10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light-7 inch USB Fan with Hanging Hook for Tent Car RV Hurricane Emergency Outage

10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light-7 inch USB Fan with Hanging Hook for Tent Car RV Hurricane Emergency Outage

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

We made this Battery Operated Camping fan according to the feedback of our buyers from the previous version. Some of them(not a few) contacted us complaining about the battery life not lasting long, because they are serious campers, they go out for days, some of them live in South, where they need a fan that can run as long time as possible.

We care about every consumers needs and experience, so we decided to improve the camping fan with light to be with 10000mAh Battery, Rechargeable of course.This is the extreme capacity a small fan utilizes, we are the first one to overcome the R&D problems of 10000mah battery and USB operated camping fan.Twice the capacity of others, much longer battery life, no worry about running out of juice when needing the fan running continuously or for days.

Besides the battery, we further enlarge the fan head to 7 inches, the perfect size that blows enough powerful wind for personal use during hot time, but wont add too much weight, we will always keep it compact and lightweight without compromising its portability.

Package includes USB fan with Built-in Battery (not replaceable), micro USB Cable (3.3ft), Manual, Foam pads (for aroma essential oil use).

For the first time use and before you go out for days trip, Please Fully Charge the fan.There’s a indicator light to show charging status: Red Flash Means Charging while Red not Flash means fully charged For fast charging, please use 5v/2A output AC adapter (not included) to fully charge the fan. Fan can be operated by battery and USB cable separately, Light and Fans can work together or separately.

Features & Specifications

  • Colossal Battery, Longer Lasting: the portable fan with Built-in 10000mAh Polymer Battery, lasts more than 50 hours at low speed, 10hours at Highest Speed, it's rechargeable and also can be USB Cable operated via a Power Bank, AC Adapter and any other power source with 5V/2A output
  • Cool from any Direction: this Personal fan with a 7 inch Fan head, 3 Wind Speeds, Powerful and Quiet Motor, Rotatable from Left to right, up and down, circulate air from desired angle without disturbing your working/sleeping
  • Versatile and Easy to Use: our USB fan comes with a foldable hook on the bottom, so you can hang the fan on the tents, branches or inside a car. It can be mounted on wall as well as simply placed on desk at home or in office. It’s also a great companion for your baby, pets and even plants
  • Bright LED Lights: the Camping fan with Built in 12 LEDs with Bright White lights and 3 Brightness Settings, you can set the brightest mode as lantern during camping, set Dim as nightlight for sleeping, illuminate a camper or a small room during night/ in darkness
  • Portable for Daily Use and Emergency: Compact Size (6.29*2.36*8.49inch), Lightweight for this size (1 lb), easy to carry and store, with its built-in large capacity battery and easy to reach power source, just grab it and go without worry about battery running out when outside, its a lifesaver for days of camping/trip and during hurricane season and other emergency outage
  • Dimensions: 6.29 x 2.36 x 8.49 inches
  • Weight: 1 Pounds

Pros & Cons


Compact and makes a lot of wind. So for the basic info, there is a light button and a fan button. Light starts out on bright, then medium, then low, then off. Fan starts on low, then medium, then high, then off. My favorite part of this thing so far is the fact that it will sit flat in a tabletop, it has a hook that hides away that you can use to hang from your tent roof or whatever else, and it has a screw hole for mounting it on a wall. Pretty much any option you could need for any purpose. This thing does not feel cheap. It has a solidness to it and feels like it will not break easily. Also, for such a small fan they did an excellent job with the airflow of this thing. It blows like a tornado and makes a TON of wind for such a small fan. The light is really bright and I’m sure would work well as a lantern, but I have lanterns that I already use so I don’t think I will waste battery on this thing as a lantern. Idk who needs to hear this part, but if you’re like me and just buy fans for background noise because of tinnitus or whatever reason, this is definitely enough noise for me. I’m going to use this in my camping tent for the sole purpose of making a little white noise to focus on instead of the ringing in my ears. It sounds like it’s putting out just enough noise to not be annoying. All in all, I’m very satisfied. I would definitely recommend this fan, especially for travel or camping.

Don’t let this one pass you by. Fantastic fan. Have detailed notes on performance. Numbers don’t lie: Fan 1 1. Died: 9-27-20 (Charging: 9-28-20 from 6:45am - 3:30pm ~ Roughly 9 hours for full charge) 2. Died: 10-5-20 (Charging @ ??? ~ My Bad) 3. Died: 10-11-20 (Charging @ 9am) 4. Died: 10-17-20 (Charging @ 7am) 5. Died: 10-20-20 (Used speed 3 most of the time.) 6. Died: 10-23-20 (Approximately @ 3:45pm battery died on speed 3.) 7. Died: 10-27-20 (Charging @ approximately 7:00am) 8. Died: 11-4-20 (Charging @ approximately 1:30pm) 9. Died: 11-8-20 @ 3:55pm (Charging @ 4:02pm) 10. Started: 11-15-20 11. Died: 11-17-20 12. Started: 11-19-20 13. Died: 11-22-20 (Charging @ approximately 6:40am) 14. Started: Fan 2: 1. Died: 11-11-20 (Charging to full ~ 11-12-20 @ 5:30pm) 2. Died: 11-15-20 (Charging @ approximately 6:30am) 3. Started: 11-17-20 4. Died: 11-19-20 (Charging: 11-20-20 @ approximately 6:30am) 5. Started: 11-22-20 6. Died: Bought 2 to alternate throughout the week for endless supply of coolness.

Great for mail carriers to put in trucks that do not have AC. We ordered several small ones for a tent on our deck and for my husband who is a mail carrier. (No AC in his truck) I accidently ordered one for a co-worker of his and it was bigger! We loved that idea, more battery life bigger for larger areas, etc. This product will definitely help me worry less while my 64 year old husband is out in the Texas heat delivering the mail. Thank you.


Love the fan but not the light. The fan/light combo has a nice battery which ran fan for over 8 hours at high setting and IIRC 40+ hours with high light. This was much better than the Outxe I tested alongside the Amacool. I used the fan in my office and had it placed 10-12' away at high setting. It can be felt so I like the fan. I didn't noticed it or didn't read the reviews that covered this but as I expected, the leds are placed in the fan housing and behind the blades which is annoying. I did not expect the light to be very bright having them behind the blades results in a odd striped lighting when the fan is off. I think it's a bit better when the fan is on but I can see need for light only in cool nights. I really wanted to keep this item but do not like the lighting and like a clamp feature on other product. Ended up returning and would not recommend this unless you primarily want a fan and the light is not a factor...but then there may be better fan products to fit that need.

Supply Your Own Micro USB Cable. Nice fan and good weight to it. The product description does not specifically call out the product coming with a micro USB cable. I was surprised there was not one in the box. Fortunately I had one, but the pictures imply it has one. This needs to be clearer in the description I.e Micro Cable not included, or it could be my box was packed incorrectly. I would like to get a response back from the vendor to know if it should have been included.

Product failed and seller would not respond. This fan seemed ok but in less than a week the battery stopped working. The fan is not very powerful and the light I just ok. Save yourself the trouble and get a different product because the seller will not respond and the warranty service will try to defer to the seller maker. I'm stuck with a portable camping fan that needs to be connected to power. So it is either paperweight or trash. Either way, I wasted my money.

How to Buy The Best 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light from which you can learn how to get the best 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light.

  • Is it worth buying the 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light?
  • What benefits does the product 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light?
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  • Where can you get information as this on the product 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light?
  • Why and how do you need the 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

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  • Features. What functions can the product of 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the 10000mAh Battery Operated Camping Fan with LED Light to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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