Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One-Touch Cooking, White

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One before we came up with this review.

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Product Details




User-friendly Display Panel

Digital Control Buttons and Easy-to-Read LCD displays

Please download the latest User Guide in the Product Guide and Documents to get TOSHIBA professional recipes.

Easy Mobility

It’s convenient and safe to move the Rice Cooker from the counter top to the table without the fear of burning yourself.

Accessories Included

Plastic Steam Basket

Soup and Rice Ladles

Rice Measuring Cup

Inner Pot

Toshiba 3 Cups Rice Cooker Toshiba 6 Cups Rice Cooker Toshiba Low Carb Digital Rice Cooker
Pot Size 1.4 Qt (3 cups uncooked resulting in 6 cups cooked ) 2.8 Qt (6 cups uncooked resulting in 12 cups cooked ) 2.5 Qt (5.5 cups uncooked resulting in 11 cups cooked )
Pre-Set Functions White Rice, Brown Rice, Mixed Grain, Quick Cook, Slow Cook, Porridge, Cake, Egg Mixed RIce, Quick Rice; White Rice; Brown Rice, Mixed Grain, Porridge, Steel-cut Oats Low Carb Rice, White Rice, Brown Rice, Mixed Grain, Quick Rice, Quinoa, Steam, Oatmeal
Low Carb Function no no Yes, With CVC verification
Fuzzy Logic
3D cooking technology
Pre-Set and Delay Timer Functions
Removable Air-vent and Inner Lid

Features & Specifications

  • Multi-Function – This large rice cooker offers 7 cooking functions including: Mixed Rice, Quick Rice, Brown Rice, White Rice, Multi-grain Rice, Porridge, and Steel-Cut Oats. With settings for porridge, soup, stew, and steaming, this sticky rice cooker can handle a variety of grains, meats, and vegetables. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned chef, this Toshiba rice cooker' 12 cup Cooked offers great versatility and convenience
  • Highly Versatile – This big rice cooker with steamer basket is no simple rice cooker. It cooks different types of rice such as white, brown, mixed, multi-grain, and even steel-cut oats. It has a porridge setting for rice porridge and a quick rice setting for faster cooking. The steaming basket allows for cooking vegetables, meat, and fish, making it a multi-purpose kitchen appliance perfect for families and gatherings
  • Fuzzy Logic Rice Cooker – Fuzzy logic technology allows this Japanese rice cooker to sense the moisture content of the rice and adjust the temperature and cooking time accordingly. Results in perfectly cooked fluffy rice every time, without the need for manual adjustments or guesswork. It also helps the rice maker cooker cook other types of grains and dishes to perfection by adjusting the cooking parameters to the specific needs of the food
  • Easy To Use – Sleek and stylish, this electric rice cooker 6 cup is designed with a user-friendly interface. The digital display and menu options allow users to easily select the desired cooking program and adjust settings as needed. The keep-warm function maintains the temperature of the rice for up to 15 hours. Accessories included: measuring cup, spatula, soup ladle and steamer basket
  • Safe Hassle-Free Cooking – Detachable power cord prevents accidents caused by entanglement. Lid locks firmly in place during cooking to prevent spills. Thermal fuse prevents overheating. Steam vent cap prevents hot steam from escaping during cooking. Automatic shut-off turns off heating element when cooking is done. Compared to other high-end rice cookers, this Toshiba model is a great option for those on a budget who still want a quality sushi rice cooker
  • Easy To Clean – This white rice cooker is designed for easy care to produce delicious rice for years to come. Inner cooking pot has a non-stick surface that makes cleaning a breeze. Pot is not dishwasher safe and should be washed with mild soap and soft cloth. Exterior can be cleaned with a soft damp cloth. The steam valve located on the top of the lid can be easily removed for cleaning. Steam vent cap is also removable for easy cleaning
  • REMOVABLE LARGE STEAM VENT- As you cook, steam rises through the vent without bubbling over and no messy overflow.
  • Dimensions: 10.66"D x 14.48"W x 8.34"H
  • Weight: 9.1 Pounds

Pros & Cons


Fluffy rice??? Idk what fluffy rice is, but this rice cooker is the best one I’ve owned in my whole southeast Asian existence. It takes a bit longer than the usual rice cooker, because it’s doing its fluffy rice technology thing, so I would suggest making rice way ahead of time or utilizing its timer issue where you set what time you need it made by, you simply put in the ingredients and the timer will kick in and do it’s thing on its own to have finished fluffy rice by the time you set it. If you got the money and you eat rice everyday, this investment is well worth it.

Easy! I was tired of boiling rice over on the stove and the microwave rice took several bags at a time for our needs. This thing was a terrific find. Perfect rice every time so far. I start it before sautéing veggies and cooking the meat and by the time I have those done, the rice is good to go (50 minutes). Sometimes I’ll even start it as soon as I come in and then let it sit until I need it because it does have the warming function on it. I’ve never had a rice cooker before but glad I have one now.

It's SO NICE to finally have a REAL rice cooker! Five years ago in the Fall of 2017, I bought my first rice cooker. It was one of the simple 30-40 dollar ones that you put your rice in, flip the switch, and hope for the best. And, honestly, once I figured out what my rice-water ratio needed to be, I got used to it and was completely happy with it, even if I did have to wipe the counter clean when it boiled over and be satisfied that it might never be sparkly clean. But oh. my. gosh. I got this Toshiba rice cooker, and let me tell you, I have NEVER had a better rice-cooking experience. There was no more cleaning the counter off after an overboil. There was no more having to unplug my rice cooker every time the rice was done. There was no more wild guessing about my rice-water ratio and wait time once the switch flipped depending on how loud the ducks were quacking and which way the wind was blowing and how aligned the moon was with the stars that day. This thing was PERFECTION. The modularity of it makes it super easy to clean, and it actually gets *completely* clean. Every time. Not to mention, you know EVERY time exactly how long the rice will take to cook. You can set a timer (TWO timers, actually!) for when you want your rice to be done. It can actually keep the rice WARM without burning it all over the sides and bottom. AND it will beep a happy melody to you. My old rice cooker could never do that. My old rice cooker just heated to its maximum and said "when the water gone, we good". This one sings like a Gameboy happy to just be alive and cook good rice. This one gets me. There are only two real negatives with this rice cooker that I can think of, which aren't really big deals. First, the power plug is on the right side, which kind of stinks because I have it in a spot where it's to the right of an outlet, but it's no big deal -- the cord just wraps around easily. Second, cooking anything OTHER than rice in it tends to be a lot messier. This sucker knows its rice like it knows the time of day, and if you've been the victim of overboiling in traditional rice cookers, you'll wonder how you ever lived without this thing that barely even leaves water behind in the steam vent or on the top plate. However, when attempting to cook something like pasta or even a rice dish (like Mahatma Yellow Rice or Knorr rice dishes), it does, more often than not, boil up into the steam vent and leave a bit of a mess behind on the top plate. These types of things can also get overcooked if you let them go the whole cycle, so they're something you've got to figure out with a bit of trial and error. This isn't a big deal as, again, this rice cooker is mad easy to clean, but it might leave you feeling like you should have just made your pasta or your Knorr dish on the stove per their instructions. I can't really consider this worthy of taking away a star, though, as it's a rice cooker made for cooking plain ol' rice, but it is definitely something to keep in mind when you get it if you want to avoid a small mess. I HIGHLY recommend this rice cooker to anyone looking to improve their kitchen experience and having ready and reliably made rice available at-will. This thing is the real deal and more than worth the price tag if you eat rice regularly. An absolute five-star product and experience.

Great. Cooks rice great

Perfect rice every time. It’s easy to use and store and we love it

Best Rice Cooker I've Ever Owned! This cooker works like a charm! Rice is perfect and amazing every time, never sticks, no burned bottom! The key to nonstick rice is to rinse your rice! If you like that crusty bottom, don't rinse! Read the instructions. They are key to having an excellent experience with your cooker. White rice? Use the included cup, fill to brim and add to pot. When you've added a number of scoops, fill water to the line with the corresponding number in the pot (i.e. if you use 3 scoops, fill with water to the 3 line). Press the white rice button and start! 50 minutes later, perfect rice! Easy. Can set a timer to start the rice later if you wish. And it will keep the rice warm and fresh for 24 hours before auto-shut-off. I've never been one to keep rice warm like this, as all my other rice cookers have been cheap garbage. This is the best feature! Rice with breakfast? Sure, then it'll be waiting at lunch, and again at dinner! So much love. If you're worried about your rice bubbling over and out the lid, make sure you're not using too much rice or water. Make sure your settings are correct. And the best way to prevent bubble-over: keep the steamer basket in when cooking, even if empty. This breaks down the bubbles and it'll never boil over! Win! Another great feature: The power cord! Appliances always ALWAYS always come with tiny cords. TINY! I hate them! But this one comes with a tiny cord! But it's the same kind of power cable connector that my computers and monitors do. Which means I have 6ft long replacement cables! Mwahahaha! (this is not recommended by company, so I don't know if this will affect quality of cooker - use this method at own risk!) I don't have children or pets to knock my cooker down, so I'm not worried about the extra cable (this way I don't have everything packed together on my counter because everything has 2ft cables >. If you're looking for a great cooker, this is it! I love this so much! It even makes a little tune when you start it (reminds me of the tune from old Zelda games when you get an item), possibly my most favorite feature ever!


This Rice Cooker Can NOT Be Repaired. Sure, this rice cooker makes nice rice. However, there are 4 critical rubber gaskets that will wear out fairly quickly just through ordinary use. I contacted Toshiba service and found that they offer no service or parts for this product. So, once one of these flimsy gaskets fails/cracks/tears your only option is to discard this non-repairable product.

USE MORE WATER!! It operates easily but be careful when cooking your rice. The first time I used this cooker, I followed the instructions carefully, but the rice (a short grain brown rice by Hinode) came out crunchy. It's been an experiment since then to figure out the appropriate amount of water to use. I chose this product after reading lots of reviews both on Amazon and, as well as the America's Test Kitchen website that all rated this cooker very highly.

Great rice, but takes a long time and is missing some features I expected. I've only had it about a month and used it a handful of times since then. This rice cooker makes great White rice; nice and soft/sticky with no hard bits or burnt bottom. But for our normal 3-cup portion the 'White Rice" button takes 50 minutes. My old cooker was only about 20 minutes, but the rice wasn't as good. I suspect this cooker has a soak setting for a bit. If you use the quick setting, it says 35 mins, but in actuality it still ends up being about 45 mins as the timer sits for a bit as it gets closer to the end. Another thing is that the clock on the unit can only display in 24HR mode. There is no way to change it to 12HR (USA) mode. I also was hoping for a retractable cord, but this one comes with a pigtail that has to be attached. This won't matter if you leave it plugged in and on the counter all the time, but I don't have the space on my counters.

Great except has Teflon coated pan. This is actually a decent little rice cooker. I haven’t used it much though for two reasons. First, it takes longer to cook rice —basic or congee or brown—in the machine than on the stove. That means it is a slower method to make food. Second, the pan is coated with Teflon which, due to it being an unusual period for me when I ordered, I didn’t figure out until I was past the return window. I much prefer a healthier ceramic non-stick surface to teflon (which also doesn’t hold up well in my experience). There are positives though. The controls are easy to understand. The machine is compact and pretty easy to clean. Hope this helps.

Steam vent problems. The unit makes rice fine, but when you remove the steam vent to clean and dry it, the gasket is very hard to get back into its place. Rather time consuming and pops right back out.

Inside pot is a a the same as the 5 cup. I bought this brand because it is bigger than my 5 cup. Received the cooker and it is actually interchangeable with the 5 cup

How to Buy The Best Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One from which you can learn how to get the best Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One.

  • Is it worth buying the Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One?
  • What benefits does the product Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One?
  • What makes the Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One?
  • Why and how do you need the Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


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Customer Ratings

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Customer Reviews

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In general, this is a pretty good product and is worth buying. Many real life customers have highly rated it, topping it on the best sellers list of rice-cookers.

We highly recommend the Toshiba Rice Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked with Fuzzy Logic and One to you.

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