier to set up the tent. In the foot sleeve, poles won’t slip on the ground.

Electrical Access Port

Electrical Access Port lets you extend a cord from your device in the tent to an outside power source.

What’s in the package

1 x Carry bag

1 x pole pouch

1 x stake pouch

1 x tent body

1 x rainfly

Please extrude air sufficiently when folding the tent body and rainfly.

camping tent 10 persons

Extra Big- How to Choose A Good Family Camping Tent

An extra big family tent can accommodate 10 individuals, supply you and your household with camping happiness and family harmony. The privacy of two rooms lets you collectively sleep happily while beneath the stars.

UNP Family Camping Tent for 10 persons is spacious at the dimension of 18ft x 9ft x78in, fitting 10-12 sleeping bags or 3 queen air mattress; 78 inches height lets you stretch out comfortably.

camping tent family tents 10 persons

Vestibular Awning, Extended Awning–How to Choose A Good Family Camping Tent

Ideal design of rainfly can perfectly protect you and your family from rain sunshine.

The Vestibular awning and extended awning design in the rainfly of UNP Camping Family Tent can better prevent rain from dropping inside and provide good sunshade. The tent stays completely dry under the light rain.

camping tent family tents 10 persons

High-quality Zippers– How to Choose A Good Family Camping Tent

Zipper ought to be opened and shut freely, instead of grabbing and binding on the tent cloth.

Hight quality zippers on UNP Family Camping Tent function as desired. You can zip up or zip down the windows or doors from outside or inside. Zipping from down to up can better protect children so that your kids can open the door more easily.

camping tent family tents 10 persons

Privacy–How to Choose A Good Family Camping Tent

A good family tent can supply privacy.

UNP Family Camping Tent provides a Privacy Divider Curtain, which can be hung from the ceiling. The tent instantly becomes two-room cabinet tent with 2 doors, which improves privacy. With a projector, the tent can also become an outdoor cinema by projecting videos on the divider screen.

camping tent 10 persons

camping tent family tents 10 persons

camping tent family tents 10 persons

camping tent family tents 10 persons

Camping Tent 6 Persons Camping Tent 8-10 Persons Camping Tent 10 Persons
Compatible 6 Person 8-10 Person 10 Person
Setup Type Easy-Up Easy-Up Easy-Up
Dimension 10’X9’X78in (H) 14′ x 14′ x78in (H) 18′ x 9′ x78in (H)
Material 185T Polyester 185T Polyester 185T Polyester
Added Features 5 Mesh Windows 5 Mesh Windows 5 Mesh Windows

Features & Specifications

  • Mesh
  • 100-percent-polyester
  • 【Spacious for 10 Person】Unique 18ft x 9ft x78in, well fitting 10 sleeping bags or 3 queen air mattress, ideal for family camping.
  • 【Easy up Tent】Attach FRP poles onto the cabinet tent completely by J hooks, no trouble of inserting poles through sleeves. Patented foot sleeves make it conveniently to set up this family tent more securely and windproof. No particular skills are needed. Two persons can set it up in 8 minutes. Bigger carry bag size at 25.6x10.2x10.2 inches will let you feel relaxed and easy to repack the tent.
  • 【Good Ventilation, Large View】Top Large Mesh Roof makes it available to watch stars with a wide view at night; three sides of big mesh windows and the other two on each doors boost air ventilation. The camping tent weighs 23.1 pounds, which makes you feel no burden and easy to carry the tent to the trunk of car.
  • 【2 Room Tents, Outdoor Cinema】Hang one Privacy Divider Curtain from the ceiling, the tent becomes two room cabinet tent with 2 doors, which improves privacy. With a projector, the tent can also become an outdoor cinema by projecting videos on the divider screen.
  • 【High Quality Material, Waterproof, Weatherproof】Polyester 185T PU1000mm fabric guarantees water resistance. Vestibular awning and extended awning design in rainfly better prevent rain from dropping inside. Eight guy lines make the camping tent more windproof and stable.
  • 【No Risk Purchase】 We offers unconditional 1-year quality assurance to offer you a risk-free purchase. If you have any questions about the tent, email us at any time.
  • Weight: ‎23.1 Pounds

Pros & Cons


Durable tent with plenty of space inside! We ordered this tent for a trip to Joshua Tree and loved it. It shipped in one day and arrived in compact packaging so it fit in the already packed car. It was the perfect size, easy to assemble, and held up the entire night in heavy wind. We are so happy with our purchase and cannot wait to use in on plenty of trips in the future!

Love it! I really love this tent. It’s HUGE! With the rain fly on it definitely gets super warm. Pretty easy set up even when I did it by myself. Rain fly is difficult to get on by yourself. The tent bag is nice and big for when you take it down and can’t get it perfect.

Perfect for the price. Love this tent. Read the directions, I tried to be a warrior and not read them...read them, makes set up much easier. Very spacious tent with no pre work needed. I set it up to seal the seams, and they're already sealed, I left it up a couple days to air out and it stood strong even through a windy rain storm, did get a little moisture at the door, but thinking it was from the wind and me not having the rain fly on completely. Other than that this is a great tent


Not rain proof... I was hoping after I purchased this that it would be great. I loved the color and the size however the reviews I read about leaking and difficulty of zipping and unzipping when staked down and those were the big problems. We took advice to stake the tent down after completion of set up and that was great but when this tent is set up it stresses and pulls at weird angles staked a d not staked causing issues with zippers. However not enough issue to cause a return the biggest issue was the first night it rained, and not even heavy rain but we had puddles everywhere there was a hook or pouch. What a wet mess. Definitely returning and trying a different tent.

Leaks!! **Update...9/15/20 I finally got to use my tent last week. It is easy to put together, but you really need two people (mainly for the rain fly). It is nice and big. Everything was going well, until it rained. The rain eventually seeped in through window and door seems and even the doors themselves. Everything had to be pushed to the middle of the tent to keep from getting wet. Unfortunately, my return window has closed. I had hoped to use the tent much sooner and that would not have been an issue. I had also used scotch guard for an extra moisture barrier, but water still came in. Beware if you buy this tent, test it out sooner. For a tent that is advertised as being waterproof you can imagine my huge disappointment. That is a lot of money to spend on something that does not do what is advertised. This is definitely a huge tent, the colors are bright and unique in comparison to others out there. I will update once I’ve used it, but it appears pretty straightforward in putting together. The seams have a little extra material or tape to prevent leaks which is important.

Not well made. The tent is spacious and roomy and has a good design, but that’s about it.. After about 2 days of use a poll grommet holding the pole over the entry door tore and disconnected from the tent. 1-2 weeks of use and a pole broke. Camping was far cheaper than a hotel, so the cost of the tent is just going to be chalked up to a write off as I don’t believe I’ll be using again

How to Buy The Best UNP Camping Tent 10?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of UNP Camping Tent 10? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product UNP Camping Tent 10 from which you can learn how to get the best UNP Camping Tent 10.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of UNP Camping Tent 10.

  • Is it worth buying the UNP Camping Tent 10?
  • What benefits does the product UNP Camping Tent 10 offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product UNP Camping Tent 10?
  • What makes the UNP Camping Tent 10 to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product UNP Camping Tent 10?
  • Why and how do you need the UNP Camping Tent 10?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the UNP Camping Tent 10. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best UNP Camping Tent 10.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best UNP Camping Tent 10.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of UNP Camping Tent 10, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of UNP Camping Tent 10 offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of UNP Camping Tent 10? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of UNP Camping Tent 10? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of UNP Camping Tent 10? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of UNP Camping Tent 10?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of UNP Camping Tent 10, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the UNP Camping Tent 10 to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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