TOSHIBA EM925A5A-BS Countertop Microwave Oven, 0.9 Cu Ft With 10.6 Inch Removable Turntable, 900W, 6 Auto Menus, Mute Function & ECO Mode, Child Lock, LED Lighting, Black Stainless Steel

We have spent hours working hard to do research and comparions for the product TOSHIBA EM925A5A before we came up with this review.

If you have any interest in buying this, we are more than glad to share what we have reviewed for it with you, so that you can learn about useful information such as features, specs, advantages or disadvantages of the product before you buy it. We hope you will find this article helpful and share it if it really helps you.

0.9 BS banner0.9 BS fits your kitchen

We commit to deliver crafted breakthrough home solutions with heartfelt details that make a big difference.

Toshiba Black Stainless Steel Microwave Oven

Fully-featured Compact Countertop Microwave Oven

  • 900 watts with 10 power levels
  • Oven capacity: 0.9 cu. ft.
  • Turntable diameter: 10.6’’
  • External dimensions: 19.15 ’’ *15.91 ’’ *11.48’’ (W*D*H)
  • Internal dimensions: 12.36 ’’ *13.66 ’’ *8.7’’ (W*D*H)

0.9 BS cook

Functions highlight:

  • 6 preset menus – popcorn, potato, pizza, frozen vegetable, beverage and dinner plate
  • One touch start – a quick access to start the microwave from 1 to 6 minutes or 30 seconds cooking at full power
  • Easy defrost – choose defrost by time or by weight
  • 10 cooking power levels – offers more flexibility while cooking: from keeping food warm to heating beverages

Fully-featured yet easy to operate

This microwave oven with its (black) stainless steel finish and timeless look can match different kitchen styles. Its practical functions will satisfy your heating and cooking requirements. Thoughtful features such as an easy-to-read control panel, shockproof bar and child safety lock further enhance the user experience.

compact size 0.9 Bs

0.9 BS bright LED

A+2 0.9BS

A+1 0.9BS

Compact Size, Larger Capacity

This microwave oven has a larger interior capacity but is more compact than the previous model. The compact size is ideal for apartment kitchens, vacation homes, offices and dorms yet, it provides enough space for common dishes.

Bright LED Light

Equipped with a LED cavity light – a power-efficient and durable solution, this Toshiba microwave oven offers a crystal-clear interior view when cooking, allowing you to monitor the dishes clearly.

Mute Option

No need to worry about awakening your family when using the microwave. You can easily turn off the end-cooking alert and beep sound by pressing one button and turn it back on anytime you want.

Energy-saving Eco Mode

Minimizing 50%* standby power by turning on ECO mode. Save energy consumption and operating cost as well as protect our planet.

0.9 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6
Toshiba 0.9 Cu.ft Microwave Toshiba 1.2 Cu.ft Microwave with Sensor Toshiba 1.3 Cu.ft Smart Microwave work with Alexa Toshiba 1.5 Cu.ft Microwave with Convection Toshiba 1.6 Cu.ft Microwave with Sensor
Capacity 0.9 Cu.ft 1.2 Cu.ft 1.3 Cu.ft 1.5 Cu.ft 1.6 Cu.ft
Color Black Stainless Steel Black Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Black Stainless Steel Black Stainless Steel
Preset Receipes 6 12 23 21 6
Sensor Cooking
Work with Alexa
Sound On/Off Option
Power 900 Watts 1100 Watts 1100 Watts 1000 Watts 1200 Watts
Compact size(W*D*H) 19.15 x 15.91 x 11.48 inch 20.51 x 17.14 x 12.83 inch 20.4 x 16.6 x 12.4 inch 21.77 x 21.50 x 13.99 inch 21.77 x 17.91 x 12.87 inch
Turntable(Diameter) 10.6 inch 12.4 inch 12.4 inch 13.6 inch 13.6 inch

TOSHIBA EM925A5A-BS Countertop Microwave Oven, 0.9 Cu Ft With 10.6 Inch Removable Turntable, 900W, 6 Auto Menus, Mute Function & ECO Mode, Child Lock, LED Lighting, Black Stainless Steel

Features & Specifications

  • Stylish black stainless steel with timeless design kitchen appliances; Rated voltage: 120V - 60Hz; Rated input power (Microwave ovens): 1350W; Rated output power (Microwave ovens): 900W
  • 2Pre-programmed menu for 6 popular foods like popcorn, pizza, potato and more, also defrost by weight and time
  • One touch start - quick access to start the microwave from 1 to 6 minutes cooking at full power
  • Equipped with power-saving eco mode, sound on/off option and child safety lock
  • Microwave size-compact footprint but large capacity: 0.9 Cu. Ft., 10.6 inch removable turntable fits a 10 inch pizza, 900 watts with 10 power settings, clock, and kitchen timer
  • Dimensions: ‎16.1 x 19.2 x 11.5 inches
  • Weight: ‎27.3 pounds

Pros & Cons


works! Pros: *It works *Price: I paid $95 *Quick Start: hitting start automatically adds 30 seconds to the timer, so you can warm up small snacks with 1 button. Cons: *Noise: It's probably the loudest microwave I've ever heard *Silent mode: It's not silent. In addition to its passive noise, the silent mode makes a beep when you turn it on or off, so you either keep it in silent all the time, or make 2 loud beeps when you want to warm up some snacks at night *Hard door close: You really have to push it shut, and it makes a good bang, which also detracts from the value of having a silent mode. Conclusion: It's nice, feels sturdy, but noisy and takes some time to adjust to its quirks.

All in all very satisfied at this point. Had this for a month. It cooks much faster that my 35 year old microwave. And never a problem I hope this one gives that good of services. Still trying to figure all the functions out and learn to be more proficient in use the convection function what I have have learned so far is to reduce time and temperature as it cooks faster at a lower temperature. But with mistakes come wisdom and learning. It looks good, cooks fast, cleansed up easy and nice interior size . I would recommend it to others to purchase. How had to return the first on it was dented but Amazon replaced it right away. All in all very satisfied at this point.

A well thought out Microwave oven. I bought this Micro because we have one like it at my work. Its really intuitive to use and it allows you to disable the beeper! I've only been using it for a week but the one at work gets a lot of use and has been working flawlessly for a year now. The Delivery lady dropped it on my porch upside down with a BANG and it still works, so it must be well built. So far I am very happy with this purchase and would recommend buying it.

Controls make sense, super quiet. Some appliances have controls that are just confusing, but this microwave's buttons just make sense. Common operations are quick to perform: Want full power for one minute: Press 1 and it starts. Want to add another 30 seconds? Press the 30 second/Start button. The noise level is so quiet that at first I wondered if it was working right. Gotta love that!

Delivery was awesome! I was visiting my daughter in another state and she needed a new one. So it came right before the New Year and before I was scheduled to fly out. It works great. But read before first use. Just run it a couple of times with something in it to get rid of the funny taste. My daughter says it is working great. Awesome timing from Amazon!! Thank you!!!

Descent for a quick replacement. My 1100w bit the dust so I wanted something cheap and small this 900w fit the bill. Cooks suprisingly well for its size almost better than my old one. The only cons its pretty cheaply made the siding already came unglued in a spot and the buttons are kind of frustrating when resetting the timing. Other than that it does what its supposed to


slowly starting to take longer to cook items. I bought this to replace a Walmart cheap Hamilton Beach which lasted about 2 and half years. So I thought I would get a better one that would last longer. But I think this unit may be a returned item that they put back on the shelf and resold. I got this one and I first noticed a strange sound coming from the turn table motor sometimes. So I immediately bought a warranty policy to cover it. That sound has gone away for the most part but it has started to take longer to cook things. Items that took 2 minutes it now takes 2 minutes and 20 seconds. At what point does it become an issue? So I’ll let them know and put them on notice. We’ll see how Amazon handles this and I’ll let you know. So far they have been really good about taking care of issues. i buy just about everything from these amazon so i would expect them to take care of it

Lasted 6 months1. Got this in May and worked well until this month. Started hearing noises from the turntable. Seemed to resolve until this morning. Made some instant oatmeal and I thought the whole unit was coming apart. Toshiba CS is really good and I hope to have a refund check soon. Purchased after seeing all the rave reviews so it just might be that Ziggy has found me. I am disappointed, but did get 6 months :)

Meh. The back sticks out quite a bit making it limiting to wear you put it. Nothing special about this.

WARNING: Exterior of oven gets VERY VERY HOT. The microwave works great. Easy to use and I really like the auto cook, roast and reheat functions. WARNING - the outer shell of the oven gets VERY VERY hot! Left side reaches 150 degrees and the top reaches 175 degrees. Keep the top clear and don't get anything too close to it. The convection oven function is OK, but just OK. It works but has drawbacks compared to a real convection oven. Amazon sells this as a 3 in one - noting AIR FRYER in the description. This is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation or instructions anywhere. It's a microwave-convection oven. I tried French fries, that's a big fail. It does wonders with canned biscuits though. The autocook microwave for potatoes works great. The auto re-heat for leftovers is also a great feature. Small potatoes or large potatoes, one or four, they come out just right. The combination roast microwave (yea, both run at the same time) did a very nice brown and cook job on a Cornish hen. Overall it's a good unit and functions pretty good. Just be careful with the hot box on the outside of the cabinet. Keep the kids clear of it!

This microwave worked well but only lasted 3 years. This microwave worked well but only lasted 3 years.

Small. This microwave is normal size on the outside but small on the inside. A regular bag of popcorn can stop rotating because it gets stuck on the sides.

How to Buy The Best TOSHIBA EM925A5A?

Do you feel stressed figuring out how to buy a good product of TOSHIBA EM925A5A? So many things to consider? Don't know how to choose? Still doubt if it fits or not? We know that all, and we've done what you should have done for a research of the product TOSHIBA EM925A5A from which you can learn how to get the best TOSHIBA EM925A5A.

Before taking deep into the details, let us start with some questions as follows that everyone should have before a purchase of TOSHIBA EM925A5A.

  • Is it worth buying the TOSHIBA EM925A5A?
  • What benefits does the product TOSHIBA EM925A5A offer?
  • What to think about when buying the product TOSHIBA EM925A5A?
  • What makes the TOSHIBA EM925A5A to be the best?
  • Where can you get information as this on the product TOSHIBA EM925A5A?
  • Why and how do you need the TOSHIBA EM925A5A?

You may have many more questions than the above in regards to the TOSHIBA EM925A5A. To help you make a choice that meets your needs and satisfies you most, just read as more info and reviews as possible, no matter good or bad.

You can do that by going through reputable and trustworthy online platforms, communities and customer/product reviews, so as to get the possible best TOSHIBA EM925A5A.

Based on real customer reviews and satisfactions, we use an optimized algorithm to put together objective data into a list of pros and cons as well as product features and specifications as such a good guide for you to follow that you can buy the best TOSHIBA EM925A5A.

What Major Factors We Depend On To Create A Buying Guide


For the product of TOSHIBA EM925A5A, each brand you know or you don't know has its own visibility and reputation, some brands may provide a certain unique technology or selling point to compete with others.


What functions can the product of TOSHIBA EM925A5A offer?


How is the product of like? e.g. size, weight, etc.


What color is the product of TOSHIBA EM925A5A? Do you like it?


How good is the product of TOSHIBA EM925A5A? Is it worth the money?


How durable is the product of TOSHIBA EM925A5A? Does it last long or does it work for a long time for you? Does it come with a warranty?

Customer Ratings

How is the average rating for the product of TOSHIBA EM925A5A?

Customer Reviews

What real life customers say to the product of TOSHIBA EM925A5A, no matter it is good or bad?


On the whole, this is a pretty nice product that earns many praises from real life customers, being listed as one of the best sellers of Countertop Microwave Ovens.

We highly recommend the TOSHIBA EM925A5A to you.

Get this on Amazon.



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