VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

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orange black B095CDFXMB compost bin B097TD5BM8 B09CGLXTQ5
Compost Bin, Orange Door Compost Bin, Black Door Compost Bin, Dual Chambers Compost Barrel Compost Bin Compost Thermometer
Capacity 43 gal. 43 gal. 2×19 gal. 80 gal. 190 gal.
Material Galvanized steel; High-quality PP plastic Galvanized steel; High-quality PP plastic Galvanized steel; High-quality PP plastic High-quality PP plastic Premium PP materials 304 stainless steel
Rotatable No No No
Garden Gloves Included No
UV-protected No
Features Dual chambers; Creative tumbling design Dual chambers; Creative tumbling design Dual chambers; Useful circulation system Large capacity; Easy to assemble Large capacity; Easy to assemble 5mm diameter stem for rapid readings; Wide temperature range; Water-resistant

Features & Specifications

  • Twin Chambers: Designed with 2 chambers, the tumbling composter allows you to compost in batches; One side "cooks" while you add fresh organic material to the other, allowing for an efficient, uninterrupted flow of rich, nutritious compost
  • Creative Tumbling Design: The rotating design lets you turn your compost without any hassle; No digging or mixing your pile by hand; Just fill it up with garden clippings and kitchen scraps, slide the door closed and give it a spin every few days
  • Outstanding Aeration: Adjustable air vents and deep fins provide excellent air circulation, help break up and decompose clumps in the chamber, and plow lots of oxygen into the compost to produce nutritious, finished compost in just weeks
  • Sturdy, Durable Construction: Made of galvanized steel and high-quality PP plastic, this VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter is corrosion-resistant, weather-resistant, sturdy, and durable for long-lasting service life
  • Garden Gloves Included: These gloves come with 4 durable ABS plastic claws so no other tools are required; Convenient for digging, planting, and other gardening work, these gloves’ latex rubber construction not only protect your hands from cuts and broken nails but are also waterproof so they are easy to clean
  • Dimensions: 26.25 x 23.6 x 36.5 inches
  • Weight: 26.6 pounds

Pros & Cons


Perfect backyard composter. Great product! I thought I would challenge my daughters (11 and 13) to put it together. Their building experience is basically on the LEGO and birdhouse level. I didn’t help them at all except on the very last panel where they just didn’t have arms long enough to reach in and hold the nut in place while putting the screw in. It took them about an hour to put it together so any adult who says it’s difficult, I’m going to say must have never even hung their own pictures in the house. It Even comes with the screwdriver! The legs could be a little sturdier but fully functional. We’ve been loading it up for the past week and it’s been great. We’re anxious for a few months from now when it’s ready to go in the garden.

My first compost tumbler. This is my first compost tumbler! Regarding assembly, there are LOTS of screws, but I was able to put it together by myself without cursing or needing a drink, so have faith in yourself! The divider between the two compartments is the only piece that doesn't fit squarely/completely, although I'm not entirely sure it was designed to? Two things that I wish it had (but didn't know to look for when I purchased it) are 1.) a stop/pin to keep it from spinning when I open the tumbler to add items and 2.) a plug/drain that would allow me to get compost "tea" to fertilize the plants while the compost decomposes and does its thing. But I believe the Vivosun Tumbling Composter will be a great "starter" composter for me, and I look forward to intimidating fellow gardening neighbors with my new gloves!

Good composter for a good price; arduous assembly... BRASS TACKs: Overall a good product for the price. PROs: • Good quality once assembled. • While plastic was thinner than I was expecting (it's similar to a gas can's thickness), it is a good combo of strength and flexibility, and makes the composter lighter to move around when empty. • Spins smoothly for easy tumbling. • Came with enough nuts and bolts etc. (with extras) to complete assembly. • The included flipping phillips/standard screwdriver and claw gloves are surprisingly handy. CONs: • As many other reviews have said the assembly involves a Master's degree in engineering, the assistance of a mechanically-inclined circus hamster, months of follow-up psychotherapy, and much much much more than the 20 minutes mentioned in a couple reviews. The center divider was especially challenging to keep in place during assembly, and in retrospect I would've just left it out. • Screws and other parts are clearly lettered in the instructions, which serves zero purpose since the bolts etc. are all Chex Mixed into one unmarked bag and not referred to by letter in the terrible instructions. OTHER (these are just notes of things I'm not adding/subtracting stars for, mostly for things I glossed over that are clearly stated in the item's description): • Smaller than I expected - look at dimensions to get an idea of whether the size works for your needs. • Doors are too small for easy emptying of compost; they're also difficult to slide open/close, but that isn't all bad since that helps to keep things from flying out while spinning. • Each panel of plastic comes unnecessarily wrapped in a large plastic bag; a 'PRO' for me seeing as I'll never need to buy trash bags again, but something more Earth-friendly folks may want to consider. • I received two identical doors instead of the symmetrical Left & Right doors pictured; I don't mind, but others who receive two identical doors may not like the 'two left feet' look. • It would be nice if there was a hitch pin or something to lock its spinning for loading/unloading compost. Despite all of the 'CONs' in my rambling essay, I give it 4/5 stars for being a good product at a good price. After just a few weeks it's been doing a great job of turning my leaves, veggie scraps, and coffee grounds into a nice mulch.

Great budget tumbler composter. I have been using this product for about 1 and a half months and I am very pleased with my purchase. The composter was easy to assemble (two people are needed, a single person may struggle at the end of the assembly) and it was put to work as soon as it was received. Turning the compost has never been easier, and as a result, I haven't had any issues with smelly compost as I did when I was using a different system (a DIY tumbler that needed more ventilation holes, apparently) My composter hasn't been tested against critters yet, so I won't offer a review on that. I remember reading about some leakage from other reviewers, I personally haven't had any issues with that but I can see it happening if you have a compost that is too wet. Lastly, I liked the gloves that came with it, the idea is genius but they are too large for me to put them to use. I would say they're a man's size L or even XL. Overall very pleased with my purchase.

I got MORE than I paid for. Rather nice design and much higher quality than I expected at the price. Assembly was Straightforward if a bit clumsy. The doors are tough to move but seem to loosen up in the heat. I expect the tolerance on the doors was designed a bit tight for this reason, but be careful as I rapped my knuckles pretty hard trying to open and close them at first. It was so hard to install them I thought I was doing it wrong but, again, that seems to be a non-issue once it’s spent enough time outside. Doors could be bigger but are more usable than I expected from the photos.

Great! Composts well, no smell. I’m very happy with this composter. I’ll be honest, I didn’t build it. My partner did while I worked in the yard. I’d say it took him at least an hour and he didn’t seem to enjoy doing it but it got done and it’s a super good composter now. I stuck it in a sunny spot in the backyard. I gather kitchen scraps in a bin and when it’s full, I bring it outside and pour the scraps in, then I add some leaves from the bottom of my leaf pile. I rake every day and I tend to leave a big pile of leaves on one part of my lawn. The bottom breaks down some and I use that in the composter. But I’ve also used the leaves on the top. I spin the composter around and the stuff inside breaks down rather quickly. It’s fun to see how much softer it gets between my trips to empty the full kitchen scrap bin. There is no odor. I have not added any water. That hasn’t seemed necessary. We’re vegan, all our scraps are fruit, veggies, the occasional grain maybe. It’s really fun to make my own compost, I’ve always wanted to and I finally live somewhere that I can. There’s tons of space inside of it, I wonder how long it will take to fill even one side. I live in Northern California, it stays mild here.


Doors too small. Liked sturdiness of it, it spun easily. The doors where the scraps are added are small which will make removing the finished compost very difficult. Also, the doors are very hard to get open. The assembly process isn't difficult, but is time consuming as you need to screw 56 screws into place. Wouldn't recommend buying this due to the narrow doors which are terrible to open.

If you have the time and don't mind frustration. This composter comes in a slew of parts that have to be assembled with small bolts and nuts. There are so many it is east to miss one or two and then getting to them can be strenuous when the composter is put together. The bolt that fastens the composter to the legs didn't have the two needed nuts which was alright for me because I luckily had a number in my tool box. If not, you'd have to make a trip to the hardware store. Not all the bolts were finely milled making some useless. Anyway, it is now set up in my back yard. I'll need three or four weeks to see if it does compost

AWFUL customer service! Product is ok. Customer service is TERRIBLE! I purchased this like new from Amazon. The box had been opened, but never even taken out, just retaped. We take everything out of of the box and spend probably 30 minutes putting this together, only to discover we have two of the same sliding doors, not one of each. It doesn’t fit right and makes it difficult to open. I think no problem, I’ll email them company since it’s a packaging mistake and they’ll send me the door that I’m missing. NO!! They tell me I need to send it back to Ana in and order one from them. If you’ve put one of these together, you’ll understand why that’s not an option. I’m not spending another 30 minutes to take it apart, pack it up, to send it back, to get another, take it out and put it together. So frustrating! Awful customer service!!!!

Lots of Screws!! I’m 56 and my 75 year old mom put this thing together in less than 2 hours. I agree the instructions were a bit confusing but once we figured it out, it wasn’t too difficult to put together. For us, assembly definitely needed 2 people. I had to perform some acrobatics to get the final screws done but I admit that I made some mistakes. Lots of screws!! At first I followed the recommendation to use an electric screwdriver but I found it was much easier to use the screwdriver that came in the package. Great tip is to insert the center panel early in the process. That worked for us. We’ve been using it for about a month and it works great! We love it and happy that we’re composting! I would buy another one if I needed it.

Environmental Ignorance and disregard for health. Just received. Very shocked. Do you think this is going in people's living rooms? It's a composter, and presumably those that purchase care about their health, the environment, or both. But not you--you have wrapped every piece including the plastic ones... in PLASTIC!! Are you not paying attention? PLEASE DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT until the designing firms confirms with their People's Republic of China makers to remove all plastic protection of plastic so there is less plastic and chemicals in the world and our cells.

No instructions or hardware. This came with no instructions and no hardware. Returning because I can’t even contact the seller as their mailbox is full.

How to Buy The Best VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon from which you can learn how to get the best VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon.

  • Is it worth buying the VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon?
  • What benefits does the product VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon?
  • What makes the VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon?
  • Why and how do you need the VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide

  • Brand. For the product of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.
  • Features. What functions can the product of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon offer?
  • Specifications. How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.
  • Color. What color is the product of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon? Do you like it?
  • Quality. How good is the product of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon? Is it worth the money?
  • Reliability. How durable is the product of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?
  • Customer Ratings. How is the average rating for the product of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon?
  • Customer Reviews. What real life customers say to the product of VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon, no matter it is good or bad?


Overall, this is a very good product that earns many praises and is relatively highly rated by real life customers.

We highly recommend the VIVOSUN Tumbling Composter Dual Rotating Batch Compost Bin 43 Gallon to you.

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