Xibonol Portable Blender, Blender for Shakes and Smoothies, 16 Oz Rechargeable Type-C Personal Blender, Mini Blender with Ultra Sharp Four Blades, Multifunctional and BPA Free Blender Bottle–Ideal for Traveling, Gym, Office (Black)

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Xibonol Portable Blender before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

Xibonol Personal Size BlendersXibonol Personal Size BlendersXibonol Blender

Black Portable Blender


Xibonol Business Philosophy

Xibonol is a production, sales, research and development as one of the production enterprises, the company always adhere to the “integrity, pragmatic, professional, innovative” business philosophy, while committed to the development and research of new products for customers’ personalities.

Powerful and Innovative Design

This smoothie blender uses the most advanced technology to extract healthy nutrients from fruits and vegetables You can enjoy fresh nutrition and good leisure time.

  • Intelligent Security Protection
  • Powerful Ice Blending
  • Easy Charging
  • BPA Free
  • Easy to Clean

Xibonol Personal Size Blenders

Xibonol Personal Size Blenders

Xibonol Personal Size Blenders

Powerful Strength

Powerful enough to easily mix protein powders and crush vegetables and fruits, even crush ice cubes.

Easy to Clean

Get your juice fast and enjoy the taste without any hassle.

Type-C Charge

Enjoy the popular Type-C fast charging design. More refined in structure and more safe in use.

Xibonol Personal Size Blenders

Xibonol Personal Size Blenders

Xibonol Personal Size Blenders

Easy Access

Get your juice fast and enjoy the taste without any hassle.

Portable Design

The Xibonol Personal Blender allows you to enjoy smoothies while exercising, studying outdoors, working in the office, etc.

Environmental & Safety

Food grade silicone straws, easy to clean, no dead ends, reusable.

Xibonol Personal Size Blenders

Shake the Bottle to Make the Juice More Delicate

Here are some first-time tips that we hope will help you:

1. When you receive the machine, charge it for 3-5 hours first. Note that when charging is normal, the light on the charger lights up like breathing. If the light is not on, the charger may not be making good contact with the bottle.

2. Please clean the bottle after fully charged, put the cut fruit into the bottle, add an appropriate amount of water or milk according to the amount of fruit, then tighten the bottle lid, double-click the button at the Top to turn on the machine. If you find that the machine cannot be turned on and the button flashes red, it means that the bottle lid or base is not tightened, please tighten it and try again.

3. Press the button once you can stop the machine. Please apply force evenly when pressing the button.

4. The charger of the juicer is a Type-C, It normally needs to be charged for 3-5 hours, if the charging time is too short, the usage time will be shortened.

Features & Specifications

  • [Powerful and Effective] - Portable blender extraction cup is equipped with 6pcs 304 stainless steel blades, 150w rated motor, and 7.4 rated voltage. With a high rotation frequency of about 20,000 times per minute, it takes only 40 seconds to bring you fresh smoothies, proteins/shakes, freshly squeezed juices, masks, baby food, etc. Please cut the fruits/vegetables into small pieces for better blending results.
  • [Advanced Tips for Blending] - Fully charge the smoothie blender after receiving it and charge it frequently after use. Before blending, make sure [lid is tightened] not to add too many ingredients (do not exceed the maximum line), then add some water or other buffer to the blending cup. After the blades start spinning and blending, turn the blender over while shaking the mixing jar. Proper handling will prevent the blades from jamming and provide better blending results.
  • [USB Rechargeable and Portable] - The personal blender has a built-in high-capacity battery that can be easily recharged from a computer or other USB power source. The blender can be fully charged in 3 hours and can provide up to 40 drinks. This on-the-go blender with a capacity of 16 ounces and a product weight of only 1.5 pounds can be placed in any kind of bag. It's easy to carry in any situation, such as work, travel, and refrigeration at home.
  • [Easy to Clean] - Tap the button 2 times to start the blender. If you see the button blinking and the blender does not turn on, please check if the top of the bottle is tightened and make sure the blade is not stuck. The mini blender is waterproof and very easy to clean.
  • [Safe and Trustworthy] - The blender for shakes and smoothies is made of BPA-free, eco-friendly, food-grade and non-toxic pct. material. Only operate if the top of the bottle is tightened. High quality batteries and stainless-steel blades ensure its durability. Also, for better use of our stirrers, please follow the instruction manual included with our products. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • Dimensions: 3.74"D x 3.74"W x 8.66"H
  • Weight: 1.52 pounds

Pros & Cons


Convenient and compact great for travel. The blender is the size of a large coffee thermos. It fits well in a car cup holder. The product itself feels high quality and the motor is hefty. The mug can hold only 16 oz of blended smoothie, but that's a good size for a meal replacement. It's great for after the gym so you can blend it and it's still cold and fresh rather than making it at home and having it get all soggy in your gym bag. When I was washing the motor I was very careful not to keep the entire device submerged in water. It did fall out of my bag and hit the floor one time, but the motor didn't scratch or break. The product itself is very well built and you can tell the company spent time on quality control. One thing I noticed is that when I twist it off the top the rubber gasket did come off also. But it was easy to put back in and it hasn't happened since. The device comes with a nice thick, rubber, reusable straw, but I find it easier and more sanitary to just sit from the cup itself. I didn't use any of the attachments, but I foresee myself using the handheld squeegee in the future to clean it. Highly recommend to all avid health conscious users.

Powerful & Compact blender for people on the go. Had tried several battery-operated blenders before arriving to this powerful Xibonol blender. This one was a stand out because of following features. 1. Long lasting battery back-up which allows to operate mind free for entire week. 2. It has 6 blades as compared to other 2 or 4 blades blenders. So, it will give a smoother shake with the same operating time of 30-40 seconds. 3. 16 Oz capacity which is big enough to include multiple fruits and your favorite protein powder. 4. Purple light shown at the end of each cycle indicating whether the ingredients have mixed evenly, or you need another cycle. No guess work. 5. Ease of use because, you don’t need to open the lid and you can consume the drink with straw. For smoothies using milk, give more room from the marking of Max liquid line. This avoids the spill when you try to put straw or open the lid. To avoid overcharging, light becomes solid blue indicating Xibonol blender is fully charged.

Great portable blender. I'm a trucker, and I bought this blender based on reviews i read on Amazon. It's hard to eat good on the road because of electronic logbook and inability to always stop and eat a healthy meal, one of the downside of trucking. But now it's been a week and I've used the blender several times, and it works great. I blend 2 scoops of Isopure protein powder, one scoop at a time, then add 3 table spoons of heavy cream powder. Once powders are blended, then I add a little crushed ice that I buy at the truck stop when I fuel. I don't use the straw that comes with blender, because it would be hard to keep clean in the truck, but the blender is easy to clean. I add water and a few drops of liquid detergent, blend and rinse twice, easy peasy. I plan on buying another one as a back up.

Great Blender. Great for smothies on the go. Boght it for my husband as an anniversary gift and he uses it every day. He like the convince of it because he leaves for work early in the mourning and does not want to wake me and the baby with the regular blender so he blends on the way to work. Only down side is that we use frozen fruits so we have to cut them smaller so the it blends easier.

Powerful blender! This is the perfect travel blender! This blender provides power, versatility, speed and portability all in one unit. I love taking it on the road. The cordless functioning is something else! The blender is easy to use, although you do have to be careful to not overfill it and to have enough liquid otherwise it won’t blend… overall a good product!

Very nice to carry for your day to day busy life. It is a real nice blender, but it does not crush ICE and I also did notice that you have to shake your protein shakes because if not the powder is going to get stock to the bottom of the cup or bottle. It is easy to clean, but the power is not there. I put in my protein shake a banana and ice and the results were not to great. Also to get this I had to order this item 3 times before I got it. First time it was lost, the second time Amazon sent me some bedsheets instead of the blender. I did not order bedsheets but I received the bedsheets but not the blender and the 3rd time was the lucky charm. Is a waste of money unless you want this to shake your protein powder but for this I rather get one that you can actually shake with your hands and not have an electric motor that is useless


Amazing product. It’s great for my smoothie lover. She used it right away

Ok as a Blender. Update: The seller was not happy with my original review of three stars, so they sent a newer model for review. I sent them my thoughts on it. It was ok, no better than the purchased blender but had different problems. My previous review still stands. But now dropped it down to two stars. This blender is just okay. Blending takes a long time and sometimes it stops during blending. Checked to make sure the arrows are aligned. Also took a long time to charge. It blends about three times before needing charging. It is convenient to use where it will blend a single drink cordlessly. Can be used at work or during a workout when needing a protein shake. Works best with crushed ice. Make sure the blender is not filled past the line to get the best blending. Slowly shaking while blending helps. Cleans pretty well. Use the enclosed foam brush to get around the mix knives for cleaning. Best to rinse after mixing to wash away any left over mix. letting it sit makes it harder to clean under the knives. If you can’t blend when needed, blend at home and store it in a small cooler with ice pack and reblend shortly when ready to drink. Bought because of all that positive reviews but wonder if really true.

Doesn’t live up to my expectations. The idea of a portable blender is nice but I was still skeptical before purchasing. When I finally maid my first smoothie, my skepticism was was confirmed. Whether it’s the fact that I got a bad, defective product, I don’t know but it struggles with any little task. I tried to make a light smoothie with frozen fruit and almond milk, I followed the instructions, didn’t fill it up pass my line and yet… it still struggles. I have to do so much to get a decent smoothie and it’s just not worth it. I’ll stick with my magic bullet from now on.

it can't cut my fruit. i bought this thinking to make smoothie on the go. i put the frozen fruits in and take it with my to my work. the fruit it's not frozen, thaw for about 1 hours before i blend it. guess what, when i thought it's done, there are still chuck of fruits. i then turn it on, and blend it couple more time, it still not completely blend. so i end up with chucky smoothie. oh, the idea about having straw that come with the blender is good. but the design is now working well. the straw is in your way. you have to blend it first, and use the sillocon straw, but if you didn't finished it, with straw in it, you can't even close the lid. so defect the purpose. i end up return the item. not worth the money. was smoothie blender i got so far.

Not frozen fruit friendly. I specifically purchased this belnder for the great frozen fruit blending reviews. However all 5 attempts at blending frozen fruit seizes up the blades. If not using frozen fruit it works well. Otherwise skip this product. I'll be returning this one.

It's good I liked it hut wife did not. Wife did not like it But I did

How to Buy The Best Xibonol Portable Blender?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Xibonol Portable Blender? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Xibonol Portable Blender from which you can learn how to get the best Xibonol Portable Blender.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Xibonol Portable Blender.

  • Is it worth buying the Xibonol Portable Blender?
  • What benefits does the product Xibonol Portable Blender offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Xibonol Portable Blender?
  • What makes the Xibonol Portable Blender to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Xibonol Portable Blender?
  • Why and how do you need the Xibonol Portable Blender?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Xibonol Portable Blender. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Xibonol Portable Blender.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Xibonol Portable Blender.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of Xibonol Portable Blender, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of Xibonol Portable Blender offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of Xibonol Portable Blender? Do you like it?


How good is the product of Xibonol Portable Blender? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of Xibonol Portable Blender? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of Xibonol Portable Blender?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of Xibonol Portable Blender, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers, making it as one of the best sellers of Personal Size Blenders.

We highly recommend the Xibonol Portable Blender to you.

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